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castration and pedophiles

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Have we learned nothing?


Any sex offender should be either killed or put in prison for life.

Of course, in order to make sure innocent people don't die there should always be an appeal and a very long trail.
If theres reason to believe the person is innocent keep him outside and make sure he doesn't run away and that he doesn't offend any more people. If it's pretty obvious he is guilty lock him until the trail is over.
flsh said:
Any sex offender should be either killed or put in prison for life.

Of course, in order to make sure innocent people don't die there should always be an appeal and a very long trail.
If theres reason to believe the person is innocent keep him outside and make sure he doesn't run away and that he doesn't offend any more people. If it's pretty obvious he is guilty lock him until the trail is over.

What if a 19 year old has consentual sex with a 16 year old?

you're nuts.


BobbyRobby said:
What if a 19 year old has consentual sex with a 16 year old?

you're nuts.
Are you a retard?
Seriously, did you just post to what I said for the sake of it?
If it's consentual sex it's not offending. Doesn't matter if she regretted it she said yes before(Which in this case I think nothing should happen really).


BobbyRobby said:
you can become a registered sex offender if you have consentual sex with someone under the age of consent. statutory rape.

Oh god.. You know what I mean when I say sex offender. I don't mean it as what is defines by law, but by what is defined by logic (Rape, gang rape, child molestation). I don't think a guy ****ing a 15 year old should get a day in prison.


flsh said:
Oh god.. You know what I mean when I say sex offender. I don't mean it as what is defines by law, but by what is defined by logic (Rape, gang rape, child molestation). I don't think a guy ****ing a 15 year old should get a day in prison.
Funny, we had a hard time reading your mind through your post. Maybe don't post so angrily just because you failed to communicate a point. When you're talking about the law and you use a legal term, people are going to assume you mean the accepted legal term and not just something you made up but failed to mention to anybody. Calling him a retard might have been excessive in that situation.


Maybe I could have been clearer, but you can understand what I meant from reading my post. If you don't (And I'm sure he did and just wanted to be an ass) than yes, you are a retard :) Don't agree? Start using common sense.
yeah, I wasn't entirely sure where you were drawing the line, flsh. compared to some of the things I used to hear in my Gender Philiosophy class, you're remark wouldn't have been that far off.


BobbyRobby said:
What if a 19 year old has consentual sex with a 16 year old?

The 19 year old must be a loser since he/she cannot get any with other adults.

I came across many 16 year olds in my day and I remember that a lot of the younger women who date older guys, the older guys are incompetent social awkward losers who work minimum wage, smokes pot, lives with their parents, and has the mindset of a 16 year old. Being sixteen does not make you an 'adult' in this modern society of boomerang children and "40 year old virgins". It takes a lot more being an adult these days and it is hard to compete with living wages. Also, younger people tend to be manipulated easier by 'older people' especially if the younger person thinks him/her is handsome/gorgeous.

I consider myself in the social awkward loser bracket but I have enough sense not to go after minors, smoke pot, and work minimum wage.


Matt_C said:

The 19 year old must be a loser since he/she cannot get any with other adults.

I came across many 16 year olds in my day and I remember that a lot of the younger women who date older guys, the older guys are incompetent social awkward losers who work minimum wage, smokes pot, lives with their parents, and has the mindset of a 16 year old. Being sixteen does not make you an 'adult' in this modern society of boomerang children and "40 year old virgins". It takes a lot more being an adult these days and it is hard to compete with living wages. Also, younger people tend to be manipulated easier by 'older people' especially if the younger person thinks him/her is handsome/gorgeous.
Way to generalize, on both sides. I know minors who are more mature than some adults, and I also know a 19 year old dating a 17 year old, and both are perfectly normal. There is not a whole lot of personal growth between 16 and 19.


Mute said:
Way to generalize, on both sides. I know minors who are more mature than some adults, and I also know a 19 year old dating a 17 year old, and both are perfectly normal. There is not a whole lot of personal growth between 16 and 19.

I was a different person when I was 19 compared to when I was 16. I went to college, worked, got my own PC, drove, met up with people who weren't in high school, I fell in love with another adult, and lost my virginity.

19 and 17 are freaking close due to the 17 year old being almost a legal adult. Living in high school is not living in the real world. Speaking as someone who lives in the United States, high school life is highly artificial, scheduled to a routine, and there is little freedom in the general day. The worldview of 16 year olds are highly constructed and limited due to the socialization of other children (yes I use that word) of their age. In order to live, you got to be exposed to what is outside of the hyperbole reality of high school.

What do I know, I am only one person.


Matt_C said:
I was a different person when I was 19 compared to when I was 16. I went to college, worked, got my own PC, drove, met up with people who weren't in high school, I fell in love with another adult, and lost my virginity.

19 and 17 are freaking close due to the 17 year old being almost a legal adult. Living in high school is not living in the real world. Speaking as someone who lives in the United States, high school life is highly artificial, scheduled to a routine, and there is little freedom in the general day. The worldview of 16 year olds are highly constructed and limited due to the socialization of other children (yes I use that word) of their age. In order to live, you got to be exposed to what is outside of the hyperbole reality of high school.

What do I know, I am only one person.
Last time I checked, 17 year olds have the same life as 16. Still go to High School every day. See the same people, do the same things. 16 year olds can drive. Get a job. Open an IRA. etc..
The only difference I can see between the two ages is the responsibility of living on your own. And 19 million adults still live at home with their parents.


force push the doodoo rock
I hate pedos as much as the next guy, but cutting dicks off is just barbaric and stupid.

The punishment they will suffer from other prisoners is enough for me.


Flambe said:

F'ing pedophiles, screw this rehabilitation bullcrap.
So do you feel this way about most criminals who do things to people, or just child molesters?


