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Grindhouse Trailer

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FnordChan said:

There is a drive in on Burnet?

EDIT: Oh, it died in the 70s, maybe QT and Robert are going to refurbish it or something?
I’m going to see this. I like bad movies and action films and apple pie, but honestly, Grindhouse doesn’t look good. It doesn’t even look good/bad. I feel that QT and RR don’t have a sense of what real violence is, what real pain is, and how it affects us. Like in the beginning of From Dust to Dawn, QT gets shot in his hand. As Clooney and QT drive off, Q puts his harmed hand to his face and playfully looks through the hole. If it happened in real life, I doubt he’d be able to lift his hand, let alone wave it around.

I understand Grindhouse isn’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s a salute to violent B movies. So it’s a detached look at movies that have a detached look at violence. So it’s violence viewed through two mirrors. It’s an ironic detachment of detachment to actual violence, where the violence is pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.

The whole phantom limb of a stripper replaced by a gun actually sickens me. We are at war with real soldiers returning with missing limbs; I doubt they simply swallowed the pain and popped a gun into their empty sockets. Guess I’m not cool.

And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?
Jumpman Jr. said:
I’m going to see this. I like bad movies and action films and apple pie, but honestly, Grindhouse doesn’t look good. It doesn’t even look good/bad. I feel that QT and RR don’t have a sense of what real violence is, what real pain is, and how it affects us. Like in the beginning of From Dust to Dawn, QT gets shot in his hand. As Clooney and QT drive off, Q puts his harmed hand to his face and playfully looks through the hole. If it happened in real life, I doubt he’d be able to lift his hand, let alone wave it around.

I understand Grindhouse isn’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s a salute to violent B movies. So it’s a detached look at movies that have a detached look at violence. So it’s violence viewed through two mirrors. It’s an ironic detachment of detachment to actual violence, where the violence is pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.

The whole phantom limb of a stripper replaced by a gun actually sickens me. We are at war with real soldiers returning with missing limbs; I doubt they simply swallowed the pain and popped a gun into their empty sockets. Guess I’m not cool.

And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?


I am just going to assume my sarcasm meter is broken or something.


Jumpman Jr. said:
I’m going to see this. I like bad movies and action films and apple pie, but honestly, Grindhouse doesn’t look good. It doesn’t even look good/bad. I feel that QT and RR don’t have a sense of what real violence is, what real pain is, and how it affects us. Like in the beginning of From Dust to Dawn, QT gets shot in his hand. As Clooney and QT drive off, Q puts his harmed hand to his face and playfully looks through the hole. If it happened in real life, I doubt he’d be able to lift his hand, let alone wave it around.

I understand Grindhouse isn’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s a salute to violent B movies. So it’s a detached look at movies that have a detached look at violence. So it’s violence viewed through two mirrors. It’s an ironic detachment of detachment to actual violence, where the violence is pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.

The whole phantom limb of a stripper replaced by a gun actually sickens me. We are at war with real soldiers returning with missing limbs; I doubt they simply swallowed the pain and popped a gun into their empty sockets. Guess I’m not cool.

And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?

Booo, get off the stage !!


posting on contract only
ConfusingJazz said:
There is a drive in on Burnet?

EDIT: Oh, it died in the 70s, maybe QT and Robert are going to refurbish it or something?
I'm assuming that's just a reference to an old theatre that used to play these kinds of movies.

Jumpman Jr. said:
I’m going to see this. I like bad movies and action films and apple pie, but honestly, Grindhouse doesn’t look good. It doesn’t even look good/bad. I feel that QT and RR don’t have a sense of what real violence is, what real pain is, and how it affects us. Like in the beginning of From Dust to Dawn, QT gets shot in his hand. As Clooney and QT drive off, Q puts his harmed hand to his face and playfully looks through the hole. If it happened in real life, I doubt he’d be able to lift his hand, let alone wave it around.

I understand Grindhouse isn’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s a salute to violent B movies. So it’s a detached look at movies that have a detached look at violence. So it’s violence viewed through two mirrors. It’s an ironic detachment of detachment to actual violence, where the violence is pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.

The whole phantom limb of a stripper replaced by a gun actually sickens me. We are at war with real soldiers returning with missing limbs; I doubt they simply swallowed the pain and popped a gun into their empty sockets. Guess I’m not cool.

And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?


Jumpman Jr. said:
And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?

I'm all for critical analysis of cinema, but what part of Machete macks on women, opens up his coat full of machetes, uses one as a throwing knife to kill a man, mounts a minigun on the front of his motorcycle, and then jumps off a ramp moments before an explosion reaches him, firing his minigun at the bad guys did you not understand? The trailers are meant to be awesome.



