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DQ Swords Impressions


force push the doodoo rock
Yeah, the moving with the B button helps in the towns, but its such a laborious chore to get around the town.

I really like the level designs thus far though, going through those little passage ways can be sometimes


One thing that I think will divide players over the long run is that later on this is how stages go:

1. Enter a stage, play 50-90% through it (so maybe 10-15 mins), learn the enemy patterns, lose HP/MP a little at a time while you do.

2. When low on HP/MP and out of items (or if you're trying to save items), escape back to town keeping all your money/items/exp

3. Go back to the stage and now that you know all the patterns, make it to the boss in great shape and hopefully beat them.

So basically you're going to need to play most of the levels twice. If you are an rpg fan, this is just the grind bit and it's nice because when you go back after the 1st attempt you have a ton of money to upgrade stuff and buy items, plus you're at a higher level on the 2nd attempt. So it feels like an rpg in that aspect.

Now you can try to do it in just one attempt and take on the boss with no items/no mp, and if the boss patterns are easy or you are good, it's no problem. But if you lose you lose 50% of your gold and have to redo it all again (just like DQ games), so if you're stingy and careful (which is how I play) you're pretty much going to do multiple attempts.

I don't mind it at all because the stages are fun, but the rpg-ish aspect of it might turn off arcade/lightgun fans.


Some movies at Gamevideos and IGN:

Direct Links to Gamevideos WMVs:

I was fairly interested in this before, but after these videos I'm really looking forward to it. It looks and sounds great!

The only DQ game I've played was DQ8, and I enjoyed it, but I found some bits to be a chore, especially getting to the end, which has lot to do with not wanting to spend so much time playing RPGs anymore, so the shorter experience and fun factor of DQS are really appealing to me.

It looks like I'm going to get all the RPG stuff I want and some good action gameplay. I'm really impressed.


ziran said:
Some movies at Gamevideos and IGN:

Direct Links to Gamevideos WMVs:

I was fairly interested in this before, but after these videos I'm really looking forward to it. It looks and sounds great!

The only DQ game I've played was DQ8, and I enjoyed it, but I found some bits to be a chore, especially getting to the end, which has lot to do with not wanting to spend so much time playing RPGs anymore, so the shorter experience and fun factor of DQS are really appealing to me.

It looks like I'm going to get all the RPG stuff I want and some good action gameplay. I'm really impressed.

Love the music!


I don't know how I missed this thread, but it's doing a lot to turn my opinion back in this game's favor. And I do love the Dragon Quest franchise in general...


Love the impressions. I need more japanese wii games (only have 1 right now) so I think I will import this rather than wait for domestic.
Do you have a Japanese Wii? Cos there ain't no way around the region restrictions that I'm aware of, otherwise I would've been all over importing this.


jaundicejuice said:
Do you have a Japanese Wii? Cos there ain't no way around the region restrictions that I'm aware of, otherwise I would've been all over importing this.

Mod chips for the Wii do exist you know.

(though I have a japanese wii)
I've never modded a system, nor do I know of any place nearby that would or could do such a thing. There would've been one shop but they'velong since been closed.

It wasn't until region free handhelds and systems existed that I started importing games.


force push the doodoo rock
I'm about half way through now and here's some things I like and don't like about the game.

- The game is fun, stages are very replayable.
- Getting new armor and weapons is fun
- Special attacks feel really good, especially when you finish a boss off with one
- The graphics are hot, there's one river raft part where the water is pretty spectacular.



Meh, whatever:

- The story, I honestly don't care.
hey sporsk how are the towns lol

But more seriously, the game being on-rails isn't too much of a turn-off? It's still satisfying? That's really my major concern, feeling uninvolved.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I finally got to see it running at a store yesterday. Looked nice, but OH MY GOD did those town parts look incredibly boring.


Man, watching those videos makes me want to play the game. It looks like they really put effort into making it fun. It also doesn't look super easy.

Is the other party member just for casting spells?


This looks pretty neat. I like how they really captured the 2d elements of the enemies, especially the wyvern. bouncing back the fireballs zelda lttp style is pretty neat.

the mirror tower music is nice, I just wish it wasn't disrupted with battle music all the time. I wish rpg producers would not use battle music for non-boss/crticial battles.



When can we expect an NA release? Is it being localized? From reading this thread I've gotten really excited/disappointed about this game and my US Wii.

EDIT: After using this thing called "google" I see it will be released sometime next year. Man that's a lot of waiting...
Just a heads-up : Chris "Kobun" Kohler played through the first few levels and posted his impressions on his blog :


Summary : Good gameplay and game design (battle mode, depth, difficulty, dungeons), but some specific design flaws (navigation, loadings) , and ugly graphics (overworld, backgrounds). Seems like the core gameplay is definitely good, but the game needs some polish overall - however he thinks that most of the flaws reported here could be fixed in the US/PAL release.

I hope he could maybe come over here eventually and give us more advanced and definitive impressions, but for now those sound pretty much balanced, and definitely realistic, yet those make the game sound solid enough, to me.