What about female pedophiles, like those teachers? Should we jam something up there holes? Kill them? Cut off their clits? Which would work best?


Some people view Child Molestation as the worst crime one can commit.

The laws for Child Molestation/Child Porn etc are fine as is. They shouldn't be given any special punishments just because they abuse kids. Murder is the worst crime. However, people don't see it as the 'worst' for some reason I just don't know.

A repeat offender will reoffend whether or not his balls are removed. Sometimes, it just isn't the sexdrive that justifies molestation to these people, it's a deep, mental thing that will continually drive them. Something that just cannot be helped.

I would also like to say that I don't hold Paedophiles and Child Molesters in the same regard. Just like we don't hold straight people as rapists, until they actually rape. I classify it as a very obscure, weird sexual preference that they cannot help.

I really think the laws right now are adequate, they're not going to get anymore extreme. I mean, they can increase the imprisonment time, fine, whatever, but castration? That's ridiculous.

Focus on keeping them away from children, focus on rehabilitation (even if it doesn't help, it's better than 'nothing'.) and just focus on making sure they're always being watched.


Is there something as a natural born sadist?

I'm not sure if you are being ironic about my choice of words or not, anyway, I'm absolutely convinced that there are sadists who were born that way. I'm thinking we all have such instincts inside of us, but to some these are either more prominent from the start or are unleashed / come to them through force during their lifes.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I'm all for it if they're a repeat offender. I think people deserve a second chance, especially for things like rape, pedophilia(mostly because they might not have been thinking straight because of medications or high stress levels or whatever), but one chance is all they get, offend once more and there goes their manhood.
Mato said:
I'm not sure if you are being ironic about my choice of words or not, anyway, I'm absolutely convinced that there are sadists who were born that way. I'm thinking we all have such instincts inside of us, but to some these are either more prominent from the start or are unleashed / come to them through force during their lifes.

It's not that they're born "sadists". The issue has more to do with brain defects imo. The brain is extremely complex, and just a little tinker with something like the amygdala can lead to startling changes in one's behavior. If someone was born with under development of or damage to the amygdala then yes, they could be very prone to violence from birth.


PhoenixDark said:
It's not that they're born "sadists". The issue has more to do with brain defects imo. The brain is extremely complex, and just a little tinker with something like the amygdala can lead to startling changes in one's behavior. If someone was born with under development of or damage to the amygdala then yes, they could be very prone to violence from birth.

As far as defects go, who is to decide what is the prototype human model and what can be considered as a stray away from it? Maybe we are the defects who are too insecure and sensitive, so more prone to fail at survival.

I think a sadist is simply someone who takes satisfaction out of other people's miseries that he has caused, physical or not, so violence isn't necessary. Some people are simply born with that twisted, sick **** smile on their face, there's nothing far-fetced about that idea. I've known a child from my village who swung a cat from her tail and then threw a brinck in her head and killed her. He was 5-6. One of my friends would simply try to constantly piss other people off simply because it was "so much fun". That stupid smirk on his face was very telling. Sadists are the root and the true enemy to deal with. I think most of the twisted criminals in the world are simply victims and byproducts of sadist people's actions.


I think we should help these people as much as possible. I'm not a psychologist, but you can't deny that many offenders were once victims, or something of that nature.

I know child molestation and so forth are some of the worst acts that one could commit, but to truly advance society, those of us who have the potential must take on the role of the better man.

There are lots of sick people out there - maybe it's possible to help them?

Anyway, I can't blame any of you for demonstrating your angst towards such offenders, but sometimes I wish some of you guys would think twice before saying something, because such discourse doesn't really get anyone anywhere.


Matt_C said:

This is what sexual abusers of children should deserve. Not reformation, not estrogen, but this .
The same thing should apply to sexual abuse and rape as well.

There is nothing cruel and unusual about capital punishment and sometimes some things need to be done. The fear of death and violence would deter some power hungry pervert to molest a child.

Also, our children need to learn ways to self defend against abusers and have them be afraid of turning people in.

Only people who deal death should be dealt death, that is justice at its lowest common denominator. I hate when people really dont consider the full magnitude of the word death and use it to justify their opinions. Punish a man, rape him with a 10 inch dildo inflict upon him the pain he inflicted, but kill them for abuse? wow. You should be put in baghdad for a few days and realize how wrong you are.


I'm tanking for Kabanov!
IIRC from my many psychology classes, castration won't get rid of all sexual behaviour for men, you would have to lesion the preoptic region of the hypothalamus. Do you really want to start lobotomizing people?

White Man

I don't think castration should be mandatory on sex offenders, but I wouldn't be opposed to castrating duders that want to chop a few years off their jail sentence. After a couple of study cases and a number of years, we can judge whether the castration got the job done, and then maybe it can be offered to sex offenders that meet certain criteria. Again, never mandatory, but only for those that say so.
Punishment and treatment are two seperate things. They must take responsibility for their acts but that doesnt mean we absolve ourselve from helping them. Not sure if I'm seeing people use it as an either/or ituation. We punish or help them.
Mato said:
As far as defects go, who is to decide what is the prototype human model and what can be considered as a stray away from it? Maybe we are the defects who are too insecure and sensitive, so more prone to fail at survival.

Are you serious?


PhoenixDark said:
Are you serious?

Ofcourse I'm serious, Bush for example is one hell of an insensitive bastard, but he's doing ok with his life, no? Better than me and you, that's for sure. Do you really think that the world would be as it is if people with power meant to do good?


Has problems recognising girls
****ing wikipedia. I read up on castration for a bit more info about it all, and then they say that the Vietcong have been accused of doing it to US prisoners.

**** that.
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