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Why are certain indie devs throwing their pre-existing fanbases under the bus?


GAF's Bob Woodward
I was other the impression all of these games are coming out at the same time on PC, and if not, then shortly after.

The indie stuff, yes (or most of it). The SCE WWS stuff, no.

Of the new stuff announced yesterday...

Not announced for PC:

Hell Divers
Velocity Ultra 2X
Shadow of the Beast
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Final Horizon (not sure...this was a previously unknown game included in the indie section)
Switch Galaxy Ultra

On or coming to PC:

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Rogue Legacy
Guns of Icarus Online
Wasteland Kings
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Assault Android Cactus
Samurai Gunn


It is and isn't moneyhatting depending on the definition, that's to be expected.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if all these indies decided to flock to the limited PS4 exclusivity deal solely because they know Sony would pimp them out-- as already indicated by Sony showing their debut trailers and showcasing them at their Gamescom conference.

But in the end, whatever the hell it is to you, it does make me feel better about Everybody's Gone to the Rapture being a timed exclusive, given Sony's first party studio being directly involved in the development.
They aren't exclusives, they're just coming to PS4 first.

Just wait, they'll be on humble bundle or steam sale eventually.

you just pointed out why they are jumping to ps4. humble bundle and steam sales cant be profitable for the devs. good for gamers to get cheap games...but as a business why would i want to sell a million copies for $1 when I can sell a million copies for $5? Its just basic common sense.
Why do people assume just because they are funded by Sony they wont show up on PC after a while?

The vice-versa situation already happened with Planetside 2. I can guess Sony will let them be console-exclusive for a while and after a while they could publish them on PC to get some more sales out of it.
Otherwise I wouldnt know why they not just stated they are exclusive, but "console-exclusive".

but as a business why would i want to sell a million copies for $1 when I can sell a million copies for $5? Its just basic common sense.

It doesnt need to be 1$. Especially during Steam Sales a lot of people buy Games for even 30% off. And devs like Phil Fish or the Dustforce Devs even showed how profitable that is.

And who knows if 1 Million people would buy it at the price of 10$?


GAF parliamentarian
you just pointed out why they are jumping to ps4. humble bundle and steam sales cant be profitable for the devs. good for gamers to get cheap games...but as a business why would i want to sell a million copies for $1 when I can sell a million copies for $5? Its just basic common sense.
... But they are profitable.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Why do people assume just because they are funded by Sony they wont show up on PC after a while?

The vice-versa situation already happened with Planetside 2. I can guess Sony will let them be console-exclusive for a while and after a while they could publish them on PC to get some more sales out of it.
Otherwise I wouldnt know why they not just stated they are exclusive, but "console-exclusive".

SoE isn't SCE...

In terms of the SCE published stuff, exclusivity is not being qualified as 'console only exclusive'.

That doesn't mean PC versions couldn't happen - I think it may depend a lot on IP ownership - but I think of the SCE published games, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture might be the only candidate for a later PC release.


Peggle 2 & Modern Gardenware 'first on xbox' - blatant moneyhatting that screws gamers on other platforms in the attempt to twist their hand and buy a platform they don't want to.

Dead Rising 3 - legitimate funding of a game that wouldn't have been made w\o MS backing it.


I already mentioned this on the Everyone's Gone Home to Rapture thread, that it's not unheard of for even bigger games to jump from PC/Mac to console exclusivity.

Halo - From Mac to Xbox.
Halo for Mac 1999 Preview

Gears of War - Showcased at PC event, albeit without a title, and then moved to 360.
Unreal Engine 3 Early Demo
4:28 -> http://youtu.be/1m7T5ay_8DI

Alan Wake - Showcased at Intel event, then moved to 360.
Alan Wake at IDF 9/26/06
I already mentioned this on the Everyone's Gone Home to Rapture thread, that it's not unheard of for even bigger games to jump from PC/Mac to console exclusivity.

Halo - From Mac to Xbox.
Halo for Mac 1999 Preview

Gears of War - Showcased at PC event, albeit without a title, and then moved to 360.
Unreal Engine 3 Early Demo
4:28 -> http://youtu.be/1m7T5ay_8DI

Alan Wake - Showcased at Intel event, then moved to 360.
Alan Wake at IDF 9/26/06
Halo - MS bought the whole damn company, it wasn't their choice to begin with. Still had a PC (and Mac) port by Gearbox. MS themselves are to blame for not porting anything past Halo 2 (and porting Halo 2 so badly).

