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Europe says thank you America...

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MetalAlien said:
Exactly... the pot calling the Kettle black comes to mind... the difference, we're large and in charge and everybody hates the boss... if the rest of the world doesn't like it... do something about it punks!
I hope you like Chinese food


Arde0 said:
Its simple really, we (Americans) are all hypocrits. We think we deserve everything the Earth has to offer without returning anything. We want everything on our terms or no terms at all...the two oceans that seperate us from Europe and Asia have served our hypocrisy for far too long.

We want cheap oil but dont want to have to deal with the people who own the land over it. We want cheap labor but dont want to have to deal with the people who provide it. We want cheap goods..but dont care about the 10 year olds who make it. It doesnt matter if your kid has to make my shirt cheap....as long as our kids can play soccer and buy ipods.

Americans think that because we " we made the world safe for democracy" over half a century ago that we have the ultimate truth. I mean, honestly, how dare Europeans criticize us - we saved their asses!!! (\sarcasm). The sad part is that the sacrifice that my grandfather and so many others made 60 years ago have been squandered by a bunch of spoiled and xenophobic children who think that ruling the world is their birthright...it oozes from every policy decision and attitude that we have. And all you Americans who might get pissed at this know its true too. We have (I know, I know...generalizations for the loss) a complete disdain for anyone else in the world who opposes our will and will not accept any other ideas or solutions to the problems we face in the world...

....just know that some of us here in America do not feel that we dont owe anything to the world.

Oh yes none of the other countries want any of that...LOL Hey world... we'll give you Arde0 if you promose not to send him back!

kojacker said:
I hope you like Chinese food

They want our buisness too much to start any trouble... :D
This whole thread is filled with so much stupidity. Jesus ****ing Christ.

zomg americuns are so stoopid and airgahnt

noes! urapeeins are so stoopid and airgahnt

We're all ****ing stupid and arrogant.


AlanHemberger said:
We're all ****ing stupid and arrogant.

When you put it that way... it's kinda like saying we're human.

What's more of an interest is who's stupider and more arrogant?

I'd have to say the people that don't recognize that they don't live in a social vacuum for starters...


Zaptruder said:
When you put it that way... it's kinda like saying we're human.

What's more of an interest is who's stupider and more arrogant?

I'd have to say the people that don't recognize that they don't live in a social vacuum for starters...

How about understanding that everybody is (nearly/equelly/more so) as guilty of everything we get accussed of... We do what anybody else would do.... ignore it.


SteveMeister said:
Keep your thanks to yourself, Europe (and the rest of the world). We voted the way we did because we felt it was best for the US, not to please you.

What Europe thinks about anything concerning us is way down the list of who gives a damn. If America talked as much about Europe as they do about us they would be furious. Hell, one comment supporting Turkey coming into the EU sent off a tirade.


MetalAlien said:
How about understanding that everybody is (nearly/equelly/more so) as guilty of everything we get accussed of... We do what anybody else would do.... ignore it.

It's true, this world is a pretty broken place... you're right, there are many countries just as withdrawn if not moreso.

But there is no other country that has as large an impact or benefits as much from global interaction.


Shig said:
It absolutely boggles my mind that Republicans still tout their party as the "smaller government party" after all the things they've pushed through since 9-11.

Have you guys had your fingers in your ears, shouting "LALALALALA" the past 5 years?

"You guys." You honestly don't read anything before you post, do you?

Arde0 said:
....just know that some of us here in America do not feel that we dont owe anything to the world.

That's fine you feel that way. But I don't owe anything to "the world," and "the world" doesn't owe anything to me.

I often feel like doing charity work for my local community, but I don't have to, and that's kind of the point.


AlanHemberger said:
This whole thread is filled with so much stupidity. Jesus ****ing Christ.

zomg americuns are so stoopid and airgahnt

noes! urapeeins are so stoopid and airgahnt

We're all ****ing stupid and arrogant.
See, that is why I aimed my disdain at humanity in general. :D


Arde0 said:
Its simple really, we (Americans) are all hypocrits. We think we deserve everything the Earth has to offer without returning anything. We want everything on our terms or no terms at all...the two oceans that seperate us from Europe and Asia have served our hypocrisy for far too long.

We want cheap oil but dont want to have to deal with the people who own the land over it. We want cheap labor but dont want to have to deal with the people who provide it. We want cheap goods..but dont care about the 10 year olds who make it. It doesnt matter if your kid has to make my shirt cheap....as long as our kids can play soccer and buy ipods.

Americans think that because we " we made the world safe for democracy" over half a century ago that we have the ultimate truth. I mean, honestly, how dare Europeans criticize us - we saved their asses!!! (\sarcasm). The sad part is that the sacrifice that my grandfather and so many others made 60 years ago have been squandered by a bunch of spoiled and xenophobic children who think that ruling the world is their birthright...it oozes from every policy decision and attitude that we have. And all you Americans who might get pissed at this know its true too. We have (I know, I know...generalizations for the loss) a complete disdain for anyone else in the world who opposes our will and will not accept any other ideas or solutions to the problems we face in the world...

