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Forza 4 has 500 cars, "10x better looks" and Jeremy Clarkson


KingDizzi said:
PD will never wake up, they are in a little bubble and are happy with it. GT5 is a very mediocre game that has been made slightly better with patches but A-Spec and B are simply horrible. It's sold 6 million copies though, it's VERY hard to say those sales are due to name because it's been out for months now and it's not like the price has dropped at all. So yeah, the problem here is that PD will not see the old formula being a problem until sales take a dive, until then it looks like the people playing GT are happy with the same old shit. It needs to change but Forza sure the fuck ain't gonna be what makes that happen, PD need to see for themselves that it's been over 10 years now. NGP will have a GT game for sure, hers's to hoping that is when we start seeing the much needed changes.

As to Forza 4, bring it on Turn 10. Jeremy Clarkson being in the game is bleh, usless old fart that has done the same old shit for years. Drives expensive cars and for the last minute bitches about them. Hilarious.
Fuck yes I'm jealous of his job. :(
The single player portion for GT is stale and needs to change. Theres actually a lot of design decisions that I still question; but I think they have a great foundation set for future GT titles

Forza still seems to be sitting in GT's shadow and this Top Gear stuff is proof of that. Hopefully they've added weather and allow more than 8 cars on the track at once too. Those are things worth getting hyped for imo.
Crysis 2 360 restored faith in who believes that Xbox 360 is really very powerful and it has more power left untouched yet. Forza 4 could look '10x better'.

G Rom

saladine1 said:
Is it realistically possible that the cars will look like the 458 in showroom mode?
That would look amazing if they can pull it off..

The 458 didn't have anything special and looked like a slightly improved Forza 3 model (more details in brakes and engine, focuses of the zooming) with much better shaders slapped into a Kinect demo. I think the Ford GT footage was much more impressive as it implied being able to open the doors, hood and boot of cars to see everything of the interior and the engine.

Again, maybe the 458 model that we saw in the Kinect demo was already done when they released the car as DLC for Forza 3. Maybe they couldn't put this LOD in Forza 3 due to technical limitations of the engine.
What surprised me the most in the Kinect demo of the 458 was the amount of tearing, especially considering that you can get the highest LOD of cars to show at 60 fps with no tearing and (4x ?)AA in Forza 3 (when you select a car in the career, choose "take a photo").


gamebroker said:
Wait... so now this game is going after Top Gear as well?

Wow, not very original.

What's next, getting Nascar or ferrari F1's?

They should just scrap it and wait for the next xbox... GT5 already came out and anyone who wants a racing sim will go for that.
Some say, he's a little too defensive about criticism in the OT GT5 thread. And that he's a little too quick to post negatively about Forza in other threads. All we know is, he's called a troll.


amar212 said:
Despite T10 claims, I think we all agree that FM3 basically used slightly improved graphics engine as FM2.

If T10 developed new engine from the scratch, everything is possible.
Didn't they said to have built a new graphics engine from scratch on E3? But yeah, it is T10 so we'll have to see it for ourselfs first.
I think the new lighting and shaders make it look more real life like GT5 instead of adding a ton more poly's or higher res. textures.


Solid warrior said:
Crysis 2 360 restored faith in who believes that Xbox 360 is really very powerful and it has more power left untouched yet. Forza 4 could look '10x better'.


It will better for sure but the 10x is just Turn 10 bullshit, good as thier games are they do have a tendency to go over the top with hyperbole.


Junior Member
So, we'll be seeing this, at least in Photo/Show mode?


Like I said, that would be mind boggling, for me anyway, if we do indeed see that but I don't know mang....I've got my doubts...

G Rom

Wazzim said:
Didn't they said to have built a new graphics engine from scratch on E3? But yeah, it is T10 so we'll have to see it for ourselfs first.
I think the new lighting and shaders make it look more real life like GT5 instead of adding a ton more poly's or higher res. textures.

Yeah, the same way they "built from the ground up" Forza Motorsport 3, oh wait...

