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Long and rambling twitter pissing match between two randoms + Creepy Zenith

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Reading his tweets between himself and his "girl" reads exactly like the threads in dedicated spam/flame forums.
Shanadeus said:
Yes, this was actually a pretty good ownage.


He flirted with himself.[/QUOTE]

That.... that's not flirting. That's fucked up.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
BY2K said:
Guess I should have made a summary myself, then.

Lesson learned.

Saying something like "Guy gets caught having a fake relationship with a girl who is really a korean model" or something like that might be better to start off with. The link was sort of broken at first, so that didn't help. Also not having your story link to a website like that would have helped.


got a headache from reading that shit

ugh, atleast i found this -


now i gotta find a store that has one


Membero Americo
Trojita said:
Saying something like "Guy gets caught having a fake relationship with a girl who is really a korean model" or something like that might be better to start off with. The link was sort of broken at first, so that didn't help. Also not having your story link to a website like that would have helped.



I was skeptical, but that's actually a pretty fascinating read. This is a pretty insane cocktail of dementia and desperation on display.
looking through this guys "fake relationship" and how he was flirting with himself..wow, someone please lock this guy up and give him some much needed therapy!

Tapiozona said:
Just an epic GAF thread meltdown with GAF detectives kickin ass and takin names.


Basically this thread is about a youtube/twitter personality who had a similar event. More I think about it the more I like this thread. A+

ohhhh fuuuuuuucckkkkkk i remember this thread! holy shit :lol


Tapiozona said:
Just an epic GAF thread meltdown with GAF detectives kickin ass and takin names.


Basically this thread is about a youtube/twitter personality who had a similar event. More I think about it the more I like this thread. A+

That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?


anyone else get the sense this man has picked up all his lines/"game" from pornos?

the conversations b/w him and his fake gf are just amazing. This man has never spoken to a girl in his life that wasn't related to him.


Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?

Post it!
Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?

That thread was great only because it contained one of the best GAFMod lines ever uttered:

Amir0x said:
I will eat my g**d*** dick with a serving of mustard if this story is true.
Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?

I'll love to hear(read) it, I read the thread back then but never saw how it really ended... so I think it's interesting.


Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?

I need closure. Post it.


Horsebite said:
That thread and the Possum thread were the two bests posts I've seen on GAF in a while. Nothing has come close since.

How did I miss the Possum thread? That was amazing and Horsebite you are a hero for the summary in that thread. Pure awesome.


Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?

Oh for the love of everything that is holy, tell us!
Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?



Tapiozona said:
How did I miss the Possum thread? That was amazing and Horsebite you are a hero for the summary in that thread. Pure awesome.
:D Thanks, I had WAY too much time on my hands during the few days those events transpired.



Advise a re-read of the original thread before reading the below PMs as looking at these I don't recognise any of the people involved or even remember who was meant to be dead, also it'll get you into the mindset of how crazy everything was.

I posed as a real detective from the UK working in an unofficial capacity contacting them through their MySpace pages. Here are the PMs in chronological order. The detective's name is made up, obviously:

Me said:
Dear Ms. Thompson,

I am with the Metropolitan Police in the UK. I have been passed a deposition from a UK resident on behalf of an acquaintance of yours in Belton, Texas. The statement alleges you and/or your sister have left a child unsupervised by a legal guardian and failed to provide any contact details. There are also vague assertions of a fraudulent missing persons report.

Due to the informal nature of the way the allegations were made could you please get in contact with me as soon as possible. If you do not by August 21st, I will have to pass on the deposition to your local PD.

Yours sincerely

Det. Chris Charnley

Bri said:

Me said:
"He" being Timothy Thompson, son of your sister Tristian Thompson?

I am sorry to belabour you but it would be simplest if you told the whole story, starting from the 14th August and up until now. In full sentences. It would remove the need for follow-up questions. Right now there are 5 precincts and 2 newspapers who have all had calls about your sister being found dead and you supposedly missing.


14/08/10 - After arranging for a mutual friend to babysit Timothy, my sister and I departed my home in Texas at [insert time of day] in my [insert make of car] in order to......

