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Is it wrong to laugh at Donald Trump?

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Thank you for not being dismissive. (Typing this on a phone so it may have a lot of mistakes)

To the first point: It sounds like the purpose of this policy would be to reduce the chances of a terrorist entering the country. That being said I think any language banning immigration from anywhere needs to be carefully constructed with inputs from both sides. The temporary nature of the halt would need to be clearly defined and an exact date provided when that restriction would be lifted. That date then becomes the hard deadline to get a system in-place to reduce the risk of terrorist coming over without that policy.

I'm no expert on immigration policy but that seems like a method, off the top of my head, that could work. I would love to have a conversation with somebody who deeply understands the process and its shortcomings to see if I'm way off base with this initial position.

To the second point: Those are things I would have never said in a public forum as a prospective leader. These statements don't immediately make me dismiss a potential leader either. Some people have a more crude and abrasive manner of speaking, but still have the ability to lead and solve problems. It's definitely a negative mark towards Trump in my book but he is still the leading candidate who can shake up the establishment.

I agree that Trump should be more careful about who and how he insults.

I feel it's easier to train Trump on politeness than it is to train Hillary on corruption.

It reads like your priorities might be misplaced.

Shaking up the establishment isn't a clear goal. It doesn't imply a solution, only that we need better solutions, or that there is something currently wrong. Desiring more competent leadership and better solutions is understandable. What is the most significant flaw in our government right now that needs to be 'shaken up'?

Do you feel that Trump addresses that flaw and provides competent leadership? What evidence do you have for that presumption? He has no political experience to draw from, so what about his career in the private sector do you find that convinces you that this experience outweighs the obvious negatives? He should have a huge success story here to warrant that level of faith.

Secondly, the charge of corruption shouldn't be made lightly. Insinuations and right wing narrative shouldn't be enough. You should require evidence. If you simply 'believe' she is corrupt for whatever reasons, that is another story.


People like parroting the media saying he is against all Muslims etc.

The reality is he has come out and said we need to put a temporary halt on Muslim immigration until we get our shit figured out. That is a far cry from hating all Muslims but one wouldn't know that if all they listened to was the headlines sensationalizing everything he says.

Sure he comes across a bit insensitive and says things people aren't used to hearing in politics; that just speaks to the fact that he isn't trained in PC and political culture in general. The dude is a political outsider and that simply resonates with a large part of Americans who have been jerked around, used, and ignored by the current political system.

We need some fresh faces in the executive that aren't from these Washington elite families.

You do of course realize there is nothing that can be figured out, and him saying this is effectively "indefinitely?" Muslims radicals entering our country to blow us up is nearly a non existent problem. If Trump really wants to do something about terrorists killing Americans he should ban White people from buying guns in America.

So how about that? Would you be ok with a temporary gun ban for White Americans until we can get our shit figured out? I mean, it would just be for a little while I'm sure, until it gets figured out.
His haircut alone is worth a giggle.

But yeah, there's been worse candidates than this guy throughout history. People who believe in a literal Rapture, the Earth is 6000 years old and humans lived with dinosaurs like the Flintstones. When these people can get the 'top job' in politics and have access to nuclear launch codes, that's a scary thought.

You have to laugh otherwise you would cry.
lmao that's the best they can do?

"These Democraps are scared of me they started calling me "Dangerous Donald"! Of course I'm dangerous to them, I will dismantle these career politicians so they can't get rich off the backs of Americans anymore!" or something to that effect. Basically spin it that he's dangerous for the establishment. It practically writes itself.

Pretty much this. These attempts to take down Trump with Drumpf and Dangerous Donald are a series of bad jokes.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Thank you for not being dismissive. (Typing this on a phone so it may have a lot of mistakes)

To the first point: It sounds like the purpose of this policy would be to reduce the chances of a terrorist entering the country. That being said I think any language banning immigration from anywhere needs to be carefully constructed with inputs from both sides. The temporary nature of the halt would need to be clearly defined and an exact date provided when that restriction would be lifted. That date then becomes the hard deadline to get a system in-place to reduce the risk of terrorist coming over without that policy.

I'm no expert on immigration policy but that seems like a method, off the top of my head, that could work. I would love to have a conversation with somebody who deeply understands the process and its shortcomings to see if I'm way off base with this initial position.

To the second point: Those are things I would have never said in a public forum as a prospective leader. These statements don't immediately make me dismiss a potential leader either. Some people have a more crude and abrasive manner of speaking, but still have the ability to lead and solve problems. It's definitely a negative mark towards Trump in my book but he is still the leading candidate who can shake up the establishment.

