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Ar Tonelico III-Teaser video, screenshots, website & misc info


Gunloc said:
Seeing some of the new shopkeeper cast reminds me how badly I want to see Spica again, hopefully as a playable character this time.

You and me both, though from a parody perspective, it's more likely to see her as a boss than a party member I would think lol (whip wielder at that)


Loves Robotech S1
Tamanon said:
They're good fun. Wouldn't play them if you have a roommate though.:lol

Or you could look for one of those 'undub' versions floating around the internet (buy it first though :D ). From what I've heard the english localization was absolutely miserable, and everyone's seen that "life extending agent" scene from AT1. :| Everyone goes on about how juvenile and overtly perverted the series is, but I've barely noticed. At least in the Japanese script it seems (relatively) subdued and those 'moments' are few and far between.

..unless you're just talking about the cutesy-wacky-animu nature of the series in general, then carry on. :D

Apparently the english AT2 also cut out a fuckton of dialogue from the opening and ending of the game, which blows my mind because those are some pretty important scenes. I'd probably recommend finding an undub version even if you can stand the horrendous dubbing. :lol


NightHawk17 said:
should i play the first 2 games?

If you don't have a problem with how the games look and aren't part of the shame gaming movement that is so in lately, sure.

luka said:
Apparently the english AT2 also cut out a fuckton of dialogue from the opening and ending of the game, which blows my mind because those are some pretty important scenes.

Is it true? What exactly has been cut? Just the VA? Or the actual script?


Lain said:
Is it true? What exactly has been cut? Just the VA? Or the actual script?
Just the VA as far as I know. (Though the script has also been altered a few ways that some fans find disagreeable: see here)

Oh, and the new trailer is very nice.


Loves Robotech S1
Lain said:
Is it true? What exactly has been cut? Just the VA? Or the actual script?

The voice acting. In the Japanese version almost every major scene had full VA, but from what I've been reading during the localization NIS America didn't bother recording english dialogue for many scenes, opening and ending included and actually removed the japanese VA from those scenes as well so neither of the voice tracks are complete.
luka said:
The voice acting. In the Japanese version almost every major scene had full VA, but from what I've been reading during the localization NIS America didn't bother recording english dialogue for many scenes, opening and ending included and actually removed the japanese VA from those scenes as well so neither of the voice tracks are complete.
I still can't believe they did that, so incredibly ridiculous.


luka said:
Holy crap! I demand original stream stat. Quality! WE NEED MORE QUALITY!

EDIT: Found the nico nico link but looks like it's been removed for copyright violation :(

EDIT 2: The song at 6:44 is absolutely wonderful. T_T

aw...you changed your avatar...and to the wrong ending too :p
I ended up going Jakuri ending during my first play through lol

Track @ 3min reminds me a lot of Kaze to Rashinban from Shikata Akiko's most recent album...listening to other tracks, it sounds like she's been given a lot of freedom in the songs...very reminiscent of her recent works in general.

Track @ 6:44 is indeed quite amazing and rather harrowing (in a very good way)


Ahhh man. My favorite Hymmnos album by far by is the one with the blue cover for AT2. This has a lot to live up to. Hymmnos songs are too complex for samples...need full albums, now!


Loves Robotech S1
rykomatsu said:
aw...you changed your avatar...and to the wrong ending too :p
I ended up going Jakuri ending during my first play through lol

Better? :)
I got Cocona end the first time and felt really bad about it. No loli-teil for Croix. :(
Jakuri seems to me the best choice. Luca and Cloche have each other anyway and they seem perfectly happy with that arrangement. *cough*


that long sample is sooooo good, especially kokia's parts. too beautiful for words.

just noticed tonight that they're releasing a couple special edition sets for the two hymmnos CDs, if anyone else is interested: http://ar-tonelico.jp/at3/at3_cd/h_case.htm

i'm weak vs. special editions, so the order for the normal ones got cancelled and i grabbed the silver set from amazon japan. purple one looks like it's only sold at gust's shop or animate.