Yours sincerely

Det. Chris Charnley

Bri said:
were.all.okay.n0.friend.is watchn my nephew tim i hav him now leave us alone

Me said:
Ms. Thompson, either you can talk to me or you can talk to someone with the powers of arrest.

I am satisfied your nephew is in good hands but where did all these missing person reports originate from? Why were they made? Were you or your sister at any time stranded without communication? Your comments will remain confidential. Once all details are explained I can shelve this report and I can leave you in peace.

This incident has generated a huge amount of concern amongst your peers. It would be much better to settle this once and for all. I promise that if no transgressions have occured it will be written off as a bad misunderstanding and the file will be junked rather than passed on. It would be best to explain it to someone who has no jurisdiction in your country before the situation snowballs any further.

Yours sincerely

Det. Chris Charnley

JBaird said:
Hey I am the one that started the report of her missing, please contact me back so that we can talk about what has happened and what is going on.

JBaird said:
The whole situation started when I got a text from on of Brianna's friends asking if I had heard from her since she left for her trip. Neither of us have heard from her so her friend contacted someone in Tennessee to see what was going on. The person in Tennessee told us that she hadn't shown up. Later we were sent a message that they found her car 30 miles outside of Ashland City Tennessee wrecked and the windows busted out and non of them was seen around the wreck. We were then told by the person in Tennessee that they found her sister dead and raped, and that is when this whole ordeal exploded. Obviously from that info I freaked out and posted on a forums for help on what to do. I got many numbers and to call other info of Tennessee police, highway patrol, etc. and contacted them to see if I could figure out anything on what was going on. None of them had reports that matched the information I was given, but there had been wrecks of course but nothing else. I also contact my local police and talk to Officer Robert Prestin about getting a Teletype. That night I was contacted by Brianna with the news that there was a wreck and that she was ok besides some minor injuries but could not find her sister or nephew. I am still confused and unaware of the reason for such grotesque reports were told to her friend and I about her sister, but I am glad they were untrue. Anyway I also got news last night that her sister was found, she was taken to the hospital by an unknown Caucasian individual. She is alive, but she cannot remember a thing from what I was told and the doctors have said it may take a few weeks or even months for her to regain her memory.
I hope that is enough info as to what happened and why. There was a mix between huge misunderstandings, misreports and just plain lack of information. If you need more info from me please contact me back.

Me said:
I am beginning to get a sense of what happened. To help fill in the blanks maybe you and Brianna could detail your story. She does not seem in well enough condition to recount it.


14/08/10 - After arranging for a mutal friend to babysit Timothy, Tristian and Brianna Thompson departed their home in Texas at [insert time of day] in their [insert make of car] in order to.....

Right now the biggest gap in events seems to be who originated with the information of a murder and why.

Yours sincerely

Det. Chris Charnley

JBaird said:
Yeah I'll try to do my best, this has been a complete mess with terrible communication all around and a ton of confusion on all parts.
I am assuming you got the information from me that Timmothy was being babysat, I believe I was completely wrong with that apparently in that he went with them form what I understand. I haven't talked to her about it today so I am unaware of his situation, but I severely hope he is ok. I am not sure on the exact time she left, but she told me on the phone about 4 am in the morning or so on the 14th that they were going to be leaving around 7 am, I am not sure though if that is the exact time of the departure. I also an unaware of the car make or anything so I'll get that information from her to pass on to you.
As for the information on who originated the murder I seriously want to find that the hell out myself, cause that was the most sick lie I've ever heard. I am going to talk to Dana (Brianna's friend here in Belton, Texas) about getting the information on the person that gave us that that information, cause if that person was lying instead of just being hugely misinformed I hope they get in some serious trouble, cause that caused a huge heartache for everyone close to Brianna and her family.
I'll try to get the information on the exact details of the car, possibly where the wreck happened if she can remember and talk to Dana about getting the info on who it was that was giving us the information.

JBaird said:
Hey would you like a transcript of the text's back and forth between Dana and I. It may help with getting a better sense of the flow of information that we were dealing with.

