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PS4 sold (to consumers) 4.2 million units as of Dec. 28 2013

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People buy what they think is better, regardless of price. It's why iPad obliterates the Kindle Fire every single year. Not saying price isn't a factor, but that it is only one of many.

That's not how console sales work. Millions of people buy 700$ phones that they'll change in 1-2 years but try to sell the "better" console at that price and see how it goes. Price matters, just a lot less at launch.

And why would you buy a Kindle Fire after the Nexus 7 came out?


Glad I could contribute!

I'm fairly confident it will do well. In the Fukushima prefecture, there is a lot of excitement for it with the young adult crowd (SHS and University age). I cant really speak for other areas in Japan but I assume it will be about the same. It's worth mentioning also that the local Yodobashi Camera is selling out of preorders within 24 hours of opening them. They advertise store preorder availability on their website and they are always sold out by the time I get there -_-

Do you think sales will carry through past the launch period? Also, I had thought that 40,000 yen is quite expensive for a console ? Do you agree?
How about launching late, are Japanese gamers disgruntled by that ?
Stop. PS2 sold around 100 million before the PS3 was released. PS3 sold 80 million and Xbox360 sold 80 million before their successor was released. Yes there is a year of a difference but you're comparing 120(with original Xbox numbers) to 160 and still trying to make the point that 120>160.

That's not what I said or even implied. You may not agree with what I'm saying or how I'm saying it, but don't change the context of my post. I said that PS360 combined at this point has just barely passed PS2 lifetime sales. I didn't say anything about PS2s sales during that six year span until after they were brought up. Going back another gen, PS2 sales by themselves before PS3 released were close to what PS1 lifetimes sales were. We're now at a point where you need at least two consoles to achieve what one console has. This to me says that either PS2 sales were a Wii-like anomaly, or the market peaked during the PS2 era.

So why do I say it peaked then despite where PS360 are sales wise? I think most agree Wii U is not a proper indicator of the direction of this gen as a whole. The reason for that which also answers the question is the influx of non-gamers. Wii primarily depended on that group and tapped them out about halfway through its life. The 360 also needed this group to sustain its sells through Kinect.

I personally feel the market should have shrunk last gen, but that group helped to sustain growth. However that group is fickle and I expect there to be a "mass exodus" of them from the console market. Wii U doesn't indicate exactly how the other two consoles will perform, but to me it shows that XB1 and to a lesser extent PS4 will be affected by this shift (among other possibilities). So with this gen I expect to not only see a reduction in total sales from last gen, but the level of reduction should be a correction to where they should have been had non-gamers not been such a decent portion of sales. This view should not be taken as suggesting "the death of consoles" as I believe there will definitely be another console generation (may be another story once the next gen arrives though). But I can see people overreacting if/when the correction becomes evident this gen.
In 40 more countries... They did sell better, Sony, but in more countries. If MS launched in 40 more countries, sales would be about the same but that's my opinion.

Got to love it when people come into sales thread with no clue what they're talking about. The PS4 is beating the Xbone in the 360's two strongest markets but the Xbone totally would've closed the gap if it had been launched in all of the PS3's strongest markets.


Japanese gamers are notorious for being early adopters. The DS died off very quickly once the 3DS hit and same thing happened with the PSP once Vita hit.(although most of this audience went to 3DS).

While you are right about the DS that was mainly due to the 3DS being fully backwards compatible. PSP sales remained VERY strong in Japan well into the VITA life cycle. (source) It is only within the last year that they have dropped off. PSP sales still dwarf VITA though. 3DS is the current indisputable king thanks in no small part to Monster Hunter. I do think that remote play will push a lot of VITA sales here provided that the PS4 does as well as it is poised to.

For reference:

Lifetime PSP JP sales: 19 million

That Vita figure is LTD ww, jp is 2.3m.
YTD Vita JP sales: 2.3 million (oops sorry! :\ )

YTD 3DS JP Sales: 15.4 million


OT: Do we have a release date for MGSV yet?

Yea March 20th. Less than one month after release of the PS4 in Japan. It's gonna be crazy.


Do you think sales will carry through past the launch period?

I think sales following launch will be very software dependent here. Which is why the release of MGSV: GZ on 3/20 is going to be great for the console. It is the first next gen game that can be unequivocally called a system seller for Japan. It is going to sell a lot of units. Sales may drop off once production meets demand but with MGSV: GZ releasing so soon after I really don't see that happening for months. If I were to make an educated guess based on the demand I have seen and the estimated supply (something around 400k release and 150k per month following) I would say that demand is likely to outstrip supply until late May. But without concrete supply numbers it's impossible to know for sure.

