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This is new. Am I Liberal or Conservative?

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drakesfortune said:
Do you want government to decide more things for you because you're an incompetent child? You're a liberal if yes. You want them to run your health care and decide what treatment you should get and what you should not. Do you not mind fucking your kids over and borrowing tons and tons and tons of money they will have to pay back?

Do you distrust the government and want it to remain weaker, with less power? Then you're a conservative. Yes, Bush confused things, but not for the majority of conservatives, just for Bush. Do you think the government should not borrow insane amounts of money to pay for social programs that will further entrench the poor in being poor? If you think we're better off being accountable for ourselves, personal responsibility, then you're a conservative. If you believe people only get messed up because some horrible evil conservative damned them to failure, then you're a liberal. Congrats, you can blame all of your problems on someone else and never deal with your issues that hold you back.

wait if you're a conservative then why are you pretending to care about poor people or the world we leave to our children


HUELEN10 said:
I wonder how accurate the test is. I don't feel this describes me accurately, though it is almost at the middle...

There have been a few threads about Political Compass in the past (2005: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36101; 2007: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145591). Various discussion has touched on the 'accuracy' / biases of the test.

In the 2007 thread, iamchris kept a chart of Neogaf's responses. The original image in the OP is dead, but this image from him was still live on Page 5:

Edit: I think iamchris mislabelled the axes on that image. JayDubya said in that thread he was "L/R: +8.88, Lib / Auth: -4.72". The x-axis should be Economic and the y-axis should be Social, just as it appears on the images from politicalcompass.


Whoa, assuming this test is accurate (which I still have plenty of doubts on), then I am in a minority. Don't know how to feel. Then again, I am an independent. Sometimes, my views can change depending on what's currently happening, priorities and such.
EmCeeGramr said:
wait if you're a conservative then why are you pretending to care about poor people or the world we leave to our children

What? We as conservatives have a right to leave the world in any shape we deem fit. The government, however, puts our children's futures in danger, and we must stop it.
I'm a National Security Liberal, I'm pro civil union, pro Universal Health Care, pro weed legalization, and higher taxes to pay for things that need to be done...but I'm also pro guns, pro military spending, and pro making sure the US is top dog in international affairs
drakesfortune said:
Do you want government to decide more things for you because you're an incompetent child? You're a liberal if yes. You want them to run your health care and decide what treatment you should get and what you should not. Do you not mind fucking your kids over and borrowing tons and tons and tons of money they will have to pay back?

Do you distrust the government and want it to remain weaker, with less power? Then you're a conservative. Yes, Bush confused things, but not for the majority of conservatives, just for Bush. Do you think the government should not borrow insane amounts of money to pay for social programs that will further entrench the poor in being poor? If you think we're better off being accountable for ourselves, personal responsibility, then you're a conservative. If you believe people only get messed up because some horrible evil conservative damned them to failure, then you're a liberal. Congrats, you can blame all of your problems on someone else and never deal with your issues that hold you back.

The tag makes sense.

It would be unfair to associate you with a conservative group instead of the national party of fuckwit, as liberals can join too.

way more

Is this a fruit/vegetable?


A) No. School lunch programs should provide children with a nutritious breakfast and lunch so all children can focus on school and not their stomach.

B) Yes. It's more than enough. In fact, hunger can be a positive motivator.

If you answered A you are liberal. If B you are a royal schwatz.

When I was 8 I took this test and realized Newt Gingrich was full of it.

drakesfortune said:
Do you want government to decide more things for you because you're an incompetent child? You're a liberal if yes. You want them to run your health care and decide what treatment you should get and what you should not. Do you not mind fucking your kids over and borrowing tons and tons and tons of money they will have to pay back?

Lol. Conservatives never create debt or borrow money. LOLZ.
drakesfortune said:
Do you think the ever corruptible government should take more control over your life, your health, your privacy?

Or better yet, do you want George W Bush, Barack Hussein Obama, or any other politician between you and your health? Or, do you trust W or Obama with your life?

If yes, why are you crazy?
:lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
drakesfortune must to be a joke character because I seriously can't believe we have someone so ignorant.
Either that or you came from rapture ready.


