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Jaffe:"Is this biased journalism? Or is it just me?"

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seat said:
After twelve pages, this argument is over and hardly anyone agrees with you on this particular point.
you truly can't see jaffe's point about how the journalist may have an agenda? look at the questions, man.


my name is Ted
belvedere said:
Go check out the percentages and then report back.

Can't wait to see your reaction.
I find that people are saying that failure rate of the 360 is 16%.
another article saying The X box 360 and the PS2 actually have nearly identical defect rates of 3–5%. Over 100 million PS2 systems have been sold, and there have been over 5 million PS2 systems that have had defects. all the article I find are only talking about the failure rate for the PS3 and 360.


Redd said:
Only things that ever irked me with the PS3 was the high launch price and nixing of the BC in later models.

The launch price lost me as a customer. I'm not paying that for a gaming console and I couldn't give a shit about Blu-Ray. I had made an earlier rule that I would never buy a PS3 after the price was revealed, to illustrate how fucking much I hated it, but I'm weakening over time and might pick one up - at the mainstream price of $250.

And honestly, MS had the whole RROD issue that lost me as their customer for the rest of this gen and possibly next.

I think that's the biggest deal for me really: Nintendo didn't fuck up as badly as the other two.


The Fucking MAN.
sankt-Antonio said:

#1- Do you regret abandoning the blockbuster franchise, God of War, which you helped create?

Not at all. Been there, done that, loved the whole experience. Looking for new challenges and for a way to be compensated fairly for my and my team's contributions.

#2- Is Twisted Metal still a relevant IP?

Only if there was enough new design ideas in there to make it relevant to today's gamers. If we were to ever make a new TM, it would have to change alot in terms of rule sets and design philosophy to merit the endeavor. Theme wise, I still love it but respect it's more of a game for American sensibilities vs. European or Japanese.

#3- You talked up your last release and didn't have much impact, what will be different this time around?

The game will be better and deeper. I made the mistake of going for surface fun (which I thought we did well for many players) but forgot to put in the deep end of the pool...my mistake was thinking 10 bucks meant players would be happy with 1 day of play and that was wrong. The theme was all wrong as well. I read the market very poorly and will try to apply lessons from that mistake to our new title.

#4- How can your development house afford to not go multiplatform in this day and age?

We just can. We have a biz model that works, and a great relationship with Sony that allows great support and a large amount of creative autonomy. If we hit, we get to help support a machine that we believe in and we get to make many players happy. Would love to be on as many plats as possible but it comes at a cost and we don't want to pay that price at this point in our development lives. Hell, we may never want to pay that price. We love being exclusive to Sony are are proud they choose us to be one of their 2nd party studios.

#5-What lessons, if any, have you learned from Denis Dyack's behavior on message boards, blogs, and with gaming press surrounding the launch of his game Too Human?

I dunno. Didn't follow it that much. I think Denis' major flaw was he hyped his game up and it did not come close to delivering (according to many). We work our butts off to make players happy and while we have theories as to what will work or what will not, we don't really know. We are just doing our best. So I think a lot of it is letting the public make up their own mind about your game. You don't need me to tell you it's good or not. I will just do my part to work hard so you will- we hope- say it's great! As I recall, he also attacked the fans in some sort of way, yes? I would not do that because I am a fan and I also appreciate and love all gamers...we are all the same nerdy tribe and even tho we may disagree I respect and love all geeks...they are my people.

voltron said:
So many lost friends. So many people on ignore that shouldnt be.

So much lost time :(

lol. If what you are posting is your honest mistaken impression then whenever somebody on gaf agreed with you or complimented you, you thought they were insulting you.

Sony has had three Christmas seasons and MS has had four, and Sony just got their butt kicked again last month as is the trend.

This was NOT supposed to happen. Hell, I figured PS3 would outsell 360 worldwide in less than one year. Instead the gap is growing.

This is after a gen where Sony held 70% of global marketshare.

This is the biggest story about the PS3, and it will stay the biggest story. Reporting on it isn't bias.
voltron said:

I just realised QFT stands for Quoted For Truth. Rather than Quit Fucking Trolling.