Loves Robotech S1
zurra said:
that long sample is sooooo good, especially kokia's parts. too beautiful for words.

just noticed tonight that they're releasing a couple special edition sets for the two hymmnos CDs, if anyone else is interested: http://ar-tonelico.jp/at3/at3_cd/h_case.htm

i'm weak vs. special editions, so the order for the normal ones got cancelled and i grabbed the silver set from amazon japan. purple one looks like it's only sold at gust's shop or animate.

Thanks for the heads up. Ordered the ost and hymmnos set from amazon jp. But goddamn would I love that purple set. :(


zurra said:
that long sample is sooooo good, especially kokia's parts. too beautiful for words.

just noticed tonight that they're releasing a couple special edition sets for the two hymmnos CDs, if anyone else is interested: http://ar-tonelico.jp/at3/at3_cd/h_case.htm

i'm weak vs. special editions, so the order for the normal ones got cancelled and i grabbed the silver set from amazon japan. purple one looks like it's only sold at gust's shop or animate.

Purple one is Animate and Gamers. Animate will have a limited number of cases only for 500yen sometime after the Hymnos tracks are released. They will be for order online only.

If you order any music related album from the gust store, you'll get a Pom towel. If you had ordered early enough, I believe it would have come with an Atelier artbook as well

The first press run of the OST (not Hymnos Concert) comes with Hymnote 3...basically some AT3 sheetmusic. If I'm not mistaken, Hymnote1 and 2 are considered to be some of the rarest collectibles aside from some doujin publication by Nagi and SEC, so if you like collecting stuff, you might want to look into that as well.


Website Updated

Some new info on crafting, talk matters, and characters

Equipment crafting takes place at camps and inns, not unlike the Grathmelking used in AT1. Gone is the necessity to walk back and forth between various shops to craft items required for more advanced synthesis. (However, I worry that the small shop talk events that were present in AT2 will be missing...I hope not, since those were pretty fun and helped develop the NPCs quite a bit).

a. Find recipe
b. Craft at an inn or camp w/ heroine of your choice
c. After synthesis, naming event occurs

There's also Artes crafting now.

a. Find recipe
b. Party brainstorms at an inn or camp (unclear whether heroine affects outcome or not)
c. After synthesis, use atleast once in battle
d. Goto camp or inn, and a naming event occurs (there's one that's named カニさん大魔王 for Aoto lol)

Talk matter stays the same as before with a set of 81 for each heroine and occur at inns and camps. They're clearly color coded into types, so if you're trying to find a pesky little one that you've been unsuccessful with, it makes things a bit easier.

a. Magenta = scenario based talk matter
b. Green = dependent on heroine's mental state
c. Blue = found while meandering around the field map or related to item (artes as well?) synthesis

New to AT3 is party talk matter :D Party matters occur spontaneously, sometimes when you talk to an NPC, sometimes when you find one of those glowing talk matter orbs. Basically it's your party members shooting the breeze about something they see. If you've played FFXIII, think back to the small bits of converations that your party had while traversing the field...conceptually similar, except there are specific triggers at specific locations/NPCs for the conversation to start and it's not in real-time on the map.

Sasha's set up shop in Arkia and sells otherworldly goods...it appaars she may have picked up some habits/traits from Spica. Cocona's makes a return and 2 new characters, Catena and Mute. I think Mute's supposed to be a female based on what Tsuchiya Akira said on the latest AT3 blurb posting he did (basically, supposed to be a counterpart to the typical weak/skinny girls you see as reyvateils in AT).

Also, a hot springs locale in Arkia it appears, so I'm sure some of you know what that means :p


Loves Robotech S1
Awesome stuff. Looks like they're fixing every problem I had with the old system. I loved how each heroine produced something different from recipes, but it was indeed a pain in the ass once your recipes started calling for items from different shops. It was amusing how the 4 main characters had very...personal relationships with the different shopkeepers. It's interesting how square is eliminating shopkeepers altogether in FF while Gust takes the exact opposite approach and places a much greater emphasis on their interactions. Soraneko's recipes were ridiculous. :D

rykomatsu said:
(there's one that's named カニさん大魔王 for Aoto lol)

I don't even want to venture a guess.