Gears of War - most likely 360 exclusive in exchange for MS putting 512MB of RAM in the 360. Still had a PC port by People Can Fly. GFWL and the port were bad enough that it probably didn't sell and thus sequels didn't warrant more ports. Again blame MS.

Alan Wake - Yeah this was straight up moneyhatted by MS as far as anyone can tell. Still had a PC port by Remedy themselves.

So as everyone says, why worry? PC versions of these games are coming.

Same reason Bayonetta 2 is exclusive to Wii U and Platinum "threw their existing fan base under the bus".
I think it's a bit different when the first game doesn't sell well enough to cover costs let alone warrant a sequel and then someone else comes along and funds a sequel for who knows what reason.


Halo - MS bought the whole damn company, it wasn't their choice to begin with. Still had a PC (and Mac) port by Gearbox. MS themselves are to blame for not porting anything past Halo 2 (and porting Halo 2 so badly).

Gears of War - most likely 360 exclusive in exchange for MS putting 512MB of RAM in the 360. Still had a PC port by People Can Fly. GFWL and the port were bad enough that it probably didn't sell and thus sequels didn't warrant more ports. Again blame MS.

Alan Wake - Yeah this was straight up moneyhatted by MS as far as anyone can tell. Still had a PC port by Remedy themselves.

So as everyone says, why worry? PC versions of these games are coming.

I've only played the Halo port of those, as I haven't really been into PC gaming since the 9700 Pro days. It ran like shit on my system, compared to games like UT2003, Doom 3, and Max Payne 2.

I've never heard about the 512MB exchange in relation to Gears before, so I remain a bit sceptical about it.


you'd think that the homogeneous x86 standard would leave more people questioning this practice, but it seems to have only doubled down on the desire to find any minor semblance of idiosyncrasy in these firmware-locked HTPCs.

it seems fairly unique to this industry that fans can be leveraged in such a way that an announcement that a corporation is putting money down to prevent a title being played without their proprietary $400 entry ticket can be greeted with thunderous applause.
Indeed, games consoles exist.

We could try and organise a general console boycott if you like. I'll design a t-shirt if you get some leaflets printed up.
I just don't see how that isn't a money hat. It's extremely rare -- if not entirely unheard of -- for moneyhats to exist in the literal way some seem to be suggesting. Publishers don't just go up to developers and offer them a giant wad of money to make their game exclusive to a single platform.

Instead, it's typically more nuanced. For GTAIV, for example, Microsoft offered to help with advertising costs. In some other cases (like with the Chinese room), publishers help with development costs. In still others, it may be a more complex arrangement including timed exclusivity in exchange for distribution costs or even work out a hardware bundle

All of these different incentives are just different forms of money. If I spend 5M developing a game but then 5M worth of free advertising from Microsoft, that is not quantifiably different from getting 5M from Nintendo to develop a game and then spending 5M of my own money to advertise it.

In principle you are correct, money is money. But I still think there is a difference between in only paying for advertising of an independently created game or funding the game based on a proof-of-concept or jumping in if money runs out before the game is finished or actually helping developing it with their own studios.
Basically, as a gamer I only care about the game existing at all (and in its best state possible). I don't care that the developer (and often enough it's anyway a third party publisher in the "real" moneyhatting cases) doesn't have enough money to buy tons of ads for the finished game.
Games can not exist w/o actual funding/help, but can w/o moneyhatting. That's my arbitrary definition. Of course it's not a bubble and you can take the money you save and invest it in your next project. Though depending on the scope you have in mind, it would still not be feasible w/o a strong helping hand (manpower/tech/development).

Regarding the topic, I can somewhat understand the frustration (in case of the few titles that might stay on Sony platforms forever or at least a very long time). But I would see it as independent projects that would not exist in that state otherwise. If they can't find a good publisher for a PC/multiplatform release, what should they do? IMO it's worse when good selling franchises suddenly switch platforms/become exclusive to one (I'm looking at you Capcom).


Money. Plain and simple. Not that I blame them if Sony came up and offered me a sweet deal I would take it. Anyway money hatting PC developers to make their next game console exclusive and/or console focused seems to be what you do during the start of a new generation. Probably a lot cheaper then money hatting a big console developer.

Anyway OP if history has taught me anything it that as a PC gamer you should expect developers to eventually become console focused as a rule. Always expect people to go where they think the money is. It's naive to think that someone will turn down a sweet deal from Sony or Microsoft out of loyalty to their PC fan base.


I think i've read in a interview to Guacamelee! developers that when they participate in Sony's Pub Fund program they signed a six months exclusivity in PlayStation platforms.

