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Mass Effect 2 Story Discussion (SPOILERS - No Tags Required, You Have Been Warned!)


Apparently it's because the Reapers are actually all made up of liquefied races in a construction process similar to what we saw with the 'human reaper'. It's possible that the Reapers are all made up of one race (hence them looking similar), but none of this makes the 'Human Reaper' any less stupid.

It might add a bit of logic to the Harbinger saying "That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction".

As to why they wanted it, it's possible that they were making a replacement for Sovereign, it could also be a longer term play to take out the Galaxy again in case whatever else they are planning fails, they could have basically built a Human/Reaper and set it loose inside the Milky Way.

EDIT: But it's still kind of nonsensical because they couldn't have gone on snatching colonies for ever without something happening from the Galactic community, and it's not like they were collecting humans very quickly from outlying vulnerable colonies.

I guess that's why they threw in the line about how the Collector Ship was going to Attack Earth (even though that in and of itself is a bit of a stretch).

Male Shepard has some of the most boring and wooden voice acting I've ever heard, I was hoping they'd replace whoever did the voice in ME1. :lol

It would be interesting the get data on the split between male and female Shepard (ditto for Custom versus stock appearance).


Although I guess if some giant flying robot space dude appeared out of nowhere im sure some religion/cult would be made to worship it.

OMG Aero

Zen said:
Apparently it's because the Reapers are actually all made up of liquefied races in a construction process similar to what we saw with the 'human reaper'. It's possible that the Reapers are all made up of one race (hence them looking similar), but none of this makes the 'Human Reaper' any less stupid.

Although it might add a bit of logic to the Harbinger saying "That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction".

Male Shepard has some of the most boring and wooden face acting I've ever heard, I was hoping they'd replace whoever did the voice in ME1. :lol

It would be interesting the get data on the split between male and female Shepard (ditto for Custom versus stock appearance).
I hope not.
While everyone else just loves FemShep, Male Shepard is the voice of my character and I think he has a great voice.


OMG Aero said:
I hope not.
While everyone else just loves FemShep, Male Shepard is the voice of my character and I think he has a great voice.

That's because Jennifer Hale is a good voice actress while whoever they got for Male Shepard is 1 step away from being a windows text to voice bot.

But fair enough. ;)


Zen said:
That's because Jennifer Hale is a good voice actress while whoever they got for Male Shepard is 1 step away from being a windows text to voice bot.
The only good thing I have to say about Male Shep is that his tone fits the weird facial animations and robotic gesturing really well.


Renegade Male Shepard is actually pretty funny to me. Too bad his Paragon voice sounds terrible and his other options sound completely wooden. Hale gets my vote, even though I have heard her do a lot better in other works.


MechaX said:
Renegade Male Shepard is actually pretty funny to me. Too bad his Paragon voice sounds terrible and his other options sound completely wooden. Hale gets my vote, even though I have heard her do a lot better in other works.

Agreed. Hale gets the vote not because her performance is that great, but because Meers's non-Renegade ones are that bad.

I will say that Renegade Male-Shep is pretty amazing.
Yesterday I finished the game, actually the general plot of the saga was very fleshed out but it let out a few questions for me:

  • How Ashley managed to get out from the paralized state when the collectors attacked the Horizon colony? Is the ashley a human controlled collector clone? well I don't really care i ditched her lol
  • I don't undertsnad why the soverign used the geth instead of the more powerful collectors as allies.
  • I don't get the human reaper thing, the IA says the reapers probably do that with all the species they destroyed, so why the reapers look all the same except for that one?
  • What is the picture Shepard is looking at the end of the game, another reaper? the one controlling the collectors?, because at the end it seemed like the one behind the herald was a reaper, the same way Sovereign controlled Saren at the end of ME1?.

And Shepard male voice was better than in ME1, probably Hale is still way better but in ME2 male shepard has more personality and his voice more emotion in certain parts.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Yesterday I finished the game, actually the general plot of the saga was very fleshed out but it let out a few questions for me:

  • How Ashley managed to get out from the paralized state when the collectors attacked the Horizon colony? Is the ashley a human controlled collector clone? well I don't really care i ditched her lol
  • I don't undertsnad why the soverign used the geth instead of the more powerful collectors as allies.
  • I don't get the human reaper thing, the IA says the reapers probably do that with all the species they destroyed, so why the reapers look all the same except for that one?
  • What is the picture Shepard is looking at the end of the game, another reaper? the one controlling the collectors?, because at the end it seemed like the one behind the herald was a reaper, the same way Sovereign controlled Saren at the end of ME1?.

And Shepard male voice was better than in ME1, probably Hale is still way better but in ME2 male shepard has more personality and his voice more emotion in certain parts.