I'm not sure how I feel about the crafting changes. It's clearly more convenient, but I also liked the shop events in AT2. The color coding for the talk topics is a huge improvement though, particularly for OCD types like me.

rykomatsu said:
New to AT3 is party talk matter :D Party matters occur spontaneously, sometimes when you talk to an NPC, sometimes when you find one of those glowing talk matter orbs. Basically it's your party members shooting the breeze about something they see. If you've played FFXIII, think back to the small bits of converations that your party had while traversing the field...conceptually similar, except there are specific triggers at specific locations/NPCs for the conversation to start and it's not in real-time on the map.
I think it's funny that you compare this to FFXIII (which I haven't played yet), since it sounds exactly like party banter, which I first saw in Baldur's Gate 12 years ago :lol
Anyway, I love party banter so this is a good thing.


The shop events in AT2 were alright, but it sucked that they were pretty much the only way to advance crafting. I prefer the recipe version that AT1 used a great deal. Especially if I'm replaying the game.
I like the idea of party-based talk topics. Although hopefully they won't get rid of shop events either, but I much prefer doing everything from camp rather than having to go between towns.


AtomskEater said:
I like the idea of party-based talk topics. Although hopefully they won't get rid of shop events either, but I much prefer doing everything from camp rather than having to go between towns.

We'll see what happens but obtaining recipes from shop keeper events w/ crafting at inns/camps I think would have been a good balance. Sasha has a store in Arkia, so maybe there will be a little bit of that. I particularly liked Spica's talk events, particularly after Jakuri came into the fray in AT2, but imho, it gave a lot more "life" to some of the NPCs than you would typically expect from most games.


New Famitsu's out with some more new info

3rd reyvateil:
Tilia is indeed the 3rd reyvateil and will be sung by KOKIA and voiced by Sakamoto Maaya...no face shown, only wearing something similar to Shurelia's linkage outfit

AT3 is the conclusion to the series (god fucking dammit...)

The male cast can be purged


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
rykomatsu said:
New Famitsu's out with some more new info

3rd reyvateil:
Tilia is indeed the 3rd reyvateil and will be sung by KOKIA and voiced by Sakamoto Maaya...no face shown, only wearing something similar to Shurelia's linkage outfit

AT3 is the conclusion to the series (god fucking dammit...)

The male cast can be purged

I knew it! I wish I had been wrong, but I knew it had to be this way. 3 towers, 3 goddesses, 3 games, it made too much sense.



RurouniZel said:
I knew it! I wish I had been wrong, but I knew it had to be this way. 3 towers, 3 goddesses, 3 games, it made too much sense.


Well, once GUST has an engine in place, they usually beat it to death for a lot of titles...and AT is an extremely rich IP with a pretty detailed fictional timeline. I could see a prequel or series of prequels coming of this. And considering Tsuchiya Akira's been working on the IP for about 13 years now, I don't know if he'd call it an end now. It sounds like he's having way too much fun with the series based on interviews and posts he's made in regards to the series on their website :p


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
rykomatsu said:
Well, once GUST has an engine in place, they usually beat it to death for a lot of titles...and AT is an extremely rich IP with a pretty detailed fictional timeline. I could see a prequel or series of prequels coming of this. And considering Tsuchiya Akira's been working on the IP for about 13 years now, I don't know if he'd call it an end now. It sounds like he's having way too much fun with the series based on interviews and posts he's made in regards to the series on their website :p

And that's also not counting the obvious "remake 1 and 2 to 3's standard" tactic as well. Little bonus scenarios added on as well.


Is there a single story that goes through AT1->AT3? Or are they each separate stories?

I'm thinking about jumping in with AT3 without having played AT1/2.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Bebpo said:
Is there a single story that goes through AT1->AT3? Or are they each separate stories?

I'm thinking about jumping in with AT3 without having played AT1/2.

