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Media Create Sales: 12 - 18 June


The Abominable Snowman said:
No, dude, the information isn't out there. I could use your same argument and go "Well Sony shipped 5.94m outside the US and Japan, so xx amount went into Europe, so Sony is selling more in Europe"

But the information isn't factually there. So I won't say it as such. It'd be a gross misrepresentation of the facts if I were to say anything near that sort of stuff, because I'm making a hypothesis on what the sales stand as.
Point of fact, the PSP has sold very well in South Korea, so I could knock that argument out of the park pretty easily.

And I never said that my guesses were fact, just that they are the closest we can get at this point.


SONY will release PSP2 by the end of the year with a touch screen, built-in tilt control and Beta-ray UMDs to counter this monster called DSLite. :lol


Tabris said:
I'm not DrinkyCrow. I like Nintendo. Love Zelda and own a good amount of Nintendo games. I just dislike Nintendo fanboys.
Er... that *is* Drinky (Nintendo admirer, Zelda fetishiser, scourge of the ntards)
Holy shiat ...

Nintendo could have four 3 million sellers

Animal Crossing
Brain Training 2
Brain Training
New Super Mario Bros.

Just outta the top ten.

I doubt that's ever been done before.


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
soundwave05 said:
Holy shiat ...

Nintendo could have four 3 million sellers

Animal Crossing
Brain Training 2
Brain Training
New Super Mario Bros.

Just outta the top ten.

I doubt that's ever been done before.
Yeah, its scary.
and I think we will see five 3 million sellers in the top ten 1 month after the release of Pokemon D/P. :)


The Abominable Snowman said:
Give me proof.

And nice of you to be living in the future, where you can see next month's NPD.

Or are you just predicting that because the DS sold 140K in one weekend the PSP ceased to sell and the DS caught on here like it did in Japan.

But whatever.

Edit: Whoops! I'm so used to other forums merging the responses :p
So, using the same logic... you'd agree that PSP's beating DS in 0 of the 3 major territories?


The Abominable Snowman said:
Between Australia, which already throws shade to "out of 4.71m, 4.6m is from Europe" (Since Aussie sales rack in over 225K for the DS to June 4th), Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Canada, and other non-European major game markets, you think only 110K would have sold outside Europe, US, and Japan?
Fun fact, Nintendo doesn't distribute or publish their hardware/software in Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong, they simply license out their product to other companies (Daiwon in Korea for example)... so while we'd have PSP figures for these nations added to it's total in Sony reports (SCE having branch in each), we don't really know how many DS units are sold in these regions (as Nintendo doesn't sell product in these regions).

Nintendo also doesn't report iQue (China) data from their subsidiary. Chances are the actual DS sell through worldwide is a bit higher than we think based off Nintendo's own figures...


jarrod said:
Fun fact, Nintendo doesn't distribute or publish their hardware/software in Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong, they simply license out their product to other companies (Daiwon in Korea for example)... so while we'd have PSP figures for these nations added to it's total in Sony reports (SCE having branch in each), we don't really know how many DS units are sold in these regions (as Nintendo doesn't sell product in these regions).

Nintendo also doesn't report iQue (China) data from their subsidiary. Chances are the actual DS sell through worldwide is a bit higher than we think based off Nintendo's own figures...
Thank you jarrod. I knew it!


Earthstrike said:
When the hell did GBA games get boxes like DS games? In NA we get these stupid cardboard box things.


Try this site.

It's an awesome thing -- they have scans of GBA covers (side, front, back), you print them out and cut them and then buy extra DS cases from Nintendo's store. Then you just put the cover and the GBA game + manual in the new DS case.

It's a good way to preserve the cardboard boxes if you're a collector (so they're not damaged by constantly taking games/manuals out or in) and it's very nice for display purposes (as you can see). I've got all my GBA games in cases like this, too. +1 to Tabris for doing it.
Earthstrike said:
When the hell did GBA games get boxes like DS games? In NA we get these stupid cardboard box things.
I'm wondering the same, Europe had cardboard too and so did Japan... where do those cool boxes come from?

