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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Oh shit, I've been having so much fun with Hitman and Terra Battle I literally forgot there was a Gundam episode today. LOL.
Unless you want to see The Chocolate Man go crotch to crotch with his 9 year old fiancé, you're not missing anything. There was a battle this episode but it was so uninteresting that I though it was a training simulation for most of it.


Unless you want to see The Chocolate Man go crotch to crotch with his 9 year old fiancé, you're not missing anything. There was a battle this episode but it was so uninteresting that I though it was a training simulation for most of it.

Sounds like anime.


Huh. Taniguchi's stayed away from Sunrise for a while now, but I guess he (and Sunrise/Bandai obviously) needs some money.

If nothing else, I appreciate that he did distance himself from the company and its production environment for almost ten years rather than trying to immediately make said money as quickly as possible. He had enough willpower to stay away and work on different projects or not at all for a long while.

Eight years is plenty. It's a long time to think about what else could be done with this property, though recent experience confirms Taniguchi's ideas aren't necessarily identical to those of the fanbase (nor the critics).


Unless you want to see The Chocolate Man go crotch to crotch with his 9 year old fiancé, you're not missing anything. There was a battle this episode but it was so uninteresting that I though it was a training simulation for most of it.

McGillis cares not about grooming. He wants his obviously underaged fiancé and he wants her now.

I actually keep forgetting that Gundam's currently airing, but given the overall apathy for it and the reactions to the latest episode, I guess I'd better keep things that way…
Gundam IBO 34

This was a great episode character development wise and I find the Hush/Mikazuki student/master relationship pretty funny.

While the combat lacked a little compared to what we had previously, it was still entertaining to watch.

Character interactions are pretty great in IBO and this episode was no exception.
McGillis cares not about grooming. He wants his obviously underaged fiancé and he wants her now.

I actually keep forgetting that Gundam's currently airing, but given the overall apathy for it and the reactions to the latest episode, I guess I'd better keep things that way…

If you associate with how people think here, sure you can skip it, but reception everywhere else on the internet is fairly positive.

Just keep that in mind.
Magi: Labyrinth of Magic 1-15
Been a pretty good show so far. Although a bit heavy handed with its themes and dialogue sometimes. Still quite enjoyable show, I might skip a episode at some point though, I only inted to watch every episode from animes that really click with me.

Regalia 13 (End)

10/10, pretty average and forgettable.
I couldn't really get invested in the characters, as they were pretty one-note a lot of times. The robot fights, which were pretty neat at the start, devolved in quality as it went on. Even the last fight wasn't really that impressive, not the least of which was due to caring too much for the characters.

Do you possibly work for IGN?


McGillis cares not about grooming. He wants his obviously underaged fiancé and he wants her now.

I actually keep forgetting that Gundam's currently airing, but given the overall apathy for it and the reactions to the latest episode, I guess I'd better keep things that way…

Well, I don't see it to be very different from the first season, if you liked it you may as well watch it.

The thing about what happened in the latest episode may(although unlikely) have been a case of poor wording/choice of context of McGillis' intentions but the damage was done, it was an uncomfortable moment which left a bad aftertaste. This is keeping in mind the topic in question during the scene is pivotal to the main plot.


If One Piece's anime adaptation was handled like Gintama's where they take breaks I would die from how good it is, because the big moments in Gintama are so good, while Toei's usually pretty good for the big moments they completely botched the Dressrosa finale. Zou's been pretty good so far though.

Hell they even take the time to make a fake teaser for Gintoki's past look amazing. :lol

Gintama knows how not to play by the rules and get away with it.

Never did get into One Piece. What I would have liked to see is DBZ or Naruto with gintama style breaks.
Iron Blooded Orphans S2 34


Gilly....he's doing all this shit so he can be a fucking lolicon in peace!? Waaaaaaaaaaaah!? YOU SICK MAN!!


Oh so that's why I got a text saying "JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOO" this morning. I expect more of the same lack of subtlety which made the first two seasons fun.


Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 9

Guess Chad decided to move to the battlefield. Funny reaction to learning that those two are dating. Hush is kind of cute now serving Mikazuki. Orga is pushing his luck with Teiwaz, and for some elements he's already gone too far. Kudelia will need to do something about Nobliss eventually, otherwise he will become a thorn in her side. Vidar shows what he can do, and Julieta likes it. Her dislike of revenge could prove to be interesting. McGillis... I try to think he has more noble intentions, but he is really not making it easy right now.
WWWWorking!! - 09

The Engrish was strong in this one. Aside from that, yeah, good fun as always. This turned out to be one of the shows I look forward to the most every week.


Same old same old but just for posterity's sake, in regards to Eva TV on BD in the west, the situation hasn't changed:

WTK said:
via Madman Ent. Facebook page
The series and original movies are both currently temporarily out of print. We and every other company around the world at the moment are unable to renew the rights, mostly due to the producers / director not allowing so as the new rebuild films are still being made. Once it's all out we can hopefully bring it back. We'll keep everyone informed of course.

