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Wii U Speculation Thread The Third: Casting Dreams in The Castle of Miyamoto

I doubt they're working on Metroid, and I can all but guarantee they aren't working on Zelda.

The question is what series could the core Raven Blade concept be latched on to?


I doubt they're working on Metroid, and I can all but guarantee they aren't working on Zelda.

The question is what series could the core Raven Blade concept be latched on to?

What was the core of Raven Blade? I know it was an RPG and had a kick ass name but that's it.


Haha. No problem. A thread I made awhile back caused me to establish some clear terms and definitions on how to label those things for my personal use.

Non-gamer - This is the individual that can has no real motivation to buy a console of any kind. If they do play a game then they prefer things to be simple to get into and "short" in length. They would much rather spend a few hours playing games with people where goals can be completed in minutes rather than spending 20 or so hours to beat a game.

Casual gamer
- This individual has a desire for gaming, but for varying reasons are not able to give a lot of time to playing games. They play when they can, but family, work, money, etc. keeps them from contributing larger amounts of time to their would be hobby.

Gaming enthusiast - This individual will make sure their hobby is fulfilled. They know when a game they want will release. They put time into being good at their game of choice. While all three categories can be broken down into sub-groups based on preference(s), they are most evident with the enthusiast. These sub-groups include, but are not limited to gaming platform, genre, franchise, etc.

I like those terms, as they are much more flexible than the terms I've used or seen used in recent years. This generation has forced us to think about the words we use when discussing or describing types of audiences and behaviours, and I still have some degree of awkwardness when navigating this territory.

In another forum, I once claimed that there is such a thing as a "hardcore Animal Crossing player." Folks had trouble wrapping their minds around that concept.
What was the core of Raven Blade? I know it was an RPG and had a kick ass name but that's it.
They wanted to be the WRPG with a Nintendo flair, and ended up with nothing of value because they let the concept bloat out of control.

Honestly though, that is the only thing I can think of that people constantly talked about for nearly a decade. Is if Raven Blade was in the works or could be some day. I'm just not entirely sure Nintendo would let them go off on a project that floundered once already. Unless this time they came to the show with a well defined idea and demonstration of it.


Yeah, but it's Sega. They sure took their time with Daytona. :p

From Sega, I'd love Burning Rangers ..even if it was just a direct port of the Sega Saturn version with no upgrades at all.
I'm imagining the reaction around here if news came out that Retro was quadrupling its staff numbers. This place would go insane. (well.. even more insane..)

hey do need two more teams rumors are true that they have both 3DS and WiiU development going on but really the only thing that would excite me about Retro is if they were allowed to create an original IP

same old shit in a new skin does not excite me at all


Retro is a cool company that helped with putting Samus in a 3D world - of course many love them and want to know what they are up to.


Did the Prime games never happen? I recall Samus kicking Ridley's ass three times in those games without having a nervous breakdown. Or am I missing something.

Did Yoshio Sakamoto have any direct involvement in the Prime games? He's listed in the "Special Thanks" credits, dude. Those weren't HIS games.

Samus didn't really speak in of the Prime games either until 3, so I guess that means that she should have been a mute.

And when you replay the Prime games, Ridley's appearance is something she is well-prepared for, having STALKED HIM through Tallon IV in the first one after his initial first appearance, of which Samus' reaction isn't conveyed fully due to the focus being on Ridley himself and Samus still being a mute.


Can't wait to see what retro is working on... It will blow minds if it is a graphic intensive 3-D game. Their artistic abilities married to hardware capable of resolution ample enough to admire every detail?!

Good god. I'd enjoy this thing even without any third party support (which it will get enough of imo.) We're getting nintendo games in HD finally! That alone is more than enough for me, and will sell a hell of alot of consoles just on that point.

As is though all big EA games are essentially a lock, given how involved EA's management appears to be in the advisory capacity/ planning stages of the Wii-U. It will get Call of Duty, and Activision will likely put all of their big games on it like every publisher of that size does. Those type of games are the biggest draws in America anyhow.

Japanese support will be even better with the possible exception of people like Kojima in bed with Sony. Capcom and Nintendo appear incredibly close these days, and other Japanese publishers will likely be drawn to the successor to such a successful console last gen after losing so much money last time around, plus the portabliilty and subscreen are likely to be more appealing in japan than in any other market, where space is more limited and there is more competition for television time.

Wii-U will also have a substantial lead to the market, and publishers won't be able to ignore it if it sells well out of the gate, which it should if supported by nintendo to the degreee that they appear to be preparing to do.


Uh, no. The context of what Tanabe was asking Sakamoto was pretty clear, ie: We're making a game with your baby, so how does Samus react in combat situations? What is her personality? Your line that "Oh what he meant is that she doesn't care in that one situation since it's 'just a space pirate" doesn't fly because Sakamoto flavored that scenario even further by indicating she wouldn't show emotion or possibly care even if there was also an innocent hostage's life at stake who might get hit by crossfire. Yet in Other M she was very emotional and super warm and caring whenever she encountered ANY character, even the scientists. Like I said, he can do whatever he wants with the character, just don't paint this line that it's all to be blamed on fan disappointment and expectations "Star Wars prequel defense" style.

