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Breaking Bad - Season 5, Part 1 - Sundays on AMC

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Ahhh yeah that's true.

There's still some major shit left to go down. Like Walt growing his hair out, his cough back and taking some meds. He's away from his family on his 52nd birthday which is like a year from now. The first four seasons were only a year.

I don't get why people think this matters, even if it is really his 52nd. Whether it's episode 8, 12, or 16 that the cold open happens in there will have to be an unprecedented gap somewhere.

Funny how there's a year gap in the airing of the show and an apparent year gap in continuity at approximately the same time. Hurm.
ok this cracked me up.

When i saw this scene i was think "Do they make this show just for gifs?"

Also, Todd and Walt are made for eachother, I hope they make the world burn.


hes in abq dude. and its unknown if his new id has his real dob or not.

Ahh yeah, he says he's from NH?

I only say it's his BD because he makes a 52 out of his bacon, like Skylar does.

Funny how there's a year gap in the airing of the show and an apparent year gap in continuity at approximately the same time. Hurm.

That actually makes sense now that you say it. :)


It's not why he shot him. mike died because he poked Walt about his raging ego and pride which sent him off.

Yeah, if Walt was committed to getting the names he would have attempted to threaten Mike at gunpoint, not shoot him outright.

Loved the episode. Teared up a bit at the end (maybe more than a bit)
Do you guys think this would have worked at the end:

Mike instead of being a badass at the end asking Walt to do him one last favour, "Can you try and let my granddaughter I didn't abandon her." Or something to that effect....
What do you guys think?

I liked the way it played out though.

I very much doubt that Mike wants Walter anywhere near his granddaughter.
Loved the episode. Teared up a bit at the end (maybe more than a bit)
Do you guys think this would have worked at the end:

Mike asking Walt to do him one last favour, "Can you try and let my granddaughter I didn't abandon her." Or something to that effect....
What do you guys think?

I liked the way it played out though.


Seriously? And if we accept that premise, he has done nothing else that was morally reprehensible to you?

What do you want me to say? I've already admitted that poisoning Brock was a dick move on his part. I just always found something to root for in Walt up until tonight.

Killing Mike + his speech to Jesse trying to draw him back into the meth game were the breaking points for me. Fuck it, Jesse is in his late 20's with $5 million. He could do anything he wanted, and Walt tries to manipulate him into staying in a world where he'll almost certainly end up in prison or dead? Nah, fuck that.

Game, set, match for Vince Gilligan.
Loved the episode. Teared up a bit at the end (maybe more than a bit)
Do you guys think this would have worked at the end:

Mike instead of being a badass at the end asking Walt to do him one last favour, "Can you try and let my granddaughter I didn't abandon her." Or something to that effect....
What do you guys think?

I liked the way it played out though.
Mike would never allow Walt to get that close to her.


What do you want me to say? I've already admitted that poisoning Brock was a dick move on his part. I just always found something to root for in Walt up until tonight.

Killing Mike + his speech to Jesse trying to draw him back into the meth game were the breaking points for me. Fuck it, Jesse is in his late 20's with $5 million. He could do anything he wanted, and Walt tries to manipulate him into staying in a world where he'll almost certainly end up in prison or dead? Nah, fuck that.

Game, set, match for Vince Gilligan.

Same. I'm out. Walt needs to burn.


The cold opening has something to root for at Walt. The cold opening makes me at least hope he's doing something to redeem himself after being put in place.

I think his downfall will have do with Todd. Teaching Todd how to make the high grade Meth is just making Walt less valuable. There's no reason for Todd to be loyal to Walt and Walt was going to offer money to Todd, money that the other guys could offer more.

big ander

Walt is simply a whiny tantrum-throwing baby now, and it's brilliant. Mike had done a lot of bad things, but his self-awareness and mentor tendencies made him very sympathetic. Sucks to see him go. Especially in that moment where he was looking back and forth between the cops and his granddaughter – heartbreaking.
I liked Walt throughout the first 4 seasons. Yes, he did some really shitty things, but there was always a part of me that wanted to see him succeed, mainly because those seasons had him overcoming some sort of greater threat (Cancer, Tuco, Gus, what have you). In season 5, there hasn't really been a major threat, and Walt has just been acting like an irrational dick. It almost feels out of character, I don't know. He's just morphed into such a douchebag that I can't sympathize with him anymore. Most, if not all, of his actions in previous seasons had some sort of reasoning behind them, but this time around I'm finding myself unable to understand what the fuck is going through Walt's mind. He just seems so one dimensional now (herp derp gotta have all the monies nobody can get in the way). It's almost a little disappointing to me that the writers have decided to go down the route of transforming Walt into a complete monster, incapable of acting at all human. He's not even making smart decisions like he used to be capable of doing.