Also, I had thought that 40,000 yen is quite expensive for a console ? Do you agree?

Actually no. For pricing here it is very reasonable. I haven't heard anyone say it is too expensive. The general consensus I have heard thus far is that it is a solid bargain.

How about launching late, are Japanese gamers disgruntled by that ?

Surprisingly, no. The only people so far that I have heard bitter about the late release are other gaijin expats like myself who could've have bought one back home. My students are just excited for new hardware. They couldn't care less that they aren't getting it first. Generally speaking, the Japanese are not an entitled people.


Jan 09 - 5:29 PM EST	Amazon : Console Out of Stock
Jan 09 - 5:26 PM EST	Amazon : Console Preorder for $399.99
Jan 09 - 5:25 PM EST	Amazon : Console Out of Stock
Jan 09 - 5:24 PM EST	Amazon : Console Preorder for $399.99
Jan 09 - 5:22 PM EST	Amazon : Console Out of Stock
Jan 09 - 5:21 PM EST	Amazon : Console Preorder for $399.99
Jan 09 - 5:15 PM EST	Amazon : Console Out of Stock
Jan 09 - 5:14 PM EST	Amazon : Console Preorder for $399.99
Jan 09 - 5:12 PM EST	Amazon : Console Out of Stock
Jan 09 - 5:11 PM EST	Amazon : Console Preorder for $399.99

My guess is Amazon is doing this to prevent detectives from using the cart quantity exploit to figure out numbers.
Wouldn't the fact that people have been buying Xboxes with games on Ebay for below the MSRP of a standalone box, while ps4s are going for more than the Xbox's MSRP, imply that demand for ps4 is currently higher tham demand for Xbox independent of price?

...in Microsoft's strongest market?

Though that's probably a flawed interpretation given the number of people buying through Ebay.


Sinnergy said:
In 40 more countries... They did sell better, Sony, but in more countries. If MS launched in 40 more countries, sales would be about the same but that's my opinion.


lol.....PS4 outsold XBone 5 to 1 in Spain....like it matters if Xbone launched in 40 countries...
it's really neat to read about all the first hand experience people have had just by walking into a store and looking at the shelf.

I find it even more interesting when you asked the customers themselves about their decision. this is a good way to gauge what the casual user-base is thinking in regard to these consoles. for example, are they willing to settle for the XB1 and pay an extra $100 just to take home a console today?
ps4 is clearly the most promising console of this gen. hopefully it can get ps2 level support and have the variety that hte ps2 had. with all these sales maybe it's possible. I want more JRPGs though :)
it's really neat to read about all the first hand experience people have had just by walking into a store and looking at the shelf.

I find it even more interesting when you asked the customers themselves about their decision. this is a good way to gauge what the casual user-base is thinking in regard to these consoles. for example, are they willing to settle for the XB1 and pay an extra $100 just to take home a console today?
The answer seems to be no for many because I keep seeing people coming back to the Best Buy week after week in the hopes of getting a PS4, when all the while huge stacks of Xbox Ones sit dejected by the empty blue shelf space.

Tommy Manberg, if you're lurking, it'll be okay.


for example, are they willing to settle for the XB1 and pay an extra $100 just to take home a console today?

Early adopters are the most dedicated and hardcore. They know what they want and aren't going to spontaneously settle for another product that's costs dramatically more.


Junior Member
The answer seems to be no for many because I keep seeing people coming back to the Best Buy week after week in the hopes of getting a PS4, when all the while huge stacks of Xbox Ones sit dejected by the empty blue shelf space.

Tommy Manberg, if you're lurking, it'll be okay.
I guess you missed his ascension (and name change) to "The One and Done™". I believe he was banned, anyway ):
Ok GAF, stopped at 3 best buys in the South Bay (Los Angeles area).


Image is El Segundo (upper middle class, upper class area). They are 4 deep, 8 long and 3 high. On top, they are 3 deep, and 6 long. That's 96 + 18 = 114 Xbox Ones. They had a sign with a display box at the front of the store that said "We have Xbox One."

Next stop was Hawthorne, which is a lower middle to mid middle class area. They had a big kiosk inside the door with xbox one accessories. No sign, nor did they have stock out. However, looking online shows they have stock. They likely didn't have stock out for two reasons. The first is that they have little upper shelf space in this store. The second is that BB doesn't seem to want to wrap the boxes with the anti theft devices probably due to their liquidity or size.

Third stop was Torrance, a middle to upper middle class area. They had no sign or kiosk up front. They had two xbox ones in a locked aisle end near the video game section, which is all that would fit. They have little shelf space too, so I'm assuming they have stock in the back like the Hawthorne store.

