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Xbox: Phil Spencer on the brand before and after his leadership

I Like Phil PR, even though PR just like anyone else, but can't say he's doing anything to make me go into the windows ecosystem or even adopt an Xbox as my secondary console.

When it comes down to it, I want games. And here we are again where all anyone is talking about on Xbox is Forza and Gears.

Meh...I like Forza, but I'm not that big a fan of racing in general. Maybe I will get a PC instead of a new Mac though next time I upgrade so that's something. MS just needs more first party titles IMO, and more experiences that differ from Sony/Nintendo


In a way, I think Mattrick is better.
That OG DRM Xbox one vision is bold and different, just too early for its time. If they give him more time to prepare the messaging, refine the idea, it could the console that bring the industry to the next level.

That's not it at all. The vision itself is fine, but the set of unnecessary and draconian requirements that came with it was not. Not to mention Microsoft stumbled to explain the hastily drummed up "benefits" a week after, and were clearly not prepared to answer the tough questions.


I Like Phil PR, even though PR just like anyone else, but can't say he's doing anything to make me go into the windows ecosystem or even adopt an Xbox as my secondary console.

When it comes down to it, I want games. And here we are again where all anyone is talking about on Xbox is Forza and Gears.

Meh...I like Forza, but I'm not that big a fan of racing in general. Maybe I will get a PC instead of a new Mac though next time I upgrade so that's something. MS just needs more first party titles IMO, and more experiences that differ from Sony/Nintendo

But we have enjoyed Recore, Horizon which is not Motorsport, and a nice RTS, Halo Wars 2 is coming.
But we have enjoyed Recore, Horizon which is not Motorsport, and a nice RTS, Halo Wars 2 is coming.
I'm not saying all there is is Halo/Forza/Gears, just saying there's a reason for that stigma on Xbox.

It's just not enough variety IMO, in conjunction with other platforms. If X1 is the only console in your house I'm sure it's great. But too much overlap with Sony this gen, it make having both of them very uninteresting to me.
I have always liked Phil. I believe he has the right stuff to continually push gaming forward not only for Microsoft but to push the competition such as Sony further into creating better and better technology.


Because this isn't a presidential campaign.


Release the emails though! /s
Why does no one bring up the fact that Phil was pro Xbox One DRM when it was a thing?

Because it's possible for someone to be behind something and then when their audience tells them they don't like it change because they care about the business? I mean some of you act like you're guilty forever and can't change. He's pointed the brand in a better direction yet all some seem to want to do is keep harping on decisions made at the time. Learn to let it go sometime. Besides plenty of people have pointed it out but it's a moot point as he has shown through actions that decision wasn't in their best interest and they have pivoted towards something more gaming friendly.


What's wrong with that? Still heading to similar direction just different approach.

Maybe I want to know what changed his mind? I admire that he's passionate about his product, I just don't buy the "he's a savior and never has any bad ideas" mentality. I would like to know what was going through his head and stuff.


In a way, I think Mattrick is better.
That OG DRM Xbox one vision is bold and different, just too early for its time. If they give him more time to prepare the messaging, refine the idea, it could the console that bring the industry to the next level.
No. Stop. It was a horrible plan.
Why does no one bring up the fact that Phil was pro Xbox One DRM when it was a thing?

Already going through a PR nightmare that started with Adam Orth only to have it further escalate with the guy in charge of first party software denounce their console before it was out? Former Microsoft employee Phil Spencer doesn't have the same ring to it as Head of Xbox.
But we have enjoyed Recore, Horizon which is not Motorsport, and a nice RTS, Halo Wars 2 is coming.

Three Horizon games in four years though? Not dissing the franchise by any means and playground have obvious quality as a dev but come on, does a system need that many entries in a series or spin off in such a short space of time?

How about giving them a shot at PGR? We haven't had one of those games for quite a while

My problem is most of the studios they own are so predictable with their offerings, sequel after sequel. Why not give the Halo, Forza and Gears guys something new to work with? The same IP factory strategy sucks. I'm someone who has close to 90k Gamerscore, spent thousands on Xbox over the years. I'm bored now. This E3 really did it for me, take away scorpio and imho that was one underwhelming show which Spencer himself hyped up as so important. My live is up very soon and at the moment renewing isn't something I plan on.
In a way, I think Mattrick is better.
That OG DRM Xbox one vision is bold and different, just too early for its time. If they give him more time to prepare the messaging, refine the idea, it could the console that bring the industry to the next level.
Did you also think Circuit City's DIVX was too early for its time?


