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Hardcore dancing... what the hell?

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rexor0717 said:
Nice, first video on a youtube search, and it ends up looking just as ridiculous as hardcore dancing.

FWIW i think krumping is absolutely ridiculous... but it does take skill, pratice and has a specific move set.

This hardcore dancing just seems to be venting out anger in motion.


MThanded said:
Shit on a culture??? Im trolling? Sorry man. I did not mean to offend you. Do you accept my apology?
From the start of this thread, your stance was "what the hell?" and 'This just looks like an excuse to fight.' I would call that shitting. One of the videos you posted was of a "fight pit" it says so in the title and somehow you lump it in with hardcore dancing. Yet when I mention Krumping you post a video of professional dancers in a studio working out a routine. Seems like a bit of a bias there, no?

I see this thread as trolling because you aren't actually looking for someone to explain this dancing to you. You've already made your mind up about it based on a couple of youtube videos and now you want to talk shit about it.

Mind you, I've been to LOTS of hardcore shows in my life but have only stepped into a mosh pit a couple of times. So I'm not advocating this particular kind of self-expression. I'm just pointing out that your attack on it is a bit transparent.

Oh, and I wasn't expecting an apology. Nor am I offended. I'm just giving my take on things, same as you.

Dr. Strangelove

In all seriousness, hardcore dancing has been around for awhile and it is not about fighting or punching people or whatever. You can interpret it as that, but you would be wrong.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
K0NY said:
From the start of this thread, your stance was "what the hell?" and 'This just looks like an excuse to fight.' I would call that shitting. One of the videos you posted was of a "fight pit" it says so in the title and somehow you lump it in with hardcore dancing. Yet when I mention Krumping you post a video of professional dancers in a studio working out a routine. Seems like a bit of a bias there, no?

I see this thread as trolling because you aren't actually looking for someone to explain this dancing to you. You've already made your mind up about it based on a couple of youtube videos and now you want to talk shit about it.

Mind you, I've been to LOTS of hardcore shows in my life but have only stepped into a mosh pit a couple of times. So I'm not advocating this particular kind of self-expression. I'm just pointing out that your attack on it is a bit transparent.

Oh, and I wasn't expecting an apology. Nor am I offended. I'm just giving my take on things, same as you.

I have never seen krumping at any hip hop concert I have went too. In all seriousness and I dont know any amateur krumpers or people that krump at concerts. You are correct, I formed a negative opinion from the videos. I am not trying to hide that fact.

Dr. Strangelove said:
In all seriousness, hardcore dancing has been around for awhile and it is not about fighting or punching people or whatever. You can interpret it as that, but you would be wrong.
I don't think the dancing is based around this but it seems that sometimes it ends up with violence. Some people in this thread say that they enjoy getting hurt at the concerts.

Also since I am ill informed can you please explain what exactly hardcore dancing is? Im guessing the mosh pit and the fighting stuff is some other form of dancing? Derivative of hardcore dancing?


I think it's just a poor form of dancing, I mean it's fucking terrible. It takes absolutely no fucking skill to do those things and makes you look like an idiot.

The same can be said about grinding, doesn't take much skill, it's fucking hot but it gets dumb after a while. This can be said about so many forms of dancing, they look like shit when you're not into it.

The only real dancing that takes skill are those with proper coordination of body,hand and feet movement. Other than that each person can interpret the other one as shit, when you're not a part of it.


MThanded said:
I have never seen krumping at any hip hop concert I have went too. In all seriousness and I dont know any amateur krumpers or people that krump at concerts.
I have seen lots of amateur krumping at clubs around New York. I've also seen amateur salsa dancing, disco, reggae and techno dancing. And along with those dancing crowds there are always at least a couple of assholes who manage to start fights. Fighting isn't the result of dancing. It's the result of people not knowing how to behave and it happens in all walks of life. True, some dancing is more aggressive than others, but that doesn't make it bad.

As well as violence, I've seen a lot of kindness and good will expressed in mosh pits. Conversely, I've been made to feel like shit by some of the looks I've gotten at Latin clubs because I couldn't swing my hips as well as some other people on the dance floor. Sometimes that can hurt more than a boot to the chest.


Moshing has been around as long as there's been heavy music. It's pretty much chaotic running around/pushing to heavy music, no structure at all. I wouldn't consider it dancing at all. It's usually in good fun and kicking and punching are frowned upon.

Slam dancing (what you people are calling hardcore dancing) is more structured and involves punching and doing karate kicks in the air (of course with an increased number of people and level of excitement, people are bound to be kicked and punched in the face), jumping, even doing crazy acrobatic stunts (I've seen people flipping in the air and whatnot). There are certain movements that they follow, and it's supposed to be done to a beat. They get most excited during slow breakdowns in songs.

The above are really two different cultures, and when they clash bad things happen. People get hurt.
agrajag said:
It's called slam dancing.

Was just going to post this.

I haven't slam danced in 20+ years, I didn't know it was still done.

Edit: What I did was more along the lines of what agrajag calls moshing, but I don't see a big distinction.
agrajag said:
Moshing has been around as long as there's been heavy music. It's pretty much chaotic running around/pushing to heavy music, no structure at all. I wouldn't consider it dancing at all. It's usually in good fun and kicking and punching are frowned upon.

Slam dancing (what you people are calling hardcore dancing) is more structured and involves punching and doing karate kicks in the air (of course with an increased number of people and level of excitement, people are bound to be kicked and punched in the face), jumping, even doing crazy acrobatic stunts (I've seen people flipping in the air and whatnot). There are certain movements that they follow, and it's supposed to be done to a beat. They get most excited during slow breakdowns in songs.

The above are really two different cultures, and when they clash bad things happen. People get hurt.

