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RIP Duke Nukem Forever. 3D Realms to close

Joseph Merrick said:
I'm sure someone else buying the publishing rights from Take2 isn't impossible.
Certainly not impossible . . . but difficult. Would like to pay one of your competitors a bunch of money just to get the publishing rights to DNF and then pay a group that was unable to finish a game in 12 years to continue development. It is possible . . . but I think other publishers would also demand the right to own the IP and TTWO would price it so high that 3DR would be better off getting a deal with TTWO.
stuburns said:
So the situation is, TakeTwo own the publishing rights to DNF. So, they are the only company who can release the game.

And 3DR can't just change the name and get out the deal of course, so whatever the next big Duke Nukem game is, it's theirs to publish.

If they can't finish the project, they can't put it out so they have to close the studio and scrap the game.

This is why I think this is all a joke. Because I can't believe anyone wouldn't suck it up, take the lose of the IP and finish the project.

They can wait around and hope the DS/PSP games do well enough to fund finishing it maybe. Though that's unlikely.

It's too stupid to be true.

Yeah . . . I'm a bit perplexed as well. I think that people will take a hard look at things and work out some arrangement. It would just be really stupid to let Duke die in legal limbo.

Perhaps they'll work out a deal with T2 or perhaps they'll get another publisher to buy the rights from T2. I would suspect the former since 3DR just does not have much leverage with the Duke IP rights but no money, a track record of failure to deliver, and publishing rights in T2's hands.
I'm not sure why people are assuming it's all a hoax, you're almost certainly setting yourself up for disappointment at E3. The whole reason that animation reel came out is 'cause the animator's gonna need a job soon. Joe (the webmaster) is already talking about how the website is gonna shut down but he might start a new fan-driven site for the community to migrate to.


faceless007 said:
I'm not sure why people are assuming it's all a hoax, you're almost certainly setting yourself up for disappointment at E3. The whole reason that animation reel came out is 'cause the animator's gonna need a job soon. Joe (the webmaster) is already talking about how the website is gonna shut down but he might start a new fan-driven site for the community to migrate to.
If it were a hoax, don't you think they would have a developers reel 'leak'?

I'm not setting myself up for disappointment because I don't care about the game. I just think it's so stupid that there must be more to it.


daycru said:
I'm here to do two things: continue a never ending con and secure funding. And I'm all out of funding.
If they weren't self-funding. I would seriously think they are just pulling the most elaborate con in history.

Too Human was kind of like that, "check out this mad shit EA, we can make it for PS1, give us some money", "check out this mad shit we made for PS1 Nintendo, we can make it for your console, give us money", "check out this mad shit we made for the Gamecube MS, we can make if for your console, give us money".


Gold Member
This entire story is just bizzare as hell, and just oozes of Hoax.

If its not a Hoax there is just no freaking way a publisher wouldn't shell out 5 million to finish the game we saw in that demo reel. This game sells atleast a million copies without loosing much sleep.


Vestal said:
This entire story is just bizzare as hell, and just oozes of Hoax.

If its not a Hoax there is just no freaking way a publisher wouldn't shell out 5 million to finish the game we saw in that demo reel. This game sells atleast a million copies without loosing much sleep.

But how do you know they'll finish it?

They could spend the 5M on development (5M for 40 people to bug crush for six months? What the fuck?) but they might also do fuck all, then just ask for another 5M. It'll be the exact same situation if they do. They're tied in with a publisher, if TakeTwo ever want to see it, they just have to pay indefinitely.


stuburns said:
But how do you know they'll finish it?

They could spend the 5M on development (5M for 40 people to bug crush for six months? What the fuck?) but they might also do fuck all, then just ask for another 5M. It'll be the exact same situation if they do. They're tied in with a publisher, if TakeTwo ever want to see it, they just have to pay indefinitely.
You get a guy in there to whip them and set goals. That is the whole reason why this project was doomed from the start. There has never been a goal in sight.


Gold Member
stuburns said:
But how do you know they'll finish it?