Maybe I want to know what changed his mind? I admire that he's passionate about his product, I just don't buy the "he's a savior and never has any bad ideas" mentality. I would like to know what was going through his head and stuff.

OG Xbox one vision was not a bad idea, just bad execution and timing.
Maybe I want to know what changed his mind? I admire that he's passionate about his product, I just don't buy the "he's a savior and never has any bad ideas" mentality. I would like to know what was going through his head and stuff.

He changed his mind because the company changed their mind. We don't know the inner workings of what caused that, who or what was the impetus for that change, and likely never will. But at the time MS' initiative was for DRM so everyone that worked on XBox at the time (and liked their job)was for DRM publicly. At the end of the day he's an executive, he's not going to throw the rest of the company under the bus or make those kinds of waves. Some of you guys have such unrealistic expectations for what guys like Phil do or what their roles are. When you plop down your $300 you are buying an Xbox, you are not buying stock in Phil Spencer.


In a way, I think Mattrick is better.
That OG DRM Xbox one vision is bold and different, just too early for its time. If they give him more time to prepare the messaging, refine the idea, it could the console that bring the industry to the next level.
I wouldn't necessarily agree that Mattrick was better. I do agree that the original DRM vision for Xbox One could've been great if the PR for it was a lot better ( ie mostly more clearer) and the execution had a little more time in the oven.

The further we go into this gen the more I wish that the plan was never cancelled. Play anywhere with the original DRM would've been awesome: Buy physical, get a digital copy for PC and Xbox.


Maybe I want to know what changed his mind? I admire that he's passionate about his product, I just don't buy the "he's a savior and never has any bad ideas" mentality. I would like to know what was going through his head and stuff.

Being so far behind sales and hearing the customer complaints changed their minds. C'mon it's not very hard to figure it out. I'm sure that if it were working he wouldn't have changed anything and instead would've built upon it. With that being said Mattrick would've probably still been there.

Who says he's a savior? Just sounds like people appreciate that they seem to be listening to things their audience wants.

I don't understand why other gamers throw so much hyperbole around when someone else likes something they don't. Savior is just crazy.


Lol at people hanging on to Mattrick. The guy single handedly destroyed the Xbox brand and bailed. He was toxic and needed to go, former heads of Xbox and studio heads spoke of how everyone had lost all enthusiasm under that guy, Phil turned everything around and is listening to what fans are asking for. I mean the Scorpio is what I would expect Allard and Fries to come up with, it reeks of old Xbox, not just that there's a massive change that's taken place since he took the helm, it was tough but the stink Mattrick left behind has been hard to overcome, it'll always be there for XB 1.

But things have turned around and MS is gaining huge amount of good will from gamers it seems, Sony have been put on the back foot with thier Pro/Slim reveal which upset alot of gamers, which is down to how ms positioned thier next revision and future console. They're climbing, good time to be an Xbox owner, Scorpio will be a good test, it seems like they're going to do well with it.

nailed it.
I think its safe to say that the parts of the OG plan that some people liked was just stuff they made up to try and soothe backlash. They announced a bunch of fundamentally console space changing ideas that they decided to announce outside of their reveal event and e3 press conference only to come back 7 days later and say they dropped all of those ideas and the console was going to function like consoles always have.


They're trying to make it sound like the TV focus was the problem and completely sidestepped the anti-consumer DRM and $500 price point.


They're trying to make it sound like the TV focus was the problem and completely sidestepped the anti-consumer DRM and $500 price point.
It's more the price point along with Sony launching $100 cheaper. If they would've offered a kinectless option at $350-$399 alongside the Kinect bundle, they would've sold a lot more consoles( not saying they would've beat Sony or anything, but they would've sold a lot more)

The drm stuff was backtracked on and while I'm not saying people still weren't wary of it, I think most people got over it after it was changed


Holy shit 200 million sold. Lmao.

Xone will probably top out at 30 million before getting replaced with Scorpio as the main console.


