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Just got Dell 2407WFP - Impressions, Pics, etc

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Just got my brand new Dell 2407WFP 24" widescreen monitor in the mail a couple hours ago. Here's a run down of my thoughts so far with pictures to come. I'll split it into PC and X360 thoughts.

PC - I'm running this in VGA mode off a 6600GT right now. Initial thoughts are a bit of a mix. (NOTE: Most of this is due to me receiving a faulty monitor from dell, which will be replaced, more on that in a bit). The sheer amount of space is quite striking coming from a 17 inch 1280x1024 monitor. I sit much farther back from the monitor now (partly due to necessity, as I had to move my keyboard due to the arrangement of my desk), and partly because I don't feel the need to sit super close now.

Heres what I like about the monitor so far.

-Colors and Black levels - The colors are much more vibrant than my old lcd (also a dell), and the monitor really does have pretty damn good blacks. I can make out all the little details in the bushes at dusk in Oblivion while looking into the sun. It's very good for that.
-The Stand- Quite adjustable, rotates on a 30 degree axis, and can be switched between portrait and landscape mode
-The design. It's sleek and stylish.

Here is what I don't like. Most, if not all of these will be fixed when I get the new monitor in with a new firmware.
-Fuzzy text - The text seems to be a bit hazy, as if the pixel phase were set wrong, but it's not. It's subtle but a bit distracting. It's difficult to show in pictures though with my digital camera. UPDATE - This was actually caused by the vga switcher I've been using to switch between PC and 360. It has since been decomissioned and this is no longer an issue.
-Color Banding - Not to bad in VGA mode, apparently it's much worse in DVI mode in the old (ie:my) firmware. Both of these issues are fixed in the newest firmware.
-It's Crooked- The stand holds the monitor SLIGHTLY crooked. I don't notice it unless I look for it, but it definitely is crooked by a bit.

As a X360 display.
This is also mixed...though none of these are really problematic for me for reasons I will explain in a bit.

The Good-
-It's big. I sit about 2 feet away and it really feels monstrous.
-The colors. The colors are deep, rich, and well defined through VGA.
-Image quality is SUPERB through VGA. The monitor is above 1080p(1920x1200), which is above the 360, but it doesn't matter, it looks wonderful. Most games have a very slightly soft look to them which isn't ugly at all.
-It's big. I know I already said this, but the immersion that comes from having this much larger of a screen is really something. Just great.

The Bad- All is not wonderful in 360 land. It has some fairly serious problems which may or may not be fixed with a firmware update.
-Component looks like ass. I'm not gonna beat around the bush...the component in just looks terrible. The colors are WAY oversatured, it's not very clear, it looks muddy, blurry, and unprecise. I plugged in component AFTER vga, and thought I had it set to 480p. I didn't, it was on 1080i. 1080i and 720p both look bad. 480p looks HORRID. I suppose it's a step up from composite, but after seeing how absolutely amazing it looked through VGA, I was simply not expecting component to look THIS much worse.
-Tearing at non filled screens. This could take some explaining. The monitor has 3 display modes for non native resolutions. 1:1, meaning it will center a picture of the exact resolution coming in with no stretching. 4:3 which will stretch an incoming image to fill up as much of the screen as possible without changing the aspect ratio...ie:a 16x9 image will fill up the whole screen except for a small bar on bottom and top, and the last mode is fill, which stretchs the input to fill the screen(duh). 1:1 is okay, but too small for most apps. 4:3 looks GREAT for static pictures, but as soon as things start moving you get a line through the center from some pretty bad tearing. This is extremely unfortunate because it would have been the optimal way to play 360 games to preserve the perfect aspect ratio. The other way is fill, which is what you end up having to do. This MAY change with the new bios but I've heard no word on it from dell.

That being said, the 360 doess offer a 1280x768 display mode which is SO close to the 16x10 aspect ratio of the monitor that I noticed no stretching looking at various circles in games. That's good.

Overall, assuming the blurry text and banding get fixed by the new firmware (giving dell the benefit of the doubt...they seem confident to have fixed the issue), this monitor really is something special so long as you plug your 360 in through VGA.