  • The writers are fucking lazy and they needed to get Kaiden/Ashley off the board, so they started to write something that would make sense, but they decided that they'd rather just assassinate their character.
  • As far as we can tell, the Collectors had that one ship, that was blown to hell by a single Turian cannon. No chance it would have stood up to an entire fleet.
  • Bioware really, really, really liked Contra 3, and decided they wanted a boss just like that one. You know, that one! Yeah, that one. Who gives a shit that it makes no sense given everything else that we've seen?
  • Yes, the collector general was always being controlled by a Reaper (Harbinger). This was really badly communicated. I have no idea how Shepard got a readout of Harbinger. Possibly EDI hacked the base, who the fuck knows.

Basically, everything can be summed up by Bioware collectively deciding that they didn't give a shit about story in this game.
Dr Zhivago said:
Dark energy gets referenced elsewhere in the game, so I think it's more than just that.
Aye. They mention it quite a bit in the game, so I imagine it has some significance.

Patryn said:
  • The writers are fucking lazy and they needed to get Kaiden/Ashley off the board, so they started to write something that would make sense, but they decided that they'd rather just assassinate their character.
    [*]As far as we can tell, the Collectors had that one ship, that was blown to hell by a single Turian cannon. No chance it would have stood up to an entire fleet.
  • Bioware really, really, really liked Contra 3, and decided they wanted a boss just like that one. You know, that one! Yeah, that one. Who gives a shit that it makes no sense given everything else that we've seen?
  • Yes, the collector general was always being controlled by a Reaper (Harbinger). This was really badly communicated. I have no idea how Shepard got a readout of Harbinger. Possibly EDI hacked the base, who the fuck knows.

Basically, everything can be summed up by Bioware collectively deciding that they didn't give a shit about story in this game.
That was no ordinary canon. They reverse engineered it from Reaper technology. It's the same shit that Sovereign used in the Citadel invasion. Hell, it might even be better than Reaper tech for all we know.

I imagine an expansion will iron out any issues with the story. They left some curious elements unexplained. Good enough for an expansion, I think. Seeing as how Dragon Age: Origins got one, I don't see any reason as to why this wouldn't.

Cep said:
Agreed. Hale gets the vote not because her performance is that great, but because Meers's non-Renegade ones are that bad.

I will say that Renegade Male-Shep is pretty amazing.
I personally have never had any problem with the male Shepard voice. Why do you guys keep complaining about this shit? It isn't going to change.

macfoshizzle said:
is shepherd a prothean maybe?
No. Definitely human. Shepard does, however, possess the Prothean cipher.


That was no ordinary canon. They reverse engineered it from Reaper technology. It's the same shit that Sovereign used in the Citadel invasion. Hell, it might even be better than Reaper tech for all we know.

The fact remains that it was taken out by one (1) ship, that wasn't even a proper war ship (Normandy was always designed for stealth over damage). The Destiny Ascension would probably have been enough to also take out the ship, and, as said, if they only had the one, it would make sense to go for numbers.

I personally have never had any problem with the male Shepard voice. Why do you guys keep complaining about this shit? It isn't going to change.

To continue to spread the gospel of FemShep. We must get everyone to play FemShep.
Fuck that shit. Play as both male and female.

You are the man, and actually I got an idea for a new mission/DLC:

You know, Bioware, how about rewarding your fellow ME fans giving them a new and exciting experience? Yeah, I mean playing a mission with 2 of you Shep's!!!

Yes, you're playing as one of your Shep's, and then in one of your travels from the Mass Effect relays, something goes wrong and you end, in a parelel dimension!! and in what dimension you ask? of course the one that belongs to one of your other shep's!! so you get a full scenario with 2 shep's and their particular worlds!

It wasn't enough satisfying punching again the reporter? what about a double slam by both of your shepards!!!

Did your other stupid paragon shelf saved the council, nothing like entering the presidium and blowing their heads off!!

And what about having some sex action between both of them? Hell yeah!! and why not make that a threesome? You didn't had enough Miranda, then get two of them!!!

Or make it a co-op experience!!!
Player 2: - "hey let's have some sex...."
Player 1: - "it isn't a bit akward? but I supose we can get a few laughs...."
Player 2: - ".........oh here's the lotion...did you say something?"
* Player 1 leaved the game*

Imagine the posibilities!!!

Do it Bioware!!


Patryn said:
The fact remains that it was taken out by one (1) ship, that wasn't even a proper war ship (Normandy was always designed for stealth over damage). The Destiny Ascension would probably have been enough to also take out the ship, and, as said, if they only had the one, it would make sense to go for numbers.

The SR2 was designed with combat in mind.

The Normandy can destroy the collector vessel with its standard Javelin missiles.

