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The most pirated games of 2010 as per TorrentFreak survey of pub. BitTorrent trackers


Emonga said:
Making it too annoying for honest customers who are then forced to resort to piracy.
People who are starving are forced to resort to stealing....whiny kids in suburbia who think they dont have to pay for entertainment steal because its easy
ShockingAlberto said:
ME2 leaked a week or so early, which is probably the root of its numbers.

I'd be very interested to see the numbers over time. Are 90% of these downloads in the first week (or prior in this case)? 75%? 50%?
CozMick said:
Jesus Christ, PC piracy is fucking insane!

No wonder Developers are going elsewhere.

funny you mention, I found this comment very interesting from that article.

these numbers are wrong, just like last year’s numbers for CODMW2. Last year’s “12 million” number was just the total found by adding up the numbers from as many torrent sites as could be found. Problem is, most sites (public anyways) all use the same bloody trackers, so if you count 1200 websites showing 10000 downloads each or something you’re really multiplying the actual number by 1200.
IMO, the new cod was probably pirated MAYBE 200,000 times. People don’t play these games to play the single player, they BUY it to play the MP. And PC gamers think the COD games are a joke anyways, they’re not that popular on PC.

All these stats are way wrong.
I know it's anecdotal evidence. But I just sat down for a minute and thought about all of my acquaintances (so not just my cricle of friends, but even a guy from some case study group whom I met 2 times for 30 minutes) who somehow play video games. I could think of at least 40-50 people.
Soo, none of them refrain from pirating. They either pirate exclusively or they buy online enabled games and pirate single player games. They either only pirate on PC while buying console games. All of them pirate! Everyone. And that even includes me (cause I pirated until around 2003; mostly PC games).

So it's Europe too, not just Eastern Europe, Russia, and China.
And I'm from Germany. I don't wanna know how it is in Spain, Portugal, Italy and so forth :O


This is also public torrent data. Add in private trackers and usenet and the numbers become even more insane. Console piracy probably happens more on private trackers than public ones. And there's not really a way to gauge usenet. Public torrents will have multiple trackers for each torrent. If you count them all individually and add them up the numbers would be huge cause they're multiplied by as many trackers as are listed for that torrent.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
funny you mention, I found this comment very interesting from that article.
That comment is probably right about the numbers being misleading, but "COD isn't very popular on PC" is flat out wrong. Those games are frequently high on the Steam charts even during the huge sales, and I imagine they do even better at retail than on digital distribution.
Yoritomo said:
This is also public torrent data. Add in private trackers and usenet and the numbers become even more insane. Console piracy probably happens more on private trackers than public ones. And there's not really a way to gauge usenet.

Actually I'd imagine most console piracy is done via sale of bootlegs rather than individuals downloading.

Of course you can't visit a website and see numbers for that so you can't generate headlines.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
funny you mention, I found this comment very interesting from that article.

Ah yes, not only can you not make any type of conclusion based on those numbers, but the numbers themselves might be wrong :lol


MrNyarlathotep said:
Actually I'd imagine most console piracy is done via sale of bootlegs rather than individuals downloading.

Of course you can't visit a website and see numbers for that so you can't generate headlines.

Good point. I haven't been to the flea market in years though so I forgot about that.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
funny you mention, I found this comment very interesting from that article.
I don't think that's right. The torrent sites keep track of how many times the torrent file as been downloaded, I'm sure they just reported that.


Not really surprising that PC games are downloaded more via torrents.

Most console piracy is not done online, there are more than a few shops in well known Vancouver malls (like Crystal Mall) who sell burned discs if you have the cash.


Mr. Mister said:
Commonly accepted? One article about a casual PC game where the developer extrapolates that figure = commonly accepted?

Get out of here with that garbage.
It's not one lone article, it's appeared a number of times from a number of developers who put the number around that mark. I believe Brad Wardell and 2D Boy have suggested a similar figure of piracy v. sales. (In fairness others have placed it lower and some placed it far higher.)

And I meant it more as it being a ballpark figure for "it's not 1:1" in terms of being able to turn a pirate into a sale not an objective truth that describes all realities. Instead, that it takes far more than stopping piracy completely to grow sales. I don't think anyone rational has ever suggested otherwise.