This changes everything. EVERYTHING.
:lol :lol :lol

holy shit, if this is true, then it probably changes your entire perception of certain posters!


Vinci said:
The launch price lost me as a customer. I'm not paying that for a gaming console and I couldn't give a shit about Blu-Ray. I had made an earlier rule that I would never buy a PS3 after the price was revealed, to illustrate how fucking much I hated it, but I'm weakening over time and might pick one up - at the mainstream price of $250.

Yeah it almost lost me as well. I waited a year before grabbing my 60gb PS3 for around $399. Bluray is nice and all but that's not the reason why I buy consoles.


Junior Butler
Kasumi1970 said:
I find that people are saying that failure rate of the 360 is 16%.
another article saying The X box 360 and the PS2 actually have nearly identical defect rates of 3–5%. Over 100 million PS2 systems have been sold, and there have been over 5 million PS2 systems that have had defects. all the article I find are only talking about the failure rate for the PS3 and 360.

Most say 16%, some say 30%, I've never seen any that rated it below 16% though.

There's a book that also say in one cycle it was as high as 60% though like this thread topic, I don't know if there was slant at play on the authors behalf.
The PS3 and 360 both have a lot of great unique features to offer. Anyone claiming one is "obviously" superior (other than with hardware and software numbers) in every way to the other is an idiot.

A couple things I'm thinking about, however:

1. A simple fact that many seem to overlook is that when comparing the features of either console at a given price point and ignoring the available games for each, the PS3 is essentially a 360 with the "options" bundled in (and an understandably worse online service for free as opposed to a better service that's paid for): larger hard drive, wifi, etc. Obviously this has had an effect on the average consumer or parent thinking one is cheaper than the other, and contributes to the 360s success compared to the PS3.

2. I'm convinced that in this generation a large reason why these console "wars" matter SO MUCH to so many people is because of how people who preferred the original xbox felt when the ps2 was "winning". Now that many of the xbox "preferrers" now prefer the 360, they can't be happier that their console is "stealing" exclusives and is now "winning". This is all fine, but becomes disappointing when they go into a forum and idiotically bash the other console, much of the time with no facts or solid basis for their argument. This also happens to cause journalists to look for sensationalist discussion about how the PS3 is "failing so miserably". What I wonder is what discussion would be occurring and what questions this journalist might be asking to be answered if for one reason or the other the PS3 was actually still "winning" like everyone had predicted before its release.

3. I'm convinced a BIG REASON (not the only reason) the 360 hardware and possibly even software is so popular is the piracy. Lets face it, the PS3 has no easy way to play free games, and the 360 may not be the easiest thing to crack, but since about 5 or 6 months into its lifespan, even idiot children can fumble through flashing the 360 DVD firmware if they know how to google and have a screwdriver if they wanted to.

4. Along with the previous, I really wonder what it would be like if both the 360 and PS3 were "hackable"? What if the PS3 was the only one that could be hacked? What if the PS3 was as unsecure as the PSP is nowadays, with PS1, PS2 and PS3 ISOs able to be placed on the XMB and launched like a PSN game? I would think that would have SOME effect on hardware sales, maybe even software by boosting MGS4 sales because that would be a comparably hard game to fit on the PS3's hard drive at 50GB.


It probably shouldn't surprise me that some people here are handwaving away the blatant bias of those questions, but it's still pretty sad. It seems pretty obvious that the 'mystery journalist' already arrived at his conclusions ahead of time, and was just fishing for some juicy soundbites to validate his points.

And as to why it matters, ever heard the words, 'self-fulfilling prophecy'? If I wasn't heavily into games and I was looking for a new console, all these 'the PS3 is dying a slow death' articles would definitely make me think twice about buying one, that's for damn sure. Public perception of a product, positive or negative, can have a very real effect on sales. It doesn't have to be true ('PS3 is dying', 'PS3 has no games'); enough people just have to believe it. That's not the only factor at work when it comes to the PS3's sales, but it is a factor.