What's going to really cook your goose is seeing the Alliance carriers finally strut their stuff. They'll be unleashing wave after wave of fighters armed with Thanix based weaponry.

The Collector Vessel's size was never sufficiently explored. It needed to be bigger.
Dunno why anyone would send a non tech person through the pipe. To me the initial choices that went through my mind were Tali and Mordin. But if you read the description, Mordin actually specializes in biotics, and Tali was the better tech person. But then I read all the descriptions and realized that Legion was far superior to anyone.

Used Samara for the biotic shield. Again, she was by far the strongest biotic so it was a no brainer.

Jack scared me because I pissed her off (just barely didn't have enough Paragon points when she and Miranda fought and I took Miranda's side) but I did go to her afterwards when I did have Paragon points to try to satisfy her using the Paragon option. She was still pissed at me though. I made sure that I never had Jack with me because of that and also kept Miranda with me most of the time just in case there was going to be any conflict with Jack and Miranda. Made Garrus the second squad's leader because hes probably the only universally respected person in the crew outside of Shepard.

I ended up saving everyone, including Kelly. I did see a cutscene on youtube where Kelly actually dies, I dunno how that ends up happening though.

With the way they ended the game (allowing you to continue playing) I'm hoping they bring a story mission which bridges Mass Effect 2 and 3. Maybe a DLC which includes the full citadel (parts that were in the first game) would be welcome as well.

I didn't catch what Shepard was looking at in the end... schematics for a reaper?
Doodis said:
They're on the Hanar home world being their jelly-fondling slaves.
And that shape suspiciously looks like a reaper... at least the type we saw with Sovereign.

I'm sure its been noted before but at the end when they show the hundreds of Reapers they are of different shapes.
Relaxed Muscle said:
You are the man, and actually I got an idea for a new mission/DLC:

You know, Bioware, how about rewarding your fellow ME fans giving them a new and exciting experience? Yeah, I mean playing a mission with 2 of you Shep's!!!

Yes, you're playing as one of your Shep's, and then in one of your travels from the Mass Effect relays, something goes wrong and you end, in a parelel dimension!! and in what dimension you ask? of course the one that belongs to one of your other shep's!! so you get a full scenario with 2 shep's and their particular worlds!

It wasn't enough satisfying punching again the reporter? what about a double slam by both of your shepards!!!

Did your other stupid paragon shelf saved the council, nothing like entering the presidium and blowing their heads off!!

And what about having some sex action between both of them? Hell yeah!! and why not make that a threesome? You didn't had enough Miranda, then get two of them!!!

Or make it a co-op experience!!!
Player 2: - "hey let's have some sex...."
Player 1: - "it isn't a bit akward? but I supose we can get a few laughs...."
Player 2: - ".........oh here's the lotion...did you say something?"
* Player 1 leaved the game*

Imagine the posibilities!!!

Do it Bioware!!
I always thought it would be cool if my male and female Shepard met. They seem pretty compatible to each other.

Mindlog said:
The Collector Vessel's size was never sufficiently explored. It needed to be bigger.
I agree, but you get a pretty good sense as to how enormous the vessel is when you reach that circular chamber.

Cep said:
I do this as well, especially sense Meer has certainly improved.

But there is no doubt that he is significantly inferior. And truth be told, Hale is not so hot anyway.
I agree.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
infinityBCRT said:
And that shape suspiciously looks like a reaper... at least the type we saw with Sovereign.

I'm sure its been noted before but at the end when they show the hundreds of Reapers they are of different shapes.
Maybe the inkindlers (forgot how that word is spelled) were Reapers? Or vice versa.
ChoklitReign said:
Obvious question: why do the Collectors and Reapers want to make a human Reaper? Is it a propaganda device?
Every 50,000 year it seems the Reapers grind up the dominate species and make new Reapers out of them. Sovereign and Harbinger were created out of some super insect race, apparently. I do believe they said attempts to make a Prothean Reaper failed. My guess is the Reapers do this so they can ensure their dominance throughout eternity by always adapting to whatever natural evolution comes up.
Samara said:
People, this is tame compared to what I've seen on deviant art. Im talking Garrus trying new positions with Shepard here. It's something you can't unsee :lol


I personally have never had any problem with the male Shepard voice. Why do you guys keep complaining about this shit? It isn't going to change.

I don't have a problem with MaleShep voice (my main Shepard is a male :p), but it's true that Meer's voice is sometimes really monotone. He does well when he's threatening someone and do the whole "I'm a space marine" talk, but during some normal conversations with crew members, especially those lighthearted, he sounded really off.
I guess it's true. :/

For someone like me who's only played Mass Effect with a FemShep, few days back I watched a friend playing his save and I heard the MaleShep for the first time...

