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Why is Re:Zero so popular?

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Better than The Flowers Of Evil, Ping Pong, Tatami Galaxy, Welcome to the NHK, Paranoia Agent, Mushishi, Nichijou, Space Battleship Yamato, Shirobako, Space Brothers, Space Dandy, and From The New World?

Or did you miss out on those anime in the past 20 years? :p

My man. But you forgot Kaiba, Monster and Tatami Galaxy (and Akagi/Kaiji).

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Even if its not a harem show it's clearly an otaku pandering show meant to flood the viewers with an exceptiona amount of waifu. I've not seen an episode and I know of at least 6 girls who've been shown in cute or sexual ways during its run time thanks to twitter.

I will say Re: Zero does pander to my love of delicious twisted shit.


And that gif is only a tame example.

My man. But you forgot Kaiba, Monster and Tatami Galaxy (and Akagi/Kaiji).

I've not seen Tatami Galaxy, but I loooved Kaiba & Monster.
Even if its not a harem show it's clearly an otaku pandering show meant to flood the viewers with an exceptiona amount of waifu. I've not seen an episode and I know of at least 6 girls who've been shown in cute or sexual ways during its run time thanks to twitter.

If you've not seen the show, I'd venture to say you're probably not in a great position to say what it is and isn't.

If it were an "otaku pandering" show, the main character would be much more Kirito-esque in terms of being a super-successful self-insert character instead of a deeply flawed fuckup that suffers a lot.

(That said, in terms of some of the character designs, yeah, there probably is some concession towards audience pandering, because it's a commercial show. Sucks, and I would generally like less of that stuff, but defining an entire show by a few pictures you've seen on Twitter is pretty ridiculous*.)

* - Unless that show is Terra Formars. Then, have at it.


I can say hands down, yes... without a doubt aside from maybe mushishi (which I should get around to finishing)

but flowers of evil, paranoia agent, and space dandy were down right unenjoyable shows to me :p

but to each their own. though I will say it's odd to make a list of top anime and not include stuff like
FMA brotherhood
or Gintama
or hunter x hunter
or Steins;Gate
or Clannad: After Story
or heck Spirited away
at all o_O
And why am I not seeing Cross game in that list ? ( and many others ? )
but just solidifies the idea that people like different things.
. I mean I have nothing about Messofanego's list, but I would only keep Space Brothers and maybe Nichijou.


Hating on this is gonna be like hating on a lot of anime that gets popular for one reason or another, and I get that people who are fans of the show won't like that.

But man. maaaaaaan. I just can't dig, yo.

And this isn't just a "oh man, all modern anime is trash" point of view.

It's more of an "oh man, I gave this a chance and now I'm kind of regretting it more than I might of" point of view.


And why am I not seeing Cross game in that list ? ( and many others ? )
. I mean I have nothing about Messofanego's list, but I would only keep Space Brothers and maybe Nichijou.

Cross game is a great show, but not nearly as popular or universally praised as those ones.

I mean if I was just including great shows I would have included stuff like Nana, Skip beat, spice and wolf, ouran high school host club. Full metal panic fumoffu, Eve no Jikan , One Outs, Major, ect :p

I did realize I forgot Gurren Lagann in general though.

Hating on this is gonna be like hating on a lot of anime that gets popular for one reason or another, and I get that people who are fans of the show won't like that.

But man. maaaaaaan. I just can't dig, yo.

And this isn't just a "oh man, all modern anime is trash" point of view.

It's more of an "oh man, I gave this a chance and now I'm kind of regretting it more than I might of" point of view.

I personally don't mind people hating a show I like (heck I point out that I like sword art online in the anime thread from time to time just to read the long rant someone will make about how they hate the show lol). It's only annoying when people are hating on it making generalizations while having only seen a single episode or none at all.

there is a huge difference between
"I watched the first episode and found it boring so I stopped watching it."
"the entire show is a piece of shit, worst I have ever seen."

the nice part about re:zero is it is very easy to spot anyone that didn't watch more than the first episode. They are using the term generic, and the main reason that re:zero became popular is because that is not a good way to describe it at all. For better or worse :p

I mean so many people hate the main character because he isn't just the generic main character that everyone can imagine themselves as or want to imagine themselves as :p
since I don't have the data to compare to how SAO was 26 weeks after it came out. I will just say that at least by western popularity, there is not a single other show that is more popular than Re:zero that came out this year (going off youtube video view count and MAL membership numbers) Mob psycho and jojo don't even get close.

from last year only
one punch man
Shokugeki no Souma
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Tokyo Ghoul √A
Death Parade

beat it in popularity on mal, and of those souma and dungeon will easily be passed before oct is done due to people talking about the series.

yes MAL is not a perfect measure of popularity but.... you can really use any search to figure out how popular re:zero is.