Redd said:
Yeah it almost lost me as well. I waited a year before grabbing my 60gb PS3 for around $399. Bluray is nice and all but that's not the reason why I buy consoles.

To be honest, the Blu-Ray situation also was one of the contributing factors of my rather vehement dislike of Sony at the start of this gen. I didn't want it; I didn't like that they were basically setting the system up as a sacrificial lamb for some format war I cared nothing about. I buy a gaming console for games, not to contribute to someone else's ambitions to go beyond them.

But yeah, as I said, I'm cooling off on them. MS, on the other hand, can burn.


davidjaffe said:
#5-What lessons, if any, have you learned from Denis Dyack's behavior on message boards, blogs, and with gaming press surrounding the launch of his game Too Human?

I dunno. Didn't follow it that much. I think Denis' major flaw was he hyped his game up and it did not come close to delivering (according to many). We work our butts off to make players happy and while we have theories as to what will work or what will not, we don't really know. We are just doing our best. So I think a lot of it is letting the public make up their own mind about your game. You don't need me to tell you it's good or not. I will just do my part to work hard so you will- we hope- say it's great! As I recall, he also attacked the fans in some sort of way, yes? I would not do that because I am a fan and I also appreciate and love all gamers...we are all the same nerdy tribe and even tho we may disagree I respect and love all geeks...they are my people.


I never fully understood Gaf's fascination with Jaffe (aside from GOW and Twisted Metal love) until I read that.

Much respect.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Mike Works said:
you truly can't see jaffe's point about how the journalist may have an agenda? look at the questions, man.

Yeah, I don't know why the media hates Sony so much. Especially after all they did for the industry. Asking these types of questions is like curb stomping Mother Teresa on Christmas eve.


Asking Jaffe these questions because he makes games for Sony consoles makes about as much sense as Jaffe asking the reporter about the RRoD because he works for MSNBC.


tfur said:
The real world is a large place...

I think you're disagreeing with me, but I'm not sure what you're saying. Your own graphs show that a naive launch-alignment gives nearly identical sales for the 360 and PS3, and it seems likely to me that a more-reliable and later-launching 360 would have seen stronger early sales than it actually did.

Were you objecting to me saying that the Wii would be at 66%? I corrected that in an edit, though perhaps not until after you'd posted.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
BobsRevenge said:
I would say there is a lot of gloom, but not much actual doom.

Some things depend on your perspective I guess. From a PS3-centric perspective you get the sense that the console is selling respectable numbers and also selling a respectable amount of software.

From a wider perspective it failed to obtain a majority market share and is in the third place out of three competing products. It also failed to obtain popularity in keeping with the Playstation tradition.
It also lost them all the money they made on the PSP and nearly all the money from PS2, the most successful console ever.


Stoney Mason said:
lol. If what you are posting is your honest mistaken impression then whenever somebody on gaf agreed with you or complimented you, you thought they were insulting you.


Totally honest. And yeah theres been a few head scratches where people QFT my posts or others and I wasnt sure why.

Seems like a pretty easy mistake to make!


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Sony has had three Christmas seasons and MS has had four, and Sony just got their butt kicked again last month as is the trend.

This was NOT supposed to happen. Hell, I figured PS3 would outsell 360 worldwide in less than one year. Instead the gap is growing.

This is after a gen where Sony held 70% of global marketshare.

This is the biggest story about the PS3, and it will stay the biggest story. Reporting on it isn't bias.

You're a goddamn fool


The PS3 was sent to die for Blu-ray.

Worth it in my opinion.

Is it biased journalism? Probably. Should you care? No.
davidjaffe said:
#1- Do you regret abandoning the blockbuster franchise, God of War, which you helped create?

Not at all. Been there, done that, loved the whole experience. Looking for new challenges and for a way to be compensated fairly for my and my team's contributions.

#2- Is Twisted Metal still a relevant IP?

Only if there was enough new design ideas in there to make it relevant to today's gamers. If we were to ever make a new TM, it would have to change alot in terms of rule sets and design philosophy to merit the endeavor. Theme wise, I still love it but respect it's more of a game for American sensibilities vs. European or Japanese.

