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There are some 3D ones (Broken Sword 3, Still Life, Curse of Monkey Island) on Xbox/PS2, but as far as 2D goes...no, not really.


Himuro said:
I've heard that Curse of Monkey Island is awful. Is it really that bad?

I didn't know Syberia was adventure.

What systems are Syberia and Syberia II on?

Curse of Monkey Island is great. I think demi meant Escape from Monkey Island, which is the weakest one, but still worth playing.

Syberia's are on Xbox.
"We don't go upstairs."
"Not since the accident."

I'd picked up a dual-pack of Sam & Max and Day of the Tentacle (Maniac Mansion 2) whe I was in England at one point, and gave them a go through ScummVM (almost no way to get them to run properly otherwise on an XP system, but as you said, virtually perfect through ScummVM). Sam & Max is a fantastic game, and now that I know how good it is (I'd already enjoyed the TV series way back), I'm saddened that the next-gen version that was in development was canned, it's quite a shame.

DOTT was a poorer game, IMHO. Puzzles were often non-sensical and just poorly designed, resulting in some major game-stopping moments until I peered at a FAQ to figure out what arbitrary object or command combination the game wanted.
The "dragging the bed" puzzle, for example.
Sam & Max was almost always clear, save for one or two important objects that just looked like background decoration.

I did appreciate that both games didn't punish you for the wrong choices or decisions, there was a "no death" policy, so to speak. You couldn't waste important objects, and the game would at worst only make you repeat steps to get back to where you were.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Himuro said:
I've heard that Curse of Monkey Island is awful. Is it really that bad?

I didn't know Syberia was adventure.

What systems are Syberia and Syberia II on?

Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 3) was only available on PC, and it was quite good (although the ending was a bit weak). It was 2D and features some outstanding animation.

Escape from Monkey Island (MI4), is the one that's available on PS2 as well as PC. It's 3D, which was a BIG mistake for the series. The game looks pretty crappy now, especially when compared to the still great looking Curse. Gameplay-wise, Escape is the weakest of the MI games, but I still had fun playing it.

And it's not like you have much of a choice for console adventure games, anyway. You should be able to get Escape fairly cheap....probably in the $10-$20 range.

Edit: Looks like I got in a bit late. Glad to see the love for Curse, though.


All these games should be ported to the DS. LucasArts doesn't know how much money they can make off these ports.


Sam n Max is awesome. It really sucks that LucasArts cancelled the sequel which was already like 85% complete just a short while ago.

Take your time and cherish Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango. Two absolute masterpieces of gaming.
Himuro said:
What the fuck? I've been stuck on this puzzle on Sam and Max for a while. Max was thrown in to the dunk the beast box thingy, and I can't get him out! :(

"I hate country music!"

Have you made the bridge to him out of gators by hitting golf balls into the water in front of them?

Wait, might not have been golf balls, this might've been the part you need the bucket of fish for.
Speaking of 2D adventures, I just watched Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade from DVD. All the time during the movie all I could think was "Hey I remember that place" and "yeah, Indy had to that and that...".

...and what was I thinking? Playing the Indy -game on Amiga about 15 years ago. Has this happened to anyone else? =)



All this SCUMM game talk and no mention of FULL THROTTLE?



Since the greats have been covered (Grim Fandango hasn't been mentioned has it?)

I'll throw in my vote for the Gabriel Knight Series. Even the second one with its dreaded FMV based gameplay was pretty good. (3rd one is iffy but still fun)
Yeah, I had first gotten into graphic adventures like a year ago (console games for life, rite), so I'm still pretty new to the genre too. But I agree that Curse of Monkey Island is the best MI, even if it is by different people and not a "true Monkey Island." But since you don't really like MI that much, then who cares, right? I was shocked at how detailed and well-animated Sam & Max was, but I was REALLY shocked by Curse. I mean, just look:


It's one of the few games that actually looks like an honest-to-god cartoon. It's also the funniest game I've ever played. My favorite line is when you get Guybrush to taste the footprints in the sand, and he says, "Hmm... this tastes like sand. I think this is a clue." It's great. So great. Buy it!! It's only fifteen dollars at Lucasarts' site, and so is Grim Fandango. Although you might want to wait until you beat the first two, cuz there are lots of inside jokes in Curse. Make sure to bring a walkthrough for the stupendously difficult MI2. :(

I also agree with the people saying that Day of the Tentacle isn't that good. Maybe it's one of those "had to be there" kind of games, but the humor in it is just... kinda lame. And the voice acting is terrible, especially Hoagie and what's-her-face's. It had a few good puzzles related to the whole time thing, but much of it was spent doing random things with the verbs... and since there's a lot of verbs, it was annoying. It's the only thing from Schafer that I've actively disliked.

Get Grim Fandango as soon as possible. It's the best adventure game I've ever played.
1997. :eek: It sucks that adventure games were dying off right when the graphics were getting awesome... I would do anything for another Lucasarts adventure looking that good. Although there's a game coming out from ex-Lucasarts members called "A Vampyre Story," but I don't even know if it'll EVER come out. It looks even better than Curse! Here's the site.

