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Capcom responds to SFV's lack of content, Ono says they underestimated SP popularity


SFxT had the whole on-disc character DLC controversy + the gem system that was a big issue as well.

Still, it sold 1.4 million worldwide in its release month (march 6th-march 31st) (http://www.siliconera.com/2012/05/0...ken-600000-units-short-of-sales-expectations/)

We don't have worldwide numbers for SFV yet. But we do know that in Japan, SFV sold less than the ps3 version of SFxT.

Week 1 Japan Figures---
SFV: 41,990 (https://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1189325)
SFxT (PS3): 58, 471 (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=466536)
SFxT (360): 8,527 (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=466536)
It's not close. It was under GTAV in the February NPD. GTA sold 350k units and was number 3 on the list. SFV was number 7. Europes numbers were lower than Japan. SFxT was a lot more popular month one than V.


Rising Thunder. RIP
KI? DOA5? (I don't know what these have).
Injustice on PS+? Kappa

DOA5 has around 4 to 6 for free, they rotate 1 paid character every week, each with 20 free unlockables costumes. Every mode but story is available.


DOA5 has around 4 to 6 for free, they rotate 1 paid character every week, each with 20 free unlockables costumes. Every mode but story is available.
Dang. I'd say that more than 50% of SFV at launch at -100% of the price.


Im really getting tired of the elitest aditude that casusal sales dont matter and we cant complain becuse were trash. Would love to see their reaction if capcom cans future plans for the game after this first batch of dlc is done.

That said it will be a shame with the state capcom's in if the lack of sales cause capcom to pull the plug on the franchise like they did with megaman and resident evil for thier own mistake.

It is simply stupidy to ignore the casual sales. Recent Mortal Kombats and Smash Brothers are the fighting games that most sold EVER and they are FULL of single player casual content.

Hell, Brawl barely had playable online for a long time and is literaly THE best selling fighting game ever. Soon it will be Smash4 3DS+WiiU ... but still =P


I love that they keep touting Survival mode LOL Ono good one.

Fantastic game Iove playing Ranked

them being "excited" for it must be their official PR tagline for it, cuz the guy who said 'if you beat Survival on Hell, you'll be ready for online' said the same thing.

I think DOA5 Core Fighters has 6 million downloads, which is the F2P version. SF5 wishes it had that many costumes behind it and enough people to buy them to subsidize the game. It's an insane amount of DLC.

For SF5 to F2P, they'd have to charge money for each of the starting characters you don't have, make them inaccessible via FM, and then on top of that have FM & paid DLC.


They had Revelations 2. No doubt it had a fraction of the budget of 6, but I wouldn't say they've given up on the series as a video game.

Kinda forgot about revelation 2. Still going from the company's flagship ship series to an episodic game to 6 planed remakes just feels like deja vu for me as a megaman fan.


One thing I think that some folks need to bear in mind is any new fighting game enthusiast or someone who wants to get heavily involved in the genre and become seriously competitive to point to compete in actual tournaments had to start somewhere. I think Arcade modes while not as daunting as fighting against a live opponent is a reasonable start for a beginning player to get their feet wet before they decide to jump online, or eventually go to local tourney's.

An option that exists does not fucking detract from your online experience against other players. The fact that some folks are adamantly arguing against having more options and ways to play the game. Arguing against having CHOICES. What the hell is this shit?

It these casual players who spend their time in arcade modes and enjoy the games, being NEW BLOOD and finding the game accommodating enough to want to get deeper into the game and take to the next level. This is promotes growth in the community, it expands the player base. By focusing on strictly on the highest level and removing the aspects that would enticing for new folks to pick up the game and jump in, being content starved does not help in this regard.

To quote sephi22 to made a fair point that I feel was glossed over which makes what I'm trying to say more succinct to the point.