GameFan Alumnus
Jumpman Jr. said:
I’m going to see this. I like bad movies and action films and apple pie, but honestly, Grindhouse doesn’t look good. It doesn’t even look good/bad. I feel that QT and RR don’t have a sense of what real violence is, what real pain is, and how it affects us. Like in the beginning of From Dust to Dawn, QT gets shot in his hand. As Clooney and QT drive off, Q puts his harmed hand to his face and playfully looks through the hole. If it happened in real life, I doubt he’d be able to lift his hand, let alone wave it around.

I understand Grindhouse isn’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s a salute to violent B movies. So it’s a detached look at movies that have a detached look at violence. So it’s violence viewed through two mirrors. It’s an ironic detachment of detachment to actual violence, where the violence is pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.

The whole phantom limb of a stripper replaced by a gun actually sickens me. We are at war with real soldiers returning with missing limbs; I doubt they simply swallowed the pain and popped a gun into their empty sockets. Guess I’m not cool.

And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?

You're thinking too much. If you don't see the coolness of Rose McGowan as a stripper with a gun for a leg or Danny Trejo riding on a motorcycle through an exploding ball of flame with a chain gun mounted on top of said motorcycle, or a good old fashioned zombies attacking the hospital flick, then there is no hope for you.


Jumpman Jr. said:
I’m going to see this. I like bad movies and action films and apple pie, but honestly, Grindhouse doesn’t look good. It doesn’t even look good/bad. I feel that QT and RR don’t have a sense of what real violence is, what real pain is, and how it affects us. Like in the beginning of From Dust to Dawn, QT gets shot in his hand. As Clooney and QT drive off, Q puts his harmed hand to his face and playfully looks through the hole. If it happened in real life, I doubt he’d be able to lift his hand, let alone wave it around.

I understand Grindhouse isn’t meant to be taken seriously. It’s a salute to violent B movies. So it’s a detached look at movies that have a detached look at violence. So it’s violence viewed through two mirrors. It’s an ironic detachment of detachment to actual violence, where the violence is pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.

The whole phantom limb of a stripper replaced by a gun actually sickens me. We are at war with real soldiers returning with missing limbs; I doubt they simply swallowed the pain and popped a gun into their empty sockets. Guess I’m not cool.

And what’s the deal with the trailers? Are they meant to be self-parody or just empty images?

DreamMachine said:
wtf? what is wrong with you people that movie looks like shit.

Exactly, and I fully plan to see this opening night!

Ichirou_Oogami said:

And what the hell is wrong with you people, can you not make a movie without deep meaning?

You know what, I will go ahead and give you one, its a throwback to the ancient tales of greek heroes, where the main characters could perform superhuman tasks, but without the aid of a immortal olympic god that granted these said powers. Instead of being able to kill with spears and hack people in half with one great blow, they are able to go off a ramp, shoot people with a minigun attached to said motorcycle, and escaping giant fireballs.

Happy now?


LM4sure said:
Wonder which parts of the trailer are from the actual films and which is from the fake trailers...
In this trailer it looks like everything with Danny Trejo is just a fake trailer for "Machete", and everything else is from Planet Terror.


what the ****

That looked incredibly lame. The cgi was incredibly cheap, and the trailer looked like it was edited with a cracked version of adobe with the default 'age film' filter. I know it's suposed to be an homage to those old movies, but it's just feels cheap cheap, not homage cheap. It started good with that super cheesy strip footage (similar to chose compilations made by Something Weird Videos)

The fact that there's like 13019 names in the trailer takes so much away from the whole feel. And considering there's about 10 persons that we know, the rest feels like self fellating bullshit like Kevin Smith's Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back when he managed to fit everyone he knew into the movie, somehow

The footage has this weird framerate or vibe that makes it feel NOTHING like old film from the movies they tried to emulate.

It doesnt look real, it feels so phoney, so fake. You would think that QT would know a thing of two about the atmosphere of those trailers , what the **** went wrong. I hope this i just a temp trailer.The Machete trailer part was pretty much spot on until he ****ing opened his coat with 4191 knives inside; it looked so ****ing over the top lame. Same thing with the rotating cgi knife

It's too self aware, too campy. The appeal of those ultra violent movies from the past was that they took themselves seriously, the people behind those movies were actually trying to come up with something good but would fail. They used digital cam again, which totally screws up the vibe of the whole thing..



shuri said:
You would think that QT would know a thing of two about the atmosphere of those trailers , what the **** went wrong.
Yeah, seriously, Tarantino...why the **** aren't you donig a better job of making movies with Rodriguez' name on them?