Anyway, this episode was still fuck awesome. Sucks that Mike is gone so early into the season, but there was basically nowhere else to take the character outside of having him fly away to a distant land.

Thats something thats been on my mind for a while. Walt, or Heisenberg for that matter, is the greater threat, and I vaguely remember something I read about Vince Gilligan saying along the lines of Walt becoming the villain/antagonist. After this episode, Gaddamn Vince and his team succeeded.

And episode after episode we see Walt broken into pieces in his personal/family life. Whereas Heisenberg is thriving (in a fucked up sort of way).

Can't believe this is going to be the last episode of the year. There is just so much that can happen given all the different parts&characters of this show, that its a room of fans filled with shit.
Thats something thats been on my mind for a while. Walt, or Heisenberg for that matter, is the greater threat, and I vaguely remember something I read about Vince Gilligan saying along the lines of Walt becoming the villain/antagonist. After this episode, Gaddamn Vince and his team succeeded.

And episode after episode we see Walt broken into pieces in his personal/family life. Whereas Heisenberg is thriving (in a fucked up sort of way).

Can't believe this is going to be the last episode of the year. There is just so much that can happen given all the different parts&characters of this show, that its a room of fans filled with shit.

You don't say.
I personally feel as though if there are any characters who are closest to the plot shield by the end of the series, it's Jesse. I'm totally expecting the whole thing being a show about Jesse's path out of crime.

I liked Walt throughout the first 4 seasons. Yes, he did some really shitty things, but there was always a part of me that wanted to see him succeed, mainly because those seasons had him overcoming some sort of greater threat (Cancer, Tuco, Gus, what have you). In season 5, there hasn't really been a major threat, and Walt has just been acting like an irrational dick. It almost feels out of character, I don't know. He's just morphed into such a douchebag that I can't sympathize with him anymore. Most, if not all, of his actions in previous seasons had some sort of reasoning behind them, but this time around I'm finding myself unable to understand what the fuck is going through Walt's mind. He just seems so one dimensional now (herp derp gotta have all the monies nobody can get in the way). It's almost a little disappointing to me that the writers have decided to go down the route of transforming Walt into a complete monster, incapable of acting at all human. He's not even making smart decisions like he used to be capable of doing.

Anyway, this episode was still fuck awesome. Sucks that Mike is gone so early into the season, but there was basically nowhere else to take the character outside of having him fly away to a distant land.

It's clear that he's the greatest threat to overcome now. He basically beat everything that threatened him, and hit the ceiling. All of his rational decisions to protect himself, Jesse, his family, etc. added up. Every time he killed someone, he went closer to Big Bad Walt. And with each kill, the deed was less and less morally ambiguous. You could even say that Season 5's major threat has been his arrogance. He isn't satisfied with a comfortable life, he isn't satisfied with quitting, and he is constantly trying to get deeper and deeper into the business without an escape plan. Just like cancer, Tuco, and Gus, arrogance has a great chance of seeing Walt dead.
Yep... Walt has gone full retard. The moment he opened the bag, I knew what was coming. Everything he does is an excuse for others to feel like shit and them taking the blame on themselves. The way he dodged Jesse wanting his money, the way he dodged Mike leaving, the way he did everything. Everything was an excuse for him to justify how fucked up he is.

I switched to Team Jesse today the moment he did two things within the first 5 minutes:

1. Telling the buyers Jesse is the second cook.
2. "Say my name".

Fucking egoistic maniac. Him admitting to kill Gus is the biggest mistake he will ever make, ever. Mike was just an icing on the cake.


Hunky Nostradamus
Whoaaa Mike is dead :(

There was something bugging me all throughout this episode but I couldn't put my finger on what it was until I read Sepinwall's review. And it's that Mike's actions both this week and last were very uncharacteristic of him: only tying up one of Walt's hands, letting Walt get his bag for him, etc. Those things felt like contrivances just to get Mike out of the way. I don't feel like it was necessary for Mike to die. It's been telegraphed all season long, and I think it would have been nice if the unexpected had happened instead.

