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Developers: STOP using Chromatic Aberration


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Ha the "arty" excuse...i'm pretty sure there is no CA in the atmosphere of all artwork done for the game and this without altering the atmosphere.
So no we cannot call it an automatic good pick when it's not in original art material.

If i can put out a theory from my ass and because i'm working in IT , i'm more in the hypothesis CA is the trendy effect dumb people with enough decisional power think they must use.

Next e3 publisher meeting :

Mr x : hey do you use CA in your games ?
Mr Y : what is CA ?
Mrx : you don't know what is CA. So last gen....

Next developer meeting with Mr Y :

Mr Y :guys stop all you are doing and add CA to our game. It is the killer feature !
Opinions. How do they work?
Another effect in film is to rub Vaseline on the camera lens, it can look nice dreamy and artistic used right but has ruined many a porn film for some. :)


Its a PP, it is not attached to model edges. Even when trying to simulate it correctly, that (making it model edge dependent... like in Borderlands with its stencil outline) would not model CAs behavior correctly.
You can still do edge-detection through PP (that's how for example outline shader is done in UE4 by default) and that's how I believe it should be done since it's more subtle. CA isn't necessarily meant to be done correctly, but so that it matches the artistic vision.

A good way to think about it is this - unless they're actively looking for it, should the average player notice the effect? The answer to that should be no. When I marathoned The Order with my friend, we were floored by how incredible it looked, but until about the halfway point I wasn't quite able to pin down exactly what it was that made it look so realistic. I had to consciously think about what it was about the image that made it better than other games to realize that it was the near perfect recreation of film.

I too thought the same thing about The Order, and have done with a handful of games this gen. A few games have a certain look to them which just makes them look a cut above every other game. I put it down to the increasing use of PBR in games, though.

When I was saying above that I think devs should be looking at other ways to make games look less 'gamey' without trying to re-create a 'though-the-lens' look, these are the kinds of things they should be focusing on imo. Things like PBR, Global Illumination, high quality textures and assets. No doubt the inclusion of certain camera effects can be used effectively when implemented properly and in conjunction with the things I mentioned above, but that's not what were seeing with so many games these days. What we're seeing for the most part is clumsy, unnecessary, and overdone. Imo of course.


That's because films are filmed with cameras of ranging quality and transferred onto Blu-ray at ranging amounts of effort to scan the film in. There's plenty of Blu-rays that are extremely sharp. Take any Pixar film for example, Samsara, Lawrence of Arabia.

I don't think pixar is a good example. They have stated that they vastly prefer softness to sharpness. They can however get the effect just right as they are using an offline rendering process.
Ah well. Any links to said pics?

I can point it out in other images if you wish.


Junior Member
im glad i cant really see any differences in all these images, i dint want to be as angry as OP. but i do hate some screen tearing and i know people who say they dont notice it so i feel your pain
im glad i cant really see any differences in all these images, i dint want to be as angry as OP. but i do hate some screen tearing and i know people who say they dont notice it so i feel your pain

I think for the OP F1 2015 was the last straw and flipped a little, I don't know, he can speak for himself but it is liberally thrown in games now.


Looked at the pics in the OP, couldn't figure out what CA was until I looked it up. Guess I just don't notice it enough to care.
That might be another reason why some people are better able to tolerate it. The effect is less noticeable if its on a TV sat a distance away from you. Kinda the same deal with lowering resolution. It's far more apparent to those of us with monitors up in our faces than for people sitting back from their TV in their living room.

I would also venture a guess that people with uncalibrated TVs with overly sharpened torch mode settings may not notice it as much either.

The cleaner and more well calibrated your set is, the more things like CA become noticeable. And like you said, if you are playing on a monitor with a clean image and are close to it (as you would be with a monitor), its very apparent.
The entire thread is full of 'em. Just scroll back a page even.

Yeah, I see now....most of the images are zoomed in It really isn't noticeable when playing. It never bothered me. Of course I don't have time to pause games much and walk up to the screen to try and find this stuff. Most games on here that people are using examples of I played and thought they looked pretty decent.
People love noticing pointless things to show how much they notice.

Yeah, that's the reason. Simply to show how much better our eyesight is than everyone else's. Yep. It doesn't actually bother us at all.

*Rolls eyes*

Yeah, I see now....most of the images are zoomed in It really isn't noticeable when playing. It never bothered me. Of course I don't have time to pause games much and walk up to the screen to try and find this stuff. Most games on here that people are using examples of I played and thought they looked pretty decent.