They could spend the 5M on development (5M for 40 people to bug crush for six months? What the fuck?) but they might also do fuck all, then just ask for another 5M. It'll be the exact same situation if they do. They're tied in with a publisher, if TakeTwo ever want to see it, they just have to pay indefinitely.

You think 5 million doesn't buy you a seat at the Dev table? Its 5 million and you go into HELL crunch mode for the next few months with some Oversight from the lenders.


You guys are right actually yeah.

I didn't think of that, but if I were TakeTwo I'd pay it and have someone in the office everyday cracking the whip and confiscating the blow.


stuburns said:
You guys are right actually yeah.

I didn't think of that, but if I were TakeTwo I'd pay it and have someone in the office everyday cracking the whip and confiscating the blow.

But does George even want this?

The whole reason they've self-funded the project and scrapped it and re-started several times is specifically because he doesn't want to be beholden to a publisher and a deadline. He wants to develop things on his own time, to his own vision, no matter what the cost.


goodcow said:
But does George even want this?

The whole reason they've self-funded the project and scrapped it and re-started several times is specifically because he doesn't want to be beholden to a publisher and a deadline. He wants to develop things on his own time, to his own vision, no matter what the cost.
He's had 13 years of doing whatever he wants. There's a time where keeping your employees in work and your company going are more important than your ego.

And it doesn't matter now. If the game is really six months out, and they're just fixing bugs, there is no objective creativity left to enforce. Creatively the game is done, or he's a liar.
Duke Nukem Forever? More like.. Duke Nukem NEVER!

... (Crickets)
really hope this can get finished off SOMEHOW.

Surely T2 can organise to hold on to some of the key people from 3D and bring in a new team to finish it off?
U K Narayan said:
Duke Nukem Forever? More like.. Duke Nukem NEVER!

... (Crickets)

You're about 20 years too late with that call...

The first few pages of this thread are full of people calling it Duke Nukem ForNever.

Anything new leaked out since the design trailer? Any new word from apparent ex 3D Realms employees?
as sad as it is, it's done guys.

you don't believe it, because you don't want to believe it.

accept it, and then if you turn out to be wrong, awesome, you get a game to play. otherwise you go on hoping indefinitely getting crazier and crazier as time goes on.


Don't know if it has been posted but this basically clears everything up and lord knows a lot of people need clearing up. And yes, this guy is confirmed to be legit.

The story I got from my brother was long and drawn out, but my understanding is that basically they were running low on capital and fully expected to get an injection from the publisher. Because of an old fight with the publisher (3DR apparently audited them on Max Payne earnings and found they were holding back, so the relationship was already hurt after that) there was some personal aspect to why they chose not to invest.

Plus, I'm sure the general outlook of the economy didn't help and then, to be fair, what credibility did 3DR have left after promising for years? As the other fellow said, even if it looked like they were so close, how could anyone be sure someone wouldn't make a dumb move and decide start over again or whatever.

I don't know all of the details, but I know the 3DR folks were just as shocked that they came this close only to have the rug pulled out. I heard they even shopped this to Valve, id, and other studios begging out of respect for the IP for loans to keep this thing going just long enough to tie it up. But of course everyone else has their money tied up into their own current projects. The money for this sort of thing has been drying up and people aren't willing to toss it to someone with such a poor track record, even if they see the game is nearly done. It's just too risky.

What I saw, and again, this was nearly a year ago, was a LOT of stuff that refers to or directly mimics D3D. There were, for example, levels you played through then you'd get shrunk and play them through going backwards except now you're small and everything is different from that perspective. I heard rumor of a level where Duke gets shrunk and hops in an RC car and drives around for a while, jumping off pool tables and whatnot.

I think they were clearly trying to give the player those recognizable moments, with a few twists here and there. The story, as best I could tell from the few levels I played through, was essentially Duke vs. Aliens again, but it certainly started out differently and went in a few different directions.