Otherwise it was a good episode.
Whoaaa Mike is dead :(

There was something bugging me all throughout this episode but I couldn't put my finger on what it was until I read Sepinwall's review. And it's that Mike's actions both this week and last were very uncharacteristic of him: only tying up one of Walt's hands, letting Walt get his bag for him, etc. Those things felt like contrivances just to get Mike out of the way. I don't feel like it was necessary for Mike to die. It's been telegraphed all season long, and I think it would have been nice if the unexpected had happened instead.

Otherwise it was a good episode.

I was personally hoping that the scene ended with Walt seeing Mike's car empty.


Whoaaa Mike is dead :(

There was something bugging me all throughout this episode but I couldn't put my finger on what it was until I read Sepinwall's review. And it's that Mike's actions both this week and last were very uncharacteristic of him: only tying up one of Walt's hands, letting Walt get his bag for him, etc. Those things felt like contrivances just to get Mike out of the way. I don't feel like it was necessary for Mike to die. It's been telegraphed all season long, and I think it would have been nice if the unexpected had happened instead.

Otherwise it was a good episode.

Also, I find it a bit odd that Mike wasn't suspicious of the call he received from the Lawyer when he was sitting in the park. That was pretty uncharacteristic of him as well imo.

When even Puddles has bailed on that train, I'm not sure you can expect it to go anywhere but into a canyon.

I was close to bailing off #TeamWalt after what he was doing to Jesse in the beginning of the episode, but then I realized that it's Jesse's fault for not realizing he's being manipulated after seeing how manipulative Walt really is.


Also, I find it a bit odd that Mike wasn't suspicious of the call he received from the Lawyer when he was sitting in the park. That was pretty uncharacteristic of him as well imo.

I was close to bailing off #TeamWalt after what he was doing to Jesse in the beginning of the episode, but then I realized that it's Jesse's fault for not realizing he's being manipulated after seeing how manipulative Walt really is.

I think Mike did find it weird and unexpected. He really didn't have much time to react though.


Has anyone here tried bacon banana cookies before?

Nope, but I hear the trick to using bacon in cooking is to make it crispy and dry it out. If it's too greasy it prevents the dough from baking.

Breaking Cookies.

I don't think he needed to really do anything but keep his location undisclosed. This would have given him more time to think.

I doubt his saying his location mattered. They were probably triangulating the call. This is the DEA.

That said, Mike has been off his game since he got shot. Yeah he's still more badass than most even so, but the weariness just hangs on every scene he's been in since then. So I don't see how it's cheap or anything, it fits pretty well.


I dunno. That speech he gave to jessie sealed it. He didnt care about the kid, and he was so articulate in his lies. Compare that scene to when he was giving that crappy speech in the school auditorium trying to comfort everyone on the airplane disaster. At that point he was indifferent about death. Now hes cold blooded.

I can see where you're coming from. I'm just comparing him to Mike is all.

Walt seems to do the things he does out of desparation and his ego, with his actions all over the place and he's got no real plan except for flying by the seat of his britches whereas someone like Mike was always calm, cool, collected, and got the job done in the most efficient manner, no questions asked. If he had a mission to go out and kill people, he went and did it with no remorse and in the most efficient manner with no evidence left behind.


Just watched the episode. Goddamn Walt, you a bad man

Mike was such a great character, will be missed :(

I hope Walt gets fucked up so hard now.
Just watched the episode. Goddamn Walt, you a bad man

Mike was such a great character, will be missed :(

I hope Walt gets fucked up so hard now.

How does someone even hurt him at this point? Besides killing Holly and Walt Jr. anything else wouldn't even phase him out of the Heisenberg mindset.


semen stains the mountaintops
How does someone even hurt him at this point? Besides killing Holly and Walt Jr. anything else wouldn't even phase him out of the Heisenberg mindset.

Walter is probably going to kill Holly just to show how much of a badass he is now.

Holly's for breakfast.


After this week, I really hope a Macbeth ending is coming. The wait is going to be interminable after next week though. :/

I honestly think Macbeth is a better analogy than Scarface for this so far. Expecting a very similar ending.

"Despair thy charm,
And let the angel whom thou still hast served
Tell thee, Jesse was from his mother’s womb
Untimely ripped!"


Subete no aware
I honestly think Macbeth is a better analogy than Scarface for this so far. Expecting a very similar ending.

"Despair thy charm,
And let the angel whom thou still hast served
Tell thee, Jesse was from his mother’s womb
Untimely ripped!"

Honestly, that's the ending I'm hoping for. Jesse takes out Walt after finding out he poisoned the kid last season.
(Bonus points if he was born via C-section. lol)
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