This was pretty true 18 years ago, except that "slam dancing" and "moshing" were pretty interchangable terms ("slamming" was used more by punks and "moshing" more by metalheads and crossover fans, but still fairly interchangably). I haven't been to a hardcore show in maybe 10 years so I dunno about today. The best pits were at smaller punk shows. They looked crazy, with as you said, people leaping from stage, doing jumping kicks, etc., but people looked out for each other (not that people didn't inadvertently get hurt pretty often). The worst were at the big name bands where people had no idea about pit etiquette, some intentionally trying to hurt people. The absolute worst were when the bands didn't even play anything remotely hardcore or thrashy. People would start pits at any vaguely rock show. You're trying to skank and some meathead slams all their weight into you from behind.

None of this is to show off how good a dancer you are, and it's not comparable at all to the dancing people do in clubs. It fits the music and it's fun if the people around you aren't trying to hurt each other. I would not do it in daylight in front of a camera.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Was just going to post this.

I haven't slam danced in 20+ years, I didn't know it was still done.

Edit: What I did was more along the lines of what agrajag calls moshing, but I don't see a big distinction.

Well, the slam dancing in the old days is what people simply call moshing nowadays and it's more of a metal thing now. Slam dancing today is more structured with more actual "dance" elements and is usually a staple of the hardcore/metalcore scene.


I used to jump in pits all the time when I went to shows good fuckin times. One of last times I caught an elbow to the nose and started bleeding every where. I had to go to the bathroom wash up then jump back in. The shows I went to no one did any of that "hardcore" shit and people were cool enough to help you up if you fell. Punk shows always had the best pits.


the thing I used to hate the most was guys and their gf's would get pissed off because they would be right up front by the band and people would push them or they would get squashed. If you don't like it take your ass to the back shit like that happens when you stand in front of the pit.


Zeke said:
the thing I used to hate the most was guys and their gf's would get pissed off because they would be right up front by the band and people would push them or they would get squashed. If you don't like it take your ass to the back shit like that happens when you stand in front of the pit.

At most shows I've been, the people who were standing at the very front were pretty safe, because there was a buffer between them and the pit.


Wanna know whats really violent?

I guess its called grinding.

I was a freshman in high school and would go to parties and stuff because I thought it was cool. That didnt last. All the black girls danced the same way. They turned around, (for the whole song) put their hands on their knees, and proceeded to pulvarize and mash up my penis. At first it was like YEAH! BUTT ON MY PEEN! But then it was like ouch. Some of the spanish girls tried to do the same thing but they never killed my member.

Those were hard walks home. Looking back, WTF was I thinking. After my first dance I should have been done, at least I wised up a couple months later.


there were usually a few rows of people in front of the stage then the pit was behind them and then everyone else in the back. During certain songs the pit would stop and everyone would rush towards the stage. My friend lost his glasses at a show one time we actually found them after the show missing a lens and bent to hell :lol
I also found a kinfe on the floor during a show....I kept it and its my daily carry knife


The best shows imo is when there are so many people there isn't much room to move and everyone kind of pushes each other and whatever, but there isn't room to run around and do tae kwon do kicks. I hate that shit.


Ring a Bell for me
fuck this Metal-core, post hardcore altenative shit.
Hardcore will always be bands Like black Flag and circle Jerks. Stupid Floor-punch bands giving punk and metal a bad name.
lol wow stupid emo retards. Its an insult to the dance to call that dancing. Its just a bunch or retarded kids trying to be angry. Its pathetic.


i hate these fuckers, they look retarded and create a void in the audience because there's usually so few of them.

im not sure what i hate more, these wankers or kandi kids....


agrajag said:
Well, the slam dancing in the old days is what people simply call moshing nowadays and it's more of a metal thing now. Slam dancing today is more structured with more actual "dance" elements and is usually a staple of the hardcore/metalcore scene.

Thank god I never encountered that so far. Worst case scenario was the classic mosh pit for me but it's easy to avoid it.

Ok the wall of death can be fun....
gdt5016 said:
Wanna know whats really violent?

I guess its called grinding.

I was a freshman in high school and would go to parties and stuff because I thought it was cool. That didnt last. All the black girls danced the same way. They turned around, (for the whole song) put their hands on their knees, and proceeded to pulvarize and mash up my penis. At first it was like YEAH! BUTT ON MY PEEN! But then it was like ouch. Some of the spanish girls tried to do the same thing but they never killed my member.

Those were hard walks home. Looking back, WTF was I thinking. After my first dance I should have been done, at least I wised up a couple months later.

This story reminds me of my feelings towards grinding at first. Unfortunately going to an all black University doesn't really give me many more options for dancing...


good credit (by proxy)
There's nothing that gets insecure people more riled up than music or music culture that they don't like.


haha, these fall under the category of "youtube videos that actually make me embarrassed for the morons featured in them"

damn, there have been a lot of those lately...
None of this shit compares to the Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Bush concerts back in the day. Those mosh pits were awsome, awsome music, crowd surfing, mostly jumping up and down banging into each other. These kids are a bunch of posers flailing around to some screamo. Whack.
PrinceAdam said:
fuck this Metal-core, post hardcore altenative shit.
Hardcore will always be bands Like black Flag and circle Jerks. Stupid Floor-punch bands giving punk and metal a bad name.

Old Hardcore is way better because it's actual hardcore for one, and two was much more positive.

I don't recall Gorilla Biscuits having wailing solo's and keyboards.

lil smoke

This aint nothing new where I'm from, but the music is different. Certain styles of music can get you hyped up and get that adrenaline going.


Zeke said:
how dare you even compare skanking to whatever the fuck those kids were doing

you too >:[
Did you watch the first vid? Really does look like skanking more than hardcore dancing.
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