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ScrewAttack : TOP 10 fighting games of -all time-


RyanDG said:
What "pro" have you beaten in SF just messing around? Some random person who claimed that they were a "pro"? Someone who regularly beats up (in the game) on a small portion of his friends?

I am trying hard to invision a situation where someone who is untrained in the game could beat someone who has been playing religiously since 93 in Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting or Super Turbo and it's not coming to me.

I'm not saying that you are lying here, I'm just curious what your definition of a "pro" consists of.

Other than my friends (some of them are pretty good though), people who usually take part on championships, and do quite well. There are a few events on Spain every year (Animecons and stuff like that) where they build up championships, usually Tekken and Soul Calibur and I knew (and I've played against) a few of them. Also I'm on some kind of Nintendo Club, called N-Generation where there are real beasts at SSBM.

Again, I'm not saying that I can win every fucking match just button mashing against a real pro, I'm saying that I could win a single match out of a large bunch of them.

And I think I'm done with this thing, gotta back to my car license tests.


kurahadol said:
I figure I may as well ask, I'm trying to remember this old game on SNES I rented back in my younger days. It was a 2d fighter but it also had some sort of quest like beat'em up aspect to it. I kinda remember the main character having like orange hair. I loved it as a kid, but can't recall the name for the life of me.

Sounds a bit like Battle Blaze. Medieval (or dark ages) fighter with weapons and stuff? Sort of had a Golden Axe look to it but cleaner?


X26 said:
These guys made bad lists on purpose. Bad lists = more views

Tekken represented too low, DOA4 shouldn't be there, KI way too high, SSBM isn't really a kind of game I'd lump together with these
Speaking of views, does Gametrailers exaggerate the views or something? This supposedly got 67,380 views since last week.


No SNK entry is a travesty. Iv'e been playing Mark of the Wolves on GameTap and its one of the best fighting games i have ever played. Heck, i'd probably put Gem Fighter on that list after playing it on GameTap as well. That game is hilarious.


Link1110 said:
Speaking of views, does Gametrailers exaggerate the views or something? This supposedly got 67,380 views since last week.

Nope. But whenever the vids embedded, whenever a page loads with the embedded video it counts as a view. That sort of adds to the number of views a video gets since it doesn't actually have to "play", just have the embedded script load.



10-Tekken Tag Team
8-Street Fighter 2 Alpha
6-KoF '98
5-Super Smash Brothers Melee
4-Street Fighter 2
3-Garou: MotW
2-Marvel vs Capcom 2
1-Street Fighter 3rd strike

tee hee


_tetsuo_ said:
lol@ killer instinct being on that list. no king of fighters games? at all? CvS 2? really?

imho the only KoF game that deserves to be on that list is 98

but still, that game does deserve to be on that list.


10. Virtual On: OT
9. xmen vs sf
8-Street Fighter 3 Alpha
6-KoF '98
5-Street Fighter 2
4-Garou: MotW
3-Last Blade 2
1-Street Fighter 3rd strike

the order doesnt even really matter and im missing some good ones, but that original list is terrible.

ssbm is for ppl who arent good at traditional fighting games. ive actually had real life experience with this :eek:

I learned enough of ssbm in a month of casual play to be equal with ppl playing ssbm for years. At the same time playing against me in street fighter, soul calibur, or vf is a huge blow out. These ppl were also hardcore gamers around my age. Of course I wont beat a pro smash player, but i cant beat a pro player of anything.


nesmar said:
ssbm is for ppl who arent good at real fighting games. ive actually had real life experience with this
I think we all know that. It's like comparing diddy kong racing to Forza 2.


nesmar said:
ssbm is for ppl who arent good at real fighting games. ive actually had real life experience with this :eek:
So the "Real" connotation in regards to fighting games means that it needs complex button sequences? Timing, Strategy, and Technique have nothing to do with it?


Super Member
You know maybe I should be okay with people trying to dismiss SSBM. I mean Nintendo is unapologetic when they made a huge freaking amount of money on it, and huge amount of sales will probably inspire some sort of giant competitive audience, especially when Brawl rolls around with WiFi.

I mean some fighters people mention ARE good, but do many people play them anymore? By this I'm thinking especially of SNK fighters (even though I personally love them).


ill change real to traditional, how bout that?

Popularity has nothing to do with quality. Look at the wii software, then look at the hardware sales. Every game I want for the wii is a sequel to a GC game.


Super Member
nesmar said:
ill change real to traditional, how bout that?

Popularity has nothing to do with quality. Look at the wii software, then look at the hardware sales.
That's why every installment of Street Fighter had to be revised at least twice, and KoF with yearly installments.

Are you saying that Melee (and soon Brawl) isn't affording its players a quality gaming experience? :lol

Every game I want for the wii is a sequel to a GC game.

And every fighting game on your list is a sequel to another fighting game. Way to go.


butthurt Heat fan
Halycon said:
Hey guys, am I late to the "SSBM is not a fighter" debate?
Not really.

My opinon? Smash Bros. isn't a real fighting game. Stuff like Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Tekken, those are real fighting games. Smash Bros. is more of a party game to me. Bring over three friends, get wasted, and have fun. That's the niche that Smash Bros. is in, IMHO.


nesmar said:
ill change real to traditional, how bout that?

