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LTTP: Sonic Colors - The Colors Feel So Right


Hello everyone :D!

Made a few Sonic threads recently about my time with a large amount of the franchises titles. The games I covered already include Sonic Heroes, Sonic R and Sonic the Hedgehog 1. I played two more games in the series (Zero Gravity and Colors) but I want to focus on Colors for now as it really is a great game :).


This came out in 2010 and is rumored to originate as a port of Sonic Generations but for reasons never released, Sega thought it was better to convert the port into a brand new original title. Sound familiar? This kind of thing happened with Secret Rings, with originated as a port of 06 but became its own game after Sonic Team wanted to play around with the motion controls more and the fact 06 couldn't run on Wii.

Going into Colors, its important to talk about another Sonic title, Sonic Unleashed. This created a new gameplay style for Sonic that is regarded as the most polished take on 3D in the series; Modern Formula. This is where Sonic goes from 3D to 2D naturally throughout the levels and each style focuses on different element (2D for tricky platforming, 3D for high-octane speed with some Adventure-like platforming here and there). People loved this and Sega decided to polish and perfect it over the course of three games; Unleashed, Colors and Generations.

Colors is the second time it was used and boy does it show :D! Sonic feels great to control here, with his controls being a bit simplified from Unleashed (one button to jump/homing attack, one to slide/stomp, one button to use wisps) and 3D movement feeling tighter. Sonic has all the moves here that he did in Unleashed but its done a bit differently.

Sonics core actions can be done at any time; jumping, boosting, wall jumping and the like. But things like his Quick Step (move side-to-side pressing left or right) and Sonic Drift (hold B and move stick left or right) are done during 'event' portions of specific levels. This might annoy some, as you cannot avoid these moments but I liked them like I did in Unleashed.

Colors is so great because it is the first time since Heroes that we only got ONE play style for a 3D Sonic game. Sonic is playable and THAT IS IT. No treasure hunting stages, no mech stages, no using guns or missions like in Shadow, no slow platforming with silver and no gimmicky motion controls. Just Sonic running around at the speed of sound with nothing else getting in the way. Its amazing and something many fans wanted for years to happen.

Unleashed did this too but we got the Werehog to extend gameplay length (official reason Sonic Team made this style) but to be fair, I am one of the few that enjoyed these levels so they never bugged me :).

Colors does have a gimmick but its naturally implanted into the modern formula; the Wisps. They are aliens Sonic saves from capsules (like the Genesis games where he saves animals from Robots) and they give him different powers.

Look at this image for example:

After getting the Pink Wisp, Sonic can use a 'SPIKE!' form that allows him to stick to walls and use his trademark spindash to climb walls faster.

Another example is a favorite:

Collecting the Yellow Wisp lets you use the 'DRILL!' form and it allows you to dig underground. Forget Knuckles drilling power from the Adventure games, Sonic flies into the ground, can boost to move faster and it controls like how Nights controls in Nights Into Dreams (a classic Sonic Team made on the Saturn :D).

These allow level design to be filled with secrets to collect, red rings to find (which unlock fun little levels in 'Game Land', where you play as a robot Sonic with simple levels, with some referencing a few Genesis levels from the classic games) and extra rings to collect. Smart usage of wisps can lead to amazing short cuts and can have you beating stages in no time flat!

Stage themes are very strong here, as every level is unique and style wise is lifted from the Genesis era. You have a Tropical Resort to run through, a Sweet Mountain filled with donuts and cakes to dig through, a Starlight Carnival that pushes every ounce of power the Wii hardware has, Planet Wisp which gives off strong Sonic CD vibes, Aquarium Park which mixes Dragon Road from Unleashed with lots of Underwater sections to use the Drill Wisp for and Asteroid Coaster which is like a really great Sonic Adventure level in terms of tone and music.

I love these levels and there music tracks are amazing:
Sweet Mountain Act 1
Planet Wisp Act 1 and Act 3
Starlight Carnival Act 1
Tropical Resort Act 1
Asteroid Coaster Act 1 and Act 3
Aquarium Park Act 1
Terminal Velocity Act 1

Sonic games always have great soundtracks and this one is no execption to that rule :D! I love this soundtrack and while Unleashed has a lot of great tracks, this edges it as a personal favorite.

