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The Evil Within is abysmally bad


So I've revisited The Evil Within lately and man does the game sucks. The first few chapters are good but honestly I feel the remaining 60% or so of the chapters are just plain bad. I remember Mikami saying this would be a true survival-horror during development and can't help but feel it was bullshit. It feels like RE4 disc 2 which was the worst part of that game - less emphasis on horror and more action with zombies that can shoot bullets in your direction.

One of my biggest problems with The Evil Within are the retarded bosses. Honestly, I'm on Chapter 15 and the one-hit kill boss that spawns only after two waves of "zombies" has to be up there in the records of design fails. It's just...not fun and really frustrating like most bosses in the game. Doesn't help that the game is hard.

Everything about the game just feel disappointing, except maybe the level design/architecture which I liked. You find keys hidden in the levels only to unlock...ammo and worthless crap. I know they had already planned DLC but come on, these rewards suck. And don't even get me started on the convoluted story. I wonder what GAF thinks of TEW almost one year later?
Couldn't even stand it long enough to finish the demo

if this is survival horror I dont want any part of it

edit: from a quality standpoint not "ooh so scary"


I think it's brilliant. It was my GOTY 2014, edging out Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Shovel Knight and Alien: Isolation.

See my thread on game balance. It nails the survival horror aspect with a pitch-perfect difficulty curve. Masterfully well-done.

Only thing that brings it down a bit for me is the environment. Each individual place is memorable and cool, but the ever-shifting nature of the environment keeps it from feeling like one cohesive interconnected place.

Also, before the Ch. 11 haters arrive (scene spoilers:
the collapsed city
), I loved that chapter. Incredible visual and gameplay variety. And no, I don't mind the... two or three enemies that have a gun. They made those situations deliciously tense.
There was one level in particular that nearly had me put my controller though the TV, but overall I really enjoyed it. Would in no way describe it as abysmal.
RE4 disc 2?

The original release, on GC, had two discs.




So I've revisited The Evil Within lately and man does the game sucks. The first few chapters are good but honestly I feel the remaining 60% or so of the chapters are just plain bad. I remember Mikami saying this would be a true survival-horror during development and can't help but feel it was bullshit. It feels like RE4 disc 2 which was the worst part of that game - less emphasis on horror and more action with zombies that can shoot bullets in your direction.

One of my biggest problems with The Evil Within are the retarded bosses. Honestly, I'm on Chapter 15 and the one-hit kill boss that spawns only after two waves of "zombies" has to be up there in the records of design fails. It's just...not fun and really frustrating like most bosses in the game. Doesn't help that the game is hard.

Everything about the game just feel disappointing, except maybe the level design/architecture which I liked. You find keys hidden in the levels only to unlock...ammo and worthless crap. I know they had already planned DLC but come on, these rewards suck. And don't even get me started on the convoluted story. I wonder what GAF thinks of TEW almost one year later?
It's pretty polarizing, those who love it love it and those who hate it hate it. There's not really a middle ground it seems.

That said it was in my top 5 of 2014.


I have this game sitting next to my PS4 and I still haven't popped it in. Every week there's a thread saying "it's great!" so I get the urge to try it, then the following week we get the "it's shit!" thread that removes that urge.

I think when I do finally try it, it'll be on easy just to avoid this frustration so many have had with it.
I think it's brilliant. It was my GOTY 2014, edging out Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Shovel Knight and Alien: Isolation.

See my thread on game balance. It nails the survival horror aspect with a pitch-perfect difficulty curve. Masterfully well-done.

Only thing that brings it down a bit for me is the environment. Each individual place is memorable and cool, but the ever-shifting nature of the environment keeps it from feeling like one cohesive interconnected place.

Also, before the Ch. 11 haters arrive (scene spoilers:
the collapsed city
), I loved that chapter. Incredible visual and gameplay variety. And no, I don't mind the... two or three enemies that have a gun. They made those situations deliciously tense.

I came here to say more or less this. I really enjoyed the game. It had some flaws- but those were largely on a technical front for me- and that was a non issue after they got the kinks worked out.Really excited about what they can manage with a better engine and the experience that can be used for a sequel.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I loved it for the most part. It had a lot of RE4 similarities, but it was more challenging and even scary at times. More challenging RE4 gameplay with actual horror elements... what's not to like. The only thing I hated was too many stalking monster segments, that was getting tiresome after a while. Like Verdugo in RE4, all the time.

Is the dlc worth it? Might get it down the line if it's ever bundled or discounted.


Dope game. I bought the season pass and should probably try the DLC out!

I had an awful lot of fun with the one-hit kill situations and found the ammo, even coming out of the random lockers, to be really meaningful.