If you have questions, fire away. I'll be uploading pictures from it shortly.


Also, you're positive you had the switch on your X360 component cable set to HDTV, right?

Right on the plug itself there's a little switch for TV or HDTV. If you don't have it set to HDTV, it's going to look like total ass.



Wow and I thought the Dell monitors were one of very few solid reasons to upgrade to LCD now instead of waiting. Or is this more to do with 07 model line. Isnt that one came out over seas but was delayed here due to bugs? Eitherway thanks for tip, more proof it seems to wait and see what next year's offerings are.
Ecrofirt- Their firmware has had errors since the original launch. They JUST started reflashing old monitors with new firmware. The panel I have was built in May, which is before the new firmware. And yes...the component is set to HDTV. I made sure of that. Unfortunately component in just doesn't look too hot on this monitor =/. VGA looks wonderful though. There is a HUGE difference between the two.

YakiSOBA- I understand why you say that, but the difference between VGA and DVI on this monitor are absolutely miniscule according to the users at the [h]ardOcp forums who have tried both. They say on the older firmware VGA actually looks superior because it has fewer issues with banding than DVI. The reason is that it has some special Faroujda video processing chip which is supposed to help with scaling. Unfortunately it introduces some banding issues in static images. The monitor has 3 settings, Desktop, Media, and Gaming. They seem to have forgotten to disable the chip in desktop mode. I beleive that is one of the things the new firmware does. The problems I stated are not specific to VGA. They are there in DVI mode as well.

Also...the pics are going to take a bit longer than I thought. I accidentally took them all at 1024x768, which is obviously way to low res. I'm going to retake them all and post them afterwards. Hopefully they'll be up by around 8:30 est.

Doth Togo

How much did you pay? Any pending coupons?

Pics in proportion to your PC, keyboard, etc would help quite a bit. I'm strongly considering getting one for my home office. I'm working off of a 22' CRT Sony right now.

Also, what's the minimum graphics card I should get when running games on this hoss? I'm also strongly considering an X1900X ATi card. Will this suffice with a 2407WFP?


lacks enthusiasm.
Return it to Dell so they can either A. Give you a new one or B. Update the firmware. There is no reason you should be having to use VGA just to get around the problems.
Doth Togo said:
How much did you pay? Any pending coupons?

Pics in proportion to your PC, keyboard, etc would help quite a bit. I'm strongly considering getting one for my home office. I'm working off of a 22' CRT Sony right now.

Also, what's the minimum graphics card I should get when running games on this hoss? I'm also strongly considering an X1900X ATi card. Will this suffice with a 2407WFP?

Will do on the proportion pics. And an X1900XT(i'm assuming that meant XT) will suffice just fine. ATI tends to be better than Nvidia for this monitor because I beleive ATI cards are in general capable of outputting higher res in DVI mode. My 6600GT can't hit 1920x1200 in dvi, but it can in VGA, so I have it plugged into VGA.

I'm not sure the jump from a 22" crt is worth it though, but that's your decision. I was able to talk them down to 849 before taxes and with free shipping fairly easily. I didn't have a coupon so I wasn't able to get the full 25% off (which would've brought it to 711+ shipping I beleive).

About to start re-snapping the pictures, should be done in an hour or so so I'll post pics then.

EDIT - XMonkey, yes, Dell is aware of the problems and have a thread set up on their forums so that you can tell them your info and they'll send you a new monitor. They let you keep the monitor you already have until the new one comes in. I'm not using VGA to get around the problem, as I mentioned above, I'm using VGA because my videocard is one of many nvidia cards that don't support DVI at 1920x1200. I'l be righting that wrong soon but as of now I'm stuck with VGA. =/ Like I said though, according the the folks at the [h] forums, the difference really is pretty small. I should also say that ALL the panels shipping out of dell that until tommorow have old firmware. Some have revision A00 (mine), some have A01, which fixed the fuzzy text and color banding, but not quite all the way. A02 is the fully fixed version.