Popularity has nothing to do with quality. Look at the wii software, then look at the hardware sales. Every game I want for the wii is a sequel to a GC game.
What the hell are you trying to say here?
First off, that list was mostly shit, and for reasons some of you guys probably cited already. Reload at 10 with KI and MK2 taking 4 and 5?:lol :lol Yeah...right. Whoever made the list definitely left the popularity these games experienced influence their decision. Just because they experienced immense popularity during the early to mid-90's doesn't make them some of the best fighting games. I mean, I loved both of those games, too, but come on. And I can't say anything about DoA4 having never played that iteration, but I would imagine some people would disagree with that.

Where the hell is CVS2? I expected both that and Garou to make the cut.

Beyond that I'm not going to get into the order in which the other games were on the list; at least they were justified. And to whoever is complaining about voice acting. It's a fighting game. You could essentially leave it out altogether and it wouldn't affect the overall quality. It's generally relegated to a few screams and a one-liner before or after the fight.

Not that I wouldn't expect it from GAF, but whoever is saying that SSBM isn't a fighting game, or "ssbm is for ppl who arent good at real fighting games," is clearly just hating or doesn't know what they're talking about. Just leave them think what they want. It's not like it's going to affect the rest of us.


twinturbo2 said:
Not really.

My opinon? Smash Bros. isn't a real fighting game. Stuff like Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Tekken, those are real fighting games. Smash Bros. is more of a party game to me. Bring over three friends, get wasted, and have fun. That's the niche that Smash Bros. is in, IMHO.
I couldn't have said better myself...


What a mediocre list, it's missing out on SS and KoF. Looks like the guys at screwattack messed up again.

Also, smash bros is a demi fighting game, dunno if it really makes the list.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
twinturbo2 said:
Not really.

My opinon? Smash Bros. isn't a real fighting game. Stuff like Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Tekken, those are real fighting games. Smash Bros. is more of a party game to me. Bring over three friends, get wasted, and have fun. That's the niche that Smash Bros. is in, IMHO.
"Hey, you want to come over to play some smash?"
"Yeah sure, hang on I'll call some other people"
Cue 5 hours of 4 stock 1v1 Final Destination.

I'd say that the scenario outlined above is much more common than yours.


I was probably being too harsh, since ssbm is not a bad game at all (highly overrated though). The point is how many copies it sells means little to me.


Arguing over SSBM being a fighting game is no fun. Let's argue over whether Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram is.

If you are trying to showcase how much of a "quality" fighter Smash Brothers is, I recommend not doing it in a way that is essentially "putting down" what is easily the best 3D fighting game on the market and widely regarded as a technical tour de force when it comes to competitive play. It doesn't make your argument very strong at all.

That's the worst part about some of these posts. I recognize SSBM as a good game. But throwing out some of the bullshit seen here is just embarrassing.


Tain said:
That's the worst part about some of these posts. I recognize SSBM as a good game. But throwing out some of the bullshit seen here is just embarrassing.
Embarassing until he mashes his way to victory against your ass in 3rd Strike :D


Tain said:
That's the worst part about some of these posts. I recognize SSBM as a good game. But throwing out some of the bullshit seen here is just embarrassing.

I think the problem stems from the fact that VF4 had a shitty computer opponents. I beat the game on the highest difficulty just to see if they would give me an ending. On that note, why the fuck is there no endings in VF4 :<


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
WTF is DOA4, MK2 (admit it, we were all wowed by its "lifelike" digitized graphics, array of secrets, and gore... but it doesn't hold up compared to what Capcom and SNK were doing back then), and Killer Instinct doing on this list... and no SNK games? Put on Garou, SS2, or KOFXI at least. Melee isn't exactly the most technical fighting game but it's got fun in spades, nothing beats 4 player melees against highly skilled players, addicting as hell game, whether or not it should be on the list is a whole can of worms in itself.

Well, then again, this is ScrewAttack, who considers Wrecking Crew one of the 10 worst Mario games ever made, so their top 10 lists are total rubbish.


Time Traveler
twinturbo2 said:
My opinon? Smash Bros. isn't a real fighting game. Stuff like Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Tekken, those are real fighting games. Smash Bros. is more of a party game to me. Bring over three friends, get wasted, and have fun. That's the niche that Smash Bros. is in, IMHO.

Yes, fighting games can be fun, don't troll Smash Bros just because it is easier to control than the games you mentioned.

I really like the series because it is easy to get in, but very difficult to master (I could kick your ass any day in that game).

And for a game that sells above 6 million I don't know if you could classify it as in a niche.

I would love to see other fighting games with the controls of Smash Bros, because memorizing combinations and having awkward controls is not in my definition of fun.


Likely to be eaten by a grue

is there a better handheld fighting game?


Redd said:
Well this fighting thread is now complete. People arguing about Smash Brothers being a fighter or not, well done screwattack.
No this thread passed into something different and more retarded.