Those claims mean nothing if you reuse assets from previous games. The good news is that we seem to be getting totally revamped real tracks.
Beside, if you look at it, the Forza 3 engine is very good with 720p, 60fps, 2xAA and absolutely no tearing during races. What is (very) bad is the actual look of the game, not the engine. If Turn 10 bring day/night transition and/or weather in Forza 4, a considerable rewrite of the engine would be needed though, that's for sure.

Edit : @saladine1 : No, no, when I'm talking about the 458, I'm talking about the real 458 shown in the working demo, not the raytraced one. There's no way we're getting that, even in photomode.


Wazzim said:
Didn't they said to have built a new graphics engine from scratch on E3? But yeah, it is T10 so we'll have to see it for ourselfs first.
I think the new lighting and shaders make it look more real life like GT5 instead of adding a ton more poly's or higher res. textures.
I don't remember they ever saying it was a new engine. The engine has evolved though.


G Rom said:
Yeah, the same way they "built from the ground up" Forza Motorsport 3, oh wait...

Those claims mean nothing if you reuse assets from previous games. The good news is that we seem to be getting totally revamped real tracks.
Beside, if you look at it, the Forza 3 engine is very good with 720p, 60fps, 2xAA and absolutely no tearing during races. What is (very) bad is the actual look of the game, not the engine. If Turn 10 bring day/night transition and/or weather in Forza 4, a considerable rewrite of the engine would be needed though, that's for sure.

That's like saying that the engine PD built for GT5 mean nothing since they use GT4 assets
G Rom said:
No, the demo looked nowhere near this and was actually very close to Forza 3.
It was pretty much an interactive Forza 3 screensaver (they need to put more scenery for those, in Forza 4 !!).

Actually, the cutscenes detailing selected parts of the car looked way beyond anything in FM3, and they were also rendered in real-time, but they still didn't look quite as good as those ray traced screens.


godels rotating universe said:
The only problem here being that Polyphony's reuse of GT4 assets was a lot more egregious than T10's reuse of FM2 assets.

That just strengthens my point though. No one was dismissing the GT5 because it had GT4 assets, and those were ps2 assets even.
Trickster said:
That just strengthens my point though. No one was dismissing the GT5 because it had GT4 assets, and those were ps2 assets even.
I'm frankly amazed that Polyphony got away with it. If StarCraft 2 had launched with most of the units in the game still being SC1 sprites I'd have marched on Blizzard with pitchforks. But I digress.


Shaneus said:
Some say, he's a little too defensive about criticism in the OT GT5 thread. And that he's a little too quick to post negatively about Forza in other threads. All we know is, he's called a troll.

lol, made me chuckle cause I read it in Jeremy's voice the second time though.


I really don't know the actual breakdown of asset-creation or anything, but through the time we have learned the following:

- Vietnamese company Glass Egg Digital Media designed "most of the 330 different models in Forza Motorsport 2" and continued their work on FM3. In their portfolio they note work on all 3 Forza games.

Forza Motor Sports I & II & III (cars & tracks)

Notice GlassEgg also delivered assets for The Club, Gotham, Battlefield 2, Sega Rally (cars), all assets for Infogrames's Dreamcast > PS2 conversions) etc.

- Indian company Dhruva Interactive officialy says they've built more than 60% of overall assets for cars in Forza 3.

Forza 3: Dhruva once again worked with Microsoft's Turn 10 Studios to help create one of the highest critically acclaimed best racing titles of the year. Dhruva made over 60% of the cars for the game.

Dhruva created over 60% of the 500+ cars for Forza 3.


Dhurva also worked on F1 2010 where they "created four complete tracks for the game; Singapore, Monaco, Valencia and Abu Dhabi. The race environments were challenging as they needed a large amount of visual data to be present in the viewport, we had to employ a fairly complex setup to manage this.”

Their racing-portfolio consists of Dirt 2, NFS: Undercover, GRID, etc.

