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A lie taken as truth from my parents and now they want me to leave...

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I cannot still believe that my parents are taking other peoples words over mine!

Yeah I know I sure haven't sounded like it on Gaf lately, but breaking away from reality helps me out. This isn't some "I want to die" type of thing, although I admit contemplating phoning Kids Help phone is kind of embarrassing but at least it'd give me a voice to listen to.

I'm not having a break down or anything and I'm "calm" which kind of worries me though because usually I'd be freaking out about how my life was over!:lol I really felt like going to the store on Monday and starting something, but I realized the best bet would be to take this higher up to those in command. I have never caused problems for people above me, and respect those older than me. But this is a bit much.

I don't know how to explain how I feel but, when my dad was talking* to me I didn't really care at all and just said "So be it" me and my mom haven't talked in over 3 days now either. I just feel crushed that my own parents would take someones words over a situation then mine. I mean, what does that mean if something serious happened?
I quit my recent job because my manager didn't like me one bit and my whole family came crashing down on me over it. I don't give a damn though. It's better to work in a place you enjoy going to and get along with the person above you, if it was another employee it wouldn't be a big deal, but if you and your manager aren't clicking forget it.

She made my work life hell. I tried to talk to her and everything I said was "If you hate this job then quit" and then walk away, I was not happy at all at the way she treated me. Ended up with her and the store manger(large retailer) talking to my mom who works in the bakery about me and my brother who also works there and I said "fuck it" and quit and then they ha the audacity to ask my mom if it was because she had multiple jobs that I didn't want to work.

Oh my God, how hard I tried to think that my mom would understand since I'd talked to her about my manager in the past. She just told me to stay there and ignore the problem:lol dammit all man...So I went to the store to try and talk to the head manager and he never even bothered to call me back. But when my dad went shopping he stopped him to and said I was lazy and should be kicked out.

Sad part is all of my previous managers have liked me and given me bonuses, the restaurant I used to work at always asks me if I want to come back with higher pay whenever they see me *shrug*. It really hurt that my mom of all people didn't understand or trust my words but would rather listen to what people outside say...I've never had any problems with my other jobs before.

I honestly didn't care because I could just go back to my other employer who gave me time off to find another job so I could get full time hours or go somewhere else. But having my mom who I talked about this at length with not understand me and call me "lazy" of all things when she knows my manager at the restaurant and she's always saying how he talks highly of me...I mean it hurts a lot.

And then today my dad said he wants me out of the house lol, downward spiral again. I'm getting insulted left and right with some rather sharp words and I don't even know what to say.

I don't know what to do. And so basically I've been called everything yo don't want to be called by your parents and have been mute basically for the last several days and it utter shock over how something like this exploded so fast.

I want to physically fight my manager and the store manger so bad, but I know better than that. I just would like some advice on to what I should start doing to get ready and just move on. I really do not want to talk to my parents or anyone in this family for that matter again.

I'm looking to get a new job right away so that if I do get kicked out in the middle of the night(My dad said he's going to call the police to move me out if I don't myself, and sadly my mom didn't even utter a word.) So I just want to be prepared.

I've never had an apartment and I have no clue how to check for availability, I live in Sask, Canada by the way. I went looking today and didn't see any means to contact a landlord on the apartments I was looking at.

The thing I'm worried about is how I'll manage going to school with a full time job and how long it'll take for it to start working. Not to mention winter is right around the corner...

So to those of you who've been kicked out, what were your first steps? I have nothing in savings but bought 2 bags worth of non-perishable food to last me for a while.

I'm in a daze here.


Is there such a thing as a "feel-good" crushdance thread?

Edit: once again, PD reasserts himself as my hero. Good luck crushdance; if your parents are willing to kick you out on a whin, they may be convinced to change their mind on a whim.

Fake edit: want me to call, posing as your manager claiming that I'd mixed you up with another kid when I said you were lazy?
Perhaps I didn't read this right, but you're parents are so extraordinarily pissed because someone said you were incompetent? Wow. Your parents are losers.


Knowledge is power, guard it well

Seriously though, quitting your job, when you're still freeloading at home, never ends well with the parents.