The experience is richer if you've played 1 and 2, but you can technically play them seperately. Hell, I played AT2 before 1, and loved them both. Hell, I played 2, then 1, which made me want to play 2 again. XD


rykomatsu said:
AT3 is the conclusion to the series (god fucking dammit...)
Nooooooooooooo :(

RurouniZel said:
I knew it! I wish I had been wrong, but I knew it had to be this way. 3 towers, 3 goddesses, 3 games, it made too much sense.

Yeah I said as much right after the AT3 announcement. I hate being right sometimes.


RurouniZel said:
Hell, I played 2, then 1, which made me want to play 2 again. XD

Ditto...on your first playthrough, you're oblivious to the references of the prior game and when you're playing the first game, you think to yourself "oh yeah that's what that was". Going back to the second after that, it gives the second a bit of a new light and is rather refreshing.


hmm... slightly longer samples with yay tracknames. i like the crazy bit at the end with Akiko's cutesy song.

why is that one girl perpetually winking xD
I am going to have to prepare myself to drop the $75 or so for the hymmnos tracks.

EDIT: Can anybody tell what's up with the two SKUs for the hymmnos box sets? The sets for the previous games weren't available outside Gust's shop, but this time one of them seems to be available on Amazon.jp?


Loves Robotech S1
First thing I noticed: Saki's happy winky dance thing was hilarious and creepy.

Second thing: Backgrounds are facking gorgeous.

Third: I'm sorry I can't get dancing Saki out of my head.

Fourth: I want this game so bad.



Cosmo Clock 21 said:
I am going to have to prepare myself to drop the $75 or so for the hymmnos tracks.

EDIT: Can anybody tell what's up with the two SKUs for the hymmnos box sets? The sets for the previous games weren't available outside Gust's shop, but this time one of them seems to be available on Amazon.jp?

There's a the GUST shop/Amazon.co.jp version of the Hymnocase (CD case) and another for Animate/Gamer's version of the Hymnocase....

Assuming you're talking about the ones shown here:

DR2K said:
What do you mean by the male cast can be purged?



Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Yep. So no difference between the two SKUs other than packaging?

Correct...the hymnocases (atleast from what I've seen) have been a little difficult to find so it's probably worth the 500yen or whatever animate will sell a few of them at in a couple of weeks.


EXEC_COSMOFLIPS is particularly awesome.

Also, there's a song called "chmod b111000000\n" which is probably intended to make a file private but makes me wonder what kind of crazy shell they are using since chmod normally only accepts octal mode strings.


Loves Robotech S1

This guy looks familiar...


wasn't there a comment about men and drills somewhere in AT2? >_>


Yep, I'm done. This broke my mind.


Durante said:
Also, there's a song called "chmod b111000000\n" which is probably intended to make a file private but makes me wonder what kind of crazy shell they are using since chmod normally only accepts octal mode strings.
i can accept that their shell would have a b option to enter the chmod in binary, but the newline makes no sense... unless it terminates the command.

how long before someone creates an AT shell with EXEC and METHOD functionality?? :D


zurra said:
i can accept that their shell would have a b option to enter the chmod in binary, but the newline makes no sense... unless it terminates the command.

how long before someone creates an AT shell with EXEC and METHOD functionality?? :D

You mean AT being able to act as a proxy into Infel Pira? or an AT shell that can be used with both the common dialect and Pastalie dialect?

12 more days :( been listening to the short snippets of cosmoflips and rebirthia=protocol (as well as ep=nova) over and over...get goosebumps almost every time. Extremely tempted to get a duplicate copy of the hymnos concert CDs to get the animate/gamer's hymnocase....


Website Updated

AT3 Countdown Festa
Will feature VA and dev staff interviews, various gameplay videos, and what not, and will be updated daily until the release of AT3.

AT3 PV#2 is also now available on PSN_Japan
Direct Link Here, approx 315mb

And, as per Sugiyama Noriaki's schpeel today, AT3 will feature "many routes" :D

Nothing too new if you've been scouring around for famitsu scans. Here's a small selection of new images:






^----looks like Sasha's been dabbling with Hymnos :)
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