EDIT AGAIN - Okay apparently I've been completely ****ing insane for the past few posts as I just switched it over to DVI (thinking my card couldn't output DVI at this res) and it worked fine. I knew the desktop would be fine but games are too. I'm not sure why people have been saying the 6600gt doesn't support DVI at this res because it seems to be A-Okay. And yes, this did clear up the fuzzy text, you were right, and that makes me wonder what the people at Hardocp were smoking when they said that theres not much difference. Anyway, banding is more noticeable in DVI though, so the panel is still using old firmware (most likely A01, instead of A00).

Okay, NOW i'm going to start taking pics.


I have a couple 2405's (basically the same monitor), and VGA vs DVI at such a high resolution is rediculously different. If your old monitor was lower resolutino the difference might have been very slight, but you'll honestly find a large difference after you hook this up via DVI. Like night and day.

EDIT: I see you posted something later about DVI vs VGA. Well, maybe you got a bad panel then.

EDIT2: If you don't want your monitor to stretch 16:9 to 16:10, you can turn on "Aspect" ratio in the options.


lacks enthusiasm.
WHOAguitarninja said:
EDIT - XMonkey, yes, Dell is aware of the problems and have a thread set up on their forums so that you can tell them your info and they'll send you a new monitor. They let you keep the monitor you already have until the new one comes in. I'm not using VGA to get around the problem, as I mentioned above, I'm using VGA because my videocard is one of many nvidia cards that don't support DVI at 1920x1200. I'l be righting that wrong soon but as of now I'm stuck with VGA. =/ Like I said though, according the the folks at the [h] forums, the difference really is pretty small. I should also say that ALL the panels shipping out of dell that until tommorow have old firmware. Some have revision A00 (mine), some have A01, which fixed the fuzzy text and color banding, but not quite all the way. A02 is the fully fixed version.

Fair enough :)


This is going to sound retarded, but maybe they should allow the user to flash the monitor firmware somehow so they can save themselves this headache in the future.


I might have to retract what I said before. VGA on 2405 is amazing crisp. Very very strange. My 2005 on my mac mini on VGA looks like complete crap.
Ive got the 2407 rev 01, fantastic monitor which has only been used for Xbox 360 usage so far.

Ive read that it still exibits banding when used on dvi and that Rev02 solves the issue. It will be exchanged for a brand new one.

This monitor is highly recommended.
PICTURES!! Not all of them turned out so hot though.

First up, some comparison shots. These are all in lower res (1024) because I didn't really need high resolution to convey the point.

Here is the old setup.(17 inch lcd)

Here is the new, sorry about the blur, not sure what happened there.

Now for some high res shots.
A couple from Oblivion that came out a bit blurry.

Here is the dashboard in various resolutions so you can see the difference.




Now for some New Kameo Demo, which I also used to show the difference between VGA and Component (in 1080i). These are VERY high res (about 1mb each), so 56k should pretty much not bother.


Here is a shot of the 1080p Ice Age trailer running on the display. This shot wasn't taken off mine, I took this shot also, but NEODARK at the [h] forums had a shot that came out better, so I'll use his.

Last shot is a picture of my desktop.

If anyone has any requests I'll do my best to try and take pics of it. I'll try and steady my hand more also, as I expected these to come out a bit clearer than they actually did.
Just realized I forgot an important pic. Here is the screen compared to a cd.

Also...I realized my fuzzy text problem was not a VGA/DVI thing. It was actually the fault of a VGA switcher that I had been using to switch between the 360 and the PC. Now I have the PC hooked up via DVI and the 360 via VGA and they're both razor sharp. VGA and DVI really are very close in terms of picture.

EDIT - And once again I forgot the pic...oiy. Now it's there.


WHOAguitarninja said:
Just realized I forgot an important pic. Here is the screen compared to a cd.