Catering only to the people 'who will still be playing in 2 months' means you've given up on the idea of birthing new, serious fans by providing the tools to keep people engaged and continue to get better. Only focusing on the people who are competitive today and going after their DLC bucks means your community will grow smaller, not larger.
RE: how Gunbound fell into abysmal disaster


The only way to get an actual "casual perspective" isn't with those options. It's with giving them an anonymous means of expressing their opinion on the content that is out/available currently, how they feel about the cash shop (or lack of it so far) and what they would do to improve it. Basically you'd have to ask them to write a paragraph or two which is an issue online if you post it in public to where people can "ballot stuff" it with shit to where it distorts the actual opinion(s) going on.

That's definitely an issue too. Constant bombardment of hate mail and hyperbole just does not get anything across. Though I do also feel that it might be good for Capcom to look and ask around for a general consensus of how their audience feels about the current content.

The casual market do look at extra things though that satisfy their content needs. Single player can be a very large part of this. Story mode is one thing but not really enough like it might have been in the past. Lack of single player content and various modes to play with is a turn off for a lot. I can understand why many are baffled or just plain dissatisfied. The content they were looking for isn't there day 1 and still isn't quite there yet currently either. That's a problem. Their planned updates have been pretty sluggish and their communication hasn't been all that great either which could lead to further dissatisfaction for those holding out for more down the road. That's something they can look at and fix, maybe even readjust the pipeline of content and find ways to satisfy those customers holding out for more content. Maybe even think about many other modes as well. The longer the wait the more they may lose out on an that extended market.

Yes, we do also have lots of games these days without single player content, but they offer a lot to the player, and many are low priced or free service games with continual communication and updates. I just noticed Twitter and saw someone make a thread about MOBA's and online only multiplayer games. League of Legends is free to play for anyone to get into with constant communication and updates which reassures their customers that no matter what's happening behind the scenes they're still keeping you updated and informed about the content of the game or any soon to come. Same goes for things like CSGO.

Also if someone brings up Splatoon, know that many reviews and even on GAF also stated the price point wasn't worth the price of entry. For awhile on Amazon the price was even getting lower to around $40 because it was a similar situation of some feeling like the $60 price was too high for the content initially as some are stating in this thread about SFV. Also note though that EU and JP got Splatoon for cheaper too. NA is the biggest market for shooters is the likely reason for this decision. I didn't and don't agree with that decision that was made. However, Nintendo did handle the service very well and had everything out in a timely manner.

EDIT: Also to reference that other thread further, there are also different expectations between things like MOBAs and fighting games like Street Fighter. It can even come down to tradition.


I'm replaying the very first Onimusha. I miss early-2000 Capcom. They now seem like a shadow of their former self, only clinging to their most popular IPs while it still works. Not really the dev I loved anymore.


I honestly can't believe some of the posters here are defending the the blatant disregard of making a game accessible to a wide audience the first priority once mechanics were in place before launch.

People play games to find fun in systems. To arrogantly display a lack of empathy for people who could, after a more personal system exploration, eventually find their own way into the more competitive systems, online or local community, is so shocking and telling of the myopic view of filthy casuals the FGC has.

Basically shame on you. How dare you. To what point is defending the shit show Capcom has done pushing out this product use the FGC tournament scene as to prop up its short comings going to prove. We haven't bought into this game because it is barely a fucking game. Quit trying to pull us in because you want more people to feel the feels you get by playing the systems you immediately gravitated to. You are being fucking used. No amount of digs by FGC personalities on YouTube at detractors and investing blind faith in the game getting better change that. In fact you need only look at cross tekken to see a recent example of why you should be a skeptic.

Fucks sake.
Capcom, I'm telling you. Add an Arcade Mode and you've got my money.