Edit: Well, ah it's been answered already, I can sleep well tonight.
ethelred said:

Try this site.

It's an awesome thing -- they have scans of GBA covers (side, front, back), you print them out and cut them and then buy extra DS cases from Nintendo's store. Then you just put the cover and the GBA game + manual in the new DS case.

It's a good way to preserve the cardboard boxes if you're a collector (so they're not damaged by constantly taking games/manuals out or in) and it's very nice for display purposes (as you can see). I've got all my GBA games in cases like this, too. +1 to Tabris for doing it.

holy crap that's great!
The Sony defense force is great. I swear, it's the same situation as N64 vs. PSX - just like the N64 fans before them, the PSP fans try to get any advantage and take any success and treat it as a comeback. With mediocre sales in recent months in America and DS finally hitting its groove with Brain Age and New SMB, I see little room for PSP to recover.


A Link to the Past said:
The Sony defense force is great. I swear, it's the same situation as N64 vs. PSX - just like the N64 fans before them, the PSP fans try to get any advantage and take any success and treat it as a comeback. With mediocre sales in recent months in America and DS finally hitting its groove with the DS Lite launch and Brain Age and New SMB, I see little room for PSP to recover.

There you go. Don't want to forget the most important part of its surging odds for success in North America.

Anyway, yes. The PSP is doing well. It's not a failure by any stretch of the imagination, and it will continue to sell and continue to have good, successful games developed for it. But it's really not holding even with the DS and I'd say the window of opportunity for it to eclipse the DS has long-since passed -- and the window in North America and Europe is fast closing, if it isn't closed already.


Arde0 said:
Im just teasing.....Its just funny to me that you had to provide a picture of your Nintendo games before people would not think you were just an over zealous Sony fanboy...thats all.
You haven't read the thread, have you? The only one who reacted like that was LTTP, who may have done it as a joke.
The Abominable Snowman said:
Again, all we have to go off of until July ~10th is anecdotal evidence
The 136k DS Lites in two days figure from Nintendo is not anecdotal evidence, it's a concrete number.


ethelred said:
There you go. Don't want to forget the most important part of its surging odds for success in North America.

Anyway, yes. The PSP is doing well. It's not a failure by any stretch of the imagination, and it will continue to sell and continue to have good, successful games developed for it. But it's really not holding even with the DS and I'd say the window of opportunity for it to eclipse the DS has long-since passed -- and the window in North America and Europe is fast closing, if it isn't closed already.

It's still too early to say. It's obvious it's not doing what Sony had hoped. UMD movie market is dead, PSP games don't sell for crap, and the PSP system sales are well below DS worldwide. Exactly how is it successful so far? What happens once Wii, PS3, DS and 360 are all on the market at once? Who is going to make PSP games besides Sony? There is no money to be made there.


Razoric said:
It's still too early to say. It's obvious it's not doing what Sony had hoped. UMD movie market is dead, PSP games don't sell for crap, and the PSP system sales are well below DS worldwide. Exactly how is it successful so far? What happens once Wii, PS3, DS and 360 are all on the market at once? Who is going to make PSP games besides Sony? There is no money to be made there.

Capcom, Namco/Bandai, and Sega are all publishing roughly twice as many PSP titles in the next year as DS titles-- and they're the rule rather than the exception. On the whole, PSP is still getting significantly more 3rd party support than DS, and that trend doesn't seem to be ending any time soon.

The thing is, however, that 80-90% of these games will probably turn out to be cheap ports/remakes/compilations because of the costs of original PSP development. I find it hard to believe, however, why Capcom is so quick to release compilations like Capcom Classics Collection, Puzzle Collection, Powerstone Collection, etc. for PSP, yet are loathe to release such simple cash-in software for the DS.


melvoin said:
Capcom, Namco/Bandai, and Sega are all publishing roughly twice as many PSP titles in the next year as DS titles-- and they're the rule rather than the exception. On the whole, PSP is still getting significantly more 3rd party support than DS, and that trend doesn't seem to be ending any time soon.

