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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Dragon Ball Super 64

Zamasu's a Final Fantasy last boss now. Since the Mafuba didn't work its either

1. Asspull
2. Fusion
3. Whis or the King of All bails them out
4. Yajirobe somehow beats Zamasu
Fafner Dead Aggressor Ep. 1

This is a promising start. More so for the visual storytelling and cinematography than the dialogue/writing, which is a bit tryhard at times. There's a fine line between keeping the audience in the dark (at first) and having people throw out jargon/cryptic shit. I have some other nitpicks/criticism for the storytelling but overall I look forward to it improving.


Jarmel said the other day that anime fails in comparison to live action when it comes to real world, non-fantastical settings, but I would say that shows such as Haikyuu and Great Passage demonstrate why I love watching animation even when it's "just" depicting realistic settings and actions.
I don't think it fails but rather top level live action reaches certain heights with acting that anime really can't. That's not saying that anime is bad or even mediocre at those aspects though.
I know, right?

That character development...

That payoff....

Fafner Dead Aggressor Ep. 1

This is a promising start. More so for the visual storytelling and cinematography than the dialogue/writing, which is a bit tryhard at times. There's a fine line between keeping the audience in the dark (at first) and having people throw out jargon/cryptic shit. I have some other nitpicks/criticism for the storytelling but overall I look forward to it improving.

Yeah....Fafner goes a bit overboard with both of these for the first half, so much so that one of the biggest indications of the writer shift is a ton of infodump. It will get better, but good luck pushing through.


Meandering isn't a word i'd use to describe the start of the second half, especially when the main threat shows up almost right away.

yeah, but it's an omnidirectional threat from everywhere and our heroes don't have a clear goal in mind for like 4-5 episodes, so it feels like it gets bogged down compared to the first half's clear drive


Sound! Euphonium S2 - Episode 04

Previous S2 Eupho review(s):
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03

I ended up making a blog as a unified location for all these Eupho writeups (cause it's hard to keep track of 13 posts for many people), so if you want a single place to check for these posts, or an easy way to refer people to them, they're at https://thoraxes.wordpress.com/
Also a link to the neogaf post with the URLs for all 13 Season 1 episodes is here.


- Interesting that placement in competitions like this is taken more seriously. I get not wanting to have better ensembles before you. It's good they aren't going first either. Better to go once the judges have evened out their attitudes towards how they grade the performances. Though it seems they have a big school right in front of them, so let's hope they manage to impress even in their wake!

- Hashimoto bringing everyone's panic back down. He's a good guy with these kinds of things. Taki's affirmation really helped bring everyone back.


- Oh wow, Satomi is going right to the issue with Mizore. Good advice, and it echos what Hashimoto said, albeit in a less grandstanding kind of manner. Kumiko's panic to get out of there was hilarious. The fact that she knows everything likely made it more awkward to be there, heh.

- Mizore's playing is still stilted though. Too bad someone like Satomi can't just show her an example so Mizore can get the big picture. Though, her playing getting more emotive will probably happen after the main conflict has been resolved.

- One thing of note; There really aren't many oboe players in many ensembles. Not only are there just not many oboe players in general, but the spots for them in bands is quite limited, even more so if you're going have a balanced ensemble of only the best. When you get to where most oboe players make their professional careers, well, most professional orchestras only have two oboes, and the second one will rarely play as most of their repertoire (which is predominantly pre-1900's stuff) typically only has one oboe. It's a lonely job in the ensemble as it is, and not having a section as a family in the ensemble can get pretty isolated. Mizore's feelings in this, coupled with the Nozomi stuff, was all but an eventuality given Mizore's demeanor.

- I wonder what happened with Mamiko? It was an argument obviously, but Kumiko and her mother's reactions made it seem like this happens.


- I want that Tuba-kun spit-rag on her leg.

- As Nozomi approaches Kumiko, you can totally tell Kumiko wants to say what she knows and kind of feels bad about it.