....just know that some of us here in America do not feel that we dont owe anything to the world.

that's not americans, that human nature.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
People should be less concerned that Europe is happy and more concerned that our enemies (yes, were at war kids) are happy about it.

It would be a disaster to emulate Europe's reaction to islamic fascism. Their suicidal adherence to false tolerance is landing them in hot water it may take years for them to get out of.

There's an (admittedly right-wing) article over at my fav blog that puts it nicely IMO:

If the whole world adopted Europe’s “higher morality” we would all be dead. Because their moralizing isn’t moral, it is merely flabby and self-indulgent.
You can call us simpletons all you want, ****o.

At least I don't live in Europe, I mean Oceania (1984, simpleton).

Big Brother is watching you!! 734 times a day in fact.


the europeans shouldnt be so happy...you traded one devil for another one, so dont get all pissy when the dems are playing protectionist of american jobs and industries.

you guys will hate this group to in about six months and thats the way it should be. :lol

and yeah we really dont care what europe thinks...it just doesnt matter.
MetalAlien said:
Oh yes none of the other countries want any of that...LOL Hey world... we'll give you Arde0 if you promose not to send him back!

Im so offended...so much you make me cry....try harder next time


xabre said:
The combined economy of Europe is about the same size as yours. They also hold significant political sway in world affairs. Their opinion matters.

Not really, actual diplomatic matters they have failed miserably on a couple of important issues such as the Mohammed cartoons and Iran's nukes where the Iranians admitted they are playing them for suckers and the EU3 can't do anything about it. They want to have a say on the world stage but in results they have been lacking.
MetalAlien said:
Ok. We'll pay you guys to take him now!

Even funnier....why dont you try to add something to the discussion instead of failing at humor.

But I can play the same game too...canon fodder.


Ripclawe said:
Not really, actual diplomatic matters they have failed miserably on a couple of important issues such as the Mohammed cartoons and Iran's nukes where the Iranians admitted they are playing them for suckers and the EU3 can't do anything about it. They want to have a say on the world stage but in results they have been lacking.

If that's a measure of political clout than the Americans aren't faring much better. North Korea's been playing them for years.


Ripclawe said:
Not really, actual diplomatic matters they have failed miserably on a couple of important issues such as the Mohammed cartoons and Iran's nukes where the Iranians admitted they are playing them for suckers and the EU3 can't do anything about it. They want to have a say on the world stage but in results they have been lacking.

Luckily everyone in the rest of the world can rely on the power of the US. Since military power and death/violence/killing will make things fine.


If that's a measure of political clout than the Americans aren't faring much better. North Korea's been playing them for years.

The complaint is Americans are not engaging with North Korea which is the problem, totally different.


xabre said:
It matters a lot more than you think it does you arrogant little yank snot.

not to me or anyone on my block and honestly i giggled everytime i read some eu "thank you" and its just funny to think how long it will take to turn the "thank you" into "hey you cant just protect american jobs at the expense of everyone else".

its not arrogance...i just dont care, because i dont have to.

its like people in the eu being concerned about micronisia or something.


G4life98 said:
its not arrogance...i just dont care, because i dont have to.

its like people in the eu being concerned about micronisia or something.

Here here!

But even if it is arrogance, I still don't give a **** :D


Ripclawe said:
The complaint is Americans are not engaging with North Korea which is the problem, totally different.

Ah but they did engage. The Clinton admin gave them two reactors back in the day did they not? Obviously the N.Koreans thought little of that arangement but I think it's clear that since the early 90's America's standing the the world has significantly diminished (thank Bush largely for that). Europe with the introduction of the Euro and the expanded EU has gone from strength to strength in that time.

I can't believe that people believe that a bloc with a population of 500 million and a combined economy worth trillions has an opinion considered irrelevant. That's bullshit.


G4life98 said:
not to me or anyone on my block

Same with me and American opinions on certain aspects on my countries political process. That doesn't mean American opinions aren't important or should be ignored; America carries a lot of weight and they should be heard. Ditto with Europe.

In the case of Europe-America it stands to reason that if you're trying to subdue a pissed off Middle East you're going to need all the good will and support you can get. If Europe is happy with this result then that's a good thing for America...simple as that.


xabre said:
Ah but they did engage. The Clinton admin gave them two reactors back in the day did they not? Obviously the N.Koreans thought little of that arangement but I think it's clear that since the early 90's America's standing the the world has significantly diminished (thank Bush largely for that). Europe with the introduction of the Euro and the expanded EU has gone from strength to strength in that time.

I can't believe that people believe that a bloc with a population of 500 million and a combined economy worth trillions has an opinion considered irrelevant. That's bullshit.