Me said:
Yes please.

JBaird said:
(edited to replace text words with real ones for easier reading)

August 17th:
"Have you heard from Bri" - Dana
"No not yet, wonder how long they are gonna stay" - Me
"Oh hm that's weird. She was suppose to call me." - Dana
[She said she may call me too once she got there if she had the time, but when she didn't I didn't really pay it any mind since I just figured she was really busy dealing with stuff]

(I guess this was around 7:52PM on the 17th, my phone doesn't document time very well with texts.)

"Hey I just texted one of Bri friends there, she said they never made it." - Dana
"Never made it? Wonder what's up" - Me
"Her friend sure about that? Cause that's pretty worrying since it's been a few days." - Me
"Well if you hear anything let me know." - Me
"Ok" - Dana

(August 18th 1:03AM)

"So still nothin?" - Me
"Okay yes I was just about to text you. They found her car wrecked about 30 miles from town, but no sign of them. Oh God." - Dana
"The fuck?" - Me (sorry language)

--actually probably can skip the back and forth, it's just me asking a bunch of questions if they checked the hospital and all that, no one was found at the hospital--

"They say how bad the wreck was?" - Me
"Well all the windows broken and the back of the car smashed in" - Dana
"As if she got hit from behind?" - Me
"Yeah but no sign of another car." - Dana
"Have no idea what to take from that. Does the car start?" - Me
"I don't know" - Dana
"I'm assuming they called the police to do a search?" - Me
"Yes. I will know more tomorrow" - Dana
"Alright, hopefully there is good news tomorrow. Do you know what city they went to?" - Me
"Ashland" - Dana

-- lots of talk from me to her about giving the police her sisters phone number to see if they could track it, but Dana wasn't sure she took it as she was told that it probably wouldn't work so no point in taking, but still insisted on doing it in case. I also tried to contact her sisters phone but she didn't respond so I assume either it is lost or Dana is correct in that it wasn't taken or possibly just doesn't have a signal there--

(August 18th 8:05 AM)

"I know it's early, but have you heard anything new?" - Me
"This wait is killin me, and my phones about to die so won't be able to get any updates for a while." - Me
"Hey they found her sister 20 miles into the woods, she didn't make it. :( She also has a lot of Scaring and puncture wounds that all I know right now." - Dana
"They didn't find didn't find bri?" - Me
"No :(" - Dana
"Why were they not together, what do you mean she didn't make it? - Me
"I dont know. They think it was someone that might of hit them (the text was a bit unreadable, but think this is what is being said) and then kill them. There not positive, but it might be that." - Dana
"My God, so her sister is dead?" - Me
"Yes and they said she was raped. Bri's friends dad is the sheriff that's how she knows." -Dana
(this right here just sounded weird, but I still believed it, I mean seriously who the hell makes up such sick stuff)

(August 18th 3:03 PM)

"Ive called all the police departments they said they have no report of her car." - Me
"Huh? Why would she lie?" - Dana
"Have no clue, I hope its a lie though who is this person." - Me
"I don't know just an old friend of hers." - Dana

--Anyway the rest of it is just me pretty much going back and forth and updating Dana with information I was getting from calling the Police and Highway patrol in TN--

I think I got most of the important stuff, If would like the complete transcript unedited from text short hand just ask.

JBaird said:
Hey if you need to talk to her again just tell me and I'll tell her you need to talk with her. I helped her get your profile to private and made it where only friends can send her messages so that she would stop being harassed by the large amount of people asking about her. I'm not sure if it tells you that if you try to message her, but I wanted to let you know so that you know that she isn't ignoring you if you messaged her, but rather she isn't receiving your messages.

Me said:
No, that will suffice. I have the full story about what people thought happened, but what actually did happen to the two women? Were they rear-ended? Is Ms. Thompson's sister stable?