Not sure where else to put this, but this interview with Phil again suggests to me Scorpio is going to launch for $499 (or more for the beefier SKUs):

So you can see the price of the S today. When we designed both of these, which we kind of designed it in parallel. We thought about the price performance of what we wanted to hit with the Scorpio, relative to what we were going to be able to do with the S. So that we would have a good price continuum, so people wouldn’t look at these two things as so disconnected because of the price delta.

So I think you will feel like it’s a premium product, a premium console. And not something, anything more than that. So I wouldn’t get people worried that this thing is going to be unlike any console price you’ve ever seen. We didn’t design it that way.

That said, the opening price point for the Xbox One S, and the different hard drive sizes, that is a critical part of this whole product. When I think about it as a product line, you should expect the pricing to kind of be in line with that.


Not sure where else to put this, but this interview with Phil again suggests to me Scorpio is going to launch for $499 (or more for the beefier SKUs):
Here's to hoping that they don't cheap out on components to achieve a low price for a premium product. €500 would be a better target than €400 imo.


I would just like to see a journalist actually tackle the subject and ask them about it. For all this talk about turning it around, they're...not really doing it in (continental) Europe. There are so many things that they messed up, I would honestly love to hear how they ended up making these decisions. For example, how on Earth could anyone think that revealing an expensive US-exclusive deal at the unveiling of Xbox One was a good idea?

For all the discussion about how and where Microsoft screwed up, (US) media usually turns a blind eye to their horrendous performance in (continental) Europe. Instead it's brushed away, as if it was a God-given law that Microsoft had to fail there.

The US media like to pretend things are closer than they are.


I'm not saying all there is is Halo/Forza/Gears, just saying there's a reason for that stigma on Xbox.

It's just not enough variety IMO, in conjunction with other platforms. If X1 is the only console in your house I'm sure it's great. But too much overlap with Sony this gen, it make having both of them very uninteresting to me.

But isnt the problem that people just dont buy those other games also?
Looks at Sunset Overdrive, Alan Wake, Blue Dragon for example. I mean they trying but they just dont sell really well outside of Halo, Forza, Gears. I see the same happening with Sea of Thieves for example and Scalebound. Can be good games but probably wont sell that great also. Not sure why. Maybe the biggest portion of the owners just dont care and just wanna play those three next to yearly FIFA and COD. Or is that not the case?
Erm that means nothing. Same guy mentioned black Friday sales were underwhelming in 14/15 for x1 and that wasnt the case at all nationwide. That's just a small representation whilst ignoring many variables.

I'll repeat myself, what games? Most notable games from there seem to be releasing in US/EU. FF, KH, MGS, RE, PES, Tekken etc It's not as strong like I said and do need to do more, not sure what point your making apart from the obvious one which I'm in agreement with? Not a deciding factor though, not like it used to be.

I'm quite sure there are list out there for you to search for. I'm not going to sit there and do research for you when you are on a computer with Google at your finger tip. Last gen Xbox 360 received a lot of Japanese support and some of them were there this gen.


Gold Member
I Like Phil PR, even though PR just like anyone else, but can't say he's doing anything to make me go into the windows ecosystem or even adopt an Xbox as my secondary console.

When it comes down to it, I want games. And here we are again where all anyone is talking about on Xbox is Forza and Gears.

Yup. All the talk of better specs is nice, but I can't find a single game on the Xbox platform that I want to play. Halo/Forza/Gears just doesn't interest me. Lost interest in that 2/3 of the way through the 360 lifecycle. They need a lot more variety, before I'd go back.


I know. I wish he was brave enough to bring it back as an option.

Why can't I choose to have the original DRM in place if I'm not planning on lending games or selling them?

Because that's too confusing and complicated. All discs would look exactly the same.. it'd be a nightmare for there to be "registered" XB1 discs floating around on eBay that were useless to anyone but the original owner.
In a way, I think Mattrick is better.
That OG DRM Xbox one vision is bold and different, just too early for its time. If they give him more time to prepare the messaging, refine the idea, it could the console that bring the industry to the next level.
Eating stale Taco Bell mixed with green food colouring will also provide "bold and different" results.
Mattrick's mistake was thinking that the market wanted to buy said concoction.
I know. I wish he was brave enough to bring it back as an option.