And then I had a sad, for him.

EDIT: o_0 WTF? Internet and it's addiction to Garrus ... :|
Hmm, just finished my 2nd playthrough, as Renegade FemShep. Legion died in the final mission, no idea why. Oh well, will try again. :) I really don't care about all those small and not so small plot holes because I think that the universe is so well done and the characters are good enough to make up for it.


infinityBCRT said:
Doodis said:
They're on the Hanar home world being their jelly-fondling slaves.
And that shape suspiciously looks like a reaper... at least the type we saw with Sovereign.

I'm sure its been noted before but at the end when they show the hundreds of Reapers they are of different shapes.

Also, regarding the quoted image: blue rocket

I didn't notice the different shaped reapers tho...anyone have a screen grab of that?



My main problem with this game is that it feels much like sitting on a vespa on a 30 mile long drive where the trip is a completely straight road and you can always see where you're going to end up. Despite stopping to eat at some interesting places, there are never any moments in the game where you 'come over a hill' and a completely new scenerey unravels. It's "go beat the collectors. You need to use this relay. Oh, you need a crew. Go!"

I mean, in the first game you're starting out practically going out to buy coffee and then shit just turns batshit bonkers.

Oh, and the music.

I know this is the middle game, but Matrix is a good parallel, wherein Matrix Reloaded (the second) (spoiler-tagged to be safe:)
Neo finds out that there's been five The One's before him and holy snooker-loopie, the prophecy is another system of control and Persephony is really hot![/spoilers] - so it still blows your mind despite being the middle movie (I'd say that it's the Architect's speech that renders most people.. lost for words)

I digress. ME2 was like ME1 but without any cool revelations. Collectors are protheans? DUN DUN ...dun? I mean, I was shocked, but I was more mind-boggled by some of the planet's descriptions in ME1 (the one with the big impact? the one with the laser-marks? etc)

Cool game - not too anxious at the end, because I'm a completionist with ME, not completionist like the achievement in ME1 (I got that one half way through the first time), but as in - I had 100% on all systems in the galaxy - I didn't deplete all the resources, but still.

Apropos why some of your characters die: I'm pretty sure it comes down to if you have that character's speciality max level (like "commando", not stuff like biotic powers, etc).

Everyone survived in my game. Garrus was always B-team's leader - Legion in the pipe, Samara for biotics, Zaeed to go back with the crew. Grunt and Mordin with me.

I swear, there's something fishy about The Illusive Man.


infinityBCRT said:
And that shape suspiciously looks like a reaper... at least the type we saw with Sovereign.

I'm sure its been noted before but at the end when they show the hundreds of Reapers they are of different shapes.

I'm pretty sure that's just a "sitting" Hanharr.

Edit: wait. That's a KoTOR 2 character. Hanar.


I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 far, far more than the first, but I still lament the fact that there was nothing in it even approaching that awe-inspiring cinematic of Sovereign entering Citadel Space and everything that happens from that moment on.


Articate said:
I'm pretty sure that's just a "sitting" Hanharr.
He's saying that the Hanar in that position looks oddly close to the Reaper from ME1

Food for thought considering the Reapers assume the shape of their hosts


Gattsu25 said:
He's saying that the Hanar in that position looks oddly close to the Reaper from ME1

Food for thought considering the Reapers assume the shape of their hosts

Only problem is that that's the hanar's theoretical ass that would be Sovereign's face :p


The artist of that one piece is far too smitten with Samara. I mean, what did she do to deserve being the centerpiece of the picture?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Patryn said:
The artist of that one piece is far too smitten with Samara. I mean, what did she do to deserve being the centerpiece of the picture?
Hatin on Jacob too :lol


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
DY_nasty said:
Hatin on Jacob too :lol

Excluding the most interesting character in the game is bigger fail.


has calmed down a bit.
Just finished this, that was tense! I told myself that I would live with whatever consequences occurred, just like I did with ME1. No second playthrough for me. So that made the ending sequence tense beyond belief for me. I didn't want to lose any of the characters I cared about.

Turns out I saved everyone. Garrus was my second team leader all the time and he did a fantastic job. Samara did the seeker biotic area flawlessly, and Legion hacked. I sent Zaeed back with the rescued crew

The only thing I'm disappointed with was my sleeping with Tali. She's my favorite character now, but I wanted a relationship with Jack instead. I gave that up in the hopes that I'd see Tali's face, but no dice. :(

So, because I'm still excited over beating the game, I'm listing my top teammates, in order of awesomeness:

1. Tali
2. Jack
3. Mordin
4. Jacob
5. Garrus
6. Zaeed

Meh: Miranda, Grunt

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