The EU constitution debacle plus various other problems like figuring out work hours, a real military, unified laws across the EU, the Euro causing economic problem for Italy and some eastern europe countries, perceived weakness due to terrorism enforcement and the face China/India are considered the next super powers while the EU due to population aging and birthrates not catching all contribute to the people not taking it seriously.


Ripclawe said:
The EU constitution debacle plus various other problems like figuring out work hours, a real military, unified laws across the EU, the Euro causing economic problem for Italy and some eastern europe countries

So what? The EU is an economic bloc not a new nation trying to form from a collection of historically diverse and very different nation states. Expecting a continent that was blowing the shit out of itself just sixty years ago to form a fully federalised nation with a single constitution, domestic and foreign policy and defence force within just a couple of decades is utterly absurd.



So when did this change from being a half serious thread to "WERE BETER DEN YOUS LOLOLL!!!!1!!!11"? Get a grip people :lol


the man who sold the world
EVERYTHING America does filters down to the rest of the world. So don't try that 'keep out of our business' shit. Withdraw your influence on the ENTIRE world, or accept that we are all going to keep tracks on what your, quite frankly, alarmingly dangerous country does. Of course nobody here can actually do that, I'm just trying to explain why every country is so happy to see the republicans eat shit. Why there are parties in the streets. Because absolutely EVERY policy from America hits all of us.

It really is very simple. But... what else can you expect from a country where it's legal to carry a gun about?


JetSetHero said:
But... what else can you expect from a country where it's legal to carry a gun about?

Oh get bent. You let the state tax the shit out of you, tell you what to do with your private property, and in many countries, arrest you and throw away the key for voicing your unpopular opinion.

If someone breaks into my home, I can assume that in the interest of facilitating theft, they intend to bring harm to me, my wife, or my daughter. In this instance, hell yes, I want a gun, and yes, I am going to shoot them dead. Gun control is population control and just one more notch on the belt on the way to facism.

Strong private property rights of individual citizens are one thing any former monarchy should have learned. It's a shame you guys didn't, but hey, I don't rail on your side of the pond constantly like you and this condescending twat from the Guardian seem to do.

To utterly mangle Nietzsche: the rest of the West may have gazed too deeply into the USSR abyss until it started to become more like them, but keep that crap out of my country, thanks.


the man who sold the world
JayDubya said:
Oh get bent. You let the state tax the shit out of you, tell you what to do with your private property, and in many countries, arrest you and throw away the key for voicing your unpopular opinion.

If someone breaks into my home, I can assume that in the interest of facilitating theft, they intend to bring harm to me, my wife, or my daughter. In this instance, hell yes, I want a gun, and yes, I am going to shoot them dead. Gun control is population control and just one more notch on the belt on the way to facism.

Strong private property rights of individual citizens are one thing any former monarchy should have learned. It's a shame you guys didn't, but hey, I don't rail on your side of the pond constantly like you and this condescending twat from the Guardian seem to do.

I love the way you assume that I care about having high taxes. Good! As long as I can be assured healthcare, decent schools, a policeforce that works etc... not that I believe any of these things work as they should, but at least its attempted. I'd be happy to see any amount of taxes if it helped the country. Shock! Horror! Money isn't everything!

I can rail on your side of the pond as much as I want, because as explained above, America's policies have had a detrimental effect in my country. It's completely my business.

I would try and argue against you about guns, but bitter experience has taught me that it's impossible to make certain people see sense. For you, having a gun is a God-given right. To a lot of other people, it is a mind-bogglingly illogical, nasty, shocking thing to have. And mentioning it always gets people's backs up. Because, deep down, you know that owning a tool which has been created purely to end life is ****ing disgusting. It's a disgraceful invention that has only bought pain and misery to this world. You get bent.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
xabre said:
So what? The EU is an economic bloc not a new nation trying to form from a collection of historically diverse and very different nation states. Expecting a continent that was blowing the shit out of itself just sixty years ago to form a fully federalised nation with a single constitution, domestic and foreign policy and defence force within just a couple of decades is utterly absurd.

While I do agree about the strength of the EU as an economic bloc the ESDP is so light weight that the security tasks they engage it could be conducted by the Australian Defense Force.

1. The EU is still 25 Nation states, how while they come to a uniformed consensus on security policy (especially considering the diversity of modern non state threats)?
2. Yes the EU is a powerful economic bloc with a GDP just below the US
3. The EU is limited generally to “soft power” because of its ability to pull/influence aspiring members and nations in its region. I doubt it could ever enforce "hard" power such as the US


the man who sold the world
JayDubya said:
To utterly mangle Nietzsche: the rest of the West may have gazed too deeply into the USSR abyss until it started to become more like them, but keep that crap out of my country, thanks.

It's not your country. Don't you get it? This is what drives me mad about America. You're not living in an isolated little state. EVERYTHING you do knocks the rest of us about. Can you not understand why people resent this?
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