My heavenly days. That's glorious. Did the 07 lose anything when it gained HDMI?
Boards of Canada said:
I will post impressions of my Apple Cinema 30" display next week.
Showoff =P

My heavenly days. That's glorious. Did the 07 lose anything when it gained HDMI?
Not to my knowledge. The aspect mode of view seems to be a bit wonky as whenever I use it for the 360 I get some serious tearing in the middle of the screen, but I expect that may be fixed in the firmware update as I know that mode has several problems right now.
WHOAguitarninja said:
Showoff =P
You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get a new display. I'm going from a 10 year old 17" Magnavox 1280x1024 display that's blurry, white-shifts, and is just UGH DIE DIE DIE. My 30" Cinema Display comes in next week. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Boards of Canada said:
You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get a new display. I'm going from a 10 year old 17" Magnavox 1280x1024 display that's blurry, white-shifts, and is just UGH DIE DIE DIE. My 30" Cinema Display comes in next week. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Can't wait to see your thoughts on it.
The Faceless Master said:
what about the input lag, do you notice any?
i've heard conflicting reports on this and console games using the analog inputs...

I've noticed no input lag beyond my previous LCD. I know there were reports of input lag on the 2405, so I've been a bit concerned about this. I tried to feel a difference between this and my crt, but I can't notice one. Quite frankly though, if there were a slight difference, I probably wouldn't be the one who would notice it.


Axel Hertz
BTW, don't know if you know this, but the dell 2407 can't display proper 1080i material - it can display 480p, 720p and 1080p (theorically) material correctly, but on 1080i, the resizer just craps out and display a 540p signal - thus why 1080i on the 2407 doesn't look that good.

Also, banding on the A01 firmware revision only happens when you're in Gaming and Movie mode. On desktop mode, banding is gone (because, on version a01, the LCD color correction/image manipulator has been turned off. That's what is causing the banding).

Version a02 is prolly due out after juny 9th (supposedly). Nobody knwos what's different in it from a01.

You all should really read http://www.widescreengamingforum.co...ght=2407&sid=beeb3a935ef1d39507f0582f6138da67 first.. they really know what they're talking about.
Discussion went to shit after page 17 tho. Turned from a decent 2407 information thread to a "OMFG DELL SUCKS I WANT MY MONE BACK ASSMUNCHES OH WAIT NO I WANT A NEW MONITOR EVEN THO THE REVISION IS NOT OUT"...

But once a02 comes out, i'm sure it'll change back.


Thanks for the informative thread.

My biggest concern is not input lag but ghosting. There's gotta be some because there hasn't been a LCD yet that doesn't have at least a little, and it's usually most apparent to me in games. Have you tried any 60 fps games out to check for it?

I guess that would rule out most 360 stuff. :p ;D


BTW, don't know if you know this, but the dell 2407 can't display proper 1080i material - it can display 480p, 720p and 1080p (theorically) material correctly, but on 1080i, the resizer just craps out and display a 540p signal - thus why 1080i on the 2407 doesn't look that good.

Wrong, this was proven wrong on the very same forum you linked to. It does support 1080i.

Here is the thread where it was proven false.http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1971&start=150

Here is a link to the picture that proves it. The guy took the same source, his PC, and hooked it up through the DVI connection and the component connection and they look identical. Scroll to the bottom to see the comparison shot.


Of course, these are for the 2405 so maybe they screwed something up when they switched to the 2407.

As for the original poster I think you are doing something wrong with the component inputs because my 360 looks way better than your shots do when hooked up with component cables and my 360 looks way better using component than vga.


Axel Hertz
hiryu said:
Of course, these are for the 2405 so maybe they screwed something up when they switched to the 2407.
The 2405 displays a 1080i signal perfectly. The 2407 (where they changed the chipset that does the image treatment) can't deinterlace properly, so it just displays a 540p signal instead (1080i is 2 fields of 540 interlaced). Whoever tested the 1080i being displayed as 540p used the LCD on-screen menus to display which resolution was being pumped out, and it said 540.

The same chipset also doesn't allow you to change aspect ratios on anything that ends in 1200. It jsut assumes it's a widescreen image and stretches to fill (Even tho 1600x1200 isn't 16:10). I'm hoping those issues get fixed in a02 (as i don't see what else needs to be fixed through firmware on the 2407).

