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Some The Wind Waker HD Screens


I repeat: if the same bloom was applied to all scenes it would be too much. But it is not there during the dungeons or at night and it looks good on the outside scenes during the day.

And I think this whole bloom thing is going the hyperbole route here. Demon's Souls has a nasty amount of bloom ALL THE TIME, the stupid shield EMITS light from its back while on you back and it is still one of the best games of the last generation. So... in the end it does not matter.


Membero Americo
I wouldn't guite put it at the same level as the yellow tint complains from the OoT 3D screenshots, but it's not that far.
See I cant say stuff like that

The only time I want someone in total agreement is when I'm scientifically certified right, otherwise it'd be no fun. And being right with something like artistic style is pretty much impossible. One person will think any act of changing a timeless style sullies it. Another can look at the exact same thing and think that extra brush stroke is the difference between chasing the old or reinventing the wheel.

Disagree my friend! But I don't hate the look. I still find it charming.


Well you learn the song of the sun from that Elvis impersonator, right? So I can just play the whole game at night time and it should look ok.


I'm finally coming round, I think it looks nice. Although I still think Nintendo could've asked their Level-5 friends for some help on how to make cel-shading look amazing on an HD console. Because after Ni no Kuni, those guys definitely know.

Since Wii U Zelda proper is going to take an age, they should really do Majora's Mask next. I mean, why not?


Played it at the E3 tour in London, it looks really nice in person, and I wouldn't say the bloom's too much. The fight against the Helmarnoc King was really brought the colours out with it being at night time.

The video in this preview has the GC version running next to it if you want to compare, although no-one's playing it.

I still haven't got a Wii U yet personally, but if I did I'd get WWHD, but not for £44.99 like what's on Amazon at the moment.


Played it at the E3 tour in London, it looks really nice in person, and I wouldn't say the bloom's too much. The fight against the Helmarnoc King was really brought the colours out with it being at night time.

The video in this preview has the GC version running next to it if you want to compare, although no-one's playing it.

I still haven't got a Wii U yet personally, but if I did I'd get WWHD, but not for £44.99 like what's on Amazon at the moment.

Game looks REALLY good in that video.
Exactly. If the game was a simply 1080p port then people would be bitching about how that's already possible on Dolphin. You can't please anyone, and I'm glad at least I'm pleased.

I'd be perfectly happy with that. Even happier if it was 60fps, which Dolphin can't do. Instead we get this bloomy washed out mess in 30fps


I watch those videos and I listen those songs and... they are soooo good.

The songs are making me buy this game again. I loved to sail and listen to the Great Sea theme. So good.


I'm finally coming round, I think it looks nice. Although I still think Nintendo could've asked their Level-5 friends for some help on how to make cel-shading look amazing on an HD console. Because after Ni no Kuni, those guys definitely know.

Since Wii U Zelda proper is going to take an age, they should really do Majora's Mask next. I mean, why not?

Wind Waker looks better than No no Kuni. Not on a polygon count level, but I think wind wakers cel shading and animation is still unmatched.


Game looks REALLY good in that video.
But, does it look "lived in"?
Man, can't wait to see how
the Hyrule castle
looks like.
Also, the game won't be 60€/$, Pikmin 3 and W101 are 40€ on Amazon.
Even Game and Wario was 35€.


Gold Member
I'm pretty excited for this as I never owned a GC so it will be all new to me - looks great :)


I thought it would be nice to have some sort of comparison:

GameCube (480p YouTube)

Wii U (480p YouTube)

Dolphin (480p YouTube)


I think the bloom is effective in some areas, where it looks like the bright sunlight of a nice day at the beach. I like how the Master Sword glows in the dark too. I wish they worked on the textures, but I already know this game looks far, far better in motion without the terrible compression.
That's a lot of big stink over something as trivial as lighting. The bloom seems fitting to me because of the ocean setting. Makes it look all misty and damp. It also looks like it's much less intense in indoor areas, so it seems like it was an intentional choice. I was also really worried the lighting would ruin the aesthetic of the original, but when I saw the E3 trailer, I felt it didn't alter it too much as to offend fans of the original. Clearly some were, but I think it looks great, especially when I had seen it running in person at the Best Buy E3 demo event.


So much for the full remake crap people have been spouting

People seem to throw around the word remake a lot for enhanced ports. It kind of confuses me really. Something like SNES FFIV to DS FFIV is a remake. Games like OoT 3D or WW HD are not remakes.