- The panic in Kumiko's voice as she knows what's about to go down is great. The way her body impulsively got up to try and intercept tells it all. The flashbacks and the camera shaking as she runs off really helped elucidate the panic she feels knowing what's about to happen should Nozomi run into Mizore, and one-on-one no less.


- Uh oh... Here comes band drama! All the players are present. When did Yuko get so cool?


- Mizore ;_; Having seen something like this happen before, it's a very real problem lots of teenagers go through, and a problem I've helped a few people out with as well. The tenuous bonds and the bonds you thought you had... when that all changes and you aren't even included, it makes you feel so insignificant. I can't even believe she's still playing the oboe because it's her only connection. For someone as alone as she was, it's no wonder she became the way she did, and 100% understandable. Unless you've been there, it's really hard for someone to understand just how insignificant it makes you feel. It says something about her character that she still hangs onto that small piece of hope by still playing.


- Yuko, you go girl! She really laid into Mizore, and boy am I glad she did. Just airing out all her feelings was awesome, and even calling out Mizore on her misunderstanding was so cool. Mizore was honest with her, and Yuko's retort was just so good. You could tell she genuinely liked Mizore from her interactions with her, but to see it laid out like this and for it to get cleared up was awesome.


- Nozomi's explanation makes sense. Though, she probably should've talked to her about it when she quit. It's obvious that she had no idea how much Mizore relied on her. It's really cool that Mizore was able to confront her about it too. Nozomi always liked her oboe playing, and all she had to do was say it, and all these misunderstandings could've been avoided. Regardless, i'm glad to see it all aired out now.


- Girl drama, band girl drama. Misunderstandings. Glad this got aired out and cleared out.

- Yuko/Natsuki interactions continue to be too cute and too much fun.


- Asuka isn't wrong, but maaaaaan does she come off as a haughty jerk. And the line about people calculating; pot meet kettle. Asuka seems like the most calculating of them all at the moment. Even Kumiko is a little frustrated towards her. I hope we get to see the real Asuka. I want to know what her deal is.

- Reina's selfishness is so her, haha.


Good episode that helped get everyone past one of the big weights holding everything back. All of this foreboding is done, and we can finally get back to kicking some butt on the path to nationals! This is entertaining band drama to watch, and i'd be lying if I said I haven't seen something like this before, heh. I want to be able to write some long and informative technical explanations next week!
Izetta 5
Dammit I could not stop hearing Orga from IBO evertime that plane captain spoke. If only I had not noticed.

Cool episode nonetheless, Izetta destroying things looks really cool.


yeah, but it's an omnidirectional threat from everywhere and our heroes don't have a clear goal in mind for like 4-5 episodes, so it feels like it gets bogged down compared to the first half's clear drive

Eh, I liked how that all played out. They had a lot of ground to cover with all the characters having gone their separate ways, and I liked the way it was handled. It was cool seeing how
everyone adjusted to life during times of peace
, and I loved the way it showed how the world was structured. I know people are always polarized about the second half though, and I think a lot of it comes down to personal preference.

The Rossiu stuff always seems to be a point of contention for a lot of people too.


My Teenage Romcom SNAFU Too (Oregairu) OVA

Fun seeing 10.5 animated. Iroha is such a fun character. What a cunning shrew.

Also apparently Hachiman is a thigh and/or tights man.

I didn't even know this is out, just finish it, and ended with a sad realization that there may never be a season 3.
www.working 5

This show is too self aware of its ships and almost every scene has to do with shipping or talking about shipping. It's not tiresome enough to make it a big deal, it's just a shame because at least the first anime series wasn't shoving it down my throat all of the fucking time.
3 Gatsu no Lion 4

Eh I'm losing interest. The visuals don't make up for the total lack of interest I have for the characters or the current situation. It seemed like it'd be a drama at first with slice of elements warmth sparingly in there, it's the complete opposite.