I know you said things are bad with your parents, but if you get another job, will all be forgiven?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Get a new job. Words are as powerful as actions.

Like my father told me: "To live in this house you have to do 1 of 2 things a: go to school or b: work."

He also told me this wisdom and I hang onto it like a bible, "never quit a job until you have another job."

It hurts to have your parents say those things but I don't think they are taking someone else's word over yours just that they feel you are being lazy, because they know you better than anyone else. They see your actions everyday. And maybe lazy isn't the right word...but sometimes you say the harshest things to the ones you love


Ignoring the undoubted responses of FHUTA or other shitty memes, I think you moving out is definitely for the best. That is not an environment that will keep most people at a safe level of sanity, that much stress buildup is likely to manifest itself in other areas of your life or alternatively it could bottle up and explode one day.

Your father sounds alarmingly familiar to mine, right down to the calling the cops to escort me out thing.
PhoenixDark said:
Sorry to hear that. You need a place to crash at?
Yes, I'll find some money laying around and fly over to the states to stay with you Phoenix :/

Its not even that. I'm a person of "honour" however you define that, when I go in public I keep my wits about me and act in a courteous manner to everyone and try not to attract to much attention to myself.

I can't see myself living at someone elses place or scavenging food banks. I just don't know what to do because I have nothing at all to even begin to remotely...do anything. I feel really malevolent towards the store though and I'm just telling myself "calm down" over and over again so I don't just lash out.

Sad part is my older brother got kicked out as well, and he was super bright and only now is he going to first year University because it set him back so far. I've never connected with my dad so him railing on me doesn't hurt as much as my mom totally blowing me off.

I should have known it would have come sooner or later though, my dads always been about kicking people out for the littlest thing and making people want to leave. But my mom? She's always been the reasonable one, and then this...just so random.

Both my eldest brothers left the family and said they never wanted to speak to my dad or see any of us again. And I'm such an idiot, all the time I'd say "Well dads getting older and he has a family to take care of" but it's just so stupid...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
GenericPseudonym said:
Perhaps I didn't read this right, but you're parents are so extraordinarily pissed because someone said you were incompetent? Wow. Your parents are losers.

this is stupid. Using my father for an example (background black man from the south born in 1935) he cannot stand to see people throw away jobs and run away from crap without making plans to protect yourself (finding another job) because when he was young finding work wasn't easy and you better well keep that job. Also we have no idea what else has been happening in the house; this could have just been the spark that lit the haystack


go eat paint
Sounds like your parents a) don't like you much, and b) want an excuse to have you out of the house.

Harsh reality, lame parents... all you can do is do what you can to remain there, save up some money, and then strike out on your own. Get a lame job, pay for the crappiest apartment you can find, and work up from there.

Then, five or ten years down the road when you have a child, make sure to remind your parents how lame they were to you and point out that momma ain't seeing her grandbaby ever... that's the mother equivalent of a punch to the balls... revenge is sweet.


Junior Member
your parents are listening to somebody he has never met before to kick you out of the house?

your parents are idiots.


good credit (by proxy)
Where do you live? I've heard that here in Washington it's actually somehow illegal to discuss an employee/ex employee's work performance. Tell them you're going to sue their ass anyway, even if it's not!

Edit: Oh, not in the states. Oh, and you're dad is probably insane.


Just lay a major guilt trip on them. Make it clear what the situation was and keep bringing up the fact that they're taking the word of their co-workers over yours. Mention your old restaurant job and how they enjoyed you to show it's not you but them.

I work with a guy who runs the security and all he does is fucking bullshit with anyone who will talk to him.
Does your dad hate your guts or something ? I can't imagine a father kicking his child out and being ready to resort to the police unless there was really a problem, and by this I mean something much more serious than just "you're lazy".