It's looking like series is still unavailable (at least when someone inquired with Italian distributor Dynit about the Evangelion BD).

http://www.animeclick.it/news/59858-...ca-comics-2016 (Oct 29, 2016)
Ancora nessuna novità per i BD di Evangelion, l'editore giapponese non vende i diritti.
Translate: No news yet for Evangelion BD, the Japanese publisher does not sell the rights.



Well, I don't see it to be very different from the first season, if you liked it you may as well watch it.

The thing about what happened in the latest episode may(although unlikely) have been a case of poor wording/choice of context of McGillis' intentions but the damage was done, it was an uncomfortable moment which left a bad aftertaste. This is keeping in mind the topic in question during the scene is pivotal to the main plot.

I might, but not now. The early and later parts of the first season I liked quite a bit, but when I tried to watch the second season I kind of got sidetracked with new shows that I felt like watching before IBO. Will probably watch it sometime later.
Same old same old but just for posterity's sake, in regards to Eva TV on BD in the west, the situation hasn't changed:


Occultic;Nine - 08

Interesting stuff. Tons of info to digest for next week. Bazongas girl has more to her than meets the eye (uhhhh) but I wonder when the curtain will fall for that. We are not too far from the finale, and by now we all know there is something strange about her. Yet she still continues to act like a dumb flower pot.


Sound! Euphonium 2 - Episode 08


Not too much to comment on this week.

Previous S2 Eupho review(s):
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05 Part 1 and Part 2
Episode 06
Episode 07

I ended up making a blog as a unified location for all these Eupho writeups (cause it's hard to keep track of 13 posts for many people), so if you want a single place to check for these posts, or an easy way to refer people to them, they're at https://thoraxes.wordpress.com/
Also a link to the neogaf post with the URLs for all 13 Season 1 episodes is here.

- The camera shot for Mamiko's closeup looked really cool. Almost like there was a gopro on the end of it (and those videos are very cool). Watching little Kumiko want to do band is awesome! Most of the people I know ended up getting into band by means of seeing someone they knew also playing. Siblings, cousins, friends, etc. On thing about this scene that bugs me is that I totally know what the song is in my head, but I can't verbalize the title. I used to play it in jazz band in high school!


- I don't know too much about how family dynamics go with Japanese families, but obviously there's some kind of pressure older siblings have to prove their worth, whether that be for their status, or for their parent's status. I'd guess that college being important for her is something that her family wanted her to do more than Mamiko. Either way, this is rough for all of them. Mamiko not wanting to quit trombone is also another big thing. I'm surprised she didn't try to take up the instrument with a community ensemble or something.

- Asuka is back? Like, fully back? Or is she just here to rehearse because she hasn't been there in a while. Asuka saying the same thing Mamiko did was funny. And now she's inviting her over to her place? Alone? For tutoring? What a way to make her return. I'm skeptical as to Asuka's motivations though.


- Oh okay, she's not back.

- I like this Hashimoto pep talk. He's good at it!

- Uh oh, a she's getting sick. Sounds miserable too. I guess going out in a typhoon doesn't exactly help.


- It's been a while since we've seen Aoi too. Their conversation about Asuka was pretty good too. I wonder what's going to happen. Aoi seems to be right Mamiko was when she had to quit too.

- Anything but matcha? Kumiko please, matcha is the best. Though, yeah, pudding is pretty great too.


- Oh man, this dilemma with the band teacher is familiar. It's basically how I got roped into playing horn originally. I'm all, "I want to play the trumpet because it's cool" while the band teacher was like, "Why don't you try the french horn instead?" Basically I lost that argument, gave into trying the horn, and well, here I am years later. Seeing the director play her games kinda made me sad for Kumiko that she didn't really get a choice, heh.

- Seeing her show off her buzzing skill was just too cute!


- Reina came to watch over her too. It's nice to have a classmate bring over some goodies when they're sick. Ah, the same CD her teacher gave her! To be fair, i'm not familiar with this piece, but it sure sounds really cool.

- Damn Kumiko. She just let her have it. It's rare to see her finally break a little for once and really just yell like that.

- Shuuichi helping bring Mamiko back down without even knowing what he's doing. It's nice that he was there and said what he did. It makes me happy to see Mamiko ask Kumiko for a CD of them playing. Maybe she's gotten back down a little.


- This Asuka situation is basically the only way Taki could've resolved it. I wonder how it'll all play out.

Not too much for me to comment on this week, but seeing all the family stuff come to the fore has been interesting. Watching some of the situations play out in a low-key manner was definitely different from what I expected too. Fun thing that also happened this week was that the novels are going to officially be translated into English, so i'm quite looking forward to those. A lot of you guys seem to be quite fond of those! As for what happened this episode and the next, i'm very curious as to what the visit to Asuka's house is going to look like. I have no idea what the heck would go down during a visit like that, outside of the studying she mentioned.