The thing is, however, that 80-90% of these games will probably turn out to be cheap ports/remakes/compilations because of the costs of original PSP development. I find it hard to believe, however, why Capcom is so quick to release compilations like Capcom Classics Collection, Puzzle Collection, Powerstone Collection, etc. for PSP, yet are loathe to release such simple cash-in software for the DS.
Queue Jarrod response replete with lists and various comments about launch title sales still deluding third parties.


Jonnyram said:
btw, sinobi says that Sudoku game (floating around 20 in the charts) has now sold 150k. I just picked up a copy myself today :)

Impressions? I'm not too thrilled with the reviews of Sudoku Gridmaster in the U.S., but love the setup with Brain Age. Does it use handwriting recognition? Import-friendly?

I hope you can answer, but if not, still thanks for your time! :)

Tabris said:
Remember, the PSP is pretty close with the DS sales worldwide.

DS (vs. PSP) HW marketshare
70+% in Japan
60+% in Europe minus U.K. (it's actually closer to 65%, but I'll err in PSP's favor)
~50% in U.S. and U.K.

Personally I don't consider that "close." ;)

For all the complaints about "Sales-Age" from those who don't really care about the sales numbers, it sure is nice to be able to spot invalid generalizations not based on reality. :)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
apujanata said:
Interesting. So you thought that Nintendo's 1st party titles is part to blame for 3rd parties developer reluctance to develop title for Nintendo platform (beside the fact that Gamecube and N64 are not selling well, compared to PS2 and PS1) ?

I find that a misconception cause Nintendo was spanking third parties back in the NES, SNES, hell even with the GBA.

Lapsed said:
Oh, this is delightful. The responses of the Sony fans remind me of the N64 fans back in the day.

My last gaming console was a SNES, so perhaps my perspective comes from someone who hasn't been 'engaged' in the hobby for so long. The real issue here isn't the DS sales numbers. The issue is that the Sony fans' sense of reality is being challenged.

Guys, try to look at it from a Sony's fan perspective. They thought Nintendo was dead, that Nintendo was for little kids. They thought that if any 'threat' could challenge Sony, it would come from something like Microsoft. All those Nintendo fans who kept wishing and hoping out loud that Nintendo would 'return' were easily mocked. These sales numbers are a serious challenge to their reality of Sony forever-dominance. No wonder I keep hearing the word 'Nintendo fanboy' being used as a smear on anyone marveling about this sudden shift in the market in Japan (and perhaps America and Europe soon as well).

The merit of these sales pages is that it keeps us bounded to reality. There are people out there who live in a certain myth about their chosen console. For example, Xbox fans are stunned when I tell them the Xbox 360 flopped in Japan. I thought everyone knew that. Oh well...

Sony fans are going to have to adjust to the reality that Sony may not be as dominant as before (and there is a possibility that the PS3 will not win the console war). And frankly, I think it is ridiculous for a Sony fan to complain about 'nongames' (which are video games) that lead to the high sales of the DS without mentioning that the PSP sells primarily as a digital movie player (which has no relation to the video game industry).

But with the upcoming shifts, I think the Xbox fans are going to be hit by reality the hardest. The Xbox sold around twenty million units and is declared by them to be an 'amazing success'. The Gamecube sold around twenty million units and is declared by them to be a 'spectacular failure'. WTF? And Halo 2 is considered by them to be 'insanely popular' yet it hasn't outsold the N64 game of Goldeneye 007. Heck, Nintendogs will probably outsell Halo 2.

My point is that these sales numbers are the antidote to the disease of fanboyism. It keeps people closer to reality and doesn't let them dream, as I have heard some Xbox fans on other forums say "the Xbox 360 is selling better than the PS2 at a similar time! What an amazing success!" :lol

Nintendo fans are guilty too, of course, but they have tasted the bitter cup the longest. Not everything Nintendo is doing has been successful. Some 'non-games' have bombed such as Electroplankton. The Gameboy Micro also is considered a failure to Nintendo.

