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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign


((Sagishi might me able to find buyers for the poison arrows in a bigger town. Otherwise he would definitely want to keep the wine and the ale. Though we probably won't be able to get it out without the cart. I fear the chances of getting the dire tiger to pull it are slim.))
((If it comes down to it, Ludwig can probably pull the cart. He'll also want to keep the ale, those barrels are enough to have a drunk talking giraffe around. Other than that, no objections to doing stuff with the poison arrows on his end. Black markets are capitalism thriving off the tyranny of the state or something like that, he'd say.))
((Thosar would want to keep a few of the poison arrows on hand.... just in case. It'd be great for stirring up chaos when faced with heavy odds. Also, he could make use of one of the longbows until he gets to level 5. Does the quarterstaff improve spell attack rolls or DCs?
As for pulling a cart. If we don't want Ludwig to do so, I have a riding horse and 4 mastiffs to do the job.))

When Keranos blasts the hobgoblin in the face with a stream of lightning, he yelps and jumps back a little in surprise. "I guess there wasn't much left to ask him, anyway." He sighs. "I was hoping I could get more but he seems to just be another damned pawn."

Thosar begins to look more pensive as he looks around, his expression visibly disturbed and distant as he pieces together what he knows with the hobgoblin's boasts.

Mike M

Nick N
((Thosar would want to keep a few of the poison arrows on hand.... just in case. It'd be great for stirring up chaos when faced with heavy odds. Also, he could make use of one of the longbows until he gets to level 5. Does the quarterstaff improve spell attack rolls or DCs?
((Nah, it's just an arcane focus. I'm not even clear in the rules if those are transferable between different users))
As for pulling a cart. If we don't want Ludwig to do so, I have a riding horse and 4 mastiffs to do the job.))
((Man, I am always forgetting I gave you guys that.))
((I didn't expect the party could keep the eagle; I was more interested in whether or not Galen was still on it in terms of actions he could take as well as the intimidation factor of an eagle being ready to chase the hobgoblin down.

We'll finally have a corporate team mascot
Discussion on Animal Mascots said:
[...]does this mean Ludwig is becoming the group's animal mascot? So yes, a fabulous debate and diplomacy adventure should happen.
DP is less active, so yeah Ludwig is probably becoming the mascot.
We also have our charming little hobgoblin buddy.
Keranos would like to make this wretched creature suffer appropriately for its disrespect, but as the rest of the Endowed seem reluctant to even let the thing die, he deems it more prudent to simply snuff it out.

Fhiess' alignment probably doesn't agree, but making random things crazed to start a convenient chaos might be useful.
Honestly, Galen is okay with keeping the arrows in case the party needs to use them. They could turn out to be quite handy, indeed.

The ale is definitely coming along; we need to make sure Nyx doesn't suffer from withdrawals, you know.
As for pulling a cart. If we don't want Ludwig to do so, I have a riding horse and 4 mastiffs to do the job.
Wow, people jumped on solving the cart problem fast. I didn't even get to suggest Ludwig and Nyx may be able to pull it off before Axel beat me too it. Of course, that does make sense, as Ludwig is Axel's character. We also have a dire wolf that... probably won't pull carts for us yet, though that's likely how they've been doing it.

Also, he could make use of one of the longbows until he gets to level 5
Excellent! I was actually wondering if Sagishi could use one, but now I have to ask about Fhiess' longbow capabilities.

The quarterstaff wielded by the devastator is or particularly fine quality, made of an especially hard wood carved with what are presumably goblin characters.
But can Galen read it?

Everyone forgets it, which is why I just have it in Thosar's inventory. >.>
Nah, I've got it open in another tab, and I looked through it for things Thosar could subdue hobgoblins with. Kind of assumed he was wearing it...

Noisy Ninj4, does Thosar know anything about Maglubiyet? I'm fairly certain it wouldn't even fit into the kind of thing Galen would know, even if I managed to roll a 20.