Mob psycho ratings from crunchy

aka a little over 100
re:zero has over 600.

whether you like it or not, re:zero is very popular.

So let me get this straight. You go to some hardcore anime site and look at reviews, and this is somehow meant to disprove that its popular within a niche crowd and even more hilariously account this to western popularity. Come on now.
I yup, you are totally right, that is totally why the first arc is about brutal murders :p
because twitter is a great way to get the full story about something, and not just snippets of what people like to talk about.
did you also know that game of thrones is a show about how winter is coming?

I'm not denying the show doesn't also have other things that have kept people invested and I'm not saying the show is good/bad, but to deny that the show doesn't take advantage of the otaku market and pander to them with lots of waifu isn't being entitely honest as I imagine people saying "its dumpster ln waifu/harem trash" aren't being fully honest either. A show's fan base can for better or worse impact others ability to enjoy something and can unfairly taint someone's view of the overall content if they only walk away from their experience with the parts the fanbase shoved in their faces.

If you've not seen the show, I'd venture to say you're probably not in a great position to say what it is and isn't.

If it were an "otaku pandering" show, the main character would be much more Kirito-esque in terms of being a super-successful self-insert character instead of a deeply flawed fuckup that suffers a lot.

(That said, in terms of some of the character designs, yeah, there probably is some concession towards audience pandering, because it's a commercial show. Sucks, and I would generally like less of that stuff, but defining an entire show by a few pictures you've seen on Twitter is pretty ridiculous*.)

* - Unless that show is Terra Formars. Then, have at it.

Looking back I should have probably said "strong otaku pandering elements" as opposed to show. That said just because Subaru isn't a generic perfect kirito gary stu doesn't mean he isn't designed to be a self insert in some ways. Like Shinji it appears from a glance Subaru falls into the "the male audience wants to be in his shoes so they can get the right girl and not fuck things up" but again this is my observation at a distance. The shows mystery elements and dark elements might help elevate it past its outside appearance, but you can't fault someone from seeing a flood of "PROTECT REMS SMILE" and pictures of girls telling Subaru to lick their feet or that "IM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SMELL SUBARU" etc and not get a positive impression.
Hating on this is gonna be like hating on a lot of anime that gets popular for one reason or another, and I get that people who are fans of the show won't like that.

But man. maaaaaaan. I just can't dig, yo.

And this isn't just a "oh man, all modern anime is trash" point of view.

It's more of an "oh man, I gave this a chance and now I'm kind of regretting it more than I might of" point of view.

How far did you get?

I admit, part of my appreciation for the show is that I have kind of an affinity for stuff that goes kinda dark - NTHT, Bokurano, etc. Sometimes that crosses the line into self-parody (Elfen Lied).

I also have a weakness for the whole time loop conceit that's been used in a few shows (which also, not coincidentally, tend to go fairly dark).

This does both of those things, and it actually depicts his gradual breakdown pretty well. That's why I don't get the "wish fulfillment" angle - until the very end of the show, most of it is him suffering and failing repeatedly.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm not denying the show doesn't also have other things that have kept people invested and I'm not saying the show is good/bad, but to deny that the show doesn't take advantage of the otaku market and pander to them with lots of waifu isn't being entitely honest as I imagine people saying "its dumpster ln waifu/harem trash" aren't being fully honest either. A show's fan base can for better or worse impact others ability to enjoy something and can unfairly taint someone's view of the overall content if they only walk away from their experience with the parts the fanbase shoved in their faces.

One of the main points of the main character
is he was an otaku who had time to do anything, but yet he didn't do a single thing with his time that was worthwhile. He hates himself and how much he tries to deceive himself into thinking he's better than he actually is, and how he wants this 'fantasy world' to be his fantasy and him to take the protagonist role, but he keeps fucking up from his ignorance and things get progressively worse and worse as he expects others to roll with his own delusions.
I'm not saying there's no pandering going on and there definitely is a romance angle, but I find people who obviously haven't seen it thinking this is a straight-up pandering show funny since the show legitimately spends almost half of its series doing the exact opposite.


