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Microsoft discontinues Windows 3.1 :(

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blahness said:
I dont think a lot of people realize that Program Manager was available in windows until it was neutered in XP SP1.

Wait, so I have xp service pack 2 and the command does nothing, why :(
Corran Horn said:
Me too...dont remember any commands anymore though lol
I had a wrestling game whose command to run was poorly named - autoexec.exe. It was a hard day in the duggy household when my mom found out the computer replaced autoexec.bat with autoexec.exe and wouldn't do anything other than play that game. It was when her first master's thesis was due, too. yeesh. I was blamed for all computer failures from then on. :(


I can't believe they were still licensing 3.1. Then again Nintendo was still doing repairs on Famicom systems up until a couple years ago....
Marvie_3 said:
I can't believe they were still licensing 3.1. Then again Nintendo was still doing repairs on Famicom systems up until a couple years ago....
Even Ringo Starr has to stop signing shit eventually.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Talas said:
The font window from 3.x will live forever in every Windows version.

Kinda seems that way, doesn't it? Even in Vista...



In our school we still had this fucker installed on the PCs in 98 because West Germany was sending all the monies to the East. :lol
I got my first computer it was some really cheap laptop with 3.1 I think it had 100MB harddrive I was trying to clear space and I deleted the system.ini or something and it completely broke the OS.

I learned a lot about computers on that old piece of shit. :D Good times.
After 18 years, the iconic Windows platform is no more.
Oh wow. We didn't get an IBM PC until late 1993, but Windows 3 has been around since 1990. It had XP-like longevity before a big upgrade.
JBuccCP said:
How did we live without the taskbar?
Not like we had the RAM to do this much multitasking. :) But I remember what a revelation it was when I discovered Alt+Tab.


It would be perfectly possible to post on GAF from Win 3.1. There are drivers for some PCI NICs, and Internet Explorer 5 is the most modern browser available.


I still have my diskettes working perfectly, I remember using the Win 3.11 disks to install Windows 98 Update :D

Btw, a friend of mine has Windows 95 in diskettes, 20 of them :lol


I hated Windows 3.x. I remember a computer store guy telling me to switch over because everything was going to Windows. I said, "No way. DOS is going to live on forever!"

I think I held out until 1996 (after Win 95 came out).
Leonsito said:
Btw, a friend of mine has Windows 95 in diskettes, 20 of them :lol
Me too lad! All these fancy new storage medias without magnetism! Bright colorful layers, 'red light beam' and 'blue light beam' readers!! 'Optical', they call them.
Humph! What´s next hard-disks without disk plates? Mice without a sphere? Madness I say!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
first gui I ever used at all I believe was called Desktop on the Tandy CoCo2.

first gui I ever used extensively (because it was the main OS) was Workbench on our Amiga 500.

First Windows I ever used was 3.1 (like most) on a 486sx.

First true 32-bit Windows I used was NT 3.5 (setup an office workgroup with it) on a 486DX4

Most hated version of windows is ME, closely followed by Vista.


Xun said:
My first OS was System 7.
Oh System 7...

I see Escape Velocity. I approve.

I went from various DOS experiments to WfW 3.11&DOS dual"boot", to SuSE, to Win95 beta, to Win95&BeOS dualboot, to BeOS ... and there I remained for a while. BeOS is still one of the most impressive operating systems to this day for me. I was heartbroken to see it go.
After that came (Linux flavour of the month)&Windows 2000 dualboot... which I still use today (I only added a Mac with OSX in recent times).

Out of all of them I liked BeOS the most, then Windows 2000, after that, Linux(Gnome/KDE), and Windows 95.

Yeah, I actually liked Windows 95. You could shrink that OS down to a handful of megabytes, and its DOS underpinnings with its improved memory handing etc were quite usable. Plus: No aspirations about winning a stupid browser war and jampacking your whole system with useless shit until late in the game, and even then it was easily removed.

Sorry, Windows 3.x, I never liked you, not even back in the day. Stupid piece of bloat. Good riddance.


It had to be done GAF, sorry.

Posted from 3.11 (the reply page errors out pretty badly and no scripts run :lol)
Xun said:
Dude, System 7 is older than Windows 3.1 :lol
And how does that change how young he is? :p

My first OS was whatever Atari 1200 was running. Then DOS in highschool. I didn't get to use such modern OS until almost after college.


Leonsito said:
I still have my diskettes working perfectly, I remember using the Win 3.11 disks to install Windows 98 Update :D

On both fronts - you and me both my friend, you and me both. 8p

/salute 3.1
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