I suppose the hobgoblin is officially dead now?))
<Fhiess can't use longbows, he had to buy a hand crossbow since that's the only ranged weapon he's proficient with.

I need to start getting into a habit of tracking mundane inventory things as well.>
((I probably should too. That stuff comes in handy a lot, and I always overlook it, which may land me in trouble one day. Unless I suddenly start playing Tiberius again, because a man doesn't keep track of small things.))

Mike M

Nick N
Keranos blasts the last remnants of life from the hobgoblin, who, despite everything, dies with a satisfied smile on his face. His dire wolf entrapped in the brambles unleashes a keening howl of mourning at the loss of his alpha leader.

But can Galen read it?
It's a litany of praises and venerations of Maglubiyet, extolling his prowess in battle and celebrating his conquering of the gods of the goblinoid races, bringing them together in worship of their true god.

Thosar knows that Maglubiyet is the god of the goblinoid races, but that he has not always been such. In goblinoid religion, Maglubiyet is a conqueror diety who destroyed the gods and pantheons of the goblinoids so thoroughly that most of their names are forever lost to history. He is a god of warfare, order, and leadership.
Fhiess jolts and falls backward when the hobgoblin is blasted just beside him with little warning. Instinctively shielding his face, he doesn't have the opportunity to see the death at the exact moment it happens.

But the afterthought becomes harrowing when a call of the wolf howl echoes afterward.
Galen begins to speak, but instead jolts slightly at the fatal strike from Keranos, and, turning to the self-proclaimed god, he exclaims, "Keranos! What was that for? We may have still been able to get some kind of answers out of him!"

((Keranos is so fun to have around. This even fits in with the very first thing Galen saw from him, though now he won't be asking about the live bait Nyx suggestion.

there are rules for learning things during downtime, but they assume that what is learned is not taught by the party members. Would Galen be able to teach Sagishi to use a longbow?

I think the Red Hand likely makes a good deal of sense now, with Maglubiyet and the Red Host...))
Keranos half-shrugs. "He said he didn't know anything. I took him at his word and held true to my own. His death was quick and merciful.

"Now," he says, turning o address the group as a whole. "Where to next?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually, training during downtime explicitly states that you have found someone to teach you. It also says it takes 250 days to gain proficiency in a language or tool. On the other hand, if someone already has proficiency in a shortbow, it shouldn't take daily training for nearly a year to train up on it. But it would still take a while.))
"He knew the location to which they were sending their shipments," Galen responds pointedly. "I would think a little more information regarding that arrangement may have been useful."

Actually, training during downtime explicitly states that you have found someone to teach you. It also says it takes 250 days to gain proficiency in a language or tool. On the other hand, if someone already has proficiency in a shortbow, it shouldn't take daily training for nearly a year to train up on it. But it would still take a while.
Yeah, I am more curious as to how that would play out if the person providing the training were in the party, though I was thinking more about the cost and required downtime.))
Fhiess winces. He then says with a pained admittance, "somebody may have been looking to assassinate him because we could question him." He takes a deep, slow breath, then exhales, "Now we won't be able to look out for who they might be."

He closes his eyes and places his hand close to his heart, "We should give him a proper burial. I know that he fosters hatred for me and my kindred, but I want to prove that I'm not an oppressor.. and.." he takes a moment to collect his thoughts, glancing to the dire wolf, "I think it would help the wolf mourn his passing."
Ludwig ceases awaiting a response from the hobgoblin when Keranos abruptly ices it. "Uhh, well I guess that's that then." To Galen, he says "Eh, we pretty much know what direction the carts were going in anyway, even if taking an 'I know nothing' mid-interrogation literally is a bit rash, I don't think we lost out on anything of substance."

"Where to next? Well, I figure we can either see about taking down the place the animals are getting delivered to, or head back on to our main task and make for the north. Either way, looks like we've got plenty of booze to take with us!"