Who does this? I sit 10 ft away from a 42 inch TV and I see this shit right away.
Yeah, that's the reason. Simply to show how much better our eyesight is than everyone else's. Yep. It doesn't actually bother us at all.

*Rolls eyes*

Who does this? I sit 10 ft away from a 42 inch TV and I see this shit right away.

The thing is, I likewise see it regardless of distance due to how it changes colors and perceived clarity. It being a fullscreen effect / like colour correction / makes it really obvious to me.


Dammit GAF, this is going to be one of those things where I never noticed it before hearing about it on here, and now I'm always going to notice it.

Yup, I'm going to chalk this up as me being dumb but I don't know what we're talking about. I won't let GAF ruin something else for me :p


Yup, I'm going to chalk this up as me being dumb but I don't know what we're talking about. I won't let GAF ruin something else for me :p

That's right. Stick it to the GAF. I'm going to go home tomorrow and play Bloodborne and have CA all over my face. And then I'm going to email From and tell them to use more of it.


CA is clearly an artistic decision.

Theres absolutely no reason a horror game or horror themed game would benefit from a clearer image, when the entire point of the setting is to make you unconfortable.
Unless you have an ostomy. Then they sow your butthole up so you can't poo no more. Though I guess you still have a butthole, but it doesn't work.

My comment originally included situations in which one would not have a butthole or limited use of said butthole, but I thought it a bit much ;)
Yeah, I see now....most of the images are zoomed in It really isn't noticeable when playing. It never bothered me. Of course I don't have time to pause games much and walk up to the screen to try and find this stuff. Most games on here that people are using examples of I played and thought they looked pretty decent.

You actually play the game? Bro your doing it wrong.
CA is clearly an artistic decision.

Theres absolutely no reason a horror game or horror themed game would benefit from a clearer image, when the entire point of the setting is to make you unconfortable.

So are you saying a clear image would make you less uncomfortable? If so, I disagree. Well done art style, enemy design, gameplay difficulty, and sound design are things that are going to make me uncomfortable, all of which are areas that BB excels in, not making the screen look like I'm supposed to play the game with retro 3D glasses on.

Well, that will make me uncomfortable too, but for the wrong reasons. Lol.

I know I'm giving GAF a hard time, but I think the right picture looks better (if a little bit washed out maybe?). On the right I can actually see the armor in detail, the left picture is too dark. Just me tho

I believe they said the left picture is a frost/ice effect. Not the actual texture of the armor.


Honestly OP, i don't really mind it at all.

I liked it a lot in The Order and Bloodborne seems to use it well.

For the most part I would rather devs use the techniques they want to use, this isn't a universal technique so I don't see the problem.

Devs, keep on doing what you do.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Honestly OP, i don't really mind it at all.

I liked it a lot in The Order and Bloodborne seems to use it well.

For the most part I would rather devs use the techniques they want to use, this isn't a universal technique so I don't see the problem.

Devs, keep on doing what you do.

expect a ton of posts quoting you telling you you are wrong for "reasons"

I do feel bad for the people who claim to experience eye strain (though if an "effect" causes eye strain I have to question how close they are sitting to their displays).. but beyond that.. people in this thread don't seem to get that they are neither the devs deciding to use an effect (whatever that may be) nor are they the people (such as you and myself) that think it actually adds to the presentation in some cases (like Bloodborne). Instead they just want to be "right".

To me CA is like cel shading back in the early 00s. Was it WAY FUCKING OVERUSED!!!?!? yes. Does the fact that it was overused prevent Zelda Wind Waker on GCN from STILL being a gorgeous game over a decade later? Hell no.


I too thought the same thing about The Order, and have done with a handful of games this gen. A few games have a certain look to them which just makes them look a cut above every other game. I put it down to the increasing use of PBR in games, though.

When I was saying above that I think devs should be looking at other ways to make games look less 'gamey' without trying to re-create a 'though-the-lens' look, these are the kinds of things they should be focusing on imo. Things like PBR, Global Illumination, high quality textures and assets. No doubt the inclusion of certain camera effects can be used effectively when implemented properly and in conjunction with the things I mentioned above, but that's not what were seeing with so many games these days. What we're seeing for the most part is clumsy, unnecessary, and overdone. Imo of course.

I don't think games need to look less gamey. I'm playing a videogame because I want to play a fucking videogame. High quality "realistic" assets are fine. But I want the graphics to serve the purpose of representing a game, not a cinematic experience.