I'm convinced that the game would not have been as harshly reviewed as it was had it even a bare bones arcade mode with a text tending. The Amazon 1 star reviews would have been 3 instead. This is what the casual people want to play. They need arcade mode. Heck it can't be hard to do. No need for any story because story is coming in June. Just let them play best of two matches against 8 opponents and then Necalli or Bison for Boss and they'll be happy.
Get it together Capcom, that’s all you can do at this point. Still dunno why it was launched like this, but they better do a relaunch once the game is complete.
I'm convinced that the game would not have been as harshly reviewed as it was had it even a bare bones arcade mode with a text tending. The Amazon 1 star reviews would have been 3 instead. This is what the casual people want to play. They need arcade mode. Heck it can't be hard to do. No need for any story because story is coming in June. Just let them play best of two matches against 8 opponents and then Necalli or Bison for Boss and they'll be happy.

That and allow 2P to join in at any time using the other controller, allow different # of rounds, and all other Arcade Mode options that have been a part of fighting games for decades. :p


Was the dip to just over $10 two weeks earlier a "pricing error" as well?

Or the $34 drop for the CE?

Seems to me that Amazon needed to clear stock.

They cancelled select orders it seems. Some people even received fewer items but not completely cancelled orders.

Now the game is around 40 dollars.


I´ve been a SF fan since SF2 hit the arcades and this may be the first entry I skip. I´m not a pro, but I guess I can´t be considered a casual either, I like playing online and I usually win much more than I loose. I don´t go to tournaments and surely any pro player would destroy me, but I think I can destroy casual players with the same ease.

That said, I also like to go into trial mode, training mode, arcade and story mode, so this game not having half of those is a big letdown to me. If the situation improves in the future I will be all over this game, but for now there are much better choices out there (and even more coming in the near future) to spend my money and time on.


I´ve been a SF fan since SF2 hit the arcades and this may be the first entry I skip. I´m not a pro, but I guess I can´t be considered a casual either, I like playing online and I usually win much more than I loose. I don´t go to tournaments and surely any pro player would destroy me, but I think I can destroy casual players with the same ease.

That said, I also like to go into trial mode, training mode, arcade and story mode, so this game not having half of those is a big letdown to me. If the situation improves in the future I will be all over this game, but for now there are much better choices out there (and even more coming in the near future) to spend my money and time on.
Trial and training are available now. Story should be out in June.


Who said "casuals" are the only reason SFV has bad word of mouth or isn't selling? The game pissed off everybody except for the most delusional FGC nut who for whatever reason is emotionally invested in a product's word of mouth.

I'm a hardcore SF fan, and I love the gameplay of SFV, but as a game it's a terrible purchase with absolutely nothing to do outside of multiplayer and a shitty online functionality for multiplayer. It needed 6 more months in the oven, at least. Hell if they waited and had all this first DLC cycle characters and modes as the part of the launch a few months from now no one would be complaining.
I'm replaying the very first Onimusha. I miss early-2000 Capcom. They now seem like a shadow of their former self, only clinging to their most popular IPs while it still works. Not really the dev I loved anymore.

To be fair, most of the companies and titles today are nothing like they were in that era. It was a different time.


Looks like they overestimated how many competitive they're out there over casuals that buy SF games. Big blunder. Next time wait until you have them single player modes, training mode and actual working online and rage quitting penalties and good artwork and...
Might seem like a smaller issue, but I felt this should have debuted traditionally, arcade first then console...like every other Japanese Fighter that holds any weight. But Sony probably didn't help for that. Will cry tears if this ever goes the route of SoulCalibur...


It's nice you've acknowledged that you royally fucked up Ono but that's not enough. What's your plan to correct this mess? At this point I only want a VS CPU mode (No, fighting a dummy in training mode isn't the same thing).
Capcom made a free to play game, charged full price for it and then we're surprised when it didn't sell.
Not including features the previous games have, some of which are basic features, is ignorant and stupid.
Maybe in a few months when there's enough content and servers and RQing is not an issue it may be worth full price. But they have to be quite daft to think what is in there was enough, as good as the gameplay is.