So let me get this straight. You go to some hardcore anime site and look at reviews, and this is somehow meant to disprove that its popular within a niche crowd and even more hilariously account this to western popularity. Come on now.
i also referenced youtube... you know a niche video sight some people use to watch videos.
sorry just using niche in the same way you seem to be using it :p

also I am just curious, how do you gauge popularity.
I kind figure general trends across the most popular anime related sites as well as the most popular video site on the planet would be a good way to do it, but since it apperently isn't, I do ask that you enlighten me.
I'm not denying the show doesn't also have other things that have kept people invested and I'm not saying the show is good/bad, but to deny that the show doesn't take advantage of the otaku market and pander to them with lots of waifu isn't being entitely honest as I imagine people saying "its dumpster ln waifu/harem trash" aren't being fully honest either. A show's fan base can for better or worse impact others ability to enjoy something and can unfairly taint someone's view of the overall content if they only walk away from their experience with the parts the fanbase shoved in their faces.

basically all anime pander to otakus one way or another. that is kind of the point of anime, to sell goods.
so no I am not denying that it panders to the otaku market, I am more saying that wasn't the sole purpose of the show such as other shows like highschool DXD or infinite stratos or heaven's lost preproperty or heck queens blade. That exist as only a way to sell sex and figures.

that is what some places got attached to, but I don't think re:zero would even qualify as an ecchi show.
If you've not seen the show, I'd venture to say you're probably not in a great position to say what it is and isn't.

If it were an "otaku pandering" show, the main character would be much more Kirito-esque in terms of being a super-successful self-insert character instead of a deeply flawed fuckup that suffers a lot.

(That said, in terms of some of the character designs, yeah, there probably is some concession towards audience pandering, because it's a commercial show. Sucks, and I would generally like less of that stuff, but defining an entire show by a few pictures you've seen on Twitter is pretty ridiculous*.)

* - Unless that show is Terra Formars. Then, have at it.

This is incorrect. MC doesn;t have to be the best form the get go for a show to be Otaku bait. Here are some clear points:

- MC is an Otaku transported to a fantasy world away from reality's problems.
- MC is in a predominantly female cast, many of which are around his age while the same cannot be said for the male counterparts (not usually a problem until we see point 3).
- MC has several girls that he can "get with".
- Apart from the presentation, a look at the fanbase tells us a lot on what demographics this show has appealed to.
This is incorrect. MC doesn;t have to be the best form the get go for a show to be Otaku bait. Here are some clear points:

- MC is an Otaku transported to a fantasy world away from reality's problems.
- MC is in a predominantly female cast, many of which are around his age while the same cannot be said for the male counterparts (not usually a problem until we see point 3).
- MC has several girls that he can "get with".
- Apart from the presentation, a look at the fanbase tells us a lot on what demographics this show has appealed to.

Yeah, but the thing about a deconstruction is that it also tends to tick most of the boxes for the kind of story it's deconstructing. It HAS to in order to function.

I mean, it's not as much of a takedown of the whole "magical world" idea as NTHT is, but it's also addressing a slightly different subset of that kind of story (the type that tends towards an older, more obviously otaku self-insert protagonist).

but I find people who obviously haven't seen it thinking this is a straight-up pandering show funny since the show legitimately spends almost half of its series doing the exact opposite.

It sort of feels like people assuming Welcome to the NHK is an otaku-pandering show because it stars a NEET who meets a cute girl.

(Not that this is anywhere near as vicious as NHK, granted.)
Re: Zero is not a deconstruction of the genre. That would be NTHT.

i also referenced youtube... you know a niche video sight some people use to watch videos.
sorry just using niche in the same way you seem to be using it :p

also I am just curious, how do you gauge popularity.
I kind figure general trends across the most popular anime related sites as well as the most popular video site on the planet would be a good way to do it, but since it apperently isn't, I do ask that you enlighten me.

basically all anime pander to otakus one way or another. that is kind of the point of anime, to sell goods.
so no I am not denying that it panders to the otaku market, I am more saying that wasn't the sole purpose of the show such as other shows like highschool DXD or infinite stratos or heaven's lost preproperty or heck queens blade. That exist as only a way to sell sex and figures.

that is what some places got attached to, but I don't think re:zero would even qualify as an ecchi show.