It is quite delicious to watch the bitter cup be passed to Sony fans who thought the dominance of the PS1 and PS2 meant it would continue with PSP and PS3. It still might but that is definately not assured.

Excellent post. It's amazing to see the parallels between the PSP and N64.

Just for the record: I LIKED the N64, so stfu. :)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
melvoin said:
I find it hard to believe, however, why Capcom is so quick to release compilations like Capcom Classics Collection, Puzzle Collection, Powerstone Collection, etc. for PSP, yet are loathe to release such simple cash-in software for the DS.

Capcom should change their name to Sega Jr.


melvoin said:
Capcom, Namco/Bandai, and Sega are all publishing roughly twice as many PSP titles in the next year as DS titles-- and they're the rule rather than the exception. On the whole, PSP is still getting significantly more 3rd party support than DS, and that trend doesn't seem to be ending any time soon.

What about Square Enix and Konami?

In the case of Bandai Namco, their best selling handheld games will be Tamagotchi and Tales of the Tempest -- DS titles.


donny2112 said:
DS (vs. PSP) HW marketshare
70+% in Japan
60+% in Europe minus U.K. (it's actually closer to 65%, but I'll err in PSP's favor)
~50% in U.S. and U.K.

Personally I don't consider that "close." ;)

For all the complaints about "Sales-Age" from those who don't really care about the sales numbers, it sure is nice to be able to spot invalid generalizations not based on reality. :)

How about a SW marketshare breakdown? Much appreciated.


Heian-kyo said:
Queue Jarrod response replete with lists and various comments about launch title sales still deluding third parties.

Objective facts/lists are better than broad sweeping genearlizations.


P90 said:
How about a SW marketshare breakdown? Much appreciated.

Just to be clear, the only numbers I have are the ones from this site. It's just that I try to pay attention to those numbers. ;)

Japan: ~80%
U.S.: ~50% (not including bundles)
Europe: No hard evidence, but not including bundles, I'd say that PSP is definitely ahead of the DS in total software. From what reports we've had on typical bundle sales, however, I'd say the DS could have 50% share in software with bundles included.
apujanata said:
Interesting. So you thought that Nintendo's 1st party titles is part to blame for 3rd parties developer reluctance to develop title for Nintendo platform (beside the fact that Gamecube and N64 are not selling well, compared to PS2 and PS1) ?
Oblivion said:
I find that a misconception cause Nintendo was spanking third parties back in the NES, SNES, hell even with the GBA.
DS has more marketshare than PSP, but nowhere near the lead NES or GBA had over their direct competitors.


cvxfreak said:
What about Square Enix and Konami?

In the case of Bandai Namco, their best selling handheld games will be Tamagotchi and Tales of the Tempest -- DS titles.

Unfortunately knowing them they will use the sales of their DS games to fund more projects for the PSP.
Wouldn't surprise me if they port a couple of DS games to the PSP, Digimon Story, TotT and Tamagotchi, it usually happens when something does good on some Nintendo machine, it gets ported to a Sony machine even if the DS is winning. Weird choice but they're stuck up Sony's ass. And perhaps Sony threatening them to support the PSP in favor of developing for their consoles. I wouldn't rule that out. :p
Bandai and Namco have yet to put their big properties on the DS. TotT is a good start.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
JoshuaJSlone said:
DS has more marketshare than PSP, but nowhere near the lead NES or GBA had over their direct competitors.

Are you agreeing with me?
Oblivion said:
Are you agreeing with me?
I'm disagreeing. I think competition with Nintendo's own games is a factor. However, with systems like NES, Game Boy, or Game Boy Advance, it's not like third parties had a viable alternative.


JoshuaJSlone said:
I'm disagreeing. I think competition with Nintendo's own games is a factor. However, with systems like NES, Game Boy, or Game Boy Advance, it's not like third parties had a viable alternative.

Definately, Nintendo first party software is a double edge sword.
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