I'll give it one more episode to see if I remain interested.


Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories 1 - Pretty enjoyable based on one episode. So I actually found a new 'original' that's slightly interesting.


3 Gatsu no Lion 4

Eh I'm losing interest. The visuals don't make up for the total lack of interest I have for the characters or the current situation. It seemed like it'd be a drama at first with slice of elements warmth sparingly in there, it's the complete opposite.

Probably why I like it so much. Though it won't always be like that otherwise the setup was pretty pointless. I guess next episode will go all depressing now that we had a lighter episode.


Macross Δ 26 FIN

Gave this one a few weeks despite watching it raw initially. I wanted to give myself time to think about all that had transpired in the second cour and how things wrapped up. Honestly, I liked the last episode and thought a fitting finale with the caveat that it fit with an entirely different second cour that actually built upon the first cour instead of just maintaining this sort of holding pattern until the end.

That's not to say the last ep was all that original. We all joked about influences from Geass, Evangelion, and Macross Plus but they all seem readily apparent in practice. We know that Kawamori was deliberating sourcing Macross Plus but the above imagery seem to go above & beyond as a callback for the average Macross fan.

While the events of the last episode are suitably built up by the first cour (insistence of Freyja for her song to reach people, Mikumo's strange attitude & interactions, the general connectiion of hearts via song), they're played out near beat for beat as episode 4 of Macross Plus' finale. The mysterious artificial intelligence human uses the power of her song to take control of the denizens of Macross City the globular cluster. Even the main character falls prey to this spell before the love interest remembers her song and endeavors to make it reach him at which point the antagonist's plan is averted. Sure there's the addition of the Winderemere civil strife and the necessity of the Delta squadron needing to be a team to succeed (which is a series constant as Messer was the only member of any noteworthy skill and Hayate was reliant on both Mirage and Freya for his moments of genius) but the concluding action is thoroughly Macross Plus episode 4.

Another issue is 26 being a retread of 13. We have the same forces fighting the same fight in the same location on the same planet for the same reasons but instead of day it's now night. We even have Freya flying off the Elysion to be united with Hayate once again. I don't actually mind the parallelism within the show since 13 an important turning point, Roid's path was laid clear, and Keith's character shifted as he was both humiliated and hobbled by Hayate. I just don't think it was executed all that well since the foundation to do this was never built but I can at least applaud the attempt being made.

The biggest issue with Delta was the second cour largely being a misfire. I'm fond of the theory that the initial plan was meant to be a single cour plus a movie as the concluding episode of the series feels like the finale of a movie you've turned on for the last half hour. Very little happened through the second cour that couldn't have been cut or compressed to fit into a movie's running time. In particular, we had a stretch of "final assault" that was just a lengthy contrivance to place Mikumo in Roid's hands for no other reason than it had to somehow in order to facilitate the events that concluded the show. Nothing in the finale was out of nowhere (save for the Drakken III's sword) but it was mostly first cour material.

To add, very little of substance was added in the second cour. Sure, we got the long awaited Mikumo reveal, the Star Singer angle, and the Lady M tease but nearly everything else was meant to fill run time. I called out My Hero Academia for this and it was arguably worse here. The first couple episodes of the second cour I'll gladly accept as they were the fallout of events but then we're privy to a run of episodes where we have multiple infodumps for the sake of having them. Information is given organically in the first cour but come the second cour it's just vomited all over the place. The Winderemere episode was bad about this and I've likened it to an unskippable JRPG cutscene as trying to add pathos to this faction this late in the show was a fool's errand. I'd seen them compared to Tales villains previously and I was fine with that. We didn't need something overly complicated as the heart & soul of the first cour was the runtime devoted to the Walkure/Delta Platoon interactions. The Macross franchise infodump I can forgive as it was just fanservice for old fans and a primer for the newer fan. The Walkure infodump outright infuriated me since it covered material already discussed but never shown. I didn't need half an episode devoted to something I'd learned multiple episodes previously. I could stomach one or two but they kept coming and grew increasingly irksome. I absolutely abhor the filler word being thrown around with anime but wouldn't argue against it in this case. The fact an accurate meme sprouted up around a character central to these infodumps only serves as further indictment.