You mentioned youtube but I didn't see any stats. Youtube/Google trends would be an easy way. Best way is to look at sales of the franchise.

The most popular anime usually have their own sites lol but keep pretending that some reviews on a hardcore anime site means western popularity.


Re: Zero is not a deconstruction of the genre. That would be NTHT.

You mentioned youtube but I didn't see any stats. Youtube/Google trends would be an easy way. Best way is to look at sales of the franchise.

The most popular anime usually have their own sites lol but keep pretending that some reviews on a hardcore anime site means western popularity.

i mentioned in an earlier post how the second opening of re:zero has 3 times the views of mob psycho's opening a show considered popular by most of anime gaf. which keep in mind mob psycho's opening is considered good by most of gaf, and was actually played every episode unlike re:zeros, so yeah...

there is also over a million hits for re:zero while mob psycho has only a little over 500k on youtube. but that time frame is skewed a bit as re:zero has 13 weeks on mob thus why the second opening is a better thing to use as it started at the same time as mob's.

and really... if you are referring to dvd/blu ray sales that is one of the worst ways to determine how popular a show is thanks to the fact that those have been niche numbers for years.

now if you have access to figure and other merch numbers we could get a good idea from that. but especially for world wide popularity japanese home video sales are absolute trash tier (tv viewership numbers aren't great either otherwise ultimate otaku teacher and Ace Attorney were two of the most popular shows in the last year thanks to being in a very popular slot :p). and I won't deny the possibility that in japan the show is only popular with a niche crowd, but it's pretty damn popular outside of japan. really I am not sure how anyone could consider it not popular outside of japan given how it seems to be everywhere and plenty of people know a lot about it (albiete a lot of wrong info), even without having watched it, in this very thread :p


When a person like Natsuki Subaru have to go through being murdered, traumatised, possesed, broken down and nearly went insane on every reset, let the guy have his cake and eat it.


I am going to have to disagree here to a small degree.
during the vast majority of the series, that statement is true.
the last bit is total wish fulfillment.
He wants to become a hero, wants to be her knight and save her, and does it all.
that being said trying to call him a generic light novel character is just crazy. That is like calling Jackass the TV show intelligent humor of the same kind as Fraiser.
That's also how I see it. It's still pretty much about wish fulfillment, but while some might argue the end result is still pretty much the same, the way it's achieved is really where Re:Zero differenciate itself.
I mean with the same kind of pitch ( redo the same days again and again etc .. ), in other wish fulfillment fantasy, you would have him repeate again and again
his training with wilhelm
and get so strong that he would beat the
Cross game is a great show, but not nearly as popular or universally praised as those ones.
Oh I was just half joking, it's really because I couldn't care less about the 'universally praised' notion. Trying to use that to try to prove something is objectively better than another seems pretty stupid.
I mean....
I mean if I was just including great shows I would have included stuff like Nana, Skip beat, spice and wolf, ouran high school host club. Full metal panic fumoffu, Eve no Jikan , One Outs, Major, ect :p
is still the best list out of the 3; even if there is still a distinct lack of Beck, Minami-ke, natsume yuujinchou, Chihayafuru..


I mean.... is still the best list out of the 3; even if there is still a distinct lack of Beck, Minami-ke, natsume yuujinchou, Chihayafuru..

I need to rewatch beck it was fun.

need to finish minami-ke at some point and give natsume a watch.
chihayafuru is great though.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I find it weird that the people who don't like this show, REALLY don't like it and resort to belittling the show by tossing it in the "harem" / waifu-bait category. It's almost like the visual depiction of some of the main girls in the show make them physically ill.


This is incorrect. MC doesn;t have to be the best form the get go for a show to be Otaku bait. Here are some clear points:

- MC is an Otaku transported to a fantasy world away from reality's problems.
- MC is in a predominantly female cast, many of which are around his age while the same cannot be said for the male counterparts (not usually a problem until we see point 3).
- MC has several girls that he can "get with".
- Apart from the presentation, a look at the fanbase tells us a lot on what demographics this show has appealed to.

- MC is an incredibly social and outgoing person
- MC is great physical shape and capable of fighting (by our society standards)

The only reason we know he's a stay-at-home Otaku is because the series tell us he is, he has none of the characteristics associated with that segment of the population.