C.D. While I Do Enjoy Your Posts I Must Tell You Something....
I Didn't Bother To Read The Whole Story As I Am Hungry As Hell & Just Blazed An El....
Bottom Line No Woman Can Respect A Man They Can Bitch....
If You Are A Student Of College Age Then See It As A Positive....
Broads That See You Hold Yourself Down Will See It As Strength....
At The End Of The Day A Grown Man Provides For Himself, Soften The Fiscal Blow By Getting Roomates....
Blackace said:
this is stupid. Using my father for an example (background black man from the south born in 1935) he cannot stand to see people throw away jobs and run away from crap without making plans to protect yourself (finding another job) because when he was young finding work wasn't easy and you better well keep that job. Also we have no idea what else has been happening in the house; this could have just been the spark that lit the haystack
Blackace thanks for the words. But that's been the way of our house forever, unless you have another place to jump to then there's really no point. And I understand the reasoning behind that because if you have a family for instance, you can't quit your job. How will they live?

And like I said my mom has always had an understanding for me and yes we did have our fights like any other. But she always just "understood" me.

And now over 2 nights I'm expected to leave, they don't want to buy groceries because I'll eat it...I mean what? If I know someone is not happy at me I never touch their stuff and keep to myself.

But it's just this tremendous amount of hate bearing down on me, my dad took all my stuff and sensitive equipment like routers and such and threw down the stairs in plastic bags.

What happened? That's what I mean by feeling so violent. My manager knows what she did as does the store manager, and when I tried calling to schedule time to talk with him I never received a call back. And yet he still kept talking to my parents about me and my brother? Who's in Grade 10 of all things?

What pisses me off is that I don't think my mom sees that he was insulting her as well by mentioning she had 2 jobs. And my parents are basically kicking me out because of THEM, we never had a problem before.

How the hell were we living as a family before I got this job? Why is it such a big deal to them that I left, I'm 19 YEARS OLD. If they have a problem they talk to me, not ignore my attempts to talk and whine to my parents.

That's why I'm angry. We got along fine before this.
esbern said:
your parents are listening to somebody he has never met before to kick you out of the house?

your parents are idiots.
No. The store manager my mom has known him for over 4 years and got my brother in high school a job there, it's a large retail chain in Canada here. What angers me is that he had complained about my brother(Who doesn't care about his work at all really) to my mom and me and we both talked to him. "Be to work on time, and do what they tell you to" And he listened.

Yet he went and told my mom that my brother was all of the sudden a saint and I was lazy/ get this he used the term "useless" for leaving a job in which the manager didn't like me?
Timedog said:
Where do you live? I've heard that here in Washington it's actually somehow illegal to discuss an employee/ex employee's work performance. Tell them you're going to sue their ass anyway, even if it's not!
Saskatchewan, Canada. I am looking into that actually and am trying to contact corporate to see what exactly the meaning of this is. I'm old enough that if they have a problem they can talk to me and not involve others.
Holy Order Sol said:
Does your dad hate your guts or something ? I can't imagine a father kicking his child out and being ready to resort to the police unless there was really a problem, and by this I mean something much more serious than just "you're lazy".
He kicked out both of my older brothers. He just enjoys fighting. He'll screw you up and then say "Told you it would happen."

I think it was White Man or Mike Works who got kicked out and had to live on the streets for a while. I can't do that in this city...


Holy Order Sol said:
Does your dad hate your guts or something ? I can't imagine a father kicking his child out and being ready to resort to the police unless there was really a problem, and by this I mean something much more serious than just "you're lazy".

I can sympathize. In all likelihood his father probably wouldn't call the police but it's a horrible thing to say to your son. On my brothers 18th birthday my dad woke him up stating clearly into his ear 'you can go to jail now'. Both my brother and I have never even spoken to a cop, let alone been in any legal issues. Why he felt it necessary to say that is beyond me.
lockii said:
I can sympathize. In all likelihood his father probably wouldn't call the police but it's a horrible thing to say to your son. On my brothers 18th birthday my dad woke him up stating clearly into his ear 'you can go to jail now'. Both my brother and I have never even spoken to a cop, let alone been in any legal issues. Why he felt it necessary to say that is beyond me.
Older brother who is 26: Called the police to escort him out of the house just because he and my mom got into a fight and he didn't talk to her.

Eldest brother: Left on his own after saying that my dad had no bearing on family at all.

It's inevitable. Ever since I was 16 my dads been wanting to kick me out, when I turned 18 it was worse I almost didn't make it past high school because of that. He started saying I was now a man and should live by myself or start bringing home 3,000+ a month :mad:
K.Jack said:

Seriously though, quitting your job, when you're still freeloading at home, never ends well with the parents.