Edit due to typo: I don't know when it became wrong for games to look like games, but I don't agree with that philosophy.
I do feel bad for the people who claim to experience eye strain (though if an "effect" causes eye strain I have to question how close they are sitting to their displays).. but beyond that.. people in this thread don't seem to get that they are neither the devs deciding to use an effect (whatever that may be) nor are they the people (such as you and myself) that think it actually adds to the presentation in some cases (like Bloodborne). Instead they just want to be "right".

I doubt this.The people who do notice it and are bothered by it are being genuine, and the people who don't notice it an/or aren't bothered by it are being genuine. That's how it appears to me. I don't agree with the way you're just generalizing everyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you and trying to negate their opinions by making baseless claims. :/

And I'm not sure why you say we need to get that we aren't devs...or that we need to get that some people aren't bothered by it/like it. I mean, I do accept artistic choice, and I accept other people's and opinions...but surely the only thing that should matter to yourself is how you view it. No? "Getting" those other things doesn't change my own opinion on the matter.

I don't think games need to look less gamey. I'm playing a videogame because I want to play a fucking videogame. High quality "realistic" assets are fine. But I want the graphics to serve the purpose of representing a game, not a cinematic experience.

I don't know when it because wrong for games to look like games, but I don't agree with that philosophy.

Oh, I completely agree. The only reason I said what I said is because keeping games looking like games is simply becoming less and less common in game development these days, we are seeing more and more devs strive for realistic visuals. And if that's the path they're going to go down, I'd prefer it to be achieved more by the means I listed, and less by trying to re-create a 'through-the-lens' look. Or with a nice balance of both.


I do feel bad for the people who claim to experience eye strain (though if an "effect" causes eye strain I have to question how close they are sitting to their displays).. but beyond that.. people in this thread don't seem to get that they are neither the devs deciding to use an effect (whatever that may be) nor are they the people (such as you and myself) that think it actually adds to the presentation in some cases (like Bloodborne). Instead they just want to be "right".

I'm one of the people that suffer from eye strain due to this effect. If you don't suffer from it, or don't notice it, I envy you.
I play on my 24" monitor, which is about 50" from where I sit (I play mostly on my PC). I don't think I'm sitting that close to my display.

Even though I suffer from this, I'm not asking the devs not to use it... they can use whatever they want, it's their game (just don't expect me to buy it if I can't turn it off)
I'm just asking for a toggle, which shouldn't be too hard, but hey, what do I know.
You can play and enjoy something while simultaneously pointing out things you dislike about it, you know? I dislike its use in GTA V, but I still have days worth of play time with it.

I just can't see it at all. Jaggie complaints I understand but I made two videos on Bloodborne looking for this Christmas tree effect and I don't see it. The game looks crisp and awesome I just don't see the issue.
I just can't see it at all. Jaggie complaints I understand but I made two videos on Bloodborne looking for this Christmas tree effect and I don't see it. The game looks crisp and awesome I just don't see the issue.

Fair enough, good for you. But some people do see it, and are bothered by it. That doesn't mean they aren't still playing or enjoying the game, though.

And to be honest, the BB shots in the OP is the worse I've ever seen the CA in that game. It's still overdone overall imo, but yeah, those shots are definitely worst case scenario.


I want to meet this person who gets nauseated by CA. Its not that I don't believe them, I just think it'd be entertaining to have them throw up after showing them before and after pictures of floor textures (like the Isolation pics above).

You monster!


I want to meet this person who gets nauseated by CA. Its not that I don't believe them, I just think it'd be entertaining to have them throw up after showing them before and after pictures of floor textures (like the Isolation pics above).

It doesn't nauseate me, but it does cause me significant eyestrain - far more than the 3DS with 3D turned to max, as an example.
Fair enough, good for you. But some people do see it, and are bothered by it. That doesn't mean they aren't still playing or enjoying the game, though.

And to be honest, the BB shots in the OP is the worse I've ever seen the CA in that game. It's still overdone overall imo, but yeah, those shots are definitely worst case scenario.

But that just doesn't make sense to me. Like I said I can't understand someone saying - "yeah I see the jaggies but they just don't bother me" but I can't see this effect in live gameplay or with the game paused. I'm spinning the camera looking at things in the foreground or background and I just don't see anything at all. Does it have to do with the kind of tv your watching it on? I'm on a 55" plasma

Also the assertion that the effect is hurting IQ at least in BB seems crazy to me. It looks perfectly crisp.
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