#3- You talked up your last release and didn't have much impact, what will be different this time around?

The game will be better and deeper. I made the mistake of going for surface fun (which I thought we did well for many players) but forgot to put in the deep end of the pool...my mistake was thinking 10 bucks meant players would be happy with 1 day of play and that was wrong. The theme was all wrong as well. I read the market very poorly and will try to apply lessons from that mistake to our new title.

#4- How can your development house afford to not go multiplatform in this day and age?

We just can. We have a biz model that works, and a great relationship with Sony that allows great support and a large amount of creative autonomy. If we hit, we get to help support a machine that we believe in and we get to make many players happy. Would love to be on as many plats as possible but it comes at a cost and we don't want to pay that price at this point in our development lives. Hell, we may never want to pay that price. We love being exclusive to Sony are are proud they choose us to be one of their 2nd party studios.

#5-What lessons, if any, have you learned from Denis Dyack's behavior on message boards, blogs, and with gaming press surrounding the launch of his game Too Human?

I dunno. Didn't follow it that much. I think Denis' major flaw was he hyped his game up and it did not come close to delivering (according to many). We work our butts off to make players happy and while we have theories as to what will work or what will not, we don't really know. We are just doing our best. So I think a lot of it is letting the public make up their own mind about your game. You don't need me to tell you it's good or not. I will just do my part to work hard so you will- we hope- say it's great! As I recall, he also attacked the fans in some sort of way, yes? I would not do that because I am a fan and I also appreciate and love all gamers...we are all the same nerdy tribe and even tho we may disagree I respect and love all geeks...they are my people.



so, which game are you working on? spill it :p


Junior Butler
Oblivion said:
Yeah, I don't know why the media hates Sony so much. Especially after all they did for the industry. Asking these types of questions is like curb stomping Mother Teresa on Christmas eve.

PS3 is the new George Bush. Now that Bush is out, let's pile on Sony.

HD Installs? PS3
Bad economy? PS3
Can't bring your wife to orgasm? PS3

See, it works.


Mike Works said:
you truly can't see jaffe's point about how the journalist may have an agenda? look at the questions, man.
He might have had an agenda, but I doubt it comes from writing for MSNBC. Do you think a movie reviewer for MSNBC is going to shit on a Columbia Pictures release because it's a Sony company? I doubt it. If he had an agenda, it's probably because people love to pile on on a failure.. makes their job easier.


Gotchaye said:
I think you're disagreeing with me, but I'm not sure what you're saying. Your own graphs show that a naive launch-alignment gives nearly identical sales for the 360 and PS3, and it seems likely to me that a more-reliable and later-launching 360 would have seen stronger early sales than it actually did.

Were you objecting to me saying that the Wii would be at 66%? I corrected that in an edit, though perhaps not until after you'd posted.

He is saying that the PS3 is basically no where near the failure people here think it is.

Most Gaffers are Americans. NPD is god here. The PS3 is not doing well in the US. But, in Europe it's around a million units behind the 360. You might think that is a lot, but it's not. The 360 had a 15-16 month head start in Europe, and it's currently less than half the price of the PS3. It's less than a DSi will be. It should be murdering the PS3, but it's barely edged in front. In Japan PS3 is winning by a considerable amount.

America is not the only country on earth.


yay for davids answers

stuburns said:
He is saying that the PS3 is basically no where near the failure people here think it is.

Most Gaffers are Americans. NPD is god here. The PS3 is not doing well in the US. But, in Europe it's around a million units behind the 360. You might think that is a lot, but it's not. The 360 had a 15-16 month head start in Europe, and it's currently less than half the price of the PS3. It's less than a DSi will be. It should be murdering the PS3, but it's barely edged in front. In Japan PS3 is winning by a considerable amount.

America is not the only country on earth.

this is true, all friends except for 1 i know have ps3s

and just a couple of days ago my bandmate told me that he is saving up for a ps3 and that he needs to eat shit for a while- i told him to buy a 360 for 150€ ... he just looked at me ...and was like "why the hell should i buy a 360?"

in europe the ps brand is still very strong...


