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Let us calmly discuss the Monster Hunter 4chan rumor about PS4 and Switch

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I would personally prefer MH5 to carry the majority of the good improvements while shaking up something that has gotten old

Not sure about the QTE thing but the mounting minigame in 4th gen is pretty close to that.

I feel like generations was a cool experiment but definitely could use a second pass of editing and refinement

IF they do it on PS4 I want it to still be monster hunter but also break some of its conventions
QTEs?!? Who in their right mind makes a game based on QTEs nowadays?

The Monster Hunter team.


Only kidding....kind of.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The Monster Hunter team.


Only kidding....kind of.
That's why the framing of the rumor is important. You can make a marginally different game sound very different by shaping perception early. I'm not believing they will dramatically change the core of the game.
That's why the framing of the rumor is important. You can make a marginally different game sound very different by shaping perception early. I'm not believing they will dramatically change the core of the game.


There are changes I would like to see and potential to be reached but the base principals of the series foundation are solid and should remain intact


That's why the framing of the rumor is important. You can make a marginally different game sound very different by shaping perception early. I'm not believing they will dramatically change the core of the game.

Yeah I'm sure people will be fine with whatever they end up showing if this turns out real.
Then we have the gameplay changes. I've found that "X is now open world" means the loss of tight design and refined gameplay in most cases.
Take FFXV for example- Square ended up going full Ubisoft and significantly dumbing down the experience relative to the footage we saw of Versus XIII, though granted that game has its own games-as-a-service issues to deal with outside of its structure.

FFXV had better dungeon design than FF13 and even FFX. Have you even played FFXV? What dumbing down relative to Versus lol


QTEs are a different thing from button mashing, though.
Especially because in Monster Hunter it's always the same button in the situation you pictured.

Hm not really. The only difference is no on-screen prompts. Like QTEs there is a success and fail state and you have limited action over the events happening there. Also there have been MANY button-mashing QTE sequences before.


Time Traveler
If it's up to Capcom, then I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't also release on PS4. Lets face it though, it's probably not Capcom's decision to make as much as it is Nintendo's at this point.
Marketing deal with Nintendo. That, and they don't want to split the market. If you have part of yourself customers on one ecosystem and another part in other, then a lot of the appeal of MH is lost.

I can totally see Sony reaching Capcom for this game, PS4's sales in Japan have been less than stellar, although healthy, and the sudden release of the Switch make that console much less appealing.

If PS4 becomes irrelevant in Japan, and I mean by that, selling 5k or so every week instead of 15k, then a lot of smaller games will switch (TM) from that console, and believe it or not, those titles are extremely important for a console's success, because they bridge the gap between big releases, and it would have Sony competing with MS without Japanese games, competing in MS's turf.

I can also see Capcom signing the deal, seduced by the prospect of growing the series popularity in the west.

The panicking part is also logical, I don't think anyone could have predicted the Switch's popularity worldwide (not even Nintendo, seeing they are not even close to meet demand), looking in retrospect it's a really stupid decision that may hurt the franchise as a whole.

Making two games (MH5 and MHP5) is double the cost, and the fanboy wars it will spawn will hurt the franchise. The marketing deal with Nintendo probably changed for the worse for Capcom. MH5 vs real MH, here we go!

Seeing how the SFV deal hurt that franchise (stupidly so IMO, never understood that decision), I fully understand the panicking part.

I believe the rumour, only because Capcom gonna Capcom. No bread, no crumbs.
QTEs are a different thing from button mashing, though.
Especially because in Monster Hunter it's always the same button in the situation you pictured.

QTE mean Quick Time Events does not refer specifically to press X button now.

QTE's are moments you don't have control of your character.

That image is what I also thought of when I read the PS4 rumor.
The panicking part is also logical, I don't think anyone could have predicted the Switch's popularity worldwide (not even Nintendo, seeing they are not even close to meet demand), looking in retrospect it's a really stupid decision that may hurt the franchise as a whole.

This rumor is from October, 2016. Switch's success was far from known at the time.

If this is real, imagine the panic over at Capcom HQ now.

Sony's not really still competing for Western support though. The PS4 safety dominated MS's turf this generation.

Street Fighter 5 also had some launch issues that held back early enthusiasm. Plus I'm not sure how high the demand is these days for non smash Bros fighting games. I feel like the genre is just in decline.
You can say a lot of negative things about Dragon's Dogma and you'll be right, but saying that it's combat is unsatisfying... Well let's just say that you are in a very, very, very, very small minority in agreeing to that.

Watch the video I linked and tell me it's fine.

There are moments where the combat is satisfying, and then moments where it isn't. If measured by the relatively poor standards at the time, offered by games like Skyrim and The Witcher 2, it measured quite favourably. But if it were a MH game? A game focused on its combat systems, I don't think Dragon's Dogma would hold up.
Only thing I feel for sure is that they wouldn't call the Switch game "Portable 4th".