I wonder if zelda ds phantom hourglass-ish controls using the pointer to move the character around on screen would work with the wiimote.
tnw said:
I wonder if zelda ds phantom hourglass-ish controls using the pointer to move the character around on screen would work with the wiimote.

Uh, wrong thread maybe ?...
Anyway, now that we're on the subject, there is already a game where you can move your character with the pointer (it's Zack & Wiki, the point-and-click), but I don't think this would work well with an action game such as Zelda...Or would it ?


mutsu said:
Question for those who have finished the game: Is the game really only about 8-10 hours long?

Probably shorter. I'm at stage 6 of
at a bit under 4 hours.

Keep in mind the stages are only about 20 mins on average and the cutscenes/story between each stage is about 10 mins long. Add that up + shopping + stages taking several attempts of learning patterns/grinding exp/money and you see where the game length comes from.
Bebpo said:
Probably shorter. I'm at stage 6 of
at a bit under 4 hours.

Keep in mind the stages are only about 20 mins on average and the cutscenes/story between each stage is about 10 mins long. Add that up + shopping + stages taking several attempts of learning patterns/grinding exp/money and you see where the game length comes from.

Yep, I've heard previously that around 6 hours is a good evaluation on how long it lasts... Even if the game seems more arcadey and less epic than the usual Dragon Quest, that's still extremely dissapointing.
But Bebpo, even if you haven't finished it yet, now that you have an idea on quick you progressed through the game and how long the experience will last, do you feel like the game absolutely fail as a complete game so far, or do his qualities will at least partly redeem it in the end ?


I have a couple questions, Bebpo: is there any replay value to the game (can you see yourself going through a second time for any reason)? And do you think the battles are more enjoyable than traditional DQ battles?


Stormbringer said:
Uh, wrong thread maybe ?...
Anyway, now that we're on the subject, there is already a game where you can move your character with the pointer (it's Zack & Wiki, the point-and-click), but I don't think this would work well with an action game such as Zelda...Or would it ?

people were complaining about the controls in the city, saying they suck. wouldn't it be possiple to use the wiimote to point in the direction you want your character to move in? That would seem to be better controls.


Stormbringer said:
Yep, I've heard previously that around 6 hours is a good evaluation on how long it lasts... Even if the game seems more arcadey and less epic than the usual Dragon Quest, that's still extremely dissapointing.
But Bebpo, even if you haven't finished it yet, now that you have an idea on quick you progressed through the game and how long the experience will last, do you feel like the game absolutely fail as a complete game so far, or do his qualities will at least partly redeem it in the end ?

Despite the short length I feel it's totally worth the money. It's a really fun experience and for the type of arcade experience it is...it's actually longer than I'd expect. Most arcade games are like 2-3 hours long.

My only complaint is that there aren't any checkpoints/warp points/save points in the dungeons so if you get to a boss and it takes you a while to get all the patterns down you die and have to redo the entire dungeon again with all the same battles again. I find that somewhat frustrating, though the fun gameplay does make it not as bad as it could be. I know they had to stick to DQ rules, but it doesn't work 100% well here.

Other than that I think the game is about as good as it can be for the type of title it's striving for. Definitely an A- level game at this point.

Tristam said:
I have a couple questions, Bebpo: is there any replay value to the game (can you see yourself going through a second time for any reason)? And do you think the battles are more enjoyable than traditional DQ battles?

Nope. Can't really see myself going through it again unless there is a boss rush mode. That would definitely be cool since it'd be a bit like Punch-Out.

Regarding your second question...what? That's like asking if Virtua Cop fighting is more enjoyable than Grandia III battles. You can't really compare them at all. This isn't really an rpg.


Bebpo said:
Nope. Can't really see myself going through it again unless there is a boss rush mode. That would definitely be cool since it'd be a bit like Punch-Out.

Regarding your second question...what? That's like asking if Virtua Cop fighting is more enjoyable than Grandia III battles. You can't really compare them at all. This isn't really an rpg.

I guess I meant for you to compare them on an absolute scale, but if you don't think a comparison is warranted, that's fine.
tnw said:
people were complaining about the controls in the city, saying they suck. wouldn't it be possiple to use the wiimote to point in the direction you want your character to move in? That would seem to be better controls.

Oh ok, I totally see what you were trying to say now. Please excuse my poor reading comprehension skills.
Anyway, yes, that would be a good solution, I think. But just as Kohler suggests, I think the Nunchuk would be optimal in this case. They could always include many different configurations to choose from.

Bebpo said:
Despite the short length I feel it's totally worth the money. It's a really fun experience and for the type of arcade experience it is...it's actually longer than I'd expect. Most arcade games are like 2-3 hours long.

My only complaint is that there aren't any checkpoints/warp points/save points in the dungeons so if you get to a boss and it takes you a while to get all the patterns down you die and have to redo the entire dungeon again with all the same battles again. I find that somewhat frustrating, though the fun gameplay does make it not as bad as it could be. I know they had to stick to DQ rules, but it doesn't work 100% well here.

Other than that I think the game is about as good as it can be for the type of title it's striving for. Definitely an A- level game at this point.

Well, that's honestly reassuring. I hope I, too, will be able to appreciate the game for what it is. Thanks again for the impressions.