I know you said things are bad with your parents, but if you get another job, will all be forgiven?
I was on that like lightning. When i got home that day I went on the regional job search engine and started looking for something I could fit in with school, but it's a hopeless cause now anyway. My dad has his vindication. All he's been doing whenever my mom calls from work to check on the family is bring me up and my heart just sinks every time as they both rip into me.

it just sucks the enjoyment of what I was doing at the time away.
CrushDance said:
Older brother who is 26: Called the police to escort him out of the house just because he and my mom got into a fight and he didn't talk to her.

Eldest brother: Left on his own after saying that my dad had no bearing on family at all.

It's inevitable. Ever since I was 16 my dads been wanting to kick me out, when I turned 18 it was worse I almost didn't make it past high school because of that. He started saying I was now a man and should live by myself or start bringing home 3,000+ a month :mad:

How old is your dad?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Am I reading it correctly that you and your mother worked in the same store? I'm seeing that your mom might have been embarrassed by the situation, but for things to go this far with your dad over this situation is hard to understand, especially when you say things were okay before this.

Going through rough patches with your parents can be extremely tough and painful. Just try not to say anything out of anger that you can't apologize for later.


No disrespect but your parents seem like fucking bastards, what a wanky thing to do. Chuck you out if you done arse to mouth, yeah, but for losing a job... damn.


Crush, I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles, and although I've never had 'GTFO' issues with the family, I imagine the best idea is to find a different job, give your parents one more chance to understand, and try and appease yourself in the process. If you must get away, do it, but be mature about it, and grow stronger for it. I wish you luck and its particularly sad you may not be able to afford Super Mario Galaxy for awhile :(

Also, for your sake, make a condensed version, you might get more, developed responses.
Livin_Lovin said:
How old is your dad?
56 and he acts like a little kid.

K.Jack said:
Am I reading it correctly that you and your mother worked in the same store? I'm seeing that your mom might have been embarrassed by the situation, but for things to go this far with your dad over this situation is hard to understand, especially when you say things were okay before this.

Going through rough patches with your parents can be extremely tough and painful. Just try not to say anything out of anger that you can't apologize for later.
That's the thing. I like my mom and although we had problems we always managed to work things out, I don't want to be like my older brothers and hate my own family or not be there when they need help. But that's the road I'm being forced down, and I'll take it.

What makes me on the verge of tears and lashing out here is I TALKED TO MY MOM a million times about the treatment my manager was giving me. Every damn day she'd ask me "How do you like the job?" I told my manager when we talked "Sometimes I feel like me and you aren't connecting and if I'm doing something wrong then tell me."

And she fucking said "If you don't feel like working then quit" and then moved onto another subject. I said "WHAT!?" This is all such epic bullshit and my parents aren't even taking my word on this.

I can't godamn believe it.


user-friendly man-cashews
What the fuck is with throwing your kids out? Ain't there any law against it? 19 is fucking young to be on your own...
Has there been anything like this in the past?

Seems very extreme that they would do this to you now. It sounds like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Anything that you could think of that happened to you before that could also be the cause of the situation you are in now?

Best of luck.

P.S. Please be more concise in your future posts. More people would respond to you.
CrushDance said:
56 and he acts like a little kid.

That's the thing. I like my mom and although we had problems we always managed to work things out, I don't want to be like my older brothers and hate my own family or not be there when they need help. But that's the road I'm being forced down, and I'll take it.

Ok, not what I was expected. (I was looking for a bit older as my Dad is 57 and thinks nothing like this.)

Have you simply asked if getting a job will solve the problem? Also, have you expressed the sentiment that paying for College out of your own pocket at 19, maintaining a legal residence and paying taxed would be nigh impossible?


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Fuck them. Only bother yourself with their existence again once they old, soiling themselves, and you can send them off to the shittiest of shitty old-people's home to die a miserable death in.
Livin_Lovin said:
Ok, not what I was expected. (I was looking for a bit older as my Dad is 57 and thinks nothing like this.)