I think some people are making too much of an issue of the supposed contradictory motives of Capcom and Sony, MH is one of the biggest 3rd party names in Japan and even a totally reimagined game would likely be up there as one of the best selling PS4 titles.


Only thing I feel for sure is that they wouldn't call the Switch game "Portable 4th".

I think some people are making too much of an issue of the supposed contradictory motives of Capcom and Sony, MH is one of the biggest 3rd party names in Japan and even a totally reimagined game would likely be up there as one of the best selling PS4 titles.

You say that but Stories bombed in Japan.


Only thing I feel for sure is that they wouldn't call the Switch game "Portable 4th".

I think some people are making too much of an issue of the supposed contradictory motives of Capcom and Sony, MH is one of the biggest 3rd party names in Japan and even a totally reimagined game would likely be up there as one of the best selling PS4 titles.

That's no a high bar at all.

MH XX - the game that 'under-performed' - still sold better than PS4's best selling game.
Hitstun? Most games dont employ it either... It'll be a boring fight when you could just lock the enemy from atacking you or to give a feel that it is strong or massive.

Feedback, animations, reflecting damage received, the impact and weight of the attack, does not, in any way, necessitate hitstun.

Although, if you do want to stun an enemy as a result of an attack, you can still make the fight challenging, in other ways.

It's almost ironic that you complain that it'll be a boring fight if you stop the enemy from attacking you, but the trolls in Dragon's Dogma do exactly that, they barely attack you at all. It feels as though they move to strike you every 30 seconds or so.

I don't deny that there are some fights that are better than others. Some enemies that are more responsive. In general I preferred the fights with smaller enemies and groups, where enemies get knocked down, knocked back, etc when they're struck. Some of the larger enemies are also cool, when they could have specific components knocked away from them, and so forth, but a fair number of fights in the game suffer from a glaring lack of feedback.
QTEs are a different thing from button mashing, though.
Especially because in Monster Hunter it's always the same button in the situation you pictured.
Now we've got people defending QTEs because reasons. If you lose control and need to mash a button to regain control, that's a QTE. No need to try and re define the term because it's included in one of the 3DS games.
That's no a high bar at all.

MH XX - the game that 'under-performed' - still sold better than PS4's best selling game.

That's kind of the point, there's nothing suggesting Sony was competing with MHXX, which may not have even been conceived of at the time. Getting a mainline exclusive MH would gain them mindshare in Japan more than any other unnanouced 3rd party franchise I can think of.


I'm just hoping the combat is fucked if there really is a PS4/XB1 version, since very few compare to Monster Hunter in the same genre.

I don't want a Monster Hunter that's actually a Dragon's Dogma sequel give me the classics.
Exactly what I thought. Hopefully they didn't just rename dragon dogma sequel to mh5. DD is on its own gameplay and should never mix with how mh combat style is.


There should be more tampons in gaming
What's with the paranoia and hysteria some of you guys are exhibiting in here? I'll wait to see what happens at E3 but this seems like a win-win for Sony and Capcom. Capcom can create a game that remains wildly popular in Japan, while also enticing other territories to play MH and still reap the rewards of having other entries of MH on Switch and 3ds. At the same time, Sony can regain traction in Japan while also getting more players in EU/NA to purchase PS4's for MH5. I know Sony likely wants greater sales in Japan so I think it's a wise move to invest in MH5, Capcom does owe Sony for Deep Down and I'd like to see what's become of that as well. I don't think QTE's are a mechanic that anyone cares about anymore; it's just something that allows for greater spectacle but deprives players of interaction and I don't see that appealing to the targeted audience.

In truth Sony could create it's own series that trumps Monster Hunter. I think it could have the acclaim of the MH franchise and it's sales but I think it may be hard to penetrate the market in Japan. Japan seems to favor legacy franchises or games largely made by Japanese companies...Sony is one but their games are meant to appeal to a greater player base rather than specifically target the average player in Japan and the leads to lukewarm commercial reception in Japan for those games.


The button mashing mounting bits are hardly QTEs. I would even argue that they arent at all but I can totally see why some people would consider that a QTE so whatever.

However, Im not sure that "Monster Hunter already has QTEs" means anything when your discussing this rumor as the rumor talks about them like its something the series hasnt done yet. And thats whats worrying people. Because it reeks of God of War or early Uncharted or other things of that nature. Even that FFXV image posted above would be a shitty idea for this series...doesnt matter how spectacular it is.

Exactly what I thought. Hopefully they didn't just rename dragon dogma sequel to mh5. DD is on its own gameplay and should never mix with how mh combat style is.

Ever since I played DD, I kind of wished theyd make it to be a MH-like series. I actually think tweaking DD to provide a streamlined MH-like game on consoles is smarter than re-tinkering MH to make it something its not.