Pretty much every episode that I've seen (8 of them) has several scenes dedicated to the MC and female cast flirting with one another, this goes on for about 5-10 minutes per episode.

The only subversion I've seen so far is Subaru not handling the restarts well on Episode 8, and even then that only happens 8 episodes in, before that he was mostly handling the restart with a couple minutes of reflection and shrugging it off.

Admittedly I'm only seen about 1/3 of the series, but other than episode 8 the show hasn't really been subverting tropes. Something bad happening isn't a subversion if time rewinds and the bad situation gets resolved.
Hopefully in coming episodes we start seeing MC actions actually have some kind of long-lasting consequence.

I find it weird that the people who don't like this show, REALLY don't like it and resort to belittling the show by tossing it in the "harem" / waifu-bait category. It's almost like the visual depiction of some of the main girls in the show make them physically ill.

But "waifu-bait" is in good part about the visual depiction of female characters to sell a series to the viewer, a show can be a good show and still fall under "waifu-bait" category.

You just need to walk into any store in Akihabara to see that nearly all of RE:Zero merchandise is the main female cast, often times in cute or suggestive poses.


I need to rewatch beck it was fun.

need to finish minami-ke at some point and give natsume a watch.
chihayafuru is great though.
Those 4 anime also share the specificity of being better than their manga counter part ( imho ).
Same can be said about ouran high school host club from your list, at least I know I couldn't go past a few chapter of the manga even thought I love the anime. Seems like I'll never know how it really ends ( even if it's pretty easy to guess ), just like Beck ( that ost doing such an incredible job, reading beck just can't compete ).

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I dunno man, name a single character that doesn't want to suck his dick by the end of show.

Actually every character in the show besides two (if you push it, maaayybe two and a half), it's much easier to name those who are into him than not as the show has a cast of 20-30 characters by the season end, about 15 of those are well developed by the end of the season, and only two of them are into him.

While this is an anime there is a large cast of characters, about half of whom being female and while many are being played as 'cutsey', most actually either don't like Sabura, are indifferent towards him, or at least as far as the anime goes are on platonic friendship levels, and this goes for male and female.


I dunno man, name a single character that doesn't want to suck his dick by the end of show.
He's won over the respect of the other female characters (the male ones as well) by the end of the show but I wouldn't say they want to sick his duck. I'm bad with names but the cat general girl totally clowned him in one iteration and the princess lady with the healer saw him as a joke as well. Also ram never wanted anything to do with him but accepted him as capable when he rolled up to the village with a platoon of badasses.


Neo Member
I've tried reading it, I got through 4 issues and I haven't seen anything worth noting but evidently I just need to read more. But for now it hasn't grabbed me so it's on the back burner.
I watched it through maybe ep 18? Stopped right before
space whale battle
, and I just don't feel like I'm missing much. There are whole episodes where I get seriously disengaged, and I didn't always love how the gimmick was used -
once you're in the "bad" timeline you've gotta just wait it out.

I can see why people love it and love to hate it though. Some of the characters are not for me at all. There was one later episode where
i had to listen to a whole fucking monologue from Rem to subaru
and I just wanted to barf it was so terrible.
He's won over the respect of the other female characters (the male ones as well) by the end of the show but I wouldn't say they want to sick his duck. I'm bad with names but the cat general girl totally clowned him in one iteration and the princess lady with the healer saw him as a joke as well. Also rin never wanted anything to do with him but accepted him as capable when he rolled up to the village with a platoon of badasses.
Cat General is a guy. Rem is the only one who really loves him so far. Emilia did what she did out of a sense of duty, long haired woman had mutual respect, that he had to earn by trying over and over again.
I watched the anime. It had some good moments but some episodes really made me wonder why I was bothering with it. Subaru is a tool and I dislike most of the characters.


Cat General is a guy. Rem is the only one who really loves him so far. Emilia did what she did out of a sense of duty, long haired woman had mutual respect, that he had to earn by trying over and over again.
What? The little cat girl. She's totally a girl, right?

I think you think I'm talking about the dude that dresses and acts like a girl but is about regular height. I'm talking about the chibi kitty.
What? The little cat girl. She's totally a girl, right?

I think you think I'm talking about the dude that dresses and acts like a girl but is about regular height. I'm talking about the chibi kitty.
Yeah, never mind then. Figured you were talking about Felis.


