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Politics-Age: Who Should The Democrats Nominate In 08?(Pictures and Info Inside)

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Hillary Clinton

- Current Senator from New York
- Former First Lady to President Bill Clinton
- Was a Lawyer who helped bring down the Nixon White House during Watergate
- Considered the front runner for the nomination
- Moderate voting record(Though media paints her as a liberal)
- Is Pro-Choice though she supports the ban on partial birth abortions
- For Gay Marriages
- Supports the War in Iraq
- Strongly supports regulation on violent media

Mark Warner

- Former Governer of Virgina
- Founder of Nextel
- Considered the biggest threat to Hillary Clinton in the primary
- Considered one of the 5 best Governers by Time Magazine
- Turned Virgina's huge deficit into a surplus
- Has a moderate agenda
- Feels Abortions should be "safe, legal and rare"
- Supports the death penalty and not restricting gun control
- Has not spoken about Iraq much but seems to be against it

Joe Biden

- Current Senator of Delaware
- Moderate voting record(leaning to liberal, moreso than Hillary)
- Pro-Choice
- Against Iraq War
- Against Gay Marriages

John Kerry

- Current Senator of Massachusetts
- Ran for President in 2004 and plans to run again in 2008
- I think everyone knows his stance on the issues by now ;)

John Edwards

- Former Senator of Noth Carolina
- Ran for Vice President and lost but plans to run again
- Liberal voting record
- Pro-Choice
- For Gay Marriages
- Against the War
- Has appeal in the South even though is a staunch liberal, due to his charm and personality

Russ Feingold

- Current Senator of Wisconsin
- Very liberal voting record
- Pro-Choice
- For Gay Marriages
- Strongly against the Iraq War

Bill Richardson

- Current Governer of New Mexico
- Former UN Ambassador
- Used to work for Bill Clinton
- Moderate agenda
- Pro-Choice
- Rather neutral on the Iraq War

Evan Bayh

- Current Senator of Indiana
- Former Governer of Indiana
- Moderate voting record
- Very close to Bill Clinton
- Pro-Choice but is not that strong about his opinion on it
- No real stance on Gay Marriage
- For the Death Penality
- Against War in Iraq



-He has some Southern appeal as Virginia's governor.
-He has no baggage like Hillary or Edwards.

I'd say Edwards too, but I'm not sure how much his run with Kerry hurt his appeal to swing voters.


monchi-kun said:
oh dear lord....are these the only choices we have?
These are all the people who intend to run that have even a slight chance at a nod. People like Barack Obama and the like were left out since they are not going to run.

So yeah these are your choices. ;)

Personally I am backing Mark Warner as of now. He has no baggage and appeals to the south.
Cheebs said:
John Kerry

- Current Senator of Massachusetts
- Ran for President in 2004 and plans to run again in 2008
- I think everyone knows his stance on the issues by now ;)

Do we know his stance on the issues?


I think the ex-virginia governor should run.


FlameOfCallandor said:
I think the ex-virginia governor should run.
Oh he 100% is running. He already has a PAC up and running to raise money (http://www.forwardtogetherpac.com/) and just this week posed for the cover of the NY Times magazine with a button that said "The Anti-Hillary".

What I still can't comprehend is that Hillary who is FOR THE WAR is still winning in Democrat polls. Hopefully it is just because of name recognition.


chaostrophy said:
Feingold. He's the only one with spine.
I love Feingold but he will go NOWHERE in the primary. He is a jew who is twice divorced. That'll hurt him hard sadly even though it has nothing to do with how well he can govern.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Cheebs said:
Personally I am backing Mark Warner as of now. He has no baggage and appeals to the south.

oh the stories i could tell..... (being that i worked under him ;( )


jobber said:
oh the stories i could tell..... (being that i worked under him ;( )
Really? If so the Republicans would probably pay you A LOT for some juicy details since the nomination is most likely going to go to him or Hillary.

Can you give GAF some interesting tidbits? ;)
Cheebs said:
Personally I am backing Mark Warner as of now. He has no baggage and appeals to the south.

I think Democrats should just start ignoring the South (except for Louisiana, they have a good chance to win there because of Bush's handling of Katrina). Southerners as a voting bloc are too socially backward to appeal to and still be worthy of support. Democrats should try to gain favor in Western states by becoming a small-government alternative to big-spending Republicans. The perfect first step would be to drop gun control from the party platform.


chaostrophy said:
I think Democrats should just start ignoring the South (except for Louisiana, they have a good chance to win there because of Bush's handling of Katrina). Southerners as a voting bloc are too socially backward to appeal to and still be worthy of support. Democrats should try to gain favor in Western states by becoming a small-government alternative to big-spending Republicans. The perfect first step would be to drop gun control from the party platform.
Ignoring the south saying they aren't worthy of support will get them NOWHERE. As it stands Democrats come down to Ohio and Florida in elections. That has not worked out so well the last two times. If they can secure a few southern states then the whole mess of handful of swing states that are too close to call would be over.

The only time the Democrats have been able to win in the last THIRTY years is when they appeal to the south.
I hope they nominate Hillary. There is no way in hell I'd ever vote for her, but it would make for a damn interesting race to watch on so many levels.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I hope they nominate Hillary. There is no way in hell I'd ever vote for her, but it would make for a damn interesting race to watch on so many levels.

Who's running on the repiblican side?
monchi-kun said:
Who's running on the repiblican side?