Ludwig tilts his head at Fheiss. "Really? For the evil animal-ring running hobgoblin mage? You're obviously not an oppressor, you're not part of any government branch, so that's open and shut. Not sure how attached the dire wolf was to that guy either, and no widespread hobgoblin consciousness will know one way or another. But if you really want to, I won't stop you or anything."

"Oh, and before we go, we should probably find a safe way to uncage the tiger and snake. They're dangerous looking and all, but just leaving them here to starve to death is kind of fucked up."
Ludwig ceases awaiting a response from the hobgoblin when Keranos abruptly ices it. "Uhh, well I guess that's that then." To Galen, he says "Eh, we pretty much know what direction the carts were going in anyway, even if taking an 'I know nothing' mid-interrogation literally is a bit rash, I don't think we lost out on anything of substance."

"Where to next? Well, I figure we can either see about taking down the place the animals are getting delivered to, or head back on to our man task and make for the north. Either way, looks like we've got plenty of booze to take with us!"

"Oh, and before we go, we should probably find a safe way to uncage the tiger and snake. They're dangerous looking and all, but just leaving them here to starve to death is kind of fucked up."
"While I generally work better with smaller animals, I might be able to calm them down."

Mike M

Nick N
((Gonna have to add it up, but I think you should be good. The wagon and ale alone are 1,100.

EDIT: Yeah, you've got hundreds of pounds to spare. Not enough to take one of the cages, though.))
((Well, I guess the horses from Thosar's magic vest of party-wide forgetfulness will have to handle that))
((Honestly, do we want to haul those things considering the weight to value ratio? I only have 4 mastiffs and a single riding horse. Once those come out they don't go back in the bag cloak.))
Yeah, you've got hundreds of pounds to spare. Not enough to take one of the cages, though.
Sorry to be difficult, but could we get a markdown on the "goods" and their weight in case it becomes important? Also, when you have a required time for the training decided, could you let me know? And given the circumstances around it, would it also require the cost, or would that be waived?

As for releasing the remaining captive creatures, they do fall under Primeval Awareness, so Galen may be able to help Nyx with that.))

Galen sighs. "We know the direction, all right, but he seemed to indicate that they bring the animals to a drop-off point from where they get picked up. We could check it out, sure, but there is an increased chance that the trail will end there." He cracks a small smile and gives Ludwig a look. "You could say that the free market still saw a bit more use for him."

Turning to Fhiess, he adds, "If you wish to bury him, I am willing to help, though it may be best we do not linger over long here. We haven't any real knowledge of the schedule around this place." Galen glances quickly around the carnage. "The other option is to try to disguise the nature of this encounter and divert unfriendly eyes from us."

((I'm sorry, but the Free Market comment was almost required here and has been screaming in my head for the past few hours, demanding to be released. On that note, Keranos was amazing shrugging off those attacks, and Thosar was an action hero. Everyone else really shined as well, and Peaseblossom spent the encounter being simply amazing. I also would like to applaud Mike for putting that together; it was very well done.

The lack of cages could be an issue, as I think we may have been planning on dragging one of those along, though I am not sure where the idea of selling it came from. Okay, I can see how that would be a thought, but how else can the party go shark watching?

And Axel, I think the verdict was that Ludwig could pull it, but the cages are too heavy to even think of adding. I could be wrong, though. A lot of the weight seems to be from stuff a couple of the members of the party will want.))
((Honestly, do we want to haul those things considering the weight to value ratio? I only have 4 mastiffs and a single riding horse. Once those come out they don't go back in the bag cloak.))
((Oh, well that puts a damper on that. I guess if Ludwig can lug it, he should lug it. Can even lead to some RP of J'raffa culture and a knight being turned into a mount))

Mike M

Nick N
((Wagon weighs 400, each barrel is 400 (made a typo, they total 1,200 pounds between all three items). Sword are 3 pounds each (regardless of style), bows 2 (regardless of size). Tents are 20 pounds apiece. I'll just give you the food, spices, and arrows because I'm too lazy to get that granular. Each cage would probably be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 pounds, if not more.