CR probably has RE:Zero for home distribution rights.Link

I thought Aniplex USA had the rights. Good, no overpriced releases. English dub and Blu-ray and LE version please!


Neo Member
B Gata H Kei: I postponed this show because i thought it was just another ecchi comedy, but it's about sex and sexuality in a playful(or not bizzare) way, it felt more natural than your regular romance? i'm not skilled with words but what i'm trying to say is that the show stood out. It was really refreshing to see that they were honest with their feelings for each other by the end of the show.
One thing that bothered is the rich girl having a crush on her brother, it has little to zero importance to the show and makes it a little harder to recommend to other people.
This was way too much fun, it's up there with Shimoneta. I'm really glad i watched this.
Gundam IBO 34

That ending was strange and a bit uncomfortable. Aside from that, basically we got preparations for the next arc. I rather enjoy these less frenetic episodes, more low-key, giving us less action and more character development.


Meh, I doubt CG will have the same impact it had years ago, I'll be surprised if it even surpasses stuff like IBO or Valvrave popularity-wise nowadays.

B Gata H Kei: I postponed this show because i thought it was just another ecchi comedy, but it's about sex and sexuality in a playful(or not bizzare) way, it felt more natural than your regular romance? i'm not skilled with words but what i'm trying to say is that the show stood out. It was really refreshing to see that they were honest with their feelings for each other by the end of the show.
One thing that bothered is the rich girl having a crush on her brother, it has little to zero importance to the show and makes it a little harder to recommend to other people.
This was way too much fun, it's up there with Shimoneta. I'm really glad i watched this.

B Gata H Kei is legitimately fun with a surprisingly interesting romance, personally I dislike the BD version because the "censorship" in the TV version was freaking hilarious and the BD feel more like a vulgar ecchi.


Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor: Exodus - Episode 11-13

After they went all Super Robot Wars on us with Kira and Athrun Kazuki and Soshi I wasn't sure what to expect next. It's interesting that they continue to hold them back as the last resort, even though they're basically unstoppable forces of destruction.

The parallel developments between the Exodus journey and the island defense are done pretty effectively. I like the way the show winds tension around the viewer in an unsettling but not necessarily overt way. It's good stuff. Although, as hard as the show tries to hammer home the "all powers have a cost" message, it's hard to really buy that when not only is almost everyone from the first season up to now still alive, but they're getting stronger and stronger!

The annihilation of the civilians was pretty painful, the battle in episode 13 with the two new Fafner gimmicks was very cool. I think I finally figured out why the action in Fafner since Heaven and Earth work so goddamn well. Orange may do awesome mecha CG action, but the fact that the close-up shots and the explosions and various effects are still hand drawn adds a lot to the composition of the scenes. It results in scenes which benefit from both the dynamic flow good CG affords, while also having the 2D details that makes such action scenes extra satisfying. Yum.

So I guess Canon's new power is going to be the narrative device used to make everything even more ominous. Lol.


B Gata H Kei: I postponed this show because i thought it was just another ecchi comedy, but it's about sex and sexuality in a playful(or not bizzare) way, it felt more natural than your regular romance? i'm not skilled with words but what i'm trying to say is that the show stood out. It was really refreshing to see that they were honest with their feelings for each other by the end of the show.
One thing that bothered is the rich girl having a crush on her brother, it has little to zero importance to the show and makes it a little harder to recommend to other people.
This was way too much fun, it's up there with Shimoneta. I'm really glad i watched this.

Yes, I'm glad you liked it! B Gata is one of my favorite ecchi comedies out there. It takes the topic making you think it will be a complete slog of ecchi nonsense and makes it a funny and fun story to watch.


Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor: Exodus - Episode 11-13

After they went all Super Robot Wars on us with Kira and Athrun Kazuki and Soshi I wasn't sure what to expect next. It's interesting that they continue to hold them back as the last resort, even though they're basically unstoppable forces of destruction.

The parallel developments between the Exodus journey and the island defense are done pretty effectively. I like the way the show winds tension around the viewer in an unsettling but not necessarily overt way. It's good stuff. Although, as hard as the show tries to hammer home the "all powers have a cost" message, it's hard to really buy that when not only is almost everyone from the first season up to now still alive, but they're getting stronger and stronger!

The annihilation of the civilians was pretty painful, the battle in episode 13 with the two new Fafner gimmicks was very cool. I think I finally figured out why the action in Fafner since Heaven and Earth work so goddamn well. Orange may do awesome mecha CG action, but the fact that the close-up shots and the explosions and various effects are still hand drawn adds a lot to the composition of the scenes. It results in scenes which benefit from both the dynamic flow good CG affords, while also having the 2D details that makes such action scenes extra satisfying. Yum.

So I guess Canon's new power is going to be the narrative device used to make everything even more ominous. Lol.
There's a sentence in here that I want to laugh and call out but it'll be a spoiler. Anyway enjoy the second half!

Oh and who's your favorite character?
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