Yoritomo said:
This is also public torrent data. Add in private trackers and usenet and the numbers become even more insane. Console piracy probably happens more on private trackers than public ones. And there's not really a way to gauge usenet.

You could probably get a general number by checking the download numbers on the various nzb sites.

I don't buy any games where the PC release is delayed or has ridiculous DRM but it's gotten to the point where I think the publishers are fully justified at giving me the finger. They're losing my sale but probably retain a good number of otherwise 'lost' sales to piracy if they can delay the crack for the initial release. And if they're not 100% that their PC port of a multiplatform release will make a good deal of profit why compromise console sales. It's a damn shame and i'm resigned to the fact it will only get worse.
BloodySinner said:
Haha. What? Pirated copy = lost sale. That's all there is to that.

lol love this retarded logic. People will take shit when it is free. That doesn't mean if piracy wasn't a viable option they would run out and buy a copy. Not every copy pirated equates to lost revenue.

I borrow games from friends all of the time and play them to completion. Oh fuck... Borrowing = lost sales. o_O


I don't understand how pirating doesn't hurt video games. Pirating is on the rise for ebooks and seems to be hurting sales. It does have an effect. No way can hundreds of thousands of people dling things not hurt.
for all the people asking about the illegal downloading of games that are primarily multiplayer: illegal downloading and multiplayer play haven't been mutually exclusive for quite some time now. just see thinks like Garena Client for example.

edit: oh and on topic: those numbers suck, but aren't really surprising. pirating's a worldwide problem. it's a real shame. and i never really thought about it, but it does make sense that devs are giving consoles more and more attention, i'd imagine they're just harder to pirate. which sucks because i just recently got into PC gaming
DreadTheUnDead said:
for all the people asking about the illegal downloading of games that are primarily multiplayer: illegal downloading and multiplayer play haven't been mutually exclusive for quite some time now. just see thinks like Garena Client for example.
There is no way to play StarCraft II multiplayer without a legit copy, and that is on the list.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Awful but not really surprising.

Gaming is an expensive hobby (in the context from where I live). One game can equate to a full course meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) worth 2-3 weeks, heck even a month.
darkpaladinmfc said:
There is no way to play StarCraft II multiplayer without a legit copy, and that is on the list.

that's true, but i was talking more about the questions directed at CoD:BO.

As for SC2, isn't it downloadable for free on Blizzard's website anyways ? so that statistic shouldnt really matter. without the bought code its a useless download
noise36 said:
You couldn't be more wrong.
You didn't give a reason. And like many others in this mess of a thread, you're not adding much to the discussion.

LovingSteam said:
WHAT?!?! Are you serious? Many people who pirate had no intention of buying the game to begin with. Secondly, it isn't a lost sale since its not a disc. Its data, that is all. There is no supply being lost. There is no disc being stolen. It isn't keeping a person who has interest in the came from buying it. There is no correlation proven between piracy and lost sales.

What is this garbage? If you pirate a copy, you're NOT paying the author for their work. Therefore, it's a loss. What's so hard to understand about that? YOU ARE STEALING THE DATA. So unless you can prove me wrong, then shut up.

iam220 said:
More people have pcs than 360's. So yeah.
Yet a good portion of multiplatform games do better on the 360 and sometimes they'll trounce the PC numbers in sales. Why is that?

Ranger X said:
Easy, voting with your wallet is the way to go. If people don't buy a product they will change it or stop making it. You don't want stupid DRMs in your games? Don't pirate them and don't buy games with said stupid DRM.

The only voice of reason here.

Frank "Trashman" Reynolds said:
lol love this retarded logic. People will take shit when it is free.

Who said it was free? If it was, wouldn't the developer have made it known?

Frank "Trashman" Reynolds said:
I borrow games from friends all of the time and play them to completion. Oh fuck... Borrowing = lost sales. o_O

Borrowing a PAID copy of a game is the same thing as pirating a copy online? RITE?

LovingSteam said:
It'd be nice if he showed his face again in this thread but doubt that will be happening.

You're right. Because this thread is dumb. I'm out.


So given Red Steel's numbers, does this disprove Ubisoft's theory on people not wanting to be up playing a game? I know it's imposible to know if they liked it or even played it, but interest was there.

BloodySinner. It's not a lost sale as you put it, because eved though they're downloading copyrighted material and not paying for it, it doesn't mean they would've bought it if that was the only choice.