If they sold their game as a service at around $40 bucks or so, consumers would probably be happier about it and willing to spend money on DLC.
The problem of turning games into a service is that you can't just release an unfinished game at $60 and expect consumers to pay for the rest on top of that.
Kind of how free to play works where you get a larger installbase with the lowered price tag.

Turning this game into a service instead of usually containing a lot of content like most other fighters have was incredibly stupid & mind-boggling to begin with. Then they're surprised when their title flopped in sales within casuals.

They knew what they were doing.
The problem is that they didn't even equal the feature set of USFIV. The amount of things missing are too numerous to list and what they did include was incredibly barebones. Any full price fighting game with SFV's feature list would have been equally laughed at

We still don't have any kind of region filtering


I don't give a shit about sp and the online has been working for me so my purchase of a $20 with Gcu and gift cards was more than satisfactory.

Now I can understand that online is a YMMV type thing, or that people actually like arcade mode in 2016 so capcom fucked up, for every step they took with this game they took 3 steps backwards. From how moves link to how vtriggers work to proximities being taken away, all of it was to make the game easier for someone to get in. But how with no single player to practice on or explanation on v trigger or v skill at launch?

Another example are the replays, you could search match ups which is great but the search filters are so vague that you're either getting a lot of videos or not much at all.

The Capcom ID system is a great way to put out ways to play with people without cluttering your friends list or msgs. But if you ever check CFN it shows that everyone's online doing something when they aren't, I have a professional player in my favorites list because I like to watch his replays and it shows that he's in training when in fact he was playing a match in battle circuit yesterday so what is going on? Also this has this weird color system that I think shows that they're aren't online but idk it's not explained at all.

Now that I mentioned battle circuit why is this game a pseudo online only game? Yesterday the game disconnected from the server and stopped a local match. There is no FM being distributed, no exp. Why is that a thing?

All the moves they made for the game are suspect, like if they had plans for more but couldn't because of time restraints so they shipped as is and with no real counter to rage quit except for just posting videos on it (and really that does nothing) I feel like they're just waiting till Urien is out to call it quits.

Also the biggest biggest biggest crime SFV committed is that you can't save specific states in training mode smhhhh

Endo Punk

Ive always considered fighting games to shine the most when you play with friends or family. I'm a huge singleplayer game but with fighters? nah. This game takes me back and it's a shame people are not patient with it. We already knew it will continuously get content over the months including a story mode in June . If people put too much stock on playing alone why not just wait until June? Another case of complaining for the sake of complaining without acknowledging the truth and exercising patience.

Capcom are even giving away characters for free the more you play, that's huge when every other fighter would rather you pay for them. They did a lot right and this game is a service unlike past SF games. If you felt day 1 content was not enough for you then don't buy. I don't even understand how one can come to the conclusion that an arcade mode would make it worth $60. If you only play 1 hour with each character that's already 16 hours of quality content. But I guess that's asking too much from folks who just want to put it on the shelf after a week.

And no I'm not a pro or a tournament player. I just like to play fighting games and SFV is the best one this gen by far.


Turning this game into a service instead of usually containing a lot of content like most other fighters have was incredibly stupid & mind-boggling to begin with. Then they're surprised when their title flopped in sales within casuals.

They knew what they were doing.

The only way I see the game recovering is because of it actually being built as a service. They can in 2017 push out a rebrand aka Arcade Edition to target the pissed off people and offer it for a low, low price for current owners.

Current owners won't have to immediately buy it because it will be nothing more than a dlc catchup with maybe an exclusive fighter or two. The game mechanic tweaks will all be there and the branding would also be there, it would be a lite version to non adopters that currently own it.

The idea isn't even a bad one and if we apply our gamer logics consistently this is inline with how we've begged EA to run their sports franchises for years. The biggest issue is the fact they launched a retail game with basically nothing more than a system for competitive gamers who obviously are the minority of the player base and, as you said well, a barebones thing. We expected a game and got a mode.
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