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Who is the Adam Sandler of videogamedom?


Part of the problem

If you didn't grow up with Adam Sandler you wouldn't know about Billy Madison or his crazy ass CD's or any of the stuff/characters that led up to those things. After he had kids he started crapping out more family friendly projects which don't really mesh with his actual sense of humour.... but some of these netflix projects he is working on I hope will show some good old school craziness , ridiculous six wasn't really good but it is good for a laugh if you are in a silly mood. look up "tollbooth willy " if you want a taste of where he came from.

it's like if you grew up with office space, you know it's the number one workplace movie of all time, but I meet people all the time who think "horrible bosses " is better ........ HB is not a bad movie (2 is unwatchable) but its not office space, not even close.


Continually makes critically panned garbage that folks continue to eat up.

Who would this be in the game industry?

Call of Duty? It might not be critically panned, but I feel their expectations have gone so low it helps the franchise.
I still can't say I see any correlation between Suda and Sandler mostly because Suda is far from what I'd call a lazy developer. If anything his problem is that he juggles too many simultaneous projects, to the point that he can't fully invest himself in providing a personal touch that was prevalent in most of his more critically acclaimed games.

Suda strikes me more of a "Quentin Tarantino" as far as video games go, although perhaps closer to John Carpenter in terms of reception. He has an incredible reverence towards pop culture media schlock that was heavily prevalent back in the 70s-80s, to the point that his studio has adopted it as something of a slogan ("Punk's not dead") but he's simultaneously not been afraid of challenging the standard convention of genres to the point that he's had one game that has gone down in gaming history as something of a coveted cult classic, with a spiritual successor that skyrocketed his profile within the counter culture crowd. That said, much like Quentin Tarantino it's made his name something of a pull for products that he doesn't really have as much hands-on involvement in, with Tarantino's name often being used for a bunch of movies he's produced while Suda has been an "executive/creative director" for most games post-No More Heroes. The key difference I think is that while Tarantino is still actively involved more in directorial roles, Suda hasn't gotten a chance yet to fully get back to doing something with his own personal touch. I can only hope he manages to do something soon again.
The rumor for a while now has been that Suda 51 basically took a lazy, hands-off approach after the release of No More Heroes, more interested in traveling and media events than actual game development (which he leaves to his employees). I'm assuming that's what the post I was responding to was getting at.

Sure, only rumor, but honestly it's the same way with Sandler. Maybe he actually works really hard on his movies and for some reason none of that is visible. It's the same way with Suda 51.

I agree with you that Suda 51 has definitely modeled himself after Tarantino, though. Also as mentioned I don't exactly think he entirely fits the comparison of this thread, just that's he closer than most examples. At one time at least Suda 51 seemed to care about his products, even if I personally don't think he was successful at them...

Since my first post King, Yukes, and maybe Rovio are pretty good examples, though you get the basic problem that they are studios and not individuals.


I'd say Hideo Kojima,

His games are blatant unashamed rip-offs from movies he likes, they are the equivalent of those chinese superspiderman figures you get in the pound shops.

I keep buying his damn games due to the hype and get bored of them after a couple of hours. They review highly, so I'm sure in the wrong here.
I'd say Hideo Kojima,

His games are blatant unashamed rip-offs from movies he likes, they are the equivalent of those chinese superspiderman figures you get in the pound shops.

I keep buying his damn games due to the hype and get bored of them after a couple of hours. They review highly, so I'm sure in the wrong here.

I'd have to echo this one.
People really saying platinum with a straight face? They made 2 of the best games of last generation with bayo and MGR, and made the best console third person shooter with vanquish.

Their games are always a joy to play, even when their B team is put to work on quick movie cash ins like transformers they still manage to put a solid gameplay core in there.


Adam Sandler has a cushy deal with Sony where Sony puts up the movie production money and gets very little profit.

So it's David Cage.

Sony made over 100 million dollars with Heavy Rain hence why they made Beyond two Souls, they both also reviewed very well compared to Sandler efforts

DDI and LJN are the first thing that pops in my mind, but ofcorse people will just name developers they have a personal agenda against.
I'd say Hideo Kojima,

His games are blatant unashamed rip-offs from movies he likes, they are the equivalent of those chinese superspiderman figures you get in the pound shops.