No, re-read what was written, they asked Sakamoto for reactions on a SITUATIONAL basis. There was no discussion of how she interacts socially, or how she would confront her arch nemesis who traumatized her as a child, they asked how she would react, in battle, to a hostage situation, as one specific example.

To say Sakamoto somehow changed his mind after the Prime series makes him sound like a wishy-washy designer, when nothing presented in ANYTHING Sakamoto has been involved with suggests that, AT ALL. In fact, when you go and look at the manga he directly supervised to be released in 2002, you can see that, at least in Japan, anyways, he was making clear parallels to what he presented in Other M, including her PTSD over Ridley. (edit: thought it was earlier than that, corrected, but the comic in Nintendo Power makes brief suggestions to this, as well)

So yeah, I'll stick by what I said, as the evidence wins out.
I think WiiU will cost me the most money since NES days

my need now is to save money for these games so far

Pikmin 3
Darksiders 2
Project CARS
Killer Freaks
Epic Mickey 2
CAPCOM Something
Dragon Quest X

Saints Row
Dark Souls
Witcher something

so what am I looking at? $400 on software + hardware price = OUCH

this hobby that is why I can only purchase 2 hardware boxes per gen
Did the Prime games never happen? I recall Samus kicking Ridley's ass three times in those games without having a nervous breakdown. Or am I missing something.

Of course the Prime games happened, and even if not, she would've fought Ridley twice by then (not counting any of those horrible horrible Mangas).

I don't care if a new Metroid is in 3rd person or 1st person again, as long as Retro is doing it, I know it's gameplay, narrative and art will be deserving of the franchise unlike that turd we got from Sakamoto and Team Ninja.

To say Sakamoto somehow changed his mind after the Prime series makes him sound like a wishy-washy designer, when nothing presented in ANYTHING Sakamoto has been involved with suggests that, AT ALL.

He is a game designer, not a story writer. It might be consistent with his vision, but he is absolutely incompetent when writing his vision down and creating a convincing characterization.

I don't think many fans would've had a problem with Samus having a breakdown, or having motherly feelings toward the Metroid Baby, but Sakamoto simply botched the story and writing so bad that any good will that you might bring into the game was destroyed by his ham fisted ways to depict Samus as a human character.
Other M completely fails at what it set out to do and left the series in a weird spot. Where to go now? Fans rejected Sakamotos story driven approach, but not because a story driven approach was the wrong direction, but because it was utterly deplorable and amateurish in execution. So will a new Metroid have to cut out narrative and characterization again? Can a new team get it right with another try?
I love Sakamotos games, he is an amazing designer, but he's simply a terrible writer and has no idea how to convey a story without relying on brutal exposition, cheese and long winded nonsensical dialogues that repeat the same content ad nauseam over and over again.
Either he gets some writing lessons, or he hires a good writer. A good designer knows his strengths and boundaries, and Other M is what happens when you're not aware of your shortcomings.

The only thing I'm worried about: If the new Metroid Prime is in 1st Person, then hopefully they'll still use the Wiimote to aim. What kind of idiotic downgrade would it be to have one of the best control systems out there, just to scrap it for outdated analog stick aiming. Ugh.

The only thing we can hope for, for WiiU shooters is that Sony is also pushing Move even more to be an alternative aiming input for FPS and TPS so we get a Wiimote option on the WiiU.

That's basically what I demand from WiiU games: Options and customization. After Wii shooters, there's no going back to crappy analog stick aiming and their severe lack of customization. Let me customize the controls, button bindings, sensitivity, dead zones etc to my hearts content.
In hindsight, for as mediocre/bad game The Conduit has been, it introduced a level of customization to the console space that wasn't there before, and has now become an expected standard (at least on Wii/Move)

If they step away from that, that would be a massive downgrade in my eyes.


I think WiiU will cost me the most money since NES days

my need now is to save money for these games so far

Pikmin 3
Darksiders 2
Project CARS
Killer Freaks
Epic Mickey 2
CAPCOM Something
Dragon Quest X

Saints Row
Dark Souls
Witcher something

so what am I looking at? $400 on software + hardware price = OUCH

this hobby that is why I can only purchase 2 hardware boxes per gen
doa 5 and killer freaks probably won't be that good. ac3 will be a rushed port. dragon quest x will be late 2013 at the earliest, and capcom something will be 2014 at the earliest. project cars won't be worth the money, and mickey will probably even disappoint fans of the first.

there, i just saved you a few hundred dollars.