Have you simply asked if getting a job will solve the problem? Also, have you expressed the sentiment that paying for College out of your own pocket at 19, maintaining a legal residence and paying taxed would be nigh impossible?
I told my mom I would get another job right away because I have bills to pay like anyone else and that she should TRUST me and that I know I let her down but that it wasn't intentional. All she said was "Yeah right" and ignored me.
The Experiment said:
Has there been anything like this in the past?

Seems very extreme that they would do this to you now. It sounds like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Anything that you could think of that happened to you before that could also be the cause of the situation you are in now?

Best of luck.

P.S. Please be more concise in your future posts. More people would respond to you.
Our family has always been unstable, my parents don't even sleep in the same room together and it's gotten physical before with threats of divorce and recently my dad shifted 3/4 of the bills for the house onto my mom.

It's not like I'm blind and can't see she's under a lot of stress, I'm the idiot for saying my dad would change when my mom and sister always told me he wouldn't. I've never been a problem child, nobody in house has except my older sister. I'm a very passive person.

I'm honest to God contemplating going to the store tomorrow and letting loose.

My older brother got kicked out via the police(Wasn't even necessary) and my mom didn't talk to my dad for a long time over that.

Eldest brother left on his own after "Can't stand this bullshit"

My older sister left but came back when my mom asked her to so she could continue with school and her and my dad fight every day again.

I'm next in line obviously as everyone older than me has been kicked out/left on bad terms. Fuck. My dad is SO DAMN GOOD at pissing people off and then using their anger as an excuse to do what he wants, hes the one amplifying this. My mom seemed disappointed when we talked on Monday but seemed like she would give me a chance.


Gvien what happened with your brothers and your dad's character, it seemed inevitable. Get a job ASAP and do your best to ensure your parents you'll be out as soon as you've saved up enough at minimum to live on your own. With no savings as you've said, unless you have someone you can crash with for awhile you have no real choice between this and living on the street or something

And unless its family owned, working at the same place as your parents is never a good idea
I think the most progressive thing to do would be to take up your old job just to simply show your not lazy, regardless of your mother's dismissive behavior. Simply go about your business and see how they react because, from a conversational level, it doesn't seem like you can do much.


CrushDance said:
Our family has always been unstable, my parents don't even sleep in the same room together and it's gotten physical before with threats of divorce and recently my dad shifted 3/4 of the bills for the house onto my mom.

WHAT. Seriously man, when your old man isn't around, talk to your mom and mention how much of an ass he is and that she should probably bail out. If that doesn't happen, I would do this:
Eldest brother left on his own after "Can't stand this bullshit"

Your mom sounds like she's kind of given up hope? Hard to say just from internet posts, but man, your dad is a real nasty piece of work.


Crotchety Old Man
Move out, get a place with roommates. I don't know what the deal is in Canada, but you might be able to get financial support to attend school and shit. If your family home is such a destructive enviroment, which it sounds like it is, then you're better off moving out anyway. Worst case scenario, you don't get to buy so many videogames and don't have the time to fuck around on GAF so much.
Get a new job quick and tell them you need money, work a lot of shifts and you'll be fine. Moving on short notice is very difficult, I won't lie, but after the move money shouldn't be a big deal if you're employable, and it sounds like you are.
Suburban Cowboy said:
what a boring story. To sum up for those who dont want to read all that:

He quit his job so now his parents are kicking him out of the house.
Yeah which makes no sense from a logical point of view.

Look I'm not saying I don't have my share of problems and have made mistakes in the past, everyone does. The problem is me not understanding how something like this=something so big. Maybe I missed something down the line but me and my mom were joking and talking perfectly fine on Saturday.

I'm thinking someone exaggerated something and it's come to this. I don't even care though, I was going to get kicked out or leave sooner or later.