Actually it makes a lot of sense. The nunchuck would ruin the stages and battling. So you'd be stuck with having to unplug/plug-in the nunchuck everytime you go into town? ...wouldn't work.

I think honestly the best solution would have been to make the town on rails with only a straight path with people along the way for shops.
Bebpo said:
Actually it makes a lot of sense. The nunchuck would ruin the stages and battling. So you'd be stuck with having to unplug/plug-in the nunchuck everytime you go into town? ...wouldn't work.

I think honestly the best solution would have been to make the town on rails with only a straight path with people along the way for shops.

That's true. I forgot that the nunchuk could be really obstructive in a game that use the Wiimote as intensively as this.
Stormbringer said:
That's true. I forgot that the nunchuk could be really obstructive in a game that use the Wiimote as intensively as this.
I guess when you're doing the special moves, but I don't see how it could really get in the way. I've been playing the game now through stage 2 and it really is awesome. I do agree this is pretty much DQ Punch Out, especially when I started fighting the 2nd stage boss. Good stuff. Much, much better than Kenshin DQ. :lol
donkey show said:
I guess when you're doing the special moves, but I don't see how it could really get in the way. I've been playing the game now through stage 2 and it really is awesome. I do agree this is pretty much DQ Punch Out, especially when I started fighting the 2nd stage boss. Good stuff. Much, much better than Kenshin DQ. :lol

It depends on the people I guess, but a lot of people have already stated being greatly annoyed by the nunchuk wire while playing various Wii games, especially those that required to move the Wiimote extensively, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was this kind of reaction if the unique control scheme in DQS required the nunchuk. But I guess there is no way to please everyone with one configuration, so I think there could be many different control schemes available.


Alright, I beat the game with a clear time of 8:18 including a decent bit of grinding in the later stages.

It really is a great game from start to finish. There's a good amount of enemy variety and the boss patterns are really fun for the most part. The length is perfect for what it is (its pretty tough to do more than 1-2 stages in 1 day because it's really tiring on your arm with all the non-stop slashing). There is a good amount of secret things to do after the game too.

For instance, there's an area where you can fight 4 super boss battles and if you beat them all I guess the ultimate super boss. The only thing is that each boss requires a certain amount of rank experience to fight them (you get rank points after you finish a stage and you advance through the ranks which give you new abilities like "x" spell lasts 2x as long"). After finishing the game I had enough rank to fight the first two and after finish them I had enough to fight the 3rd, but I don't have enough rank to fight the 4th one.

Also in the stages the path splits a few times and there are rocks blocking a direction. You can exchange medals for items that break the rocks and explore new sections of the stage to get rare treasures.

Then for the dedicated people, or those with no other games to play, you can try to make the best sword. To do this you have to grind SO MUCH to get the money and the rare items because the best swords require you to make the 2nd/3rd/4th best swords and combine them to get it. If the game takes 6-10 hours to play, grinding for this would probably add another 10 hours and double the game length for those who enjoy 10 hours of grinding.

+Good control scheme
+Super attacks are fun
+Rpg aspects like equipment, money, exp are good
+DQ nostalgia and presence is great. Seeing rare metal slimes fly across the screen, knights jump on slimes and ride them out, treasure chests try to eat you; it's all nice.
+Boss fights are awesome
+Stages and their branching paths are good
+Graphics and music are good
+Voice acting is good
+Buddy system is good but the prince kid is useless
+Length is just about right
+Substantial amount of post-game fun

-There are a few attacks that require far too high of precision for Wiimote controls. Normally the controls are good because the game doesn't penalize you for not being exact, but towards the later stages it sucks taking heavy damage because the Wiimote read your input incorrectly. For example, some attacks you can't just defend because they attack at 2 or 3 points across the screen at an angle. Because of this you have to do a single slash in exactly the perfect angle at the right time to deflect them/destroy them. But you might do a horizontal slash and the game reads it as a slightly tilted horizontal slash and it appears as an angle on-screen and you get hit.
-These leads to the idea that the game really should have checkpoints/save points in dungeons, at least before bosses. I know it'd be very "un-" DQ to do that, but if an attack doesn't react correctly and you die 30 mins into a stage and have to redo the entire thing again along with all the exact same battles again...it'd be frustrating. I made it through ok, but I got lucky at a few spots which could've ticked me off pretty bad if I had been 'unlucky" and had to redo stages.
-Some enemies just aren't that fun. It's only a handful, but some you have to just sit, sit, sit and block until they finally open up for attack and then if your sword isn't strong enough you sit, sit, sit and block until they open up again. Normally enemies should be fast and have lots of opening so you can blow through them.
-The rpg aspects like grinding (forced by the game setting money costs so high on some things or by require tons of rare items) could have been left out.
-Moving in towns could be better.

It's a great game and I'd definitely put it up there with Zelda/FE as the must-have Wii games.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Oh god, stop it Bebpo. You're making me want a JP Wii, now. T_T


mutsu said:
Question for those who have finished the game: Is the game really only about 8-10 hours long?

Wasn't Gears only like 10 hours?

Short and sweet is better than just lots of bullshit added to make a game longer.
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