The epic, grand, large scale story for this game! There is none XD! Just Sonic and Tails stopping Eggman from taking over the world using Aliens. You know, just like the good ol' Genesis era games :).

I loved Unleashed's story a lot and when I get to that, will talk about that in great detail. Same with Black Knight too. But I like the simple angle Colors takes and with some decent humor and the at the time new VA's doing a great job with Sonic and company.

Overall, I loved Colors Wii and made getting a second Wii (after Other M trashed my Wii's Disk Drive.....will forever hate that game X() well worth the extra 200 bucks :D. Notice how I put the DS version's box art here, as we got a DS version of this game!

Its Rush 3, through and through. The trick system from those games are gone but instead its replaced with more moves from the Modern Era games (sliding, stomping, homing attack with the B button instead of the R button, ect) and to Wisp powers not in the Wii version (Burst and Void). Sonic's buddies also pop up in Colors DS and its the entire cast (outside of the Chaotix) saying hello. They give two/three extra missions to complete on top of two acts (instead of six acts in the console version) in terms of game content.

Never got this version but its a good game from reviews and footage I saw online, so if you are interested, give it a shot :D.

Hope you all enjoyed Colors or are interested in playing it. Hands down one of the better 3D Sonic's on the market honestly. I love the series but I have issues with the Dreamcast era 3D games. Too much detracting from the core Sonic gameplay.

Heroes despite its issues, is focused on only giving the speed gameplay people want and Adventure respected that people want to play as Sonic (giving you the most levels for Sonic compared to everyone else). So Colors doing what Heroes did is, well, really nice and was the game alongside Generations to give Sonic's name some respect again with the gaming community.

So, long story short, I hope you all enjoy the thread :D!


I just played this game recently and I thought it was "meh" at best. I had fond memories of it but playing it again made me realize it's pretty janky and sucky at times. Not bad though... for Sonic that's sometimes the best he gets.


it's basically the best thing attached to the sonic name in over 20 years. it's just consistently good and doesn't relent. i was in disbelief at e3 2010 when it was only sonic (the game had not really been shown much before the expo), and even asked the guy at the kiosk if it was just sonic through the entire game. i didn't believe him. there's no way the game could risk being any good.

but it was better than i expected. i think it was better than anyone would have expected.


Bought the game on launch day solely because of Planet Wisp 1 track. And besides the asteroid roller coaster levels being kinda shitty, the game didn't disappoint. The thing that impressed me most about the game was how the wisp powers were the best addition to Sonic gameplay that the series has ever had. Even the sorta stupid sounding ones like cube actually impact the game in a really fun way and added a lot to the game, especially in the way of replayability.

The game isn't without its faults - the jump controls are definitely a bit too loose for my taste, and as I mentioned the asteroid coaster levels were mostly no fun. But for everything the game does right I can look past its faults, and I'd easily take it over Generations any day.


it's basically the best thing attached to the sonic name in over 20 years. it's just consistently good and doesn't relent. i was in disbelief at e3 2010 when it was only sonic (the game had not really been shown much before the expo), and even asked the guy at the kiosk if it was just sonic through the entire game. i didn't believe him. there's no way the game could risk being any good.

but it was better than i expected. i think it was better than anyone would have expected.

I agree, Colors was a complete surprise when it was announced; people thought Sonic 4 was going to be the big game for the year with Sonic but nope, it was that odd Colors game that swept everyone off there feet.

Remember Nintendo Power giving it a 9 out of 10, never saw them give a Sonic game that high of a praise in the past. This was the year too when DKCR, Mario Galaxy 2 and Kirby's Epic Yarn came out on the Wii; it really impressed people.