Edit: Meant to say DS not 3DS...


Dolphin 1080p

(As a way of illustrating what I was saying previously)

Yeah, I didn't post them in 1080p cause I wanted them all to be the same size. This game looks awesome in Dolphin and it is pretty clear they haven't changed the assets at all, but saying that, I actually love the lighting in the Wii U version, I think it really adds to the look of the game in a good way.


aka Mannny
People seem to throw around the word remake a lot for enhanced ports. It kind of confuses me really. Something like SNES FFIV to 3DS FFIV is a remake. Games like OoT 3D or WW HD are not remakes.
I usually call them remasters. Like I said in the amazon Zelda thread a better example of a remake would probably Pokemon gold/silver ---> heart gold and soul silver but maybe even that is stretching it a bit.


But, does it look "lived in"?
Man, can't wait to see how
the Hyrule castle
looks like.
Also, the game won't be 60€/$, Pikmin 3 and W101 are 40€ on Amazon.
Even Game and Wario was 35€.

Yeah I paid £29 for Pikmin and £32 for W101. I'll be paying around £30 for WWHD at launch I reckon.
Says who? Every time they've shown it so far, it's been 30fps.

It's definitely 30fps, just like the original was. I'm normally a stickler for that kind of thing, but only when it comes to more arcadey types of games. For Zelda, it's an appropriate number considering the series' more cinematic nature. I wouldn't be surprised to see all future console Zelda games take this route. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure the HD Zelda demo from past E3s was running at 30fps as well.


Hilarious at the Dolphin comparison. Yeah, dolphin looks pretty decent on your $1500 computer with a widescreen hack and some borked graphical effects.

This looks MUCH better, and anyone complaining about the AA just looks foolish when there's sub HD games with no AA this gen. Game looks phenomenal in motion, and in person. How many 3D games have we had at 1920x1080 this gen? And somehow we made it through without our "eyes bleeding". Come on guys.
It's fitting that Nintendo is rushing a port of a rushed Zelda game.

Wish they spent more time adding new dungeons and stuff.

Doing so would only delay the next Zelda. This is an extension of a test project for the team to work in HD and not really worth the extra time (although since they're asking $60 for it, it would have been nice).

Anyway, I think it looks good.


Bloom is fine, THIS bloom is not.

Weird to see so many WW fans liking this, as it's pretty obvious that the overbearing amount of bloom clashes with the original game's style. The art style of Wind Waker is clean minimalism, look at the smooth vector-like properties of the water, the hard lines of the cel shading effect, the clean lines of the items, characters, and world geometry. Martha Stewart bloom isn't for a game whose distinctive feature is clean lines, but let's just blindly praise the 2005-era bloom anyway just because Nintendo put it there.

I agree with all of this. It's a shame because WW would've benefited greatly from a more faithful HD job.


I think it's still great. I've only played the first 3 dungeons or so long ago on GameCube, but now I actually want to complete it (I don't have my GC disc anymore :( ). $50 should be OK for this, I think.


I was pretty exited about this when it was first announced, but now I am just sort of really indiferent about it. Was just kind of expecting a more thoroughly revision than this.
I think the aspect I am most interested about is fully loaded ocean.

Knowing myself I will probably get this down the line, but definitely not at full price unless there's a LE that offers some good value.


Looking much better now than the first few screenshots did. Don't care about all the hate, when this releases, they better bundle it up with a Wii U Premium. October can't come soon enough.


Membero Americo
I thought it would be nice to have some sort of comparison:

GameCube (480p YouTube)

Wii U (480p YouTube)

Dolphin (480p YouTube)

Where are the shadows at? I could swear the GC version had more shadows than this. I like the Wii U screenshot, too. The bloom adds a sense of "it's summer alright", while making the parts in shadows a good place to hide from the heat.

If that's what Nintendo was going for... well, it works.


Gold Member
Watching the IGN video, though, it isn't as if bloom covers every inch of the screen at every moment. Far from it.

Not that far from it. It's bloomy as hell.

wtf do you people think bloom is for. This is literally the perfect game to turn it up with, it's set on a goddamn hot muggy tropical ocean. it fits

Maybe if the game had a more realistic artstyle, but the way they're using it here sort of ruins the wonderfully clean cartoon look the original had. Not saying you absolutely cannot use bloom with this artstyle at all, but it's so damn overdone.
The only time I want someone in total agreement is when I'm scientifically certified right, otherwise it'd be no fun. And being right with something like artistic style is pretty much impossible. One person will think any act of changing a timeless style sullies it. Another can look at the exact same thing and think that extra brush stroke is the difference between chasing the old or reinventing the wheel.