No clips of the QT part(s) in the trailer, dood.


Flynn said:
I'd ask your shrink to lower your dosage. That looked shit hot.

Meh, like Dan and Jumpman and Oogami and Shuri, I too am getting a bit sick of this rather pretentious "IM MAKING BAD MOVIES BUT I AM DOING SO INTENTIONALLY SO IT IS AWESOME LOLOLOZ" vibe going around in the movie world these days. And the downward trajectory of QT's career seems to be irreversible now (and to think I used to feel after RD and PF that this guy would become a great filmmaker :lol ).

Anyways, I didnt say it looked bad, and I will see it. I just Im not blowing my load over it.

What genre is left for QT to mine after this? Snuff films?


That looked nothing short of awesome. I don't care what people think of Rodriguez or Tarantino, I'm willing to bet that they know a helluva lot more about these movies and actually making them then everyone here. Everyone's a critic...still, that does entitle them to their opinion :)

Whatever, I for one am totally psyched for this, should be sooo much fun.
jett said:
Looks okay. Rodriguez has only made one movie that isn't total shitcakes(Sin City), and that's because of Frank Miller. I'm more interested in seeing QT's half.

The first half of Desperado was awesome.

The second half...eh, just average.


Grindhouse looks like it's going to be the shit!

Honestly, though, I don't know if anyone would agree with me, but QT and RR are pretty good at handling over-the-top, comic-book style characters and if there were ever one to really be made, I wouldn't mind seeing them take a crack at a Metal Gear Solid movie. There's always been that slint hint of cheesiness and self-effacing humor in the series anyway. It probably wouldn't be a literal translation of any of the games, but it would still be something awesome!


Jealous Bastard
grindhouse looks fantastic.
i loved the last tarantino/rodriguez collaboration.

oh, and for the record:
from dusk 'til dawn > sin city.


DMczaf said:

Damn it, give me my Escape from NY sequel! It sucks that Escape from NY never had a sequel, ever....EVER!

Are you being sarcastic? If you're being sarcastic, I don't get it. It's not funny.


I still think this whole project is a giant turd, but kudos to QT for getting Kurt Russell into playing a badass again. Too many sappy, family oriented movies lately.
Solo said:
I still think this whole project is a giant turd, but kudos to QT for getting Kurt Russell into playing a badass again. Too many sappy, family oriented movies lately.


Best film he's been in since the 90's. No masterpiece, but a pretty solid flick.
Haven't seen a good kurt russel flick since "the thing". Ya, it's been that bad.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I do like him though. Just he's been in a lot of bombs. No, not "DA bombs".


Solo said:
Never seen it, so I can't comment.

Kurt Russell as a dirty cop. He really sells the performance 110%. It's an ok movie, overall. It had some slight awards buzz when it was released but nothing came of it.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'm not entirely sure why I keep bumping this up, but what the hey. There's a bit up on Eli Roth's Myspace about his fake trailer in Grindhouse and maybe somebody will find it entertaining:

After HOSTEL DEUX wrapped we went right into shooting the GRIND HOUSE trailer which was absolutely ****ing nuts. It's seriously the most fun I've had shooting anything since 7th grade. My friend Jeff came over from Boston and we got to film this thing we've been dreaming of shooting since we were 18 years old. Gabe produced it and everyone who was in town made cameos in it. We basically had 2 days to cram in as much sex, violence and silliness as we could, and we just ****ing went for it. It was honestly the most fun I've ever had shooting anything. HOSTEL was a blast, as was HOSTEL PART II, but with the GRIND HOUSE trailer there were absolutely no rules. No continuity, no character development, just pure unadulterated, unfiltered violence and insanity. My D.P. Milan Chadima shot it, and he busted out lenses from the 1970's! It was too ****ing cool. I really want it to look like the trailer for THE PROWLER or MANIAC, and we shot it with the old school camera and lenses. Nobody shot with them in years, and Milan said the rental house dug them up out of the basement just for him. It was awesome. I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say that we made a mess in the center of a small town and it involved a lot of blood. We had about 200 extras, including about 40 screaming girls aged 4-9 dressed like majorettes (twirling batons and everything) and a panic-stricken riot with people dressed like Pilgrims and Indians. We were laughing so hard shooting it we nearly passed out, and a few times I actually thought people got really hurt. But we made it out unscathed, and even the screaming majorettes were showing off how much blood they got splattered on their white majorette costumes. The other stuff we shot is so absurdly disgusting I don't want to give it away, you'll have to see it in GRIND HOUSE. But between HOSTEL: PART II and the trailer let's just say I kept the KNB guys plenty busy. And they did a ****ing amazing job. God I love those guys.

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