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No Man's Sky - Early Impressions/Reviews-in-progress Thread

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What is this childish obsession people have with posters only saying nice things about games?

We stay in threads to talk about games we don't like because the conversation is interesting. I don't like MGSV, but I'll go into any thread about it because I think talking/debating mechanics and story is absolutely fascinating.

Pretty damn simple.

Alright. I'm done. When people clearly read over my sentences and make their own story out of it, there's no point to linger on the subject any longer.

Are there any other reviews out besides the one from Sterling?




No Man's Sky |OT2| Like Dark Souls but Fun

"We went into No Man's Sky thinking it was going to be GTA 5 crossed with Minecraft in space, and although there are elements of both of those games encapsulated within it, it's also very much Dark Souls and Elite Dangerous too. "


That's...an interesting statement all around.




No Man's Sky |OT2| Like Dark Souls but Fun

I clicked on the link and came across an article of Sean's response to the Neo.

"If you play another game and if they do a remaster of that game, what they will do is up-res the textures and things like that," explained Hello Games founder Sean Murray

"For our game, it's procedurally generated. So more powerful hardware doesn't just mean upgraded textures or a higher framerate. It means we can fundamentally change the experience.

"You can have – and you'll see this from our patch notes – we're able to change huge things in the universe, because we have complete control.

So it's sounding good right? I'm ready to be knocked back....

"With more powerful hardware, we can have more trees, more leaves on those trees, the density or immersion of worlds, or new types of worlds could exist.

I'm probably alone but that quote right there is equivalent to enemy crab at E3 where you "Attack the weak point for massive damage"


"We went into No Man's Sky thinking it was going to be GTA 5 crossed with Minecraft in space, and although there are elements of both of those games encapsulated within it, it's also very much Dark Souls and Elite Dangerous too. "


That's...an interesting statement all around.

Yeah, it's like Elite but without the comprehensive trading systems and flight mechanics or player interaction.

And it's like Dark Souls in the sense that you can die.


Well, I do enjoy it more than dark souls, so there's that. Don't see the relationship further than that though, or it has to be that at least in the beginning you keep doing your little grindy walk from the bonfire/spaceship.


Sterling's video does not make me interested in the game. It looks like Spore: interesting engine and technology, but no soul
The article title was procedurally generated

I like how there's three different clickbait variant titles. On the front page you see:
No Man's Sky first impressions: Like Dark Souls but fun

On the review/preview itself, you see
No Man's Sky preview: Like Dark Souls, but a lot more colourful

The html title you'll see on your tab is
No Man's Sky preview: GTA meets Minecraft in space
Really? You take one post literally said 2 years ago which, fair enough, earned me that tag and still believe I have the same controversial opinion?

You really are that person who judges a human being over one mistake huh? Good for you.

Someone else care to actually comment on an adult level?

He isn't judging you for the mistake you did two years ago, but for the mistake you are doing now. Which are, unsurprisingly, pretty similar.


Gold Member
Between this thread and the other NMS thread (though this one is lighter on the mood), I honestly feel like I'm back in middle school. Take a break guys :p

I am good, lol.

Just annoying seeing his same personal attacks, over and over.

As for on topic, that /r/ review was hilarious, lol.


ACG Video review - Rent / wait for sale.


Thanks and ya I rated it a Wait for Deep Deep Sale, or rent if you have Gamefly or something.

And I am cutting out the one mistake I made about inventory.

Long story short its got issues in the UI, gfx problems, bookmarking, travel, and gameplay loop issues. Its not bad AT ALL and what I find fun doesn't mean I will think is worth others running out to get.
I will most likely be rereviewing it after some patches as some of this seems to fit right into the games procedural generation and how they can change content.
Guess I'm just not seeing it.

No one is being hyperbolic. No one is dancing on the game's grave.

Criticisms seem generally well-articulated along with the positives as well.

As someone who is on the fence personally, I find every opinion valuable. Both good and bad.

