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Forcing Child to play GTA IV, Man gets arrested in Japan

According to a report in MSN Japan and Yomiuri Online, the man serves as a male nurse in the city and is named Maasa Kawabata. He apparently made his wife’s nine-year old son (from another father) play GTA IV against his wish. According to the police report, the suspect forced the child to play the game for a stretch of two-three weeks, whenever his mother was out. The gaming sessions lasted for around 2-3 hours at once.

“I did not force him to play the game,” Kawabata is quoted as saying in the report filed against him. He married the lady in October 2012, moving in with her and her child in late November. According to several newspaper reports, Kawabata is accused of calling the boy names like ‘stupid’ and ‘moron’ and even asked him to kill himself on a number of times. All of this occurred when his mother would be out of home.

Apparently, the boy complained of having painful headaches and stomach pain and a feeling of nausea last April. This made the mother concerned, forcing her to cease living in with her husband. In May, a doctor diagonosed the child with dysautonomia , which is he claimed was bought by his exposure to playing GTA IV and the stress caused as a result. In June, she finally reported her husband to the cops. However, no arrest was made until earlier today, when the cops finally caved in under pressure to bring him in.



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
At least he didn't subject the kid to State of Emergency. He'd probably be dead by now.
One of those, "we put the game headline in the title for hits, even though the actual story only mentions it once and is clearly not the issue in the incident" articles lol.

Abusive step father, probably made the kid play to keep him out of his way which lead to it being a stressor for him.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Forcing a Japanese person to play a Western game.. How barbaric :(


One of those, "we put the game headline in the title for hits, even though the actual story only mentions it once and is clearly not the issue in the incident" articles lol.

Abusive step father, probably made the kid play to keep him out of his way which lead to it being a stressor for him.
Well, it sounds like one part of it, and I figure it's no good to FORCE a kid to watch, say, R-rated crime dramas that they clearly don't want to. A kid who is actively bothered by that stuff, combined with a hostile environment, would undoubtedly be worn down mentally and thus get stressed out. Doubly so if the kid was susceptible to motion sickness and got hit by that badly with the game.

It's still really damn weird though.


I don't know. If I hated someone, I wouldn't force him/her to play games or anything related to leisure and entertainment really. Is this the best he could come up with?

I hope he kid can overcome all the name calling though. A shame when the male role model in your life is a shitty dude like this one.
Poor kid felt nauseated at the prospect of killing hookers. Dad jumped on his moral dilemma and forced him to follow through. Chunks of the Japanese convenience store cereal from the kid's breakfast proceeded to fly from the boy's mouth.


So a an abusive step father forced him to play a game with themes he does not enjoy/ not mentally ready for and it caused him stress along with being associated with the abuse?

Do i have the story right, if so that is terrible. : C

Yeah Id get headaches and nausea if someone forced me to play GTA as well.

That is an odd reaction to have to greatness. You should get that checked.


Alternate scenario, kids loves GTA, mother won't allow him to play, she catches him, kid says dad forced him to play video games.


I totally read that as grand theft auto V and was like wtf, its a good game.

Then I saw the replies, it was IV?!

Jesus man...someone execute that guy.


There's almost definitely more to this story that we'll never hear about. But yeah, it's a shame. Sounds like the dad has no idea what he's doing as a father and it was easier to rely on western ideals of manliness rather than actually teaching the kid his own morals and ideals.

I bet the actual source of the abuse has more to do with this than any form implied maliciousness on the dad's part. He was probably just a shitty dad. Not everyone is cut out for fatherhood.


Yeah, it wasn't the game, kid was probably being mentally abused.


Dysautonomia (or autonomic dysfunction) is any disease or malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The autonomic nervous system controls a number of functions in the body, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestive tract peristalsis, and sweating, amongst others. Dysfunction of the ANS can involve any of these functions.

A number of conditions are forms of dysautonomia: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST), vasovagal syncope, pure autonomic failure, neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS), neurally mediated hypotension (NMH), orthostatic hypotension, orthostatic hypertension, autonomic instability, paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, and a number of lesser-known disorders such as cerebral salt-wasting syndrome. Dysautonomia may occur as the result of other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome), Guillain-Barré syndrome, Lyme disease, or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, along with a number of other conditions that may affect the nervous system.


Alternate scenario, kids loves GTA, mother won't allow him to play, she catches him, kid says dad forced him to play video games.

I somehow believe this one. Kid being little brat and hating on his step father just because and trying to get rid of him.
Seems like the man is a shitty human being and abused this kid. The game is only relevant because he wanted to keep the kid busy so he wouldn't have to deal with him. It's no different than sitting a kid in front of the TV and saying "watch cartoons". Bad parenting is all this is.


Forcing somebody to play things is a good way to make them hate it.

now this kid will probably never try GTAV =(


That 9 year old needs to man up. Playing GTA doesn't cause distress, he probably fucking watches Pokémon too. Enslaving a bunch of wild animals into small capsules and releasing them into battle is far more distressing than playing GTA.
Well it finally happened, the xenophobia has forced the Japanese to start arresting people who play Western developed games.
All of those 10 people in Japan better watch their backs from now on.


Poor kid was forced to endure *hey cousin* 2-3 hours a day...



On a side note:

"According to several newspaper reports, Kawabata is accused of calling the boy names like ‘stupid’ and ‘moron’ and even asked him to kill himself on a number of times. "

This is what happens when trolls on the internet have kids i guess.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Am I the only person that finds this hilarious? 'Your punishment! Go play GTA!"
Me too. Maybe the kid IS lying about this little detail, or maybe not, I don't know. It would make a slightly more sense if he was forcing him to play Silent Hill or Fatal Frame.
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