- Austrian Rabcat worked exclusively on preparing car-assets for FM3 (18 exteriors, 9 interiors)

Production of photorealistic and true to original cars with different technical requirements like Normal Mapping and LOD’s.

Detailed list of cars and their work (including very interesting information that 14 people spent 25 man-months on that task):
http://www.rabcat.com/Rabcat_Printportfolio2010.pdf (page 11)

And last but not least, all illustrations inside game were outsourced to US Kaarbo Design.

In conclusion, Turn 10 have very efficiently outsourced vast majority of actual modeling/design to other companies. Amount of data they have collected/prepared will determine outcome of car/track in FM4.

What we know for sure is that Turn10 expanded their internal-external stuff to more than 300 with FM3:

How has the development team size grown from Forza 1 on Xbox to Forza 3?

DG: .. we had, I think about 24 full-time employees on Forza 1. And we then bolstered that staff with probably 70 contract staff that were on for most of the project... then we outsourced a lot of our artwork to a group in India and a group in Vietnam. That made it so that all-in, we were probably 200 people... in Forza 2, we got up to about 250. We increased our [full-time] staff, increased our [contract] staff, and increased the number of people in India and Vietnam. And now, for Forza 3, we're just over 300, all-in, with again [contract], [full-time], and a fully-burdened outsource group...



Junior Member
I hope the trend continues.
That will free up T10 to concentrate on other stuff such as night racing, weather, interaction, upgraded sound engine, a plethora of upgrades/tuning capabilities, race immersion, A.I, customization,physics model..etc


saladine1 said:
I hope the trend continues.
That will free up T10 to concentrate on other stuff such as night racing, weather, interaction, upgraded sound engine, a plethora of upgrades/tuning capabilities, race immersion, A.I, customization,physics model..etc
Yeah. Based on what I saw in GT5 the Turn 10 approach seems much smarter.


saladine1 said:
I hope the trend continues.
That will free up T10 to concentrate on other stuff such as night racing, weather, interaction, upgraded sound engine, a plethora of upgrades/tuning capabilities, race immersion, A.I, customization,physics model..etc
That certainly the trendt with the new internal studios they are created/have created.

Ranger X

DuckRacer said:
I don't like how Polyphony are talking. It's really ridiculous. We know it will look good, push something else as a sales pitch. Don't take us for people with 2 points IQ.

Gran Turismo 5 was the only racing game of this gen --- obviously it wasn't since it takes a Gran Turismo 6.
Now Gran Turismo 6 has a solid framerate. Does real life even can look smoother than Gran Turismo 5? lol

Seriously, I really feel like this industry is targeted only to young teens and dumb people sometimes. How about talking real?

I never implied GT5 had better sales pitch, smart ass.
But I suppose it's normal a fanboy can be hurt by what I say.


Ranger X said:
I never implied GT5 had better sales pitch, smart ass.
But I suppose it's normal a fanboy can be hurt by what I say.
No offense, but if you can cook up this reasoning then you pretty much can expect people to reply like that.


Majanew said:
Needs. More. Tracks. Please.

And rain.

I don't want 30000 cars to drive in 10 tracks. What I do want is to punish my Sentra and my Rabbit in hundreds of tracks with different weather conditions.


Junior Member
vixlar said:
And rain.

I don't want 30000 cars to drive in 10 tracks. What I do want is to punish my Sentra and my Rabbit in hundreds of tracks with different weather conditions.
Hundreds of tracks is a lot!


I can't wait to get my hands on this game at E3 (hopefully). The Forza setups on hydraulics at E3 is probably one of the best and most fun kiosks to try out in either hall. I remember playing F3 for the first time after waiting in a 2 hour line.

Only thing that pissed me off was the Lakers players cut in line like 3 people in front of us. This year I shall sweep the leg if that happens again.

I'm a Laker fan, however no cuts no butts no coconuts. SWEEP THE LEG


Junior Member
alphaNoid said:
I can't wait to get my hands on this game at E3 (hopefully). The Forza setups on hydraulics at E3 is probably one of the best and most fun kiosks to try out in either hall. I remember playing F3 for the first time after waiting in a 2 hour line.