I think WiiU will cost me the most money since NES days

my need now is to save money for these games so far

Pikmin 3
Darksiders 2
Project CARS
Killer Freaks
Epic Mickey 2
CAPCOM Something
Dragon Quest X

Saints Row
Dark Souls
Witcher something

so what am I looking at? $400 on software + hardware price = OUCH

this hobby that is why I can only purchase 2 hardware boxes per gen

I'm trying to limit what I buy at launch this time around. I ended-up playing two titles during the month after launch for the Wii, even though I bought six..


doa 5 and killer freaks probably won't be that good. ac3 will be a rushed port. dragon quest x will be late 2013 at the earliest, and capcom something will be 2014 at the earliest. project cars won't be worth the money, and mickey will probably even disappoint fans of the first.

there, i just saved you a few hundred dollars.

Your future wife is secretly a lesbian marrying to appease her conservative family, who will inevitably give you the clap.

There, I just saved you 20 years. ;)


doa 5 and killer freaks probably won't be that good. ac3 will be a rushed port. dragon quest x will be late 2013 at the earliest, and capcom something will be 2014 at the earliest. project cars won't be worth the money, and mickey will probably even disappoint fans of the first.

there, i just saved you a few hundred dollars.

you forgot pikmin 3 won't hit until 2014.


I wonder if Cave's next game is for the WiiU. They said a few months back that Mushi HD would be their last 360 game as well as the last game on "current hardware" and implied that they would working on next gen hardware.


Pikmin 3

Man, E3 is so close, yet so far. *Pikmin 3* The next couple of months are going to be agony Pikmin 3.

Pikmin 3

Edit: Damn, beaten by seconds. Pikmin 3.


AniHawk fits perfectly into this thread :lol

For me, I will probably end up with the game Nintendo launches with the console. I'll keep an eye on the internetz to read about those other launch titles, and if they are actually good, then why not?


It won't be too hard to fabricate a launchlist for Wii U

- Pikmin 3
- Nintendo's Secret Wii U game
- Killer Freaks
- Ghost Recon Online (eShop)
- Assassin's Creed III
- Rayman Origins (you know this will happen :p)
- Just Dance 4
- Lady Gaga the Experience
- Ninja Gaiden III RE
- Darksiders II
- Batman AC

I'll get the following at launch:

1. Dirt
2. Ghost Recon
3. BM:AC

I have plenty other Wii games in other genres to keep me busy.

Unfortunately, it seems there won't be any major Non-Nintendo game for Wii U anytime soon that won't be released on the other systems.
It won't be too hard to fabricate a launchlist for Wii U

- Pikmin 3
- Nintendo's Secret Wii U game
- Killer Freaks
- Ghost Recon Online (eShop)
- Assassin's Creed III
- Rayman Origins (you know this will happen :p)
- Just Dance 4
- Lady Gaga the Experience
- Ninja Gaiden III RE
- Darksiders II
- Batman AC

I agree with u on most of the list plus I think.games that would have been out for a while will be pocket liners sell games that has died down in popularity and dlc at launch for 60 bucks and what used to cost a gamer 20 used plus another 20-30 on dlc goes directly into the developers pockets
(I hope what I said makes sense)
I remember when Reggie was upset with Metroid Prime 2's sales.


How much did Metroid Prime 3 sell in comparison to Metroid Prime 2?

And then we all remember Reggie showing disappointment over Other M sales so I don't need to post that.
Official shipments:

[b]Sys.    Title                    	   LTD              As of (Month / Year)[/B]

NES     Metroid				   2.730.000	    12 / 2006
GB	Metroid II: Return of Samus	   1.720.000	    12 / 2006
SNES	Super Metroid			   1.420.000	    12 / 2006
GBA	Metroid Fusion			   1.600.000	    12 / 2006
GCN	Metroid Prime			   2.780.000	    12 / 2006
GBA	Metroid: Zero Mission
GCN	Metroid Prime 2: Echoes		   1.100.000	    12 / 2006
NDS	Metroid Prime Hunters
WII	Metroid Prime 3: Corruption	   1.310.000	    03 / 2008
WII	Metroid: Other M

WII	Metroid Prime Trilogy
GBA	Classic NES Series: Metroid

NDS	Metroid Prime Pinball


I'm imagining the reaction around here if news came out that Retro was quadrupling its staff numbers. This place would go insane. (well.. even more insane..)

yes and they would take quadruple the time to develop a game than normal lol. Smiles is right, u guys talk Retro into the freakin ground man. don't you want new ip's? yes everyone wants DKC, Star Fox, Metroid. those are the obvious.


Junior Member
B3D dude supposedly in the know has this to say about Retro :

" Btw bgassasin, tell those maniacs in the in Gaf thread that Retro is definitely not working a next-gen DK. They are aggressively targeting the XBOX/PS3 demographic."

"I referenced Retro, bgassassin, because their project is for the "broader" demographic. It is not DK, LOZ, nor MP. It is extremely visually impressive, or so I am told. "
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