It's really hard for me to justify $60 Day One purchases anymore, except for RARE occasions (like maybe 1, 2 or 3 times a year). So I'd rather read the straight dope on this game rather than empty accolades or merciless drubbings. Not seeing either of those in here, thankfully.

Opinions seem pretty balanced from where I'm standing.
Yea I'm with you here. I'm actually more interested in the impressions over the next couple of days as opposed to yesterday and today. Already seeing a couple of honeymoon period over and wish there was more posts has tempered my enthusiasm a bit. At the same time some people still seem to be enjoying it after a long time put in. I kinda wish there was a concensus one way or the other so I could decide to dive in or wait and put my money towards Deus Ex

Ulysses 31

Gamersglobal.de : 6/10

Reviewer says, it's basically an One-Trick-Pony that is able to wow you for the first 5 hours when you encounter news things but after that it's all routine. He played 40 hours and says he wished he stopped after 10.

edit: I will still buy it and play it in smaller doses. I don't think a review marathon is a good thing for this game.

ACG Video review - Rent / wait for sale.


Pre-order cancelled.


They should have sold it for $40.

It would have gone a LONG way in forgiving it's flaws.
I'm really not sure the price is the issue, I don't think there should be a sliding scale of forgiveness of issues vs price.

It's a premium product, I don't think it's a particular good one for me, but it's clear from the time i've spent with it, it is.

I think the issue is the idea of NMS and trying to make that into a game just hasn't gelled particularly well.
IMO People would be WAY more willing to give a $40 dollar game that they are on the fence about a chance than a $60 dollar one man. As well as being forgiving of the flaws of said game.
Nah if I'm buying a game $20-$60 flaws are flaws the price shouldn't protect it from that at all. Whether people hibe a game a chance because of price is an entirely different subjective issue


Unlimited Capacity
It is never good for a bunch of you, right?

Watch Dogs - Too much filler quests!
Assassin's Creed Unity - Too many collectables!
Witcher 3 - Too many meaningless monster contracts!
GTAV - Too many; 'go here, kill that, drive back' missions!
Metal Gear Solid V - Barren open world!
No Man's Sky - Too many planets!

You can never, ever please the entire audience. This thread alone is the pure acknowledgement that GAF is filled with countless of gamers that have different tastes, different standards and different hopes and dreams.

Why not just agree that the game isn't for you? State your opinion. Fine by me. Just don't go force your opinion into someone's throat until they are forced to choke on it just because they can see past the flaws and actually enjoy the game for what it is.

There are lots of games that arent for me that are still good, though.....


Well at least the PC version is $50~ USD. Also, I wonder if this game is going to support modding- it could go a long way to addressing a lot of concerns with the title.
Nah if I'm buying a game $20-$60 flaws are flaws the price shouldn't protect it from that at all. Whether people hibe a game a chance because of price is an entirely different subjective issue

I'm not talking about reviews leaving out flaws though I'm sure price is taken into consideration knowingly or not.

Let's say there is a game reviewed once.

I am saying that IMO if people who read that review are on the fence after reading about the flaws, they would be far more likely to give it a chance at a lower price point. I think that the average consumer will go in with expectations that scale according to the amount that was spent.


Holy shit how did Sean get to this point of being such a lovable and amazing developer in a lot of people´s eyes? People talk about him like he can´t be mistaken when saying something or that he would make the greatest game of all time. He worked on Joe Danger and that´s it. Wasn´t wise to hire the third game of the company that much (the second game was a sequel btw).


It's $59.99 USD on steam for me... You got my hopes up. :(
$66 CAD = $50~ USD.

Holy shit how did Sean get to this point of being such a lovable and amazing developer in a lot of people´s eyes? People talk about him like he can´t be mistaken when saying something or that he would make the greatest game of all time. He worked on Joe Danger and that´s it. Wasn´t wise to hire the third game of the company that much (the second game was a sequel btw).

Technically he's worked on Burnout and BLACK.

Handy Fake

This was always going to be a love/hate game for reviewers. I've seen enough to know that it's exactly what I was expecting, which is exactly what I wanted.
The scope for expansion of the game is also very, very exciting.
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