Only thing that pissed me off was the Lakers players cut in line like 3 people in front of us. This year I shall sweep the leg if that happens again.

I'm a Laker fan, however no cuts no butts no coconuts. SWEEP THE LEG
"Sweep the leg"
"Do you have a problem with that?"
"....no sensei"
"No mercy"

Sorry, memories just started to flood back...


Junior Member
Last time I remember someone asking Dan G about weather he said he doesn't like driving in the rain...


Not believing anything until I play it. 10x better looking probably means only in photomode, just like how the cars in F3 were PR'd to have 10x the polygons, but only to be swapped in during photomode.

Here's the bullshot kinect image versus the actual demo.



Not even the same ground textures

Gek54 said:
Last time I remember someone asking Dan G about weather he said he doesn't like driving in the rain...

Yeah, that was his excuse for not including it. I laughed when I read that interview.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Majanew said:
Needs. More. Tracks. Please.

this x 100. i'll use the same 5-10 cars i always use =)

personally, i don't care all that much for weather - i'd prefer to race in the better conditions. i would like various times of day to race in though for some visual variety.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
benzy said:
Not believing anything until I play it. 10x better looking probably means only in photomode, just like how the cars in F3 were PR'd to have 10x the polygons, but only to be swapped in during photomode.

Here's the bullshot kinect image versus the actual demo.



Not even the same ground textures

Yeah, that was his excuse for not including it. I laughed when I read that interview.

well, one is taken from a compressed to hell video and the other is an obvious higher res then normal "bullshot". that said, there are differences, but even the compressed video real time screen looks GREAT so i'm not going to complain


I hadn't been a racing fan since the N64 arcade racer days. I picked up Forza 3 and GT5 on a whim and really loved them. I'm still casual but I love the sim aspects.

Forza comes out on top for me because of the streamlined interface and all of the design options. Also, its got more consistency in its visual style. And that soundtrack.

My point is Turn 10 made a racing fan out of me. I'll check out 4 for sure.



Junior Member
Gek54 said:
Last time I remember someone asking Dan G about weather he said he doesn't like driving in the rain...
He also said he didn't like cockpit view either.....

Hey, i'd love to drive on every track in the world but it jusn't isn't going to happen.
To be honest, just give me Bathurst and Spa....that's all that I need...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
saladine1 said:
He also said he didn't like cockpit view either.....

Hey, i'd love to drive on every track in the world but it jusn't isn't going to happen.
To be honest, just give me Bathurst and Spa....that's all that I need...

i DEMAND more epic tight and twisty asphalt rally-esque stages ala positano. so fucking good
Are we discussing obvious PR excuses now? Back in the Forza 2 days he also said that he would rather do something else since weather has already been done in PGR4. Does anyone really believe that has any bearing on their plans for Forza 4?

op_ivy said:
soooo... thousands?

They should import every track from every racing game MGS has ever produced. Including those futuristic and boat racers. Forza Watersport, baby!


Junior Member
op_ivy said:
i DEMAND more epic tight and twisty asphalt rally-esque stages ala positano. so fucking good
Well done good sir!
I know people say that FM should concentrate on being an all out circuit racer, but damn it would be epic if rally is indeed included. There's no racing discipline in the world that requires you to have balls of steel like rally does.
Anyway, rally or not, a rally inspired stretch of road is always welcome...

Ranger X

TheOddOne said:
No offense, but if you can cook up this reasoning then you pretty much can expect people to reply like that.

You can like this type of PR if you want. I don't. From anyone.
I do respect the Forza series however, I don't see who my comment can affect anybody except someone feeling threatened (and for the wrong reasons obviously). There's nothing usual or wierd about my reasoning, I don't like stupid sales pitch --- and not only in videogames, it's in everthing. I would like to live in a world where there's less smoke and mirrors, more real talk.
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