I agree that Trump should be more careful about who and how he insults.

I feel it's easier to train Trump on politeness than it is to train Hillary on corruption.

On the first point, what's to stop someone from not identifying as muslim? However, I see your point that it's about reducing probability. I'm not an expert there either.

Regarding his rhetoric, there's only two possible reasons for it.

1: It's an act to attract attention.
2: He really is undisciplined and makes mistakes.

1 implies he's courting the misogynist and racist vote.
2 is what it is. Wouldn't being the president require discipline and control? Bear in mind, his actions, intentional or not, have repercussions around the world. Even if it's just random rhetoric.

To me, either possibility seems disqualifying for the job of leader of the free world.

I'll give you another, less terrible example of what he does. See this picture:

He knows most Mexicans don't like his rhetoric. Yet on cinco de mayo (a holiday Mexicans don't celebrate) he sends this picture with that caption. Chances are, that taco was made by an illegal immigrant. Anyone who's been to a kitchen in NYC knows the hospitality industry runs off the backs of mexican or other latinos, legal and illegal. Lastly, what does a taco have to do with hispanics? Cubans are not associated with tacos, neither are columbians, peruans, argentinians, brazillians, costa ricans, etc.

Why does he associate tacos with the entire hispanic community? To make matters even worse, that's not even a proper mexican taco. Mexican tacos are soft. That taco bowls are an american creation. Shouldn't someone trying to be president know the difference?

Hispanic people are a significant voting group in this country. With one tweet, he managed to send a mixed message to all of them. Mistake or calculated? We will never know for sure. What is absolutely clear is that it's another example of a message that makes people uncomfortable.


I don't find scary demagogues that are riling up a huge % of the constituency funny.

Laugh if you want, but remark how serious this is so others don't take it lightly.

On the first point, what's to stop someone from not identifying as muslim? However, I see your point that it's about reducing probability. I'm not an expert there either.

Regarding his rhetoric, there's only two possible reasons for it.

1: It's an act to attract attention.
2: He really is undisciplined and makes mistakes.

1 implies he's courting the misogynist and racist vote.
2 is what it is. Wouldn't being the president require discipline and control? Bear in mind, his actions, intentional or not, have repercussions around the world. Even if it's just random rhetoric.

To me, either possibility seems disqualifying for the job of leader of the free world.

I'll give you another, less terrible example of what he does. See this picture:

He knows most Mexicans don't like his rhetoric. Yet on cinco de mayo (a holiday Mexicans don't celebrate) he sends this picture with that caption. Chances are, that taco was made by an illegal immigrant. Anyone who's been to a kitchen in NYC knows the hospitality industry runs off the backs of mexican or other latinos, legal and illegal. Lastly, what does a taco have to do with hispanics? Cubans are not associated with tacos, neither are columbians, peruans, argentinians, brazillians, costa ricans, etc.

Why does he associate tacos with the entire hispanic community? To make matters even worse, that's not even a proper mexican taco. Mexican tacos are soft. That taco bowls are an american creation. Shouldn't someone trying to be president know the difference?

Hispanic people are a significant voting group in this country. With one tweet, he managed to send a mixed message to all of them. Mistake or calculated? We will never know for sure. What is absolutely clear is that it's another example of a message that makes people uncomfortable.
The bigger problem is not his embarrasing attempt at getting Hispanic vote, it's the news media covering such a vapid tweet and writing articles about it being him extending an olive branch and what not. What this does is not win Spanish voters but legitimize him for white voters as a "nice guy".
On the first point, what's to stop someone from not identifying as muslim? However, I see your point that it's about reducing probability. I'm not an expert there either.

Regarding his rhetoric, there's only two possible reasons for it.

1: It's an act to attract attention.
2: He really is undisciplined and makes mistakes.

1 implies he's courting the misogynist and racist vote.
2 is what it is. Wouldn't being the president require discipline and control? Bear in mind, his actions, intentional or not, have repercussions around the world. Even if it's just random rhetoric.

To me, either possibility seems disqualifying for the job of leader of the free world.

I'll give you another, less terrible example of what he does. See this picture:

He knows most Mexicans don't like his rhetoric. Yet on cinco de mayo (a holiday Mexicans don't celebrate) he sends this picture with that caption. Chances are, that taco was made by an illegal immigrant. Anyone who's been to a kitchen in NYC knows the hospitality industry runs off the backs of mexican or other latinos, legal and illegal. Lastly, what does a taco have to do with hispanics? Cubans are not associated with tacos, neither are columbians, peruans, argentinians, brazillians, costa ricans, etc.