As for training, the cost is waived since it's an intraparty instruction. Since Sagishi is already proficient in a shortbow, I'll say that 30 days of instruction will be enough to gain proficiency in the longbow. That's probably speaking from my absolute ignorance of the difference in using the two weapons, but whatever.))
I guess if Ludwig can lug it, he should lug it. Can even lead to some RP of J'raffa culture and a knight being turned into a mount
Hey now, Galen was so looking for a ride from Ludwig if the eagle didn't turn out.

Yeah, Galen hasn't gotten down yet. I'm keeping an eye on that because I intend to include it in an in-character segment.))
((I'm sorry, but the Free Market comment was almost required here and has been screaming in my head for the past few hours, demanding to be released. On that note, Keranos was amazing shrugging off those attacks, and Thosar was an action hero. Everyone else really shined as well, and Peaseblossom spent the encounter being simply amazing. I also would like to applaud Mike for putting that together; it was very well done.

The lack of cages could be an issue, as I think we may have been planning on dragging one of those along, though I am not sure where the idea of selling it came from. Okay, I can see how that would be a thought, but how else can the party go shark watching?

And Axel, I think the verdict was that Ludwig could pull it, but the cages are too heavy to even think of adding. I could be wrong, though. A lot of the weight seems to be from stuff a couple of the members of the party will want.))
((Haha, no objections here about Ludwig seeping free market talk into the party. As for the lack of cages, he's part of the majority that wants the heavy booze, so we'll deal with that as need be))
Hey now, Galen was so looking for a ride from Ludwig if the eagle didn't turn out.

Yeah, Galen hasn't gotten down yet. I'm keeping an eye on that because I intend to include it in an in-character segment.))
((Fortunately, that was all in parentheses :p))
Fhiess feels discouraged, but tries to explain his feelings on the matter, "You have a point, but it still feels like the least I could do to try to make up for however he might've been wronged."

He takes whatever he can find, a rock, a plank, a nearby shield or lid, or whatever proves useful enough on a whim to begin digging. As he starts he says, "Thank you, Galen." After a moment's pause digging, he adds, "Besides, I want to make the dire wolf more friendly to us if I can so that it, uh, won't try to bite."
((Thanks for writing up that decription of item weights, Mike, as well as your verdict regarding training. What would be required for downtime to count toward this sort of training?

As for the lack of cages, he's part of the majority that wants the heavy booze, so we'll deal with that as need be
Yeah, I believe you were the first to indicate having a character that wants it. Really, Galen isn't going to make a case either way without some need, but it just fits some members of the party too well.

Hey now, Galen was so looking for a ride from Ludwig if the eagle didn't turn out.
Fortunately, that was all in parentheses
That is most fortunate, indeed, so it seems, though if Jackben wanted, he could introduce a UA Fighter variant character based around riding giraffes into battle. Not that there's any reason for anyone to even entertain such a ridiculous idea...

He takes whatever he can find, a rock, a plank, a nearby shield or lid, or whatever proves useful enough on a whim to begin digging. As he starts he says, "Thank you, Galen." After a moment's pause digging, he adds, "Besides, I want to make the dire wolf more friendly to us if I can so that it, uh, won't try to bite."
Maybe some of that useless goblin armor could be of use here?

Does anyone besides Thosar happen to have rope?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Training would require a minimum of 1 hour each day, and would preclude that time counting as a rest period for the participants. So if you guys wanted a long rest, you'd have to account for an extra hour at the front or backend of it if you wanted to get both the rest and the training.

Also, you guys are going to have to keep track of your total number of days trained, I've got enough other stuff to keep track of : P))
Sagishi has rope in his burglar pack. And I like the idea of Galen teaching him how to use a longbow.
Okay, we may need Nyx to drop spike growth so we can subdue the wolf before we leave, and we may need the rope for that.

Mike, would the training work if it were broken into half-hour increments?