It's said many times on the thread (yes, i've read it entirely. Actually, i've been following it since the beginning, because I want a 2407).
BenT said:
Thanks for the informative thread.

My biggest concern is not input lag but ghosting. There's gotta be some because there hasn't been a LCD yet that doesn't have at least a little, and it's usually most apparent to me in games. Have you tried any 60 fps games out to check for it?

I guess that would rule out most 360 stuff. :p ;D

I tried the RR6 demo and didn't see any ghosting at all. I'm sure it's there, but it is not very significant. Looking at the marquee screensaveer though some ghosting is apparent, though that tends to display ghsoting more than anything else.

About 1080i on the 2407, I'm not sure if this is evidence in either directino, but you can actually see the lines flicker at 1080i. The whole image just looks unsteady because of it.

hiryu, the problem to me with component is in the colors the 360 sends. They are WAY to oversaturated and the contrast seems set way too high. I may try fiddling with the color settings later to see how much of an effect that has. The problem doesn't seem to be lack of clarity.

I should also note, that from a purely technical prospective, VGA should look a hair better than component, due to the pure RGB signal and not the Y Pb Pr signal of component. The colors SHOULD be truer in VGA, and they certainly seem to be, although I don't think the difference should be THIS large.


Don't you still, even though this is a PC monitor, perform some kind of calibration on each input to get a matching output? Particularly if you're using it for things such as a 360? I mean, leave the PC input wherever you like - 6500k I guess, but maybe use Avia or something to calibrate the component input and that should at least somewhat help in bringing contrast and sharpening under control on that input and maybe help match the VGA and component.
teiresias said:
Don't you still, even though this is a PC monitor, perform some kind of calibration on each input to get a matching output? Particularly if you're using it for things such as a 360? I mean, leave the PC input wherever you like - 6500k I guess, but maybe use Avia or something to calibrate the component input and that should at least somewhat help in bringing contrast and sharpening under control on that input and maybe help match the VGA and component.

I did some slight calibrating on the computer input but nothing extensive. I haven't tried changing the contrast in component, but I'm not sure how I would go about doing that because I can't use desktop utilities to do it. If there is a way to do it that I'm unaware of I'd be very interested in trying.


The monitor itself doesn't have a contrast adjustment? That would seem odd to me, and if it does have an adjustment it should remember which adjustments are with which inputs.
teiresias said:
The monitor itself doesn't have a contrast adjustment? That would seem odd to me, and if it does have an adjustment it should remember which adjustments are with which inputs.
No it does, but I don't know how I'd go about calbrating it properly, rather than just what I feel is right.


Axel Hertz
The Faceless Master said:
what about the input lag, do you notice any?
i've heard conflicting reports on this and console games using the analog inputs...

People say (on that forum i linked) that the 2407 has 10-30 ms LESS LAG than the 2405 (which obvilously means it still has lag when compared to CRTS, but that's just how LCDs work, and the lag is not that noticeable btw).
drizzle said:
People say (on that forum i linked) that the 2407 has 10-30 ms LESS LAG than the 2405 (which obvilously means it still has lag when compared to CRTS, but that's just how LCDs work, and the lag is not that noticeable btw).

This seems fairly correct because I don't notice any difference between this and my old lcd.

Also, an update on the component situation. I've fiddled with the colors quite a bit now, and it's possible to make it look significantly better than default settings, but it still simply isn't up to the level of VGA. I've heard a couple people mention that the A00 bios has poor component in, which is the bios I am running as well, but I've heard no word as to wether or not that has changed in later bios revisions.
drizzle said:
People say (on that forum i linked) that the 2407 has 10-30 ms LESS LAG than the 2405 (which obvilously means it still has lag when compared to CRTS, but that's just how LCDs work, and the lag is not that noticeable btw).
well, the lag can be noticeable depending on what game you're playing...

but less is always good...
The Faceless Master said:
well, the lag can be noticeable depending on what game you're playing...

but less is always good...

As an update to the lag, the 2407 has been photographed as having no discernable lag compared to a CRT at 60Hz. In fact in some photos it was about a milisecond quicker.
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