Yours sincerely

Det. Chris Charnley

JBaird said:
Apparently they were hit from behind like reported, but both the sister and her are alive unlike the story that was told to Dana and I. Brianna woke up with an injury to her head indicating that she hit her head during the wreck and wandered off in shock (I'm assuming that's what happened, I can't think of any other reason she would of woke up anywhere else but the wreck otherwise). Her sister was found alive and taken to the hospital by an unknown Caucasian individual, not sure who it was. Her sister is stable from my understanding, but she does have memory loss without being able to recognize people, but the doctor told Brianna that may resolve itself in a few weeks to a month. So yes both of them seem to be in stable condition, ranging from minor like cuts to major injuries with memory loss, but nothing that seems life threatening.
I wish I had a 100% clear story to tell you, but I am not sure even they know exactly what happened since her sister has memory loss and Brianna cannot recall much other than driving, getting in a rear-ended and then waking up with blood coming from her head.
Anyway thank you for helping, I am glad that I am able to talk to you knowing that they are alive rather than having to talk to you with trying to find them. If you have any suggestions for me or anyone in connection with this situation please let me know.

Me said:
Thank you, I have all the info I need. Suffice to say, this isn't worth committing to file. I'll inform the original complainant that both girls are fine and that it seems to be a miscommunication.

My sympathies to Brianna and her sister and I hope they recover quickly.

"Case closed" as it were.

Yours sincerely

Det. Chris Charnley

JBaird said:
Again thank you for your concern and help. Take care/

As I said, "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues."


Zenith said:
That reminds me, I have the ending to that story. Sounds a little silly now but everyone was so wrapped up in it that I decided to pose as a real police detective helping out a person concerned about the girl being murdered.

I got the full story from JBaird but by then the thread had been locked. I asked Amirox to open it up but he insisted that JBaird was deliberatly tricking everyone whilst I was of the view that it was "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues." (hicks = jbarid, the girl, sister, son, etc)

Should I post it here?


Zenith said:

Advise a re-read of the original thread before reading the below PMs as looking at these I don't recognise any of the people involved or even remember who was meant to be dead, also it'll get you into the mindset of how crazy everything was.

I posed as a real detective from the UK working in an unofficial capacity contacting them through their MySpace pages. Here are the PMs in chronological order. The detective's name is made up, obviously:

As I said, "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues."

Do you have any idea how DUMB it was to impersonate a police officer? AND YOU BRAG ABOUT IT ON AN ONLINE MESSAGE FORUM?

Honestly, you're the idiot here. Not him.
Zenith said:

Advise a re-read of the original thread before reading the below PMs as looking at these I don't recognise any of the people involved or even remember who was meant to be dead, also it'll get you into the mindset of how crazy everything was.

I posed as a real detective from the UK working in an unofficial capacity contacting them through their MySpace pages. Here are the PMs in chronological order. The detective's name is made up, obviously:

As I said, "Dumb hicks too dumb to even understand each other. Mayhem ensues."


You impersonated an officer of the law over interstate communications, (wire fraud?) and threatened someone with arrest, over this stupid GAF thread?

Do you really think that was a good idea? And you are calling someone else dumb?


Eh, it still seems fishy to me. They were rear ended that bad and she just wandered off from the scene of the accident? Person who hit them didn't bother to ask "hey, why are you wandering off into the backwoods of Tennessee?" They took the sister to the hospital but let her wander free?

Sounds like more lies from JBaird honestly. I wish Brianna would have responded rather than JBaird. And what's up with her retarded period.after.each.word.typing?

High-five on the detective work. We need more gaffers like you even though that's super extreme and hardcore.
Plywood said:
TL;DR for GAF:

Guy insults asian model over twitter about shit she does, model gets fed up and blocks him, guys creates fake girlfriend to insult her. Model discovers said girlfriend is fake, ousts douchebag who created and ran a twitter account relationship for 8 months. As well as a youtube account posing as the fake girlfriend to defend himself on youtube.

edit: beaten with less detail

Also he's racist.
wow, what a loser


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Teh Hamburglar said:
GAFers do it all the time with fake accounts. Detective-GAF has really been slipping past year or two. Not many major discoveries taking place.
Isn't Detective-GAF not allowed to do anything unless given the okay to?
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