The reason you start off playing the Duke 3D "arcade", I gathered, was because there's some slowness after that where you're Duke and you're walking around in your huge Duke mansion (you literally have a Duke throne in one part of this huge building). I don't know how the story progresses from there, but that's how I understood it started off. I think the idea (then, it may have changed) was that Duke has everything at this point, he's a rich super hero in his mega-building in Vegas, and he's beginning to get bored with things when suddenly, and conveniently, a huge alien ship crashes.

Lots could have changed since that time, but from what I've seen of my bro's renders and movies from the game more recently, mostly it all looks like the same stuff I saw a year ago just a little more polished.

If this is a publicity stunt and 3DR really hasn't gone under, then they've got the employees convinced it's real too. My bro has submitted resumes and setup a portfolio site. He's making calls. He clearly believes he's out of work right now. So while I'd love for it to be a huge stunt, I think it's a little late for that.

I don't want to say too much more than what I believe is already out on the net in different pieces. Maybe it doesn't matter at this point, but George could easily figure out who I am and who my brother is and I don't want to bring anything down on his head or hurt that relationship.

My understanding from my bro and stories I've heard is that George is genuinely a great guy who tried to do everything he could to prevent this from happening. Maybe he was part of the problem at one point by being too much of a perfectionist, I don't know, but I get the feeling his love of Duke and this IP was always well intentioned.

My guess is that someone will ultimately get the IP and do something with it. So while 3DR seems dead, I doubt this is the last we've heard of Duke. I just hope someone terrible doesn't buy it and farm it out to some generic studio that doesn't care for the project.




Nikorasu said:
but my understanding is that basically they were running low on capital and fully expected to get an injection from the publisher. Because of an old fight with the publisher (3DR apparently audited them on Max Payne earnings and found they were holding back, so the relationship was already hurt after that) there was some personal aspect to why they chose not to invest.

Plus, I'm sure the general outlook of the economy didn't help and then, to be fair, what credibility did 3DR have left after promising for years? As the other fellow said, even if it looked like they were so close, how could anyone be sure someone wouldn't make a dumb move and decide start over again or whatever.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Can someone compile the story from the leaked spreadsheet? It's hard to follow in that format.


Zeenbor said:
Those are pretty incredible.
Indeed they are. Duke looks pretty amazing, though he looks... old? Something's off about his head, but I don't know what.
Good models, though.
That octobrain and podgirl look real great.

If this really was as close as they are saying, then I feel a bit of confidence that we will see this game SOMEHOW.


Man, as much as I never though we'd see it released I really did want to play DNF... delayed depression about to kick in I think...
i'm going to have to stop looking at the leaked stuff unless something playable leaks (one can hope right?) because it's too depressing.

it still looks really fucking good after all this time... and we only find out after the game is basically canceled. *le sigh*


FirstInHell said:

Some of you may remember Apogee's twitter last week made mention of a impending Duke Nukem announcement. Many fans were hoping they picked up the rights to DNF and the game would see the light of day. Their announcement after the link.

"The winner will travel around the world promoting the upcoming Duke Nukem Trilogy and generally making a fool of themselves."

Cool shit, bro. The same Duke Nukem Trilogy that had the most laughably horrible trailer of all time?



Those pictures remind me of the 'mirror crash' in the build engine. If you put two mirrors opposite of each other, they would reflect the image over and over again like a real mirror until the game crashed. They probably have a fix out for it now.

Following the sudden shut down of Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms last week, rumors began to circulate that the studio had opted to close instead of selling the overall Duke Nukem property to publishing partner Take-Two for some $30 million.
Now, 3D Realms co-founder Scott Miller has outright denied those rumors, telling Shacknews that the studio "would have taken this offer without hesitation" if it meant finishing DNF, indicating that the reality is "Not. Even. Close." to the rumors.

Responding to one reader that claimed they would have "sold the IP in a heart beat and created a new IP with that 30 million," Miller said "Hell, I would have also!"

Another rumor, this one claiming that Take-Two offered to sell 3D Realms the Duke Nukem Forever publishing rights for $30 million, has thus far gone unaddressed.
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