Whether this game, or any game for that matter, is "survival horror" isn't something worth getting hung up on. It's not a meaningful enough label for that.


Ch. 10 is one of the most grueling experiences in videogames. I mean that as a compliment. All of the death-traps, and dark environments, and then the pants-shitting encounter with Laura (I'm not exaggerating when I say it was borderline traumatic), followed by yet another boss that has a hide-and-go-seek moment reminiscent of the searching eye in "War of the Worlds," combined with the T-Rex from "Jurassic Park." When I beat Ch. 10, I felt like I had beat an entire game. Incredible.


I enjoyed it. Sure, could it have used more polish? Yeah. Is the burn-mechanic annoying as fuck? Yeah. But still, the game was meaty, had an interesting story, great enemy designs and some cool weapons.


You're just asking for trouble with an inflammatory and hyperbolic title like that.

No way in hell is this game "abysmally bad" ...seems like you just think it's too hard and you're not a fan of the action.


Bought it day 1, played about 3 hours and I wasn't feeling it so I shelved the game.

After I learned that an update removed the black bars I decided to try it again and I ended up liking it a lot.

I even bought the discounted season pass.


I actually really like the bosses, especially their design, but yes, the game is trash. Agreed, OP.

The first few chapters were so damn good too, just to make it even more disappointing.

Ch. 10 is one of the most grueling experiences in videogames. I mean that as a compliment. All of the death-traps, and dark environments, and then the pants-shitting encounter with Laura (I'm not exaggerating when I say it was borderline traumatic), followed by yet another boss that has a hide-and-go-seek moment reminiscent of the searching eye in "War of the Worlds," combined with the T-Rex from "Jurassic Park." When I beat Ch. 10, I felt like I had beat an entire game. Incredible.

Chapter 10 was godlike, I agree. The best post-6 chapter in the game, by far.

I enjoyed it. Sure, could it have used more polish? Yeah. Is the burn-mechanic annoying as fuck? Yeah. But still, the game was meaty, had an interesting story, great enemy designs and some cool weapons.

No way, shit's fun as hell. Combat wouldn't be nearly as fun without it, since you no longer have all the melee options from RE4/5, you now use the hit detection in your favor to make sure your enemies are dead. Wasting a precious match just to see that this body wouldn't reanimate is a terrible feeling, in a good way.
Yeah. Abysmally bad. Like The Room bad. Like something just thrown together at the last minute. It's that bad!

Oh, wait. Maybe I'm just overreacting a bit. Is it possible I could just give a more reasonable criticism? Nah, BAD MAN! FUCKING BAD!


You're just asking for trouble with an inflammatory and hyperbolic title like that.

No way in hell is this game "abysmally bad" ...seems like you just think it's too hard and you're not a fan of the action.

My thoughts.

I liked that the game was more "hardcore" and less "coddling" than most AAA games. I enjoy that. It's engaging. I become quickly bored if a game looks over my shoulder, so to speak, as I play it. I thought the action, graphics, controls, everything, was outstanding. I really loved it. I am baffled by people who say it's garbage, but I can only imagine they prefer the more unfortunately prevalent design approach to AAA games.
People calling a game like The Evil Within "bad", "horrible" or similar makes me feel I just don't understand this hobby anymore. I'm absolutely loving it; the encounter design in particular is astonishingly well-balanced.

Each to their own! But you know how sometimes you just cannot grasp how someone can have the opinion that they do...? I'm sure many will feel the same about this post.


Wait, there's a demo?

They put out a demo on PC post-release, iirc.

People calling a game like The Evil Within "bad", "horrible" or similar makes me feel I just don't understand this hobby anymore. I'm absolutely loving it; the encounter design in particular is astonishingly well-balanced.

Each to their own! But you know how sometimes you just cannot grasp how someone can have the opinion that they do...? I'm sure many will feel the same about this post.

It's Mikami-Disconnect-Syndrome. His games get this kind of flak a lot. See PN03, God Hand.
Not a fan myself.
On a technical level it had nice art direction but it was rather poor. The black bars intruded on the gameplay and it still ran poorly.
Shooting felt pretty nice as to be expected, but some enemies take too many hits.
A lot of the bosses were pretty tense but annoying like the spider lady. Those arenas near the end of the game went against how the game was designed (very few bullets handed out, lots of enemies)
I did like the environments, but I can't say I had a good time with the game
Good game, although it was a slight disappointment considering Mikami's track record. It also didn't help matters that Alien came out the same month, and is just on a whole other level as far as survival horror games go.

There were a number of things about it that I wish were done better, but I enjoyed it overall.

The DLC was pretty damn bad, though, especially The Consequence.
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