That said, I really liked that first half, almost irrationaly so, and as such feel Delta has a great start but loses its way. I don't think it's a bad show and I don't feell like I wasted my time but do think it ultimately suffered from the increasing complicated mythos surrounding the series. It couldn't be just about the Walkure, Delta Platoon, and the conflict. All the additional baggage of Macross to come with it. Both Shouta & Enron voiced concern about the Fold stuff being used and abused by the series and those fears were warranted. I don't know if I'm misremembering or not but I could swear Kawamori wanted to tell a story with a smaller scale but couldn't for whatever reason. It's enough to make me believe the simple stories in the letters from Hayate's father, shared by Hayate and Freya alone, were a reflection of this desire.


I want to be able to write some long and informative technical explanations next week!

I've seen clips posted on Youtube with the extended performance scenes from S1 that were put in the Euphonium movie. You should do a breakdown of those! ;P
With Halloween coming up, anyone else planning to check out some horror anime? I'm going to check out Vampire Hunter D and possibly rewatch Blood: The Last Vampire.
With Halloween coming up, anyone else planning to check out some horror anime? I'm going to check out Vampire Hunter D and possibly rewatch Blood: The Last Vampire.

Seeing how it's arguably one of the weakest genres of anime unless it's a sub category to something else, I'd rather watch white man tv horror media.

Unless we all did a watch party of Another and laughed at it, like we're supposed to. Though there's also that first season of the monster show. With the shadow crocodiles.

edit: where can I watch the SNAFU OVA? Or is it a blu-ray special I'll never be able to watch?


March Comes in Like a Lion: 2-4
After getting over the initial impression, it's just okay. Actually, sometimes it's annoying because every new character Rei meets are annoyingly intrusive. The slice of life aspect, while they are fine, are laden with unfunny comedy. I did really like episode 3, and turns out it was the most sensible of the episodes, with a nice balance between drama, slice of life, and comedy. Too bad it was followed with a trite, generic episode.


www.working 5

This show is too self aware of its ships and almost every scene has to do with shipping or talking about shipping. It's not tiresome enough to make it a big deal, it's just a shame because at least the first anime series wasn't shoving it down my throat all of the fucking time.

Apparently it's going to be self contained "story" unlike the previous Working that need 3 season and a special to end. So yeah, they're jumping and focusing on shipping right out of the gate.

It is baffling how shallow or hell, downright empty the pool for quality horror anime is.

Higurashi is pretty good (if you ignore the shit animation).


My Teenage Romcom SNAFU Too (Oregairu) OVA

Fun seeing 10.5 animated. Iroha is such a fun character. What a cunning shrew.

Also apparently Hachiman is a thigh and/or tights man.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy Iroha. Nice seeing that animated.

Wonder if we will get a S3.


It is baffling how shallow or hell, downright empty the pool for quality horror anime is.

Is it simply that animated horror cannot work, at least made to air on TV.

I'm not sure I've really seen any. Most that comes to mind tend to be thrillers, not straight up horror. But of course there's great chunk if western horror I avoid (body horror and torture porn being two subtypes I avoid) so I'm not the best person to talk.

There's Garden of Sinners I guess.


Iroha ruined the series for me.

I find her chemistry with Hachiman the best of the 3 girls. She's has S1 Yukino levels of chemistry with Hachiman, which can't be said about Yui and S2 Yukino. Plus, she pushes the love triangle forward, which was desperately needed in the 2nd season.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy Iroha. Nice seeing that animated.

Wonder if we will get a S3.