I dunno man, name a single character that doesn't want to suck his dick by the end of show.
Just speaking of 'waifu material characters' : Anastasia, Priscilla, Ram & Felt are probably the furthest from that.
Crusch is the most in between I guess since she seems to respect him by the end.
The closest would be Rem ( obviously, in her case it might not even be an exaggeration ), Emilia and mayyybe Beatrice.


Just speaking of 'waifu material characters' : Anastasia, Priscilla, Ram & Felt are probably the furthest from that.
Crusch is the most in between I guess since she seems to respect him by the end.
The closest would be Rem ( obviously, in her case it might not even be an exaggeration ), Emilia and mayyybe Beatrice.
Beatrice is the librarian right? I don't see her as having any romantic feelings for Subaru. He grows on her since she is not affected by the resets. It seems like she begins to like him in a platonic way but I never saw anything to point to romance.


Yeah the only person that really loves Subaru is Rem. Emilia if anything feels grateful to him and he even mentions in the last ep that he's going to do everything to try and get her to love him. Crusch is middle of the road and the other women on the show don't like him at all. Also he's gotten to this point with people because he's had multiple lives to figure out the right approach


This is incorrect. MC doesn;t have to be the best form the get go for a show to be Otaku bait. Here are some clear points:

- MC is an Otaku transported to a fantasy world away from reality's problems.
- MC is in a predominantly female cast, many of which are around his age while the same cannot be said for the male counterparts (not usually a problem until we see point 3).
- MC has several girls that he can "get with".
- Apart from the presentation, a look at the fanbase tells us a lot on what demographics this show has appealed to.

The MC has NOT several girls that He can get with. It is only one Person that loves him. Everyone else is either:

- In politics (Crush has a tragic Background Story for that even with her lover)
- Is a male
- Doesnt even know what love is
- Kicked his ass (Elza, blonde politics bitch, that Little politics bitch by abusing his Information, Rem who doesnt give a fuck etc)

Have you even seen the anime?

Edit: it's mantis again of course. I dont know Why I even bother responding to your posts...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Just speaking of 'waifu material characters' : Anastasia, Priscilla, Ram & Felt are probably the furthest from that.
Crusch is the most in between I guess since she seems to respect him by the end.
The closest would be Rem ( obviously, in her case it might not even be an exaggeration ), Emilia and mayyybe Beatrice.

The actual answer is just Rem, although Emilia is getting there.

This is incorrect. MC doesn;t have to be the best form the get go for a show to be Otaku bait. Here are some clear points:

- MC is an Otaku transported to a fantasy world away from reality's problems.
- MC is in a predominantly female cast, many of which are around his age while the same cannot be said for the male counterparts (not usually a problem until we see point 3).
- MC has several girls that he can "get with".
- Apart from the presentation, a look at the fanbase tells us a lot on what demographics this show has appealed to.

Attacking the fanbase to attack a show or label it as something is a really, really weak argument. I really don't get why anime fans are so obsessed with trying to differentiate themselves from other anime fans who are "worse."


Beatrice is the librarian right? I don't see her as having any romantic feelings for Subaru. He grows on her since she is not affected by the resets. It seems like she begins to like him in a platonic way but I never saw anything to point to romance.
There's nothing indicating she keeps her memory on reset that I remember.


There's nothing indicating she keeps her memory on reset that I remember.
If Beatrice is the librarian then she says "oh it's you again" or "stop inviting yourself in" or something to that effect, each time he resets in the mansion. This should be their first meeting, as it was with rem and her sister when he woke up, but she knows him. He even points this discrepancy out so it's not like it's some subtle detail.

She's not keeping her memory of all the events but she's not forgetting meeting subaru and some of the interactions they've had.
If Beatrice is the librarian then she says "oh it's you again" or "stop inviting yourself in" or something to that effect, each time he resets in the mansion. This should be their first meeting, as it was with rem and her sister when he woke up, but she knows him. He even points this discrepancy out so it's not like it's some subtle detail.

She's not keeping her memory of all the events but she's not forgetting meeting subaru and some of the interactions they've had.
The reset for that arc starts after he wanders into her room the first time. Beatrice, the first time, just knocks him when sending him out of her room. He is then brought back to his bed for him to meet the maids


The MC has NOT several girls that He can get with. It is only one Person that loves him. Everyone else is either:

- In politics (Crush has a tragic Background Story for that even with her lover)
- Is a male
- Doesnt even know what love is
- Kicked his ass (Elza, blonde politics bitch, that Little politics bitch by abusing his Information, Rem who doesnt give a fuck etc)

Have you even seen the anime?