The Fool Who Follows Her
The only question that should be asked is whether or not you are a moron or not. Are you an idiot? Answer and I will tell you if you are liberal or conservative.

If you are not an idiot you are liberal.
I kid.


Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54


I am Gandhi light.

MaximumX2 said:
The only question that should be asked is whether or not you are a moron or not. Are you an idiot? Answer and I will tell you if you are liberal or conservative.

If you are not an idiot you are liberal.
I kid.
There's three kinds of douchebags.

Rich douchebags = Republican

Poor douchebags = A rat ate my bucket of stew!

Celebrity douchebags = Democrats


I am Korean.
MaximumX2 said:
The only question that should be asked is whether or not you are a moron or not. Are you an idiot? Answer and I will tell you if you are liberal or conservative.

If you are not an idiot you are liberal.
I kid.
Commenting on your pre edit:

I always assumed the giant douche was liberal and the turd sandwich was conservative.

way more

GeneralIroh said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
drakesfortune must to be a joke character because I seriously can't believe we have someone so ignorant.
Either that or you came from rapture ready.

I feel stupid for taking him seriously.


kman3000 said:
Wouldn't healthcare be both social and fiscal?


Anyway, the OP should spend some time in PoliGAF, it'll be fun. Enlightening. pretty low (non insane) conservative representation, however. ToxicAdam depends, he ranges from nutty (particularly on global warming) to pretty cool. (He's pretty socially liberal, however*) Macodin is a conservative, but not the american-conservatism type. LovingSteam is a hardcore conservative who defected to the liberal side, so he might not count.

*in fact, it's difficult to be a social conservative on GAF, much less PoliGAF


From a Liberal UK Citizen here:


It would be interesting comparing these results with US citizens. Also, not surprising I'm completely the opposite of Gordon Brown, our "leader" who i hate.


Tastes great or less filling?


When Gordon Brown (Labour), Romano Prodi (Democratic), Kevin Rudd (Australian Labor), and even Jose Zapatero (Spanish Socialist Workers) are all considered right of center, maybe it's time to re-center the chart.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Snipes424 said:

Pretty accurate for me. I love being in the middle so I can laugh at the idiots to the left and right of me.
Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right

way more

ketchup as a vegetable controversy or ketchupgate refers to a proposed United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Drug Administration directive, early in the administration of Ronald Reagan, that would have reclassified ketchup and pickle relish from condiments to a vegetable, allowing public schools to cut out a serving of cooked or fresh vegetable from hot lunch program child-nutrition requirements. The White House Office of Management and Budget estimated a potential US $1 billion annual savings in the cost of subsidized meals for low-income students.

Release of the proposed directive for required public comment in September 1981 met with outrage from nutritionists and Democrats. Charges of greed and indifference were made by media and pundits. The administration responded their concern was to address "plate waste" and to serve what students would actually consume. Focusing more unwanted attention on the matter, a mid-level political appointee at the USDA touted the directive's language as an example of the "New Federalism" (returning rights to the state level) touted by Reagan during the 1980 presidential campaign, in that the final decision to implement would be made on the state level. Reassignment of that employee the following month led to charges of a political firing.

In reporting on the proposed directive Newsweek magazine illustrated their story with a bottle of ketchup with the caption "now a vegetable." The proposed directive was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike, and was never implemented.[1]


Xavien said:
From a Liberal UK Citizen here:


It would be interesting comparing these results with US citizens. Also, not surprising I'm completely the opposite of Gordon Brown, our "leader" who i hate.
Pretty darn similar.



If your in Academia, more often than not you're a liberal.
If your in Business, more often than not you're a conservative.

My Results:


I'm not entirely sure that the questionairre is effective at all in deciding your philosophy. It seems to delve too much into specific issues instead of overarching theories of government's role.


quit being a bitch to a party be yourself and be independent vote for the best man/woman for the job. Political parties are stupid.


depends. if you're american and you're a liberal then you're in the middle leaning towards right wing in the rest of the world.

basically, america is very ring wing, but don't worry everywhere else is trying its hardest to catch up!!
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