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Phantom Dust "Not cancelled but not in active development" says Aaron Greenberg


Game was obviously way too early to be shown/announced but MS wanted that hardcore fan buzz to help their press conference. Really shitty practice. Hopefully FF7 doesn't go the same route.

Based on what Nomura said FF7 project is already underway and I think with SE doing it internally we'll see it sooner rather than later. HOPEFULLY. SE seems to be doing a lot better these days.
Yeah, figured this would happen after the developer kerfuffle before.

They announced this game in panic mode, then bungled every aspect of it until it died.
BS. Creating a trailer for a game you have no intention of ever actually releasing is far more stupid than not announcing anything at all.

I'm not saying they had no intention of making it. I just think its pretty clear they had no concrete development plans for it yet. Hell, wasn't it outed recently that the developer who they originally had on the project didn't even know the game was being announced at E3 until after the fact.

I guess you didn't read or see this?


Dark side Games was really far along.

Yeah, this is the article I saw. But it doesn't sound to me like it was a completely sure thing because, the dev was shut down. Not taking off the project....shut down.


Canceled then.

They must have been really unhappy about Darkside Games work then. I always thought there was a possibility someone else was working on it at the same time or they found someone else (they thought would be) better to finish it

That would the dickest move in the industry.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Well they were making it. It's just that they decided to kill it again, instead.

That they chose to hurl money at a CG studio to make a hype trailer without even the devs knowledge and then turn down the devs request for more budget, kill the project, thus killing Darkside Games, all while spending literal billions on one game is... Thats Microsoft, folks!
Canceled then.

That would the dickest move in the industry.

Didn't Sega do something similar? Would only be as bad as that? :p More likely, I thought they had someone else in mind to give it to, was supposed to be out in August I think.

Either way, sounds like something went down, given cancelling their deal with Darkside


Fuck Microsoft, seriously. It's so damn disrespectful to play the fans like this. I feel like they had no real intention of doing anything with this game when they scrap the other devs work. What a bunch of shitters. This really pisses me off, it's one of the only games I was even looking forward to on this dumb ass underpowered box. -_-

Microsoft better be on their knee's putting in work next gen if they want me to "jump in" again.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Last Guardian.

Now we just need proper replacements for FF7 Remake & Shenmue 3, and don't say Half-Life 3 'cause that still has the same throne it's been resting on.


That's disappointing to learn. It was the one title that made me believe resurrection of any IP was possible with Spencer, even when he's throwing around huge sums of money for the pillar IP. I hope it's not a sign Spencer is shying away from taking risks on niche IP.

Obligatory and an excellent piece of investigative work by Jason Schreier:

How A Small Studio's Chance At The Big Time Died At Microsoft's Doorstep

That article continues to bug me a bit because the guys from Darkside 100% admittedly fucked up with the way they signed up for something they couldn't pull off (i.e. agreeing to a scope with a set budget then asking for more money to pull it off when they realized they couldn't do it) yet it ultimately makes MS out to be the bad guy. Where are the questions surrounding the decision making within Darkside that ultimately led to their demise? Do they take any responsibility for their decisions?

There seemed to be a lot of questions and answers missing from the story from Darkside alone. Not one of Jason's better articles.


I remember when that kotaku article came out and poeple were saying they must have had two studios working in tandem and just picked the better one or something. Hopefully now you all realize how absurd that is what with it basically being a complete waste of money.

It still blows me away that they straight up fabricated a CG trailer that was in now representative or even based upon the game that was being made. Like seriously who does that? Has there ever been other examples of such a thing happening at E3? I mean I know CG trailers are a thing but most of the time they are at least somewhat representative or based upon the work in progress whereas this was just entirely fabricated for E3.

This game is almost assuredly dead and even if it does come back it will be with whats likely to be a very rapid turnover and an infinitesimally small budget. I mean hell the budget and time-frame they gave the original studio was a clear indication of how they valued the title/ip. Not exactly the recipe for a masterpiece.


Major disappointment. One of the few titles that gave me interest in the platform.

They showed this way too early to appease fans last year.


That's disappointing to learn. It was the one title that made me believe resurrection of any IP was possible with Spencer, even when he's throwing around huge sums of money for the pillar IP. I hope it's not a sign Spencer is shying away from taking risks on niche IP.

That article continues to bug me a bit because the guys from Darkside 100% admittedly fucked up with the way they signed up for something they couldn't pull off (i.e. agreeing to a scope with a set budget then asking for more money to pull it off when they realized they couldn't do it) yet it ultimately makes MS out to be the bad guy. Where are the questions surrounding the decision making within Darkside that ultimately led to their demise? Do they take any responsibility for their decisions?

There seemed to be a lot of questions and answers missing from the story from Darkside alone. Not one of Jason's better articles.

Microsoft is free to respond and tell their side of the story.

It's a fantastic article.

What we know so far is that it was an underfunded, overlooked, poorly managed, ignored project that had a completely unrelated CG trailer created for E3 brownie points. I would love to hear from Microsoft how it got there. It's not Kotaku's job to hold off on the article because Microsoft does not want to comment.
To me this always smelt of something Microsoft had no concrete plans for and just threw out there with a slapdash CGI trailer to pander to the core audience after their luke warm launch got them panicked. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, we know it was in development and the footage we've seen looks pretty nice, but they obviously revealed it waaay too early with a CGI trailer that the developer wasn't even aware of. Definitely feels like an effort to win over the hardcore by making their line-up look busier than it actually was.

So first, they put Shangai on hold for Gears, and now this?

Shangheist isn't 'on hold'. It's deader than the dodo. It's quite clear that The Coalition's one and only project going forward is Gears, just like 343 does Halo and nothing else.


Wow, this series can't get a break can it? The first one was sent to die by getting Majesco'd, and now this.
Matter to whom? In what way?

If Microsoft were to say something it'll just be a case of he says she says unless they can prove the Darkside dev is bullshitting

And the way they've been handling this situation I'm not sure people are gonna be really inclined to belive what they say.


Microsoft is free to respond and tell their side of the story.

It's a fantastic article.

What we know so far is that it was an underfunded, overlooked, poorly managed, ignored project that had a completely unrelated CG trailer created for E3 brownie points. I would love to hear from Microsoft how it got there. It's not Kotaku's job to hold off on the article because Microsoft does not want to comment.

No, it's not.

There's absolutely no sense of accountability from Darkside. They say they wanted to prove themselves, but at no point do we learn of remorse for their own decisions. They agreed to the original scope, scope changes, budget, and more. Where are the questions covering how they weighed the risks and how the entire team felt about signing up for such an ambitious project with such little budget? Did the entire team even know what was being signed up for? Were the scope changes discussed and actually planned out? Where exactly did it all breakdown? Were their internal concerns and how did they grow throughout he project? Did they ever think to say no to scope changes or just get out?

They say MS loved what was happening. Obviously that wasn't the case and somebody in Darkside knew that.

Those things could be covered without Microsoft's input.
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