Why can't I choose to have the original DRM in place if I'm not planning on lending games or selling them?

Why don't you don't just buy digital or buy cards if you don't want to directly pay in the store?


Yup. All the talk of better specs is nice, but I can't find a single game on the Xbox platform that I want to play. Halo/Forza/Gears just doesn't interest me. Lost interest in that 2/3 of the way through the 360 lifecycle. They need a lot more variety, before I'd go back.

They've put out plenty variety this gen. To still say this means you're just ignoring their effort....whether you like the actual game or not.


As has been discussed in another thread. The difference between 900p and 1080p is far more noticeable than will the difference between 2160p and 1800p. The higher the native resolution, the less obvious it is when non native content is displayed.

I seem to recall plenty of people apparently unable to even see the difference between 900p and 1080p, so who knows that will be seen at 4k.

I honestly doubt that this will change. 4K versus fake 4k should be a big deal next year.

But if for some reason the narrative changes - then why can't Microsoft just also dial back and do fake 4k with better graphical effects? Nothing is stopping them. Either way the Scorpio will be more powerful than Ps4 Pro... Their power advantage won't go away simply because all of a sudden no one cares about native resolution.


The man has done an incredible job with the sinking ship Matrick left him. So I'm rooting for him and anything Peanuts has my support


He changed his mind because the company changed their mind. We don't know the inner workings of what caused that, who or what was the impetus for that change, and likely never will. But at the time MS' initiative was for DRM so everyone that worked on XBox at the time (and liked their job)was for DRM publicly. At the end of the day he's an executive, he's not going to throw the rest of the company under the bus or make those kinds of waves. Some of you guys have such unrealistic expectations for what guys like Phil do or what their roles are. When you plop down your $300 you are buying an Xbox, you are not buying stock in Phil Spencer.

True that. Listening to Jack's little hints about now not working at Sony and being able to say particular things, and of course others, reminds people that sometimes towing is required.


I honestly doubt that this will change. 4K versus fake 4k should be a big deal next year.

But if for some reason the narrative changes - then why can't Microsoft just also dial back and do fake 4k with better graphical effects? Nothing is stopping them. Either way the Scorpio will be more powerful than Ps4 Pro... Their power advantage won't go away simply because all of a sudden no one cares about native resolution.

Power advantage will mean little if MS has trouble to beat "fake 4K" like Horizon, God of War, Spiderman, FFVII Remake, Detroit, etc


Maybe I want to know what changed his mind? I admire that he's passionate about his product, I just don't buy the "he's a savior and never has any bad ideas" mentality. I would like to know what was going through his head and stuff.

Imagine working work a company that's pushing this big idea for their brand. It's the future of their brand. Whether you're for it or not in private, do you think you'd come out against the idea as a whole, or any key aspect of it, in public? To the media? Especially if you're a higher level employee?

Now I don't know if this is how it all went down, but having worked for a large international brand in the past myself, it's not difficult to imagine such a scenario.


I am Korean.
No, their original plan was shit back then, and it will be just as crappy in 10 years from now. People wasn`t mad because their internet speed is terrible. They were mad because their plan was horrible, and that won`t change any time in the future.
Truly. MS had a terrible plan. The fact nobody noticed Sony's moves in a similar direction goes to show who really understood that optical media was a self solving problem. So many people were desperate to go digital only for whatever reason.

Unless people actually believe that family share nonsense.


Gold Member
They've put out plenty variety this gen. To still say this means you're just ignoring their effort....whether you like the actual game or not.

I'll give them some credit for trying in the past few years (better than they did the last half of the 360's life, that's for sure). However, very few of their attempts have strayed far from their usual bread and butter (mainstream US/UK gamer tastes), and as a result, none have been particularly interesting or stimulating to me. They seem to be retrenching even further lately. I don't blame them -- almost all their attempts at new IPs have flopped, so it makes sense to play it safe. But that approach doesn't interest me or do anything to win me over. It's why I left in the first place.


my hard graphic balls
Power advantage will mean little if MS has trouble to beat "fake 4K" like Horizon, God of War, Spiderman, FFVII Remake, Detroit, etc
Uh huh, now give me a non-arbitrary measurement system that can quantify these graphical differences between games that are nothing alike.
Please. Some people are so out of touch, I swear...
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