That's kind of the point, there's nothing suggesting Sony was competing with MHXX, which may not have even been conceived of at the time. Getting a mainline exclusive MH would gain them mindshare in Japan more than any other unnanouced 3rd party franchise I can think of.

Do you really seen a console Monster Hunter doing better in Japan than Final Fantasy? Keep in mind that last gen, the only third party million sellers on console were FFXIII and Monster Hunter Tri, and the former did outsell the latter, despite the userbase differences. I really don't see how a PS4 MH5 hits the ~1 million that FFXV has racked up.


Time Traveler
Sony's not really still competing for Western support though. The PS4 safety dominated MS's turf this generation.

Street Fighter 5 also had some launch issues that held back early enthusiasm. Plus I'm not sure how high the demand is these days for non smash Bros fighting games. I feel like the genre is just in decline.
They are competing for it, and if Sony ​loses the Japanese market (as in becoming irrelevant, as I previously defined it), then the only thing for them to compete for is Western support, and Microsoft has a clear advantage there.
They are competing for it, and if Sony ​loses the Japanese market (as in becoming irrelevant, as I previously defined it), then the only thing for them to compete for is Western support, and Microsoft has a clear advantage there.

I'm not sure I'm following. How does Microsoft have an advantage regarding Western support?


They are competing for it, and if Sony ​loses the Japanese market (as in becoming irrelevant, as I previously defined it), then the only thing for them to compete for is Western support, and Microsoft has a clear advantage there.

Sony will be never be irrelevant in Japan though. The vast majority of third party series have their fanbases entrenched on Sony devices, those series would die before abandoning Sony platforms altogether.


MS had a western support advantage at the beginning of the 360. Most of that was just a timed advantage in the end.

Western support is predominantly multiplatform. Don't see how MS has an advantage there. EA access? Is that the thought?


OT: idk what Sony's thinking on Japan is. They don't really need it much for either developer or consumer support, but, at the same time, it does net them a bunch of niche exclusives and adds certain flavors to their overall library.

I could see them being overprotective against Nintendo which is still trying to "win" Japan even as Sony has turned to building devices for the outside world first, but you'd think that Sony will still have the platform that gives Japan access to the west even if Nintendo re energizes the domestic market with Switch or something else down the road.
Do you really seen a console Monster Hunter doing better in Japan than Final Fantasy? Keep in mind that last gen, the only third party million sellers on console were FFXIII and Monster Hunter Tri, and the former did outsell the latter, despite the userbase differences. I really don't see how a PS4 MH5 hits the ~1 million that FFXV has racked up.

It doesn't matter, all I said was it would be one of the best selling.

Remember the original rumour already pointed it the potential sting in the tail of Switch retaining the classic style of game, so the controversy of the idea was already part of that.

The other thing to think about is we could be heading towards the not impossible scenario where Sony funded Street Fighter V is outsold by SFIIUHD or whatever it's called, but even if that happened it shouldn't have stopped Sony doing it.


There should be more tampons in gaming
They are competing for it, and if Sony ​loses the Japanese market (as in becoming irrelevant, as I previously defined it), then the only thing for them to compete for is Western support, and Microsoft has a clear advantage there.

That doesn't really make much sense. Sony has for the most part, cornered the Western market; the PS4 consistently sells better, has better selling software and has marketing deals with more studios, creating incentives for players to remain on PS4. Sony needs to keep it's focus here but also do something to expand the market and player base in Japan.


Time Traveler
I'm not sure I'm following. How does Microsoft have an advantage regarding Western support?
Because they have better relationship with the companies, by the fact that it is a western company.

Sure, PS4 sells double of what Xbone sells, so it is the most supported system, and they use that advantage to land exclusivity deals, but Microsoft will always have an advantage in the west.

Think of it as a handicap. It's small but it's there and will always be there (and Sony has a clear advantage over Microsoft in Japan, but not over Nintendo).
Because they have better relationship with the companies, by the fact that it is a western company.

Sure, PS4 sells double of what Xbone sells, so it is the most supported system, and they use that advantage to land exclusivity deals, but Microsoft will always have an advantage in the west.
This post literally makes no sense. You contradict yourself....


A PS4 Monster Hunter would be big news. I don't see why Monster Hunter being on the PS4 should make people anything other than happy. Hopefully if there is "streamlining" then it is light and nuanced. Monster Hunter could use a little tweaking here and there to minimize some of the tedium, but they need to be careful to not completely undermine what make Monster Hunter so unique and interesting.

Because they have better relationship with the companies, by the fact that it is a western company.

Sure, PS4 sells double of what Xbone sells, so it is the most supported system, and they use that advantage to land exclusivity deals, but Microsoft will always have an advantage in the west.

Think of it as a handicap. It's small but it's there and will always be there (and Sony has a clear advantage over Microsoft in Japan, but not over Nintendo).

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