Disagree my friend! But I don't hate the look. I still find it charming.
No Im saying I cant say stuff like that. "They" wont let me :/
I agree with everything you said.
Where are the shadows at? I could swear the GC version had more shadows than this. I like the Wii U screenshot, too. The bloom adds a sense of "it's summer alright", while making the parts in shadows a good place to hide from the heat.

If that's what Nintendo was going for... well, it works.

While much can be said about Nintendo's output in HD, all their games have had amazing lighting so far. Wind Waker HD will be no different nor will Super Mario 3D World when it's released.


Gold Member
While much can be said about Nintendo's output in HD, all their games have had amazing lighting so far. Wind Waker HD will be no different nor will Super Mario 3D World when it's released.

Is the lighting in this remake technically better and more impressive? Of course. In isolation I think it look really nice. But it just doesn't go very well with the artstyle.
Is the lighting in this remake technically better and more impressive? Of course. In isolation I think it look really nice. But it just doesn't go very well with the artstyle.

I think it goes along well when combined with the soft bloom and heavy saturation in the sunlight.


Membero Americo
Is the lighting in this remake technically better and more impressive? Of course. In isolation I think it look really nice. But it just doesn't go very well with the artstyle.

I think it works. Gives the game a feel of summer, which makes sense because it's mostly islands with beaches and sand and crap.


Where are the shadows at? I could swear the GC version had more shadows than this.

Nope, it really doesn't have a whole lot of shadow usage for the islands. Windfall is probably the island with the most shadows iirc, at least in terms of building and structure shadows during the daytime.

Outset Island really does lack shadows in the original. 'Course that's not necessarily a bad thing, though it is a glaring difference to notice in those comparison shots. It does make the original (at least on Outset Island) look noticeably flat and less organic in comparison.

Then again, yeah, they're not intended to be realistic at all and that's why people complain so much about the bloom. The environments were intentionally designed to be simple so you wouldn't notice the lack of actual directional shadowing and lighting. It all just blends together well in the original. Though that isn't me saying the new lighting and added bloom doesn't work; it just creates a new atmosphere for the player to experience. If you don't like it, there's still the original game.

If Nintendo went with a simple 1080p upres with fixed up textures and the features they added now, people would still complain. "Oh Nintendo's lazy" or "Why would I pay for this when I can play this on Dolphin?" It's damned if you do and damned if you don't for this game lol.

Matter of fact, it was the same issue with Ocarina of Time 3D. People complained endlessly about that game pre-release and now? Everyone's pleased with it. What the heck?


Survives without air, food, or water
Bloom is fine, THIS bloom is not.

Weird to see so many WW fans liking this, as it's pretty obvious that the overbearing amount of bloom clashes with the original game's style. The art style of Wind Waker is clean minimalism, look at the smooth vector-like properties of the water, the hard lines of the cel shading effect, the clean lines of the items, characters, and world geometry. Martha Stewart bloom isn't for a game whose distinctive feature is clean lines, but let's just blindly praise the 2005-era bloom anyway just because Nintendo put it there.

Funny, I always thought the defining feature of the original style was bright n' bold simple colors. Art tends to be subjective that way.

And god forbid they slightly change the art style of a remake. When you have half of the people bitching because it "looks exactly like dolphin, what's the point" and the other half bitching because "it isn't close enough to the original style" you know you're dealing with Zelda fans.


Says who? Every time they've shown it so far, it's been 30fps.

There is only one site claiming that and now that I went after the actual source it is not really a good one (though I'm not saying it is bad), so... Yes, let us go back to 30fps.

About the changes:

Nintendo just ups the resolution and give players the exact same game playing in 1080p: NINTENDO IS LAZY, I CAN PLAY THAT ON DOLPHIN.

Nintendo changes lighting and other things: THEY'D BE BETTER KEEPING THE GAME AS IT WAS. LOOKS LIKE CRAP.

There is just no win in this game and we all know it.
I prefer it this way. I got used to it and I like the feeling it gives the game. Gives a great contrast in comparison to inside de dungeons or indoors, or even at the nigh time. For all of the people out there that prefer it on Dolphin, well... you can still play it on Dolphin, so it is not like you are losing anything.
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