Have you seen Sam & Max 2? It was 3D, and it looked really great, but it was cancelled. I'd show a screen, but seeing it even breaks MY heart, and I'm not even that big of a Sam & Max fan.


0G M3mbeR
It's all about the Maniac Mansion. I loved that freaking game so much, but I never did get to try the sequal (day of the tenticle)


0G M3mbeR
Maniac Mansion Deluxe they fixed the combination bug at the inner security door from the NES version. Right there that makes me sad :( I can't beat it in 15 minutes anymore :(

Also for anybody that knows, does Day of the Tenticle run in XP?
Himuro said:
I saw the pics for it when looking on google. It didn't look bad at all. Looked like they nailed the awesome art style in 3d (which really surprised me).


...Um. Holy shit?


Those enviroments...are...wow


The 2d gaming whore in me is crying right now.

Unfortunately, the character sticks out like a sore thumb. Apply the same lighting to it, damn it!


The Inside Track
I've loved all Lucasarts adventure game, some more than other of course, but I've played and finished all of them. I really miss these games.
Ho, one of the less known adventure games from Lucasarts is The Dig, it was a bit on the short side but it was a very interesting story (by Spielberg?) and had a great atmosphere.
Himuro said:
I'm really feeling bad because I never got to grow up playing these great games. Just think, only until this gen, I really didn't like American games and now I'm playing Western games and Eastern games half and half. WHY? :(

Me too :lol I mean, I played first-person shooters and Blizzard games and all, but I was totally Japanophile/BAD ART before I played an adventure game.

About Full Throttle: It's the ultimate beginner's adventure game. It's easy, short, and the story is accessible and has funny bits. Besides the obnoxious arcade bits, it's really enjoyable.

And Maniac Mansion is just hard to play these days. It was revolutionary, but I just don't see the point in playing it now, because it's too archaic.

Grim Fandango is also a beautiful game, despite it having 3D characters on top of pre-rendered backgrounds.




Very stylish. B)
That does look pretty good, but did they fix the interface? That's what I meant by it being archaic--there was just so much shit you had to do just to LOOK at something.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Himuro said:
Could you tell me why? :)

I love the whole time travelling mechanic, how you have to use 3 characters in 3 different time periods to solve various issues. Things you do in the past effect the future and it makes for some really creative puzzles. The humor is really good too, vintage Tim Schafer.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
milkyjay20 said:
That does look pretty good, but did they fix the interface? That's what I meant by it being archaic--there was just so much shit you had to do just to LOOK at something.
It uses the SCUMM interface

the Standard click walk to walk, talk to talk, ect....


0G M3mbeR
milkyjay20 said:
That does look pretty good, but did they fix the interface? That's what I meant by it being archaic--there was just so much shit you had to do just to LOOK at something.

..."GET" click the item. "READ" click the item.

Not much more then that. I think you need to go play it again :) I will go play it again right now also :D


What? no Indy and the Fate of Atlantis or Last Crusade, the world has gone insane, by the way all SCUMM adventures are God gifts to gamers.


Ah, I love those old adventure games.

But shame on all of you for not mentioning the great Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. SHAME!

Whoa, Raytow knows what's up.


Grim Fandango= One of the best games ever made, yeah the controls are a weak point but you will be sucked into the game that its a non issue. Subtitiles are in the final game.

Full Throttle, another great albeit short game, awesome story again.

These two games were both directed and written by Tim Schafer the man behind the excellent superb game psychonauts which also is one of the best written games this generations

One more to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, simply one of the best 2d games out there, great dialogue, great puzzles, multiple pathways, multiple solutions etc. Felt like you were really on a grand andventure.

Should I mention Sierra games or will I be shunned. I always thought sierra games were the best until I played lucas arts games. I will mention that Police Quest 4 ROCKED!! along with Space Quest 5,6 and Leisure Suit Larry 6,7.

Gabriel Knight series is also well done, the most mature out of every adventure game,

Longest Journey is also an awesome game as well.


Blimblim said:
Ho, one of the less known adventure games from Lucasarts is The Dig, it was a bit on the short side but it was a very interesting story (by Spielberg?) and had a great atmosphere.



I still think it's one of the best games ever made.

Any of you guys remember when
Brink got his hand sliced off with the jawbone?
That was some seriously intense shit right there. Eye-opening for a person like me who was relatively unexposed to unsettling violence in a video game, outside of The 7th Guest. That is, at least how I remember The 7th Guest - I picked it up again on a DOS emulator and was absolutely shocked at how I found it even remotely scary.


Speaking of old-school adventure games, there's also Runaway: A Road Adventure for PC released in 2003. It doesn't match up to Lucasarts greatness, but it's a nice game in the same vein as Broken Sword (not quite as tight in its dialogue and story though). And the graphics are great, with cel-shading put to excellent use in the cutscenes...well, I think cel-shaded at least.



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