So if they have not made a full contract like ThatGameCompany, the game should go to steam in half a year. You need to be worried if xDev is giving them full support like what SSM studios give to TGC.
big difference between

console exclusive
console exclusive debut

I heard a lot of "console exclusive debut" in that conference


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

Nathan Grayson said:
Dear Esther Dev’s Rapture No Longer Coming To PC

Truth be told, I went in expecting to come away marking off days on my calendar until a period of timed exclusivity was up, but no such luck. When I asked if everybody who matters – you know, PC gamers – would eventually go to the rapture, Pinchbeck offered a brief, unfortunate reply: “No, it’ll be a PS4 exclusive.”

I queried further as to why we’re missing out, and Pinchbeck was refreshingly frank:

“So the thinking went like this,” he began. “We don’t have enough money or production expertise to make this game without help. We don’t think we can raise enough through Kickstarter or public alpha to make this happen. We could do with production support on a game this scale. We’ve always wanted to make a console game. Publishers have bad reputations all too often. Hey, Sony Santa Monica are great though. We’ve met them a few times and really like them and their attitude.”

“Also, PS4 is starting to look very cool as a platform. All eggs thrown into singular basket, Sony Santa Monica contacted, everybody likes each other, lots of love for the project. Long dark night of the soul mulling over implications of shifting across to console. Mix of pragmatism and excitement about the possibilities win out.”

But what of thechineseroom’s loyal supporters on PC who – among other things – sprinted the first-person walk-’n'-talker’s sales all the way up to “well over 750,000″? Pinchbeck and co are perhaps more aware of their fan base’s mighty contribution than anyone, and they’re incredibly grateful. But they saw a chance to branch out and create an otherwise impossible project. They couldn’t say no.

Full article over at RPS: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/08/22/dear-esther-devs-rapture-no-longer-coming-to-pc/
I don't need to boycott them, or hate them. I'm 95% PC gamer, but I can still understand them in some ways, since there's a financial reality.

I just wonder, was this the intention of the indie game fund?

To fund a game that becomes a much bigger success then expected, making a lot of money of the devs. But with the result that they still don't think that's enough for them to continue, and leading them to sign an exclusivity deal with a console maker.


Let's get this out of the way first: I own all current gen platforms. I plan on buying a PS4. I buy/will buy games on all these platforms.

But damn if Gamescom wasn't a slap in the face.

1. The Chinese Room: The Dear Esther remake came out on PC in 2012. It broke even in 5.5 hours. In less than 6 months it had sold 250k. This was a 1.5 hour non-game that the PC indie game fan community put on their back and carried to astonishing financial success. Their next game, the sequel to Amnesia, is about to release and is guaranteed to be another massive success for them if the original Amnesia sales are anything to go by. But now we come to Everyone's Gone Home to Rapture. A game teased over a year ago by the PC gaming blog Rock Paper Shotgun. Anyone who played and enjoyed Dear Esther immediately boarded the hype train. And now at Gamescom it get's shown off as a PS4 exclusive.

2. Arrowhead: Magicka sold 1.3 million copies in one year. It managed to sell 500k copies of some goofy Vietnam DLC for the game. That is ridiculous for a game developed by 8 students. This is despite the game launching rife with issues on PC. And then we come to Helldivers. PS4 exclusive.

What happened here? It's great seeing indie spreading their wings to new platforms, but not at the expense of the fanbase that brought them so much success. Edmund McMillen and Jonathan Blow aren't throwing PC under the bus or allowing full-blown exclusivity to be bought up. Why are these other indie devs? I mean this is the exact same shit that happened through out the life of XBLA and look how that ended up for those devs financially. ThatGameCompany ditched being a Sony exclusive dev the second their 3 game contract ended!

And can they even be called indie anymore? Because allowing a platform holder to pay for your game to end up on their platform exclusively seems like the opposite of independent.

TLDR: Fuck "indie" exclusivity even existing anymore.

Didnt they say release exclusive.

Aka, first on the PS4 and Not ONLY on the PS4?

I might need to see the vid again lol.
They aren't exclusives, they're just coming to PS4 first.

Just wait, they'll be on humble bundle or steam sale eventually.

HellDivers is Sony's IP, so probably not. I'm not sure who owns EGTTR; I would assume The Chinese Room, but someone mentioned yesterday that it was a full PS4 exclusive, so I honestly don't know. If/when proper trailers for these go live on Youtube or PSN I will pause it over the copyright text at the end just to see who's developing, who owns the IP, etc.

Um yeah, but for actual reasons it's obviously just money. Devs gotta eat.