Hmm..McCain? Seems the most likely at the moment, but we'll have to wait to see who emerges.

Edit: I should note that for watching the campaign unfold, it may not matter. I will just find it interesting if a woman runs, and especially someone as polarizing as Hillary is.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Hmm..McCain? Seems the most likely at the moment, but we'll have to wait to see who emerges.

Bill Frist will most likely run. Rush Limbaugh and his ilk have already started to attack McCain, saying he "isn't a real conservative" and so forth.


The big money Republicans will be Mitt Romney , John McCain and Bill Frist. Then a half dozen no namers.

Some have speculated that George Pataki or Rudy Guliani will run too .. not sure about that though.

Looks like Frist is the early frontrunner among the GWB/Limbaugh crowd.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Hmm..McCain? Seems the most likely at the moment, but we'll have to wait to see who emerges.

Edit: I should note that for watching the campaign unfold, it may not matter. I will just find it interesting if a woman runs, and especially someone as polarizing as Hillary is.
McCain is the front runner but he wont get the nod in the end. He is toom uch of a maverick. The Republicans will nominate George Allen I expect. A religious former governer and current senator who is very similar to Bush in policy.

And Mitt Romney won't get it either. The southern republicans will chew him apart in the primary since he is a *gasp* Mormon.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Right now, Edwards or Warner. Feingold has no shot, as has been already said.

That said, as if right this minute (even as a moderate Democrat) I'd take McKain over either. But, he also won't have a shot.

Anything but another Bush, or Hillary (who won't get past primaries, she'll get mauled).


Setec Astronomer
Cheebs said:
And Mitt Romney won't get it either. The southern republicans will chew him apart in the primary since he is a *gasp* Mormon.
It's a well known fact that if America collapses into a theocracy, fundie protestants and mormons will be waging civil war.

Seriously though, no non-conservative should be voting for an active mormon to political office.


emomoonbase said:
Oh shit, well, looks like another 4 years for the republicans.
Uh. Warner could beat most any of the potential republicans other than McCain which has no chance at the nomination. He is a moderate and very popular in his red state of Virgina. He has the Bill Clinton factor to him.


shitting in the alley outside your window
I like Edwards a lot more now than I did in 2004. Reading Warner's stance on the issues you posted I have a hard time believing he's a democrat :)


As a (rather demoralized) Republican, just by looking at that list I'd gladly switch allegiances and vote for Warner. Hope he's nominated.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Cheebs said:
Really? If so the Republicans would probably pay you A LOT for some juicy details since the nomination is most likely going to go to him or Hillary.

Can you give GAF some interesting tidbits? ;)

I can't disclose much being that I still work under his successor, but I will say that Warner didn't give a damn about tax payers ;( Sure, he cleaned up the shit Gilmore did, but in the long term, it's just a band-aid over a gunshot wound.
i'd go with warner, biden and obama but i guess he's not running. so my ticket would be

warner/feingold? warner/edwards? warner/biden? i cant decide.


The only one I would vote for would be Feingold. And I say that now, but if he had to go through the homogenization process to make him "safe" for middle America, I would probably change my mind and vote for Nader again.
If the candidate isn't progressive(Feingold seems to be the only one listed of the list given)...I'll vote 3rd party. I've compromised my vote far too many times for piece of shit democrats.


ErasureAcer said:
If the candidate isn't progressive(Feingold seems to be the only one listed of the list given)...I'll vote 3rd party. I've compromised my vote far too many times for piece of shit democrats.

Pretty much how I feel too.


ErasureAcer said:
If the candidate isn't progressive(Feingold seems to be the only one listed of the list given)...I'll vote 3rd party. I've compromised my vote far too many times for piece of shit democrats.
You mean "moderate" Democrats who can appeal nationally? Because I for one would rather have a moderate and WIN then nominate someone who is uber progressive and lose.

Winning is way more important. The Howard Dean wing of the party can go screw themselves. All they are doing is hurting the party. It takes a moderate to win. Like Carter and Clinton. And winning is the ONLY thing that matters. This is why I hear a lot of insider talk about Warner. He is not extremely "progressive" but he is electable.

Democrats after losing seem to come to their senses and realize liberals aren't appealing to the country at wide and we are in this to win.
Yeah, Frist is a top candidate right now. I like McCain because he is a maverick and is something different, even if he comes across as a bitter old man at times. Still, he'd be a President that could kick ass. :)

I would just like to see Hillary get the nod to see how the general public reacts. As I said earlier, she is very polarizing. I know women who said they would never vote for her, and I know women who have said they would, just because she is a woman. It'll certainly be interesting to watch.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Yeah, Frist is a top candidate right now. I like McCain because he is a maverick and is something different, even if he comes across as a bitter old man at times. Still, he'd be a President that could kick ass. :)

I would just like to see Hillary get the nod to see how the general public reacts. As I said earlier, she is very polarizing. I know women who said they would never vote for her, and I know women who have said they would, just because she is a woman. It'll certainly be interesting to watch.
Why would you want someone to be nominated who could never win? How is that at all good for the country? The Republicans wont nomiante McCain. They HATE McCain its the democrats and independants who like him. They will nominate a conservative like Frist or Allen.

Interesting and entertaiment is not worth sacrificing 4 years over.

Democrats only win when they appeal to the majority of america, not to the liberals.
Joe Biden is the only guy there who actually looks like a president. Looking at these people, who would you cast as a president in a movie?
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