Either way, it could work for the two of them to get rest on cart rides and finish their long rests sooner than the others, which also means they can be alert and provide more eyes after dark.

The cart should be able to hold another 600 pounds, so Keranos and Thosar at least may be able to get some rest on the way.
((I could definitely use some. A short rest would let me get back a couple spells in case we need them. If we can get 4 hours uninterrupted, then Thosar can actually get a long rest in.

Subduing the wolf is pretty easy. We could have Ludwig, Galen, Sagishi, and Thosar ready to melee it to 0 once the spike growth is dropped.))

Mike M

Nick N
((You can do it in 60 one-minute intervals if you wanted, just so long as you get an hour total training in a day.

So it sounds like the plan is to mop up the remaining animals, then load up the wagon with the goods and make Ludwig haul it? Just heading back the way you came?))
((Right. The scorpion probably needs to get squished if it remains a threat. The eagle, ape, tiger, snake, and boar can go about their business. We'll have to put down the dire wolf unless Galen, Peaseblossom, or Nyx can get it under heel, it may lead reinforcements to us if we leave it behind.

As for direction of travel, I guess going back the way we came would work. It seems like there are more established paths to follow out of this camp.))
((Gonna convert this into an in-character discussion))

"Back the way we came?" Keranos protests. "Surely there is a straighter line to get to Hammerfall. Can we not simply use the sending stone to alert the rangers of the trail leading from this camp, and then move on about our business?"

Survival to determine how to reach Hammerfall: [15] + 2:= 17

((Shouldn't we have a bunch of vials of poison too? I thought I remembered seeing them during the initial scouting session))
"Well, we do need to return to Kingsword to meet with Barrow." Thosar points toward the mark on the map.
((Shouldn't we have a bunch of vials of poison too? I thought I remembered seeing them during the initial scouting session))
There are ten crates of bottled brown liquid labeled with the cartoonish smiling turnip; there&#8217;s a strong fermented smell to the fluid, and it&#8217;s likely highly flammable.
"Right, Barrow! Of course," says Keranos, appearing embarrassed to have forgotten the man. "Then of course we must return to Kingsword first."

((Oops. Guess I should pay more attention before posting :p))
We'll have to put down the dire wolf unless Galen, Peaseblossom, or Nyx can get it under heel, it may lead reinforcements to us if we leave it behind.
We may be able to buy more time to do that if Sagishi ties it to the wagon with a makeshift muzzle.

Mike M:
It would be pretty cool if we could get this thing to look up to Fhiess. Maybe a sequence of Handle Animal checks with Fhiess using the help action could work?

Good to hear the burial worked. We could use some of the nasty cranky juice to make a funeral pyre for the rest, perhaps.))
Only hours of moving his arm when expected to brush oversized canvas with strokes spanning widely in front of him had helped prepare him for the daunting work scraping away dirt until a large enough hole can hold the body of their fallen adversary. He drops the shield made a crude tool, then topples over in exhaustion.

"Hah... hah.. guys, how am I going to get the body out of the spikes?" He asks nobody in particular, hoping somebody will help.

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, I totally wasn't going to have the caster hurl a fireball at the pile of flammable substances to cover his escape before Thosar ruined things with his Command spell.))
((Go figure the spell I only have because of domain saves our asses. ))
Thosar helps move the body into the hole along with moving the looted items into the cart. While working, he speaks with Peaseblossom. (sylvan)
"Now that we wrecked the place and evicted the nasties do you have anything you'd like to do?"

Mike M

Nick N
Peaseblossom busies herself with luring the giant scorpion away from the compound, moving her hands as though she were manipulating a marionette. A number of insubstantial glowing lights dance around the scorpion's head, gradually moving further and further away as the monster arachnid futility attempts to seize them in its claws and stab them with its tail. "
Oh, I don't know,
" she says dreamily in answer to Thosar's question. "
I had been thinking about naming all the stones in the stream near my tree.
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