Edit: it's mantis again of course. I dont know Why I even bother responding to your posts...

Don't worry, the Vita/PS4 game is here to fix it.

The story sees a “Beauty Queen Election” carried out as a prelude to the “Next Ruler Election,” the winner of which is given a “treasure said to bring about good luck.” But the victory prize is actually cursed and afflicts Subaru with the “Curse of Death.” The only way to lift the curse is a “kiss from a beautiful girl,” so players will have to socialize with the heroines with the end goal of getting a kiss and escaping Subaru’s fate of death.

The candidates for the “Beauty Queen Election” are as follows: Emilia, Ram, Rem, Beatrice, Felt, Priscilla, Anastasia, and Crusch.


The reset for that arc starts after he wanders into her room the first time. Beatrice, the first time, just knocks him when sending him out of her room. He is then brought back to his bed for him to meet the maids
Ah you're right.

Still think there's nothing romantic between the two.
I think the show was veering into harem territory but has slowly moved away from that. I obviously have my problems with the show as evidenced by my posts here previously but I think they have swerved away from the major pitfalls it was approaching. I do think Subaru is weirdly athletic considering his background but most major victories have come from him utilizing his resources (like Wilhelm, Julius etc.). Him coming to grips with the fact that he isn't going to be the powerful knight was actually refreshing. Hopefully we get away from these 10 minute love speeches though, as well as a reason for why he loves a woman he hasn't really had much interaction with.


There are a lot of cute girls, sure, but how is this a Harem show when only 2 of them have positive feelings toward him, 1 actual Love and the other very ambiguous friendship that might evolve into more?

Unlike your traditional harem, he also came out rather brutally to the one who professed her love to him, to tell her he actualy love the other one (Which I found to be awful mature of him, instead of leading her on as a "fallback").

I'm only at ep 18, but so far I see the show mostly as a decent exercise in trying to have Otakus have an in-depth good look at themselves:
- If they were propelled into a Fantasy world, not only would they be deemed useless, they would probably die horribly when trying to get involved
- Others have feelings that do not revolve around them. With an average Neet/ Otaku attitude, people are likely to either be dismissive, cruel, or even outright dislike/ hate you for your lack of social ability (and the MC is actually rather good at pretending, with children in particular)
- Others do not owe you anything, and for people to like or admire you, you will have to show selflessness or actual concern for others than yourself.
- For people to respect you, you have to show skills or strength of character relevant to your context, and lying or faking it will only bring you so far before making things worse. And the higher the stakes, the worse it will be.
- Having certain feelings toward someone else do not mean that said feelings will be reciprocated. But it doesn't mean they won't. You have to be honest and take risks, for maybe someday see a positive outcome.
- Self pity and being pathetic, hating yourself, might get you some help from people who will feel bad for you. But it will not get you respect, friendship or love.

edit: finished it last night, and I can honestly say I loved the show. The character growth is a bit quick, but after what he's been through, it's a welcome change that he decides to use his "gift" as such instead of whining about his curse.
Looking forward to a 2nd season (will probably be a while I read, as they have adapted LN's 1-3 out of 4 published, even if there is more material than that with the Web Novel).


this was good.

there were a lot of instances where I had a..


..face (mostly during that weird scene on the bed after the MC gets his ass beat) because I wasn't sure what to think. Other than that though I look forward to where the story goes.


Don't worry, the Vita/PS4 game is here to fix it.

The story sees a “Beauty Queen Election” carried out as a prelude to the “Next Ruler Election,” the winner of which is given a “treasure said to bring about good luck.” But the victory prize is actually cursed and afflicts Subaru with the “Curse of Death.” The only way to lift the curse is a “kiss from a beautiful girl,” so players will have to socialize with the heroines with the end goal of getting a kiss and escaping Subaru’s fate of death.

The candidates for the “Beauty Queen Election” are as follows: Emilia, Ram, Rem, Beatrice, Felt, Priscilla, Anastasia, and Crusch.

Everything they could do with a game based of this series and that is the best they can dome up with? At least it'll sell well.
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