So according to that RPS story it's really not coming to PC. I can totally understand why they would do something like that, but as someone who dislikes the principle of platform exclusives I think I'll be avoiding games from them in the future.
Um yeah, but for actual reasons it's obviously just money. Devs gotta eat.

In some ways yes, but considering the massive success Dear Esther was, it's more about them wanting more money then just "dev's gotta eat". They were funded by the indie fund, and then decided against staying indie.


GAF's Bob Woodward
The RPS story might be worth a thread. I think a lot of people, myself included, assumed it was a limited dealy, but those comments are pretty unequivocal. Sounds like it's a fuller collaboration too ala, say, ThatGameCompany and Sony Santa Monica.


GAF parliamentarian
Dear Esther was funded by the indie fund.

And on the indie funds about page, you can find this:

Indie Fund said:
Indie Fund aims to support the growth of games as a medium by helping indie developers get financially independent and stay financially independent.


There is nothing requiring them to stay indepedent, but it will be interesting to see what the indie fund's own Jonathan Blow will say about this topic.

Gun Animal

Indie developers (despite inherently not being "indie" anymore) being funded by Sony can only mean an increase in quality and creativity, as Sony has a great track record for giving developers the resources and creative freedom they need to make amazing games. If games like EGttR or Rime or Helldivers are being funded by Sony, there's a good chance that they never would have been made without Sony's support, and if they're just paying for a timed exclusivity deal then you'll see it on your preferred platform within a year anyways. I see no problems.
Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to console exclusivity immediately. This really is nothing short of despicable as far as I'm concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or any other Chinese Room game in the future.

They have every right to make a business decision as professionals, I also have a right as a consumer to vote with my wallet and express my displeasure.


They both owe the indie fanbase on PC their success for each of their previous games.

They don't owe them nothing. That's a terrible attitude. It's enough to break out the dreaded E word, almost dictionary definition. The only debts that existed were the exchange of money and the game, and those were done when you bought the previous game. I got my money's worth.

If you truly liked their work, why not give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them the creative freedom to do what they want to do.
I think i've read in a interview to Guacamelee! developers that when they participate in Sony's Pub Fund program they signed a six months exclusivity in PlayStation platforms.

So if they have not made a full contract like ThatGameCompany, the game should go to steam in half a year. You need to be worried if xDev is giving them full support like what SSM studios give to TGC.

Pub Fund =/= SCE Publishing + WWS Support.

Sony would never consider Guacamelee a first-part title.



“So the thinking went like this,” he began. “We don’t have enough money or production expertise to make this game without help. We don’t think we can raise enough through Kickstarter or public alpha to make this happen. We could do with production support on a game this scale. We’ve always wanted to make a console game. Publishers have bad reputations all too often. Hey, Sony Santa Monica are great though. We’ve met them a few times and really like them and their attitude.”

Full article over at RPS: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/08/22/dear-esther-devs-rapture-no-longer-coming-to-pc/

Now that's when I think the 3rd party exclusives are justified. When the game couldn't be made, at least in the same form, without the platform holder's help. What I don't think is justified, from the consumer's perspective, is locking 3rd party games, that would have been made anyhow, just to make people buy the system.
Why are some people getting upset? Everybody's Gone to the Rapture wouldn't be possible without Sony's help: “We don’t have enough money or production expertise to make this game without help. We don’t think we can raise enough through Kickstarter or public alpha to make this happen. We could do with production support on a game this scale.''

Reminds me when Bayonetta 2 was announced as WiiU exclusive.

Makes perfect sense to me. Sony offered them money to bypass the stress and uncertainty of Kickstarter, a platform to bypass Greenlight, and help from a proficient team of developers to help create a dream game. They are getting a lot of support.

Journey would've been a much different story had Sony/Santa Monica not been there.



Makes perfect sense to me. Sony offered them money to bypass the stress and uncertainty of Kickstarter, a platform to bypass Greenlight, and help from a proficient team of developers to help create a dream game. They are getting a lot of support.

Journey would've been a much different story had Sony/Santa Monica not been there.

This exactly
I can certainly agree with PC players here. I don't know to what extent the funding/co-development with other Sony studios is necessary, but it's disappointing to see a game which was previously announced for your platform and now shifting exclusively to another.
Giving up IP rights and drastically reducing the potential audience and ultimately number of people who will ever see or play your game?

It must really be a dream project for those guys, to give all that up.
Only they could never have made Journey the game it became without Sony Santa Monica's technical assistance and Sony's forbearance (and monies). Given how fucked up the development process was, with Sony giving them one-year extension after one-year extension, it's very likely Journey would have never seen the light of day if thatgamecompany had been truly indie.