ParticleReality said:
Clay Fighter isn't on the list but DOA4 and VF5 is? Fuck this list. Before anyone jumps on my shit about being a VF5 hater, let me just say that The game is great as far as graphics and gameplay gos but for fucks sake they could try harder at the voice work.
voice work isn't weighted very heavily compared to fighting.

Chao said:
Other than my friends (some of them are pretty good though), people who usually take part on championships, and do quite well. There are a few events on Spain every year (Animecons and stuff like that) where they build up championships, usually Tekken and Soul Calibur and I knew (and I've played against) a few of them. Also I'm on some kind of Nintendo Club, called N-Generation where there are real beasts at SSBM.

Again, I'm not saying that I can win every fucking match just button mashing against a real pro, I'm saying that I could win a single match out of a large bunch of them.

And I think I'm done with this thing, gotta back to my car license tests.
go win some f1 races by slamming on the pedals and yanking the wheel around while you are at it.
I won't argue with the #1 choice, but I'm having trouble with many of these choices. Mortal Kombat II was fun back in the day, I'll grant that, but it doesn't need to be so high on any Top 10.

Killer Instinct is even more WTF. I wasn't impressed with the game back in 1995, and I sure as hell wouldn't place it on any list today. My guess is Rare fanboyism filtered into a supposed list on fighting games.

Yeah, I would have had KOF'98 on here for sure. And Last Blade 2. And maybe Samurai Spirits 2.


twinturbo2 said:
Not really.

My opinon? Smash Bros. isn't a real fighting game. Stuff like Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Tekken, those are real fighting games. Smash Bros. is more of a party game to me. Bring over three friends, get wasted, and have fun. That's the niche that Smash Bros. is in, IMHO.

The funny thing is, this is an important dynamic of any semi-popular fighter these days. You think the millions of people who bought SC2 don't do anything more than mash with their friends at parties? Why people like to single out SSBM I don't know (well actually I do).
Dr.Hadji said:
Why people like to single out SSBM I don't know (well actually I do).

Well please tell me, I still wonder about this. If you can't be arsed to elaborate because you already did before (which I could understand), please give me a link to where you've already adressed this (I suppose this has been brought up at SWF as well). Because I can't really think of anything other than "Nintendo characters" and "if it doesn't have life meters and wins by KO it's not a fighting game". Both of which being retarded reasons obviously.


I think Smash brothers did deserve to be on the list.Not that high,but I saw some play at Evo East and I was pretty impressed.I got respect for that game and some of the players.

What I don't have respect for,is when the rabid fans of the game think their game is the deepest and greatest shit to ever grace mankind when in reality their game is JUST starting to be accepted by the community after being close to 7 years old


I agreed with all the list

I was expecting SFII in first place cause it was the fighting game who put the standard of its sucessors x_x


Kintaro said:
Yeah, it's like a cocktail of tacks, glass, shit and tears.

A Jagerbomb?

radiuhm said:
I thought Soul Calibur 2 was going to be higher on the list, and is Virtua Fighter 5 really that good?

SC 2 wasn't on the list at all. It was the original DC SC.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Smash Bros. isn't a real fighter because Smash Bros. games still sell.

If you did a top 10 fighter list without series restrictions, how many spots would SFII releases take up?


DavidDayton said:
If you did a top 10 fighter list without series restrictions, how many spots would SFII releases take up?

2. Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. The rest are non-issues. ;)


Super Member
DavidDayton said:
Smash Bros. isn't a real fighter because Smash Bros. games still sell.

Well you have to wonder why the fighting genre is so 'important'. Especially since every modern fighter has been impacted by SFII in one way or another. I know it's purely anecdotal, but I remember when SFII first came out, EVERYONE played it, creating the demand for competitors to create their own fighters (SNK are the easiest to acknowledge in this manner).

SNK all-in-1 machines (most commonly with AoF, Samurai Shodown, King of the Monsters, World Heroes), VF, Tekken, Darkstalkers, SoulEdge, Primal Rage were all lined up next to it and the 3-4 arcades I lived near, but SFII was the most popular one.

Despite all the Smash-dissing, I'd gladly welcome Ryu to Smash Bros. :p


MisterHero said:
I'd gladly welcome Ryu to Smash Bros. :p


Actually, no.

Anyway, as an avid smash player... I'd have to say that SSBM has the technical elements to be classified as a fighter (frame counting, priority, range, move-cancelling, etc), but the whole style of the game puts it in a different genre related to fighting games. I'd say it's more of a 4 player beat-em-up style game that's versus as opposed to co-op.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Chao said:
Other than my friends (some of them are pretty good though), people who usually take part on championships, and do quite well. There are a few events on Spain every year (Animecons and stuff like that) where they build up championships, usually Tekken and Soul Calibur and I knew (and I've played against) a few of them.

Again, I'm not saying that I can win every fucking match just button mashing against a real pro, I'm saying that I could win a single match out of a large bunch of them.

And I think I'm done with this thing, gotta back to my car license tests.

Players who play in "animecon tournaments", LOL.

FWIW, I don't mind Smash being on a list of top fighting games at all. Smash being that high on the list is something I don't agree with (I'd put it somewhere around #5 or #6) but excluding a game like Smash is very short-sighted.
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