All 20 or so stores near the 90245 area code have stock last I checked.
Ok GAF, stopped at 3 best buys in the South Bay (Los Angeles area).

Image is El Segundo (upper middle class, upper class area). They are 4 deep, 8 long and 3 high. On top, they are 3 deep, and 6 long. That's 96 + 18 = 114 Xbox Ones. They had a sign with a display box at the front of the store that said "We have Xbox One."

Next stop was Hawthorne, which is a lower middle to mid middle class area. They had a big kiosk inside the door with xbox one accessories. No sign, nor did they have stock out. However, looking online shows they have stock. They likely didn't have stock out for two reasons. The first is that they have little upper shelf space in this store. The second is that BB doesn't seem to want to wrap the boxes with the anti theft devices probably due to their liquidity or size.

Third stop was Torrance, a middle to upper middle class area. They had no sign or kiosk up front. They had two xbox ones in a locked aisle end near the video game section, which is all that would fit. They have little shelf space too, so I'm assuming they have stock in the back like the Hawthorne store.

All 20 or so stores near the 90245 area code have stock last I checked.

I even see at least one Day One Edition there, too. Or a dark shadow...


I know full well people are killing themselves to find a boatload of PS4's... but the fact that it hasn't happened yet, is pretty interesting.

Keep at it guys, im sure you'll show us all with your findings. I'd love a writeup on just how many days it took/how many stores/how many meals/mileage/etc, just for added luls.


I know full well people are killing themselves to find a boatload of PS4's... but the fact that it hasn't happened yet, is pretty interesting.

Keep at it guys, im sure you'll show us all with your findings. I'd love a writeup on just how many days it took/how many stores/how many meals/mileage/etc, just for added luls.

Only way we'll see that is if a GAF member works at the Foxconn factory.
I will never understand what Penello hoped to achieve with his super aggressive posts back in September.

That's what I wondered back in August or so. At some point a lot of what he said was going to be proven as complete falsehoods. And he had this forum account before he started this PR-but-not-PR gig. He put his name on the line. For what?

The only thing I can imagine is they knew they were screwed months in advance, so their best bet was to inflate day one sales as much as they could ahead of time before people could invalidate his claims, and by then, most of the hardcore will have already bought it.
I will never understand what Penello hoped to achieve with his super aggressive posts back in September.
Yeah I don't get it either, muddying the waters probably only worked on a few posters who for some reason, worshiped his posts (oh god it was so cringeworthy when people would quote his garbage filled posts with "Albert laying it down!").
Yeah I don't get it either, muddying the waters probably only worked on a few posters who for some reason, worshiped his posts (oh god it was so cringeworthy when people would quote his garbage filled posts with "Albert laying it down!").
That shit was hilarious. While most of them are gray, there are a few left who I can never take seriously again.


Ok GAF, stopped at 3 best buys in the South Bay (Los Angeles area).


Image is El Segundo (upper middle class, upper class area). They are 4 deep, 8 long and 3 high. On top, they are 3 deep, and 6 long. That's 96 + 18 = 114 Xbox Ones. They had a sign with a display box at the front of the store that said "We have Xbox One."

Next stop was Hawthorne, which is a lower middle to mid middle class area. They had a big kiosk inside the door with xbox one accessories. No sign, nor did they have stock out. However, looking online shows they have stock. They likely didn't have stock out for two reasons. The first is that they have little upper shelf space in this store. The second is that BB doesn't seem to want to wrap the boxes with the anti theft devices probably due to their liquidity or size.

Third stop was Torrance, a middle to upper middle class area. They had no sign or kiosk up front. They had two xbox ones in a locked aisle end near the video game section, which is all that would fit. They have little shelf space too, so I'm assuming they have stock in the back like the Hawthorne store.

All 20 or so stores near the 90245 area code have stock last I checked.

hahhahha....Xbone 3M sold-thru my ass, stuffing the channel is more like it

Mikey Jr.

Ok GAF, stopped at 3 best buys in the South Bay (Los Angeles area).

Image is El Segundo (upper middle class, upper class area). They are 4 deep, 8 long and 3 high. On top, they are 3 deep, and 6 long. That's 96 + 18 = 114 Xbox Ones. They had a sign with a display box at the front of the store that said "We have Xbox One."

Next stop was Hawthorne, which is a lower middle to mid middle class area. They had a big kiosk inside the door with xbox one accessories. No sign, nor did they have stock out. However, looking online shows they have stock. They likely didn't have stock out for two reasons. The first is that they have little upper shelf space in this store. The second is that BB doesn't seem to want to wrap the boxes with the anti theft devices probably due to their liquidity or size.