All I want to know is how to go about getting an apartment(contacting the landlords) and best plan to move on with my life. My older brother got kicked out at 16 and he made it.
Joates said:
Cant you just live on campus during the school year and work shit out over the summer?
You mean in residence? That's $400 a month for single room, and they're almost always full.
Rezbit said:
WHAT. Seriously man, when your old man isn't around, talk to your mom and mention how much of an ass he is and that she should probably bail out. If that doesn't happen, I would do this:

Your mom sounds like she's kind of given up hope? Hard to say just from internet posts, but man, your dad is a real nasty piece of work.
Like I said above. I'm an idiot. My sister always tells my mom to get a divorce and I rain on her to shut up and not bring up dumb ideas. There's no way things will work out "better" if my parents get a divorce for my younger siblings.
pjberri said:
Move out, get a place with roommates. I don't know what the deal is in Canada, but you might be able to get financial support to attend school and shit. If your family home is such a destructive enviroment, which it sounds like it is, then you're better off moving out anyway. Worst case scenario, you don't get to buy so many videogames and don't have the time to fuck around on GAF so much.
Get a new job quick and tell them you need money, work a lot of shifts and you'll be fine. Moving on short notice is very difficult, I won't lie, but after the move money shouldn't be a big deal if you're employable, and it sounds like you are.
I already have student loans from the province and the government itself.
1. You're 19. You're an adult. Yes, you're still young and inexperienced and your parents don't sound very reasonable etc etc, but now's as good a time as any for you to learn how to let go of everything on a pinch and learn to take care of yourself.

2. Go to your eldest brother for help. It sounds as though he left for the same reasons you're being kicked out, and he may be sympathetic towards you.

3. I come from the kind of background where you can always turn to your family no matter what, where family is more important than anything else and we will forgive each other for practically anything (within reason), so naturally the idea of simply cutting off your parents doesn't sit well with me. I'd try to talk to them. If they want you to leave, then you'll simply have to leave - just don't leave anything that needs to be said between family unsaid.


Man, that truly blows CD :(.

1. Apply for some kind of unemployment aid if it's available in Canada (it must be).
2. Contact your brothers, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you crashed with them for a week or two
2a. Even if they live in another city
3. ask yourself where you want to go from here. Work? School? and then figure out where you would like to do either of these things
4. Once you get settled in, send a letter to you folks (teh drama) explaining what happened and leave contact info if they want to reach you.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
CrushDance said:
Yeah which makes no sense from a logical point of view.

Look I'm not saying I don't have my share of problems and have made mistakes in the past, everyone does. The problem is me not understanding how something like this=something so big. Maybe I missed something down the line but me and my mom were joking and talking perfectly fine on Saturday.

I'm thinking someone exaggerated something and it's come to this. I don't even care though, I was going to get kicked out or leave sooner or later.

All I want to know is how to go about getting an apartment(contacting the landlords) and best plan to move on with my life. My older brother got kicked out at 16 and he made it.

Again it depends on your parents' background, about why this is so big. I mean your father seems to not be perfect and all that, but your mother has also taken offense to you quitting. Seems like maybe she helped you get the job or something (maybe I am wrong) but instead of thinking like "why is this so big?" try to show them that it is not true. Even if it doesn't change their mind you will know you did everything you could have done. Also you'll need a job if it doesn't change their minds...


The physical form of blasphemy
Damn...thats fucking terrible. Dude...best of luck. Try and get a job, ASAP, and if you need to, explain to the people, exactly what your problem is. Unless your new manager is a real cunt, they would probably/hopefully, be able to work with you. Go above and beyond the call of duty, to get money. Sell off some of your games and stuff, and try and get you some extra money. Snatch a knife from the kitchen, for some protection, just in case you have to be out on the streets.

As for school. Its the mindset more than anything. You have to have your priorities straight, and you have to work extra hard to manage a full-time course load, and a full-time job.

If they change their mind, and let you stay a bit, do whatever the fuck they want. Its going to suck, but, it will keep you off the streets. If they say jump, you ask how fucking high. Save up your money, and look for a place to live. If you have some other relatives, talk to them, as well. Move the fuck out, when you can.

Best of luck man. If I was a praying man, I would have you in my prayers.


Mrs. Harvey
Parents are oldschool. They believe in working hard and listening to their bosses no matter what. New-age kids/adults generally do not take shit from anyone. But put it this way, you have to kiss ass sometimes and every job has assholes so don't think every single job is candyland. In your situation though, you are still young so you can just get up and leave. I'd do the same thing. In fact, I give my boss shit. :D Parents just see it their way considering they grew up in a different time and things were not the same.
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