Bought the game on launch day solely because of Planet Wisp 1 track. And besides the asteroid roller coaster levels being kinda shitty, the game didn't disappoint. The thing that impressed me most about the game was how the wisp powers were the best addition to Sonic gameplay that the series has ever had. Even the sorta stupid sounding ones like cube actually impact the game in a really fun way and added a lot to the game, especially in the way of replayability.

The game isn't without its faults; the jump controls are definitely a bit too loose for my taste, and as I mentioned the asteroid coaster levels were mostly no fun. But for everything the game does right I can look past its faults, and I'd easily take it over Generations any day.

I some ways, I did like Colors more then Generations. Liked how different each Zone was (where's Generations had a lot of City and Hill Zones, so it was distracting despite how different they wall were) for example.


Colors is in my personal top5 Wii games, and is the game credited with completely destroying the 'Sonic Cycle'.


I think it's easily the best "3D" Sonic and the best Sonic Team sonic game since Knuckles.

It easily is the one many people love without much differing opinion at the very least.

Very few people outright hate Colors and many consider the game better then many prior Sonic's that came out before; to the public and major gaming community, it really is the best Sonic since 3&K.

I love the other games in the series but I understand why people are turned off by them. So its great having one game in the series, that released recently, that almost everyone calls 'good' or 'great' even :').


Lots of great music, the game is legit fun, some good lines of dialogue.

It's overall a great package and one of my top 3D Sonic games.


Best Sonic game since the Genesis, easily.

Sonic Colors is excellent.

Not a popular opinion, but it's better than Generations.

Concur 100%. Generations is good, but Colors is fantastic.
The game cleans up absurdly well in Dolphin, and there's even a way to get 60FPS in it. If you have a PC that can do it, I'd check it out.


The game cleans up absurdly well in Dolphin, and there's even a way to get 60FPS in it. If you have a PC that can do it, I'd check it out.

Have a 2010 laptop that can't run most (if not no) modern games; can't do that XD. But, I have my Wii hooked up and it plays great with the GC controller :).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It easily is the one many people love without much differing opinion at the very least.

Very few people outright hate Colors and many consider the game better then many prior Sonic's that came out before; to the public and major gaming community, it really is the best Sonic since 3&K.

I love the other games in the series but I understand why people are turned off by them. So its great having one game in the series, that released recently, that almost everyone calls 'good' or 'great' even :').

Before this game I considered Dimps to be the real Sonic Team in all honesty.

The Wii overall was a good platform for Sonic.

Secret Rings was janky, but still kinda fun.

It has a good version of Unleashed all in all.

Black Knight isn't fun to play at all...but it does look really cool!


Concur 100%. Generations is good, but Colors is fantastic.

colors starts by literally hitting the ground running. it was as big a metaphor for getting sonic right again as you can possibly get. that moment was sonic team knowing they had their shit together.


Have you listened to the map music, OP? They are all amazing and also go on for like 2-3 minutes before they loop, which is funny because you'd only be on the map screen for like 10 seconds at the most.

For example:

Watched Clement's playthrough of Colors and when he highlighted that when he got to Asteroid Coaster, I was really surprised o_O!

They sound really damn good and I love Asteroid Coaster's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn9080eM6zo&list=PLB723FA23FFF047FF&index=32


colors starts by literally hitting the ground running. it was as big a metaphor for getting sonic right again as you can possibly get. that moment was sonic team knowing they had their shit together.

that was so cool

you are just immediately into it

they were like, "yeah we know, but we GOT this shit"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Some of the Eggman announcements had me dying. One of the funnier games released in recent memory.


Sonic Colors is excellent.

Not a popular opinion, but it's better than Generations.

I think they are opposites. Generations starts off strong and gets weaker as it goes on. Colours starts off pretty slow but picks up.

I also prefer Colours.


Before this game I considered Dimps to be the real Sonic Team in all honesty.

The Wii overall was a good platform for Sonic.

Secret Rings was janky, but still kinda fun.

It has a good version of Unleashed all in all.

Black Knight isn't fun to play at all...but it does look really cool!

I agree, as while I had issues with Secret Rings and the Wii version of Unleashed (Too. Much. Werehog X(), got a lot of enjoyment out of the Wii Sonics :D.