I keep buying his damn games due to the hype and get bored of them after a couple of hours. They review highly, so I'm sure in the wrong here.

I'd have to echo this one.

What part of "critically panned garbage" do y'all not understand?


Shigeru Miyamoto.

Pikmin 3 is the only game from this generation that he had a big creative influence over that wasn't catastrophically underwhelming.

Steel Diver
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Guard

I know the criteria was stuff "people continue to eat up," but have you seen Sandler's latest output?

This list is dumb and incomplete, and the omission is pretty huge. But that's probably the reason you omitted.


I can't think of any critically panned games that are megahits unless you count mobile cash grabs like Game of War.


I thought this thread would be for the equivalent game character, not industry figure. So I'm gonna answer that instead and say Guybrush Threepwood
Adam Sandler is the Adam Sandler of videogamedom
What part of "critically panned garbage" do y'all not understand?

Just an opinion. The narratives in the games are absolute garbage (to me) and the earlier entries have horrible gameplay (including tank controls). V was a big step up, it was actually fun to play for a while.

He straight up 'borrows' whole characters and events from other works of fiction. There's a reason why John Carpenter could have gone after Kojima had he wanted to. Snake was originally modeled after Kyle Reese from Terminator, before they just decided to make him look like Kurt Russell. The box art for the original game is literally Kyle Reese's pose from Terminator ripped off. Not trying to derail or anything, just want to post why I think it deserves it.


Also, I can't think of a huge dev that has done this, anything that reviews poorly doesn't tend to sell very well. Even with Peter Molyneux as an example, Fable III is sitting at an 80 on Metacritic and that is the least popular entry in the franchise. (as are Fable 1-2, Black and White, etc.)


Take your pick of any top mobile game dev. Pretty much anything with F2P mechanics is based around seeing how much monetization and forced grinding/waiting they can stuff in while still being able to call it a game.

Yep, Rare fits.

I'm a big Rare fan and yet I'm struggling to think of many games they made that were critically panned yet sold well. Maybe Kinect Sports Season 2? I know Rivals was a sales failure and the first KS actually was fairly well-recieved.


My top pick, even if they're around no longer:


Basically any publisher that made a quick buck on terrible licensed games. Was more rampant in the 80s and 90s.


Ubisoft. They crank out the same boring unimaginitive safe undaring unbold boring slop over and over and people keep eating it up.
I think this thread shows that video game makers are not famous enough for us to reach an accurate equivalent before someone had posted everything from Ozu to Jorge Lucas, or whole studious like Warner all in one like they are a person.


Do the critics in this industry really pan things? Why write a bad review about garbage when you can write a good review that will help sell advertising? For the most part "You gotta go along to get along." seems to be how things work.


I would have to say David Cage or Inafune although lately Tell Tale has been gunning for the spot with GoT and Minecraft: Story Mode.


The five nights at Freddy's guy?
It's the same cheap garbage and kids like it
That's what came to mind as well. Both stories have kind of sad undertones too, Sandler's disdain for his audience seeps out in his movies and Scott seems trapped by the demands of his fanbase, rushing out FNAF sequel after sequel until the well is completely dry.
If you didn't grow up with Adam Sandler you wouldn't know about Billy Madison or his crazy ass CD's or any of the stuff/characters that led up to those things. After he had kids he started crapping out more family friendly projects which don't really mesh with his actual sense of humour.... but some of these netflix projects he is working on I hope will show some good old school craziness , ridiculous six wasn't really good but it is good for a laugh if you are in a silly mood. look up "tollbooth willy " if you want a taste of where he came from.

it's like if you grew up with office space, you know it's the number one workplace movie of all time, but I meet people all the time who think "horrible bosses " is better ........ HB is not a bad movie (2 is unwatchable) but its not office space, not even close.

I dunno...I grew up with him and think his stuff has always been pretty terrible...


I don't think there's a definitive answer. The closest thing may be Ubisoft and their bad open world games that still sell tons.

But even Ubisoft have a portfolio of quality games like Beyond Good and Evil, Rayman, etc.
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