Why does he associate tacos with the entire hispanic community? To make matters even worse, that's not even a proper mexican taco. Mexican tacos are soft. That taco bowls are an american creation. Shouldn't someone trying to be president know the difference?

Hispanic people are a significant voting group in this country. With one tweet, he managed to send a mixed message to all of them. Mistake or calculated? We will never know for sure. What is absolutely clear is that it's another example of a message that makes people uncomfortable.

I'm Cuban-American, and that Cinco de Mayo tweet/post felt like a slap in the face to me as a Hispanic. He not only conflates all Hispanics as Mexicans, but thinks that eating some food and saying "I love Hispanics" is gonna make up for all the awful shit he has said about Mexicans and the fear he has stoked of illegal immigrants.

I think the post was calculated and meant to be spread, but not necessarily troll. I think he and/or his team are in such a vacuum that they thought it was a nice gesture after calling Mexicans killers and rapists. He's undisciplined but also knows how to get media attention.


If they seriously go with Dangerous Donald, fire every single one of those fucking idiotic Democratic operatives. Jesus fucking Christ is that dumb.
You do of course realize there is nothing that can be figured out, and him saying this is effectively "indefinitely?" Muslims radicals entering our country to blow us up is nearly a non existent problem. If Trump really wants to do something about terrorists killing Americans he should ban White people from buying guns in America.

So how about that? Would you be ok with a temporary gun ban for White Americans until we can get our shit figured out? I mean, it would just be for a little while I'm sure, until it gets figured out.

I would, this is one area where I disagree with Trump and other republicans. I'd just assume make it a permanent gun ban though.


Yes, he is dangerous, and I don't think it's all that out-there to suggest that people who support him should be banned on GAF.

I suppose the question of merit comes down to does supporting a candidate mean you support all of their views. At what point does supporting someone who espouses shit views make you a bad person as well.

Let's look at an extreme example, supporting Adolf Hitler. I have no doubt in my mind that if you support Hitler, you are a crazy racist that would be a ok with Jews and other minorities being killed. Obviously I would have no problem with Hitler supporters should be banned. It's a shit view and has no place on a forum like this. Those people can migrate to Stormfront if they damn well want to support that.

Looking at a slightly less extreme example, I would find it hard to beleive that anyone would want to support George Wallace unless they also support segregation, and the treatment of African Americans and people of color like shit. They would have to make a damn good case as to why their not a racist shit bag to not get banned here.

Trump? It gets tricky. Obviously, there are Trump supporters who are racist as fuck. I'd someone is asked why they support Trump and they reply that Mexicans are rapists, and Muslims are terrorists they should god damn well be banned.

But Trump had a wider range of supporters than that. He has the support of those who are anti establishment types, southern baptists, evangelicals, the poorer rural republicans, and of course the #NeverClinton vote. I find it hard to swallow that these people should be banned, because they may not be supporting Trump due to his racist or shitty views. They may be as well, but it's hard to make the case that ALL Trump supporters should be banned because they all support all of Trumps shitty views. The politics of the Republican party is more complex than that.

Just my view anyhow : )


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Its fine to laugh at him. He's a joke of a human being and as a public figure he is nothing more than a walking and talking wind up toy, but what you should be careful about is making him seem less threatening than he really is. There's a reason why he's the republican presidential nominee. His hate speech is backed by a huge number of people who believe in the bullshit he's been spreading. He's a genuine threat.

But absolutely a fucking joke of a person and a part of the great shame of this country. I feel deep shame whenever I see his stupid fucking mug being paraded around as the answer to this country's problems and I feel even deeper shame knowing the people that support him at one point or another in my life I considered friends or people whose company I enjoyed. Like a big slap to the face.


That's what I meant. He did call them rapist. Has he said anything worse about black people?
This has been bothering me for a while.

People keep quoting him as having said "they're rapists", but I'm pretty sure he's saying "they're sending their rapists".

Which I guess isn't that much better.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Why does he associate tacos with the entire hispanic community? To make matters even worse, that's not even a proper mexican taco. Mexican tacos are soft. That taco bowls are an american creation. Shouldn't someone trying to be president know the difference?