Secret Rings was enjoyable, Sonic 4 Ep.I was good enough, really enjoyed Black Knight despite thinking its gameplay is 'meh' (that game is so odd, which I will talk about latter), and really loved All Stars Racing and Colors.

Everyone likes what they like man, so I get why you might not like Colors (controls have some issues with jumping, too much 2D at points).


I think they are opposites. Generations starts off strong and gets weaker as it goes on. Colours starts off pretty slow but picks up.

I also prefer Colours.

generations has higher highs and lower lows. the best parts are the actual levels, but they get worse and, funny enough, the sonic colors levels are the actual worst. it's as though they weren't made by the sonic colors team at all. between those stages are forced missions and a really dumb hub world. the pacing is completely thrown off, but at least you play as sonic the whole time. it's also, by its nature, not a very original game. sonic colors at least had powers that worked, a kickass new soundtrack, and level design that wasn't rooted firmly in the past.


I think they are opposites. Generations starts off strong and gets weaker as it goes on. Colours starts off pretty slow but picks up.

I also prefer Colours.

Generations feels like it was going to have more stages but they 'stopped' before they were 100% finished, leaving the final two portions of gameplay (Planet Wisp and Time Eater) feeling underwhelming.

I would of preferred getting 3 more zones (one per each era) at the expense of the missions and rival fights honestly.
Classic: Ice Cap
Dreamcast: Hang Castle or Lost World
Modern: Night Palace or Eggman Land


generations has higher highs and lower lows. the best parts are the actual levels, but they get worse and, funny enough, the sonic colors levels are the actual worst. it's as though they weren't made by the sonic colors team at all. between those stages are forced missions and a really dumb hub world. the pacing is completely thrown off, but at least you play as sonic the whole time. it's also, by its nature, not a very original game. sonic colors at least had powers that worked, a kickass new soundtrack, and level design that wasn't rooted firmly in the past.

It was the Anniversary game and after the LAST one.....Sonic Team played it completely safe with Generations. I enjoyed it and love it, but.....I would be lying if I said I had no issues with it :l.

For what it was, great package and best controlling Modern Sonic out of the three Modern Style games.
It's fitting that the theme song of this game is "Reach for the stars", one of my favorite vocal pieces in gaming. It was truly the first time that Sonic Team really put their faith in their 3D Sonic Formula, no weird total gameplay changes or control gimmicks, just raw, speedy platforming and reflex testing.

And it was glorious. Game still holds up on the Wii visually, it's astoundingly good.

The writing and tone of the game were on point too. It had just the right balance of edge and self aware humor, that few narrative moments really feel dull, that few sequences are devoid of personality or wit. You looked forward to both the next level and what awesome thing Sonic was going to say next.

The Wisps were brilliant mix ups on the core gameplay, making wonderful uses for slowing down the pace or changing the approach to a level in a fun way to find secrets and the like. And you could be Super Sonic for the first time in the Core gameplay in a 3D game.

If Mario Galaxy made me recall the days of the NES, Colors brought back the days of the Genesis.
I think they are opposites. Generations starts off strong and gets weaker as it goes on. Colours starts off pretty slow but picks up.

I also prefer Colours.

My take as well, generally. The last good level of Generations is Speed Highway, IMO. It becomes really messy from then on. Colors meanwhile gets really wild at the end. I enjoyed my time with it immensely, and while I prefer the music of the Adventure games, Colors has a pretty rad OST as well. Sweet Mountain Act 1 is a great piece of video game music.

Sky Sanctuary on Generations is probably my favorite 3D Sonic level though.


It's fitting that the theme song of this game is "Reach for the stars", one of my favorite vocal pieces in gaming. It was truly the first time that Sonic Team really put their faith in their 3D Sonic Formula, no weird total gameplay changes or control gimmicks, just raw, speedy platforming and reflex testing.

And it was glorious. Game still holds up on the Wii visually, it's astoundingly good.