BloodySinner said:
Who said it was free? If it was, wouldn't the developer have made it known?
Alien Swarm is free on Steam, there are still torrents of it.

BloodySinner said:
Borrowing a PAID copy of a game is the same thing as pirating a copy online? RITE?
Borrowing a game isn't really much different than pirating from someone who bought the game, in the grand scheme of things. Pirating is simply much easier than lending/borrowing games out to mass amounts of people.

Your entire post is an entire stream of fuck, man.

Multiplats doing better on console may or may not be due to piracy. Likely the difference is in demographics or release circumstance. Halo 2 was more successful on X Box. Is that because of PC piracy or other factors?

Believing that piracy = lost sale is flat out wrong. Does buying a game, losing it years later, and downloading it to replay count as a lost sale? The legality of that is unquestionable, and yes, you're still seeding to others who may not have paid. But you yourself technically own the game. Therefore, piracy does not equal a lost sale.

In some cases it clearly does, but it is no way an absolute.
benjipwns said:
And I meant it more as it being a ballpark figure for "it's not 1:1" in terms of being able to turn a pirate into a sale not an objective truth that describes all realities. Instead, that it takes far more than stopping piracy completely to grow sales. I don't think anyone rational has ever suggested otherwise.

Even if it was 10000000:1 that is still one lost sale -- case closed. You are also taking small PC developers word as the be all end all. I love smaller niche PC games and thing there is a thriving ecosystem for them but this ignores the realities of big budget games which when looking at this list got slammed.

In another thread a mod was trying to make some lame argument that piracy helps niche titles. I look at this list and see three titles I would consider semi-niche for the console crowd Dante''s Inferno, Alan Wake, and Red Steel 2. All of these under performed. They are all respectable games.

I'm still waiting for him to get back to me with his research backing up his claim.


BloodySinner said:
Haha. What? Pirated copy = lost sale. That's all there is to that.

Just because you're willing to download something, it doesn't mean you were going to buy it.
I used to pirate games all the time much in the way that most people (even on this forum) pirate films and music. The sole reason for it is that I could not afford games. I was not a potential buyer, just someone who enjoyed games and didn't have the necessary means to play them.

I now have a job which gives me the money to buy games. Game developers especially require peoples money; the difference between a few thousand people buying a game and a few thousand people not buying a game can kill a whole studio.

Since having the resources to buy games I have actually rebought games that I have pirated in the past (please note that this past is many years ago). In most cases haven't even played them again but thought my initial enjoyment made the developers deserve my money.

I hope I don't get banned for opening up about my pirating past. I think most people will agree that pirating is a bad thing but I still hold on to the belief that a pirated game is not necessarily a lost sale.

Now that I am in a position to do so I will always make sure that developers get the money they deserve.

Edit: Just wanted to note that my pirating days were a long time ago. I don't wish to be banned just wanted to add my own personal experience to the discussion.
BloodySinner said:
You didn't give a reason. And like many others in this mess of a thread, you're not adding much to the discussion.

What is this garbage? If you pirate a copy, you're NOT paying the author for their work. Therefore, it's a loss. What's so hard to understand about that? YOU ARE STEALING THE DATA. So unless you can prove me wrong, then shut up.

Yet a good portion of multiplatform games do better on the 360 and sometimes they'll trounce the PC numbers in sales. Why is that?

The only voice of reason here.

Who said it was free? If it was, wouldn't the developer have made it known?

Borrowing a PAID copy of a game is the same thing as pirating a copy online? RITE?

You're right. Because this thread is dumb. I'm out.

lol I'd argue all of the silly, mindless shit you just spewed in this post, but others have already done so.

Btw... You're the person making this thread so "dumb". Glad you're out.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Seriously, these torrent sites need to be shut down. I know these pirates aren't going to buy the games anyway, but that doesn't mean they have a right to play it for free.

I've actually been pleased at how well the PS3's managed to this point, but even that's finally getting hacked now. :(

Consoles need to step up the security and lock this shit up. No more pirating, no more bullshit. Just make your systems region free and lock everything else up.


Leondexter said:
"Forced" is BS, but "pirating" a game you bought in order to get away from intrusive DRM does happen. I've done it, and know others who have as well.

I was forced to download a cracked exe for Crysis since I ran out of activations. :|
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