I'd never defend this individual's statements in any way, but nobody should elect a president for whether they know a different nationality's true dishes and American creations apart, no. That is simply ridiculous, I also wouldn't really expect a non-Mexican American candidate to ever know that...
If you are selfish and make a good salary does Trump winning really make a difference? Really it's more money in my pocket tax wise, sucks for the poor/middle-class though.
If we leads us into war, I won't be going.
If he cuts social programs it won't affect me.
If he builds a wall it won't keep any of my family members out.


It's not wrong to laugh at him now. But after he's President, he will make it illegal.

This is the first thing that came to my mind. I could see him trying to force something like this through as being unpatriotic and disrespecting the high position of the country.


If you are selfish and make a good salary does Trump winning really make a difference? Really it's more money in my pocket tax wise, sucks for the poor/middle-class though.
If we leads us into war, I won't be going.
If he cuts social programs it won't affect me.
If he builds a wall it won't keep any of my family members out.

I think this is short sighted; as someone who lives and works in an urban area changes to socio-economic conditions affect me both directly and indirectly. Unless you live in some suburban bubble or something the general well being of society will affect you.


They also said Trump did not have a chance at being the republican presidential nominee...

If I had a dollar every time I've heard this bs argument I could fund my own campaign.

Please explain to us how the republican electorate is the same as the general electorate. Please explain how Trump could win the election with virtually no support from anyone except white christians.


It'll be a lot closer than that picture suggests. You don't just win the Republican nomination and be a pushover.

If Bush can be President, Trump can too.

Bush didn't go out of his way to tick off minorities and women voters.

If I had a dollar every time I've heard this bs argument I could fund my own campaign.

Please explain to us how the republican electorate is the same as the general electorate. Please explain how Trump could win the election with virtually no support from anyone except white christians.

I think we're going to have to get used to it. This is know the "go-to" for Trump supporters on why Trump is going to win and I have no doubt Trump will be saying the same thing. Never mind this is a different game entirely. Can't win a baseball game by playing basketball.


Saint Titanfall
On the first point, what's to stop someone from not identifying as muslim? However, I see your point that it's about reducing probability. I'm not an expert there either.

Regarding his rhetoric, there's only two possible reasons for it.

1: It's an act to attract attention.
2: He really is undisciplined and makes mistakes.

1 implies he's courting the misogynist and racist vote.
2 is what it is. Wouldn't being the president require discipline and control? Bear in mind, his actions, intentional or not, have repercussions around the world. Even if it's just random rhetoric.

To me, either possibility seems disqualifying for the job of leader of the free world.

I'll give you another, less terrible example of what he does. See this picture:

He knows most Mexicans don't like his rhetoric. Yet on cinco de mayo (a holiday Mexicans don't celebrate) he sends this picture with that caption. Chances are, that taco was made by an illegal immigrant. Anyone who's been to a kitchen in NYC knows the hospitality industry runs off the backs of mexican or other latinos, legal and illegal. Lastly, what does a taco have to do with hispanics? Cubans are not associated with tacos, neither are columbians, peruans, argentinians, brazillians, costa ricans, etc.

Why does he associate tacos with the entire hispanic community? To make matters even worse, that's not even a proper mexican taco. Mexican tacos are soft. That taco bowls are an american creation. Shouldn't someone trying to be president know the difference?

Hispanic people are a significant voting group in this country. With one tweet, he managed to send a mixed message to all of them. Mistake or calculated? We will never know for sure. What is absolutely clear is that it's another example of a message that makes people uncomfortable.

Did the shit eating grin not tip you off? He's aware he's long since lost the hispanic vote and he's not going to get it back because he honestly is a racist, and knows jack shit about the various hispanic communities and culture and doesn't care to learn.


Rodent Whores
The latest Can't Stump the Trump has a segment from 2015 with Ann Coulter being asked on TV who she thinks the nominee will be and the whole studio audience erupts in laughter when she says Trump.

Damn that channel gets a lot of views. I wonder how much revenue it's generating...The editing is pretty good too. I mean, just take a look at this segment. The callbacks with Trump warning Cruz not to attack him, and then the Game of Thrones music...jeez.


What is is about Trump that make people want to put together these compilation edits? Even Super Deluxe gets in on it.



I think Trump's tactic with things like the "I love Hispanics" tweet is pretty simple:

- Say something ignorant or offensive
- People predictably get offended
- Trump then sits on his high horse proclaiming "Look at these people getting offended at everything!" thus appealing to the PC-culture backlash types.

It's either that, or he is too stupid to realize what is offensive which is also possible.