Sorry, but I must correct some of these things. I found out a few weeks back that the NeoGAF community has created some strange narrative around thatgamecompany and Sony Santa Monica.

Technical Assistance:
Yeah, no. The technical stuff was designed in-house at TGC for Journey. Due to contractual stuff, I can't talk about the specifics of what SSM did for TGC, but everything of the games, except for the audio/music/audio implementation and QA was done inside/by TGC.

Development Process:
The process was in no way "fucked up." Yeah, it's different than most development studios, but it seemed different because we kept redoing things at the very beginning, which is called iterative game development. Asking for time extensions was complicated, because by that time it was more so as a way for us to make sure we had an end goal in mind. Sony expected them, and we expected them as well. In the end, Journey did finish before the end of the final extension we received.

But, yeah! Journey would have still seen the light of day, because we had a skeleton crew prepared to fix all the bugs and do any touch-ups that needed to be performed after the spice ran out. And much of the staff would likely have stayed on, because, for the team, Journey was more than just a game that needed to be finished. Everyone was deeply connected to it, so they truly wanted to work on it as hard as they could to make sure it was the best it could be.

Aaron Grommesh
Community Manager


No developer is obligated to stay on a platform. At the end of the day they're a business trying to sell a product. Not a soul mate pledging their life to you.
Giving up IP rights and drastically reducing the potential audience and ultimately number of people who will ever see or play your game?

It must really be a dream project for those guys, to give all that up.

For many studios, it's just a dream to be able to make and release their game.
Papo And Yo, for example, wouldn't have been able to be finished without Sony's Pub Fund, and even though the PS3 version didn't make money, it still gave them a lot of press and an interested-enough fan base to make the PC version profitable. (Though I haven't heard anything about sales with the PC version - just expected sales.)
I don't know about their specific deal, but it's either completely exclusive to the PS3 (excluding PC) or will just stay exclusive for a short time.

As for thatgamecompany, the only reason that TGC was formed was in order to make PS3-exclusive games. Sony approached the founders of TGC with the proposition of making a video game studio.

For many newcomers, just making the first game and garnering an audience, even if it doesn't make money, is the most important thing.


Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to console exclusivity immediately. This really is nothing short of despicable as far as I'm concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or any other Chinese Room game in the future.

They have every right to make a business decision as professionals, I also have a right as a consumer to vote with my wallet and express my displeasure.

How is it despicable? How much did they get funded? Do they need to repay that Indie Fund money? Have they refunded it? They provided you with a game and you paid for it - that is the end of the transaction with you as a customer. They do not 'owe' you anything beyond that.

Edit - also aren't they working on Amnesia as well? That's still PC exclusive as far as I know - how is that "immediately" jumping to console exclusivity?

So according to that RPS story it's really not coming to PC. I can totally understand why they would do something like that, but as someone who dislikes the principle of platform exclusives I think I'll be avoiding games from them in the future.

Did you buy Dear Esther? If so, wouldn't that make you a hypocrite given it's only on PC?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Sorry, but I must correct some of these things. I found out a few weeks back that the NeoGAF community has created some strange narrative around thatgamecompany and Sony Santa Monica.

Technical Assistance:
Yeah, no. The technical stuff was designed in-house at TGC for Journey. Due to contractual stuff, I can't talk about the specifics of what SSM did for TGC, but everything of the games, except for the audio/music/audio implementation and QA was done inside/by TGC.

Development Process:
The process was in no way "fucked up." Yeah, it's different than most development studios, but it seemed different because we kept redoing things at the very beginning, which is called iterative game development. Asking for time extensions was complicated, because by that time it was more so as a way for us to make sure we had an end goal in mind. Sony expected them, and we expected them as well. In the end, Journey did finish before the end of the final extension we received.

But, yeah! Journey would have still seen the light of day, because we had a skeleton crew prepared to fix all the bugs and do any touch-ups that needed to be performed after the spice ran out. And much of the staff would likely have stayed on, because, for the team, Journey was more than just a game that needed to be finished. Everyone was deeply connected to it, so they truly wanted to work on it as hard as they could to make sure it was the best it could be.

Aaron Grommesh
Community Manager
Thanks for the clarification. I enjoyed Journey and Flower thoroughly and I look forward to your team's next release (whatever it is).


They both owe the indie fanbase on PC their success for each of their previous games.

No, they owed them the game that they sold. Thats how things work. They dont owe you anything in addition to what has already been created. If they never made another game again would they be cheating you then? Of course not. Think of it that way. It doesnt impact your previous game in any shape at all.
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