Third stop was Torrance, a middle to upper middle class area. They had no sign or kiosk up front. They had two xbox ones in a locked aisle end near the video game section, which is all that would fit. They have little shelf space too, so I'm assuming they have stock in the back like the Hawthorne store.

All 20 or so stores near the 90245 area code have stock last I checked.

They're hoarding them.....for winter. Like squirrels.


I will never understand what Penello hoped to achieve with his super aggressive posts back in September.

It got really weird closer to launch as well. Him asking publicly on Twitter what the resolutions and framerates were for launch 3rd party games and then next minute Boyes announces 1080p60 for COD.

Yeah I don't get it either, muddying the waters probably only worked on a few posters who for some reason, worshiped his posts (oh god it was so cringeworthy when people would quote his garbage filled posts with "Albert laying it down!").

Hah, I gave some gaffer a tag because of that.
Did we ever get an apology?
No lol and it's never going to happen. In all honesty, and I hope I'm not stepping over the line here, the mods should ban his ass like any other poster who consistently posts lies. In fact, I think that a poster who claims not to be PR who then proceeds to muddy the waters with PR babble should be held to even stricter rules.

Sorry for the OT backseat modding. If I'm out of line, let me know and I won't do it again.
Yeah I don't get it either, muddying the waters probably only worked on a few posters who for some reason, worshiped his posts (oh god it was so cringeworthy when people would quote his garbage filled posts with "Albert laying it down!").

Well, to some, they had no reason to believe he was lying. It was the word of an official Microsoft employee against a mysterious person who can't spell correctly.

You'd have to have a comprehensive understanding of the situation to know why CBOAT is trusted so much. Plus you also had 2013 as a non-stop train of hate towards Microsoft, because of unparalleled fuck ups towards every single person in the industry.

A lot of people literally couldn't comprehend how greedy MS got, especially with it being the console of a generation to millions of people, so it was easier for their brain to interpret it as a monumental miscommunication on Microsoft's behalf. Heck, some people have ONLY EVER gamed on an Xbox 360. It was out so long, this was the first time many people have ever dealt with a new console launch.

Albert filled that niche perfectly. Someone that could claim technical knowledge and a heaping helping of "No, look, you got it all wrong. We only required the Kinect to be plugged in up until you complained about it."

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Lying, to fool some early adopters.
He and "Major Nelson" were lying to no end.
I hope nobody takes them ever seriously again.

The lengths to which they went to muddle the waters regarding the power debate were ridiculous, even claimed the versions would be roughly the same and that Xbone had advantages that PS4 didn't, and it was a wash.

Yet come launch, 50-100% difference in performance.

They should have kept their mouth shut and shifted the debate to something else instead of blatantly lying.


hahhahha....Xbone 3M sold-thru my ass, stuffing the channel is more like it

We all know that it's 3m shipped with the assumption that most of them have been sold to consumers (like stated in their PR) so for them it's sold through.
The problem is that their assumption has not been true for a good while at this point...

I will never understand what Penello hoped to achieve with his super aggressive posts back in September.

He was just doing his job.
In late summer Microsoft clearly decided to make a marketing push to change the perception around certain aspects of the X1 including the hardware raw power. Hence the articles on Digital Foundry which were basically ads where Microsoft was explaining why their hardware was so good while Penello and Major Nelson took care of message boards like NeoGaf.
People believing they were doing anything but their job were just delusional.


The lengths to which they went to muddle the waters regarding the power debate were ridiculous, even claimed the versions would be roughly the same and that Xbone had advantages that PS4 didn't, and it was a wash.

Yet come launch, 50-100% difference in performance.

Yep, and most of us knew that.
We aren't talking about some boxers here, where you could say "well, I guess this one here is the better one". We're talking about a gaming machine! We have the damn spec-sheet in front of our eyes. Of course this one is clearly stronger than the other one.
Yep, and most of us knew that.
We aren't talking about boxers, where you could say "well, I guess this one here is the better one". We're talking about a gaming machine! We have the damn spec-sheet in front of our eyes. Of course this one is clearly stronger than the other one.

You're talking about an audience that still TO THIS DAY thinks the Xbox One has a hidden GPU.


Junior Member
Lying, to fool some early adopters.
He and "Major Nelson" were lying to no end.
I hope nobody takes them ever seriously again.
Idk, Nelson was actually pretty quiet on GAF, and he actually still posts, now and then, like a regular gaffer. Nelson also didn't hype up the tech talk much at all on GAF, he knew better than that.


I might be out of touch on this but doesn't EVERY x1 need a fw update to function? Could they not get sell through data from that?
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