Mike Works said:
as someone who's currently taking journalism in school this post makes me go urggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
As someone in the game industry, the approval of these kinds of questions makes me go urggggggghhhhhhhhhhh


Meier said:
He might have had an agenda, but I doubt it comes from writing for MSNBC. Do you think a movie reviewer for MSNBC is going to shit on a Columbia Pictures release because it's a Sony company? I doubt it. If he had an agenda, it's probably because people love to pile on on a failure.. makes their job easier.

Indeed. But on the film thing, are MS a player in the movie market? Genuine question, the media space is an incestous place.

Personally, if I was interviewing someone and I had an agenda to get a headline worthy quote I'd start at 0 before hitting 60. The questions seem a little too prickly to me. But that's if I stop to think about it. I'm not gonna any longer.


FabCam said:
What the fuck are you on about? Is this shit for real? Where do some of you guys come from?

Oh come on, you people are in denial. I'm not saying the PS3 has no games. I'm saying that going from being the undisputed market leader with 75% market share to a minor player with 20% (and falling) marketshare in little more than 3 years is nothing but a screw up of EPIC proportions. To call it anything else is completely disingenuious.


Mike Works said:
you truly can't see jaffe's point about how the journalist may have an agenda? look at the questions, man.
I really don't see how they're different from the usual questions thrown around by the media lately. I think Jaffe's point on how these inquiries may be inappropriate to ask a game developer is pretty valid, but just disregarding them as bias? "Tough" and "bias" are not synonymous.

belvedere said:
The opinions of many who disagree with them are hardly unpredictable...
So are you insinuating almost all of GAF's members are bias against Sony?
davidjaffe said:
Yeah and if I made the console they were asking about, you might have a point.


if they were asking me about games I had worked on, you might have a point.


if I had not said I was fine with TOUGH questions but not BIASED interviews that already had an agenda going in, you would have a point.

As is, I fail to see your point. You plan on getting one?

Considering the fact that you were one of the top devs in Sony's inner circle, and you obviously dealt with Sony's management (the same type of people that made the ultimate decisions about the console), it would not be a stretch to ask you how YOU perceived the attitude at Sony.

Epic (a 3rd party developer) convinced Microsoft to foot $1 Billion and upgrade the Ram from 256 to 512. So again...it would not be out of the fucking blue to ask YOU, one of the most respected creative directors under Sony's control (at the time), what you thought of what was going on.

So don't give me (and everyone else here), the drivel of bias by the media. Sony went from DOMINATING the console space to an undeniable 3rd place position (for now).

You can feed people the line about good games coming and price drops that will generate profit for Sony. But generating profit after 3 years is a far cry from the days of complete dominance of the console market by having over 60% of the market share.

So, that's my point Jaffe. If you have NO ANSWERS to any of those questions...then it is sad to see that you must've not meant much to Sony.

If you want to be a cheerleader for the PS3, then you also have to accept responsibility of answering some questions about the pitfalls of the PS3.

That's my point Jaffe.


Doing an impromptu interview on GAF? so awesome

That was great. Thanks so much.

And for the record, Calling all Cars was amazingly fun and didn't get nearly the love it deserved on PSN.
Meier said:
He might have had an agenda, but I doubt it comes from writing for MSNBC. Do you think a movie reviewer for MSNBC is going to shit on a Columbia Pictures release because it's a Sony company? I doubt it. If he had an agenda, it's probably because people love to pile on on a failure.. makes their job easier.
huh? i never inferred that it was because he works at MSNBC. never suggested that at all. other people in this thread have (either jokingly or seriously), but i haven't.

having an agenda in this particular sense/case is bad. there's no need for it.

if the journalist was doing an article on why the PS3 has faltered up to this point, i think the questions would seem perfectly valid.

but as it is, the journalist claimed he's doing an article on the PS3's history up to this point, and those questions do not properly reflect an open viewpoint on that broad focal point. so either the journalist has an unfair slant in his questions and thus potential article, or he mislead the interviewee on the true subject/nature of the article, which is arguably worse.

but again, we can't condemn the journalist until the article is published.
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