As for season 3, there's only one novel left apparently, which still hasn't been released (it's been over a year since the last novel released Watari, what the fuck). I could see the finale being either a series of OVAs or even a movie. A 3rd season would either go back and adapt previously skipped stuff in the side novels, be horribly paced, or have a bunch of anime exclusive material. All this is assuming that it's true and there is only one novel left.
I had forgotten how much I enjoy Iroha. Nice seeing that animated.

Wonder if we will get a S3.

The best we'll get is another OVA or maybe a movie. The anime has covered volumes 1-11 of the LN and the author has been putting off finishing the 12th since he's been busy with other projects like Qualidea Code and Girlish Number. It feels like after he finishes that, he's done with the series and wants to move on. I don't think you could get a full season out of 1 volume unless its really long or if they really stretch things out


Didn't know that. The fan translations I'd read seemed to have a fair bit more and it felt like the story had a ways to go. But maybe I'm remembering more side stories, it's been a while.


Didn't know that. The fan translations I'd read seemed to have a fair bit more and it felt like evstiry had a ways to go. But maybe I'm remembering more side stories, it's been a while.

The anime ended right where Volume 11 ended. But yeah, if they wanted to do a 3rd season, they could go back and adapt 6.5, 7.5, the rest of 11.5 and even some of the parts that got skipped in S1's coverage of volume 1-6.
3-gatsu no Lion 4

I feel like the lead is the most interesting part of this show, hell the only part I really care for, and he's not focused on. He feels like a background character in his own show. Episode one made him seem like the type of guy on the verge of killing himself, but the rest of the show makes him seem like a guy who is just kind of bored of his life. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't suddenly cut to a flashback of his previous traumas only to not explore them.
Wan Piss 762

Hey this episode looked alright but the anime moves so slow that it manages to make fucking Zou (a 20 chapter arc) into an unbearable slog

Titanfall 2 Campaign

Its just anime. They're mecha. One of the titans is just Genji with a shotgun. You throw fire shuriken and gravity shuriken. Its more like Metal Gear Rising then Call of Duty. Stop being so ashamed Respawn, ya fuckin weeblords
Occultic;Nine 4

This show is finally getting focused. The first few episodes were such a mess. But now it is getting really interesting. I found a few things in this episode odd, and when I went to read the comments on the reddit thread, it really blew my mind that (big ep 4 spoilers)
a few people are missing their shadows. The woman reporter has no reflection (the other office guy did) and doesn't get spoken to by anyone in the office. Gamon didn't have a reflection in the TV last episode after meeting the demon, and he doesn't have a shadow this episode (he had one last episode before meeting the demon), and the glasses guy at the end doesn't have a shadow either. If these are dead, then Miyuu has the power to talk to dead people and it wouldn't really be a stretch that the big tits girl could too as well, though she's really weird in her own right and may be dead or an alien lol. Here's the reddit thread with all the picture evidence and stuff.
It should be really interesting to see where the show does from here.


I've seen clips posted on Youtube with the extended performance scenes from S1 that were put in the Euphonium movie. You should do a breakdown of those! ;P

I'll look into getting my hands on those then. I love the performance scenes, so to see them played out fully through the entire piece will be something special.


Started reading Anime: A Critical Introduction by Rayna Denison. Pretty decent so far, only read the introduction chapter so far. Definitely seems like it's aimed as a undergrad text.

Quite a lot about transnationalism in here. Also has a very extensive bibliography, which will be rather handy.


So, apart from Haikyuu, what's most definitely worth checking out this season?

I watched episode 1 of Yuri and it was enjoyable, but maybe not 100% aligned with my current tastes.


So, apart from Haikyuu, what's most definitely worth checking out this season?

I watched episode 1 of Yuri and it was enjoyable, but maybe not 100% aligned with my current tastes.

Well for me it's:

Euphonium S2
Natsume S5
Great Passage
Pocos Udon World
March Comes in Like a Lion.
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