The writing and tone of the game were on point too. It had just the right balance of edge and self aware humor, that few narrative moments really feel dull, that few sequences are devoid of personality or wit. You looked forward to both the next level and what awesome thing Sonic was going to say next.

The Wisps were brilliant mix ups on the core gameplay, making wonderful uses for slowing down the pace or changing the approach to a level in a fun way to find secrets and the like. And you could be Super Sonic for the first time in the Core gameplay in a 3D game.

If Mario Galaxy made me recall the days of the NES, Colors brought back the days of the Genesis.

Completely agree with the bolded; it had to be the song version of Sonic Team saying "We GOT this now, we will be awesome again guys :D. Don't worry anymore, Sonic is BACK!". Love the track a lot too, one of my favorite of the 3D Sonic's.

It was the Sonic game that brought the 3D formula very close to perfection, with only a few issues holding it back (jumping is stiff at times, not enough 3D at points). I love this game, as you all can tell from my OP XD!

Its nice seeing so many love a recent Sonic game. This entire idea of making new threads on Sonic titles and seeing people enjoy the series.....its nice. Always honestly thought NeoGaf hated the series. But its really nice seeing that proved wrong in spades :D!

Hope you all look forward to future threads I make on Sonic :D!


My take as well, generally. The last good level of Generations is Speed Highway, IMO. It becomes really messy from then on. Colors meanwhile gets really wild at the end. I enjoyed my time with it immensely, and while I prefer the music of the Adventure games, Colors has a pretty rad OST as well. Sweet Mountain Act 1 is a great piece of video game music.

Sky Sanctuary on Generations is probably my favorite 3D Sonic level though.

For me it was Rooftop Run where the ride went to a sudden halt. I loved that level but Planet Wisp felt so off from the rest of the game :(. It had to be a last minute addition or something.....


Thought it's the best 3D Sonic until I played Generations not too long ago. It has all the Sonic Colors music and a variant of one of its best levels, the gameplay and controls are a little more polished, IIRC, it looks amazing, features basically the whole Sonic soundtrack and lets you play more classic style Sonic levels with the classic flair. Also City Escape.

Oh yeah, also 60 FPS instead of 30 which is a joke.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This is the best Sonic game of the last decade, and I do think its better than Generations

Surprising nobody it turns out that good controls and excellent level design contribute to a game that is actually fun to play

And Aquarium Park contains some of the best levels in any Sonic game ever.


but it was better than i expected. i think it was better than anyone would have expected.

It was better than Sega expected, or at least SoA's PR department, which pulled a hilarious about face on their handling of 4 and Colors after the respective reactions they got at E3.
Colors is good, but generally I felt like there were too many levels with not enough clever level design. If the existing stages were turned into a smaller selection of "best ofs", and the wisps were better utilized I would have a much more favorable opinion of the game.

On the flip side, I think Generations is way better. Less in it, but I like basically everything but the last level. Sonic's physics make sense and he isn't slippery, and though the 2D stages could have used some of the inspiration that was put into the fantastic 3D levels, they are still fun.


You know, it still gets me that this game was made by Sonic Team's B TEAM.

They outdid themselves. Still listen to the OST to this day. Starlight Carnival is still my favorite level visually.
This was the first 3D Sonic game I bought since Sonic Heroes, and I enjoyed it a lot. Both the 3D and 2.5D sections were well handled, and the cutscenes finally had a tone that I felt was appropriate for Sonic. Back in the day, I was all about the Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 cutscenes, but now, the Saturday morning nature of Sonic Colors' cutscenes feel more right.

It was better than Sega expected, or at least SoA's PR department, which pulled a hilarious about face on their handling of 4 and Colors after the respective reactions they got at E3.

Any details? I don't remember this.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This was the first 3D Sonic game I bought since Sonic Heroes, and I enjoyed it a lot. Both the 3D and 2.5D sections were well handled, and the cutscenes finally had a tone that I felt was appropriate for Sonic. Back in the day, I was all about the Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 cutscenes, but now, the Saturday morning nature of Sonic Colors' cutscenes feel more right.

It's always where Sonic has shined from a narrative perspective.
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