Either way it's dumb; because he already has the anti-PC types in his pocket.
It's not for being Republican or for supporting Trump, that's for sure. It's for such low-effort posting that people get themselves banned.
I've been banned for things that I'm absolutely certain I wouldn't have been banned for if the axis was flipped. For example saying I didn't think someone was racist and a gentle rib about left wingers being morally righteous got me a three week ban. You think if I'd said "Trump supporters are all racist bigots? What a surprise." I'd have been banned? I've seen a number of posts here literally saying they want Trump to die with the users not getting so much as a slap.

I mean, I'm a big boy and this is a private forum, it can be run in any way Tyler/the mods want. But it's crazy to pretend the moderating is politically balanced.
I was laughing at Trump until people I know who I believe to be smart people told me they were choosing him over the other candidates. It was easy to chuckle at and dismiss my redneck racist cousins, but not these guys.

Now I'm not laughing. Now I'm more of a mixture of scared and angry.

I mean, I'm a big boy and this is a private forum, it can be run in any way Tyler/the mods want. But it's crazy to pretend the moderating is politically balanced.

It's no secret that every now and then a mod gets hot headed about something they read and bans someone more out of disagreement than any actual rule breaking.

They say that posting in Off Topic is the most dangerous game on neogaf.


I was laughing at Trump until people I know who I believe to be smart people told me they were choosing him over the other candidates.

Now I'm not laughing. Now I'm more of a mixture of scared and angry.

Considering a lot of co-workers I know are voting for Trump because they rather have him over Hillary is something to be pretty concerned about. I honestly don't know what to think on it all. However when we get closer to seeing the two debate, I think we'll see more confusion settle in with voters on who they want to vote for.


It was funny up until he started to win primaries. I still find no chance in hell he can win the GE. Sad part about it all, he can try and do this again in 4 years. Thankfully he isn't getting any younger, and his running days are limited.
I think this is short sighted; as someone who lives and works in an urban area changes to socio-economic conditions affect me both directly and indirectly. Unless you live in some suburban bubble or something the general well being of society will affect you.

Of course...gated community. I'm not saying I don't care about Trump winning but really doesn't affect some as much as people are claiming when they say they are moving to Canada etc.
Considering a lot of co-workers I know are voting for Trump because they rather have him over Hillary is something to be pretty concerned about. I honestly don't know what to think on it all. However when we get closer to seeing the two debate, I think we'll see more confusion settle in with voters on who they want to vote for.

Their argument was that they'd rather have an incompetent man (Trump) in the White House than a crook (Hillary), saying that one idiot won't be able to accomplish much but an intelligent swindler could do a lot more damage. Bernie is supposedly off the table because he is a "communist."

I'd say one idiot caused a whole lot of damage in 2003 but what do I know.
When I heard trump was running I laughed. I thought hes gonna fail miserably.
Now hes won the nomination and the democratic party is looking like Clinton's. I don't find any of this funny and wonder why I even registered to vote.
I'm stubborn enough to through my vote away with a fill in ballot.
don't bother with the "this is how trump can win, with people like me throwing away our votes" I believe whatever disasters his presidency can bring on us is deserved


The Autumn Wind
When I heard trump was running I laughed. I thought hes gonna fail miserably.
Now hes won the nomination and the democratic party is looking like Clinton's. I don't find any of this funny and wonder why I even registered to vote.
I'm stubborn enough to through my vote away with a fill in ballot.

don't bother with the "this is how trump can win, with people like me throwing away our votes" I believe whatever disasters his presidency can bring on us is deserved
I never would have thought that all the right-wing rhetoric about Hillary would work this well, but here we are. Suddenly, she's the worst person ever and on the level of Donald Fucking Trump. I guess when Bernie is feeding people the same garbage, it was bound to happen. Still, pretty disappointing.


I never would have thought that all the right-wing rhetoric about Hillary would work this well, but here we are. Suddenly, she's the worst person ever and on the level of Donald Fucking Trump. I guess when Bernie is feeding people the same garbage, it was bound to happen. Still, pretty disappointing.

I like how when Bill was supporting Obama, it was all Billdozer this, Bill the genius that. Now that he's back to campaigning for Hillz, the internet is back to he's the worst person ever.

Completely controversial opinion time: I partially felt the Bern, but I think Hillary is a fine consolation prize.


I can't think of a presidential candidate I wouldn't laugh at. Trump seems more or less the same, he's just more upfront with his hypocrisy instead of trying to ignore it until it goes away.
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