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12 Year old boy gets shotgun for Christmas. What does he do with it? (America..)

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Shanadeus said:
Yeah, let's put a 12-year old in jail and get a cold-blooded criminal/psychopath in 15-20 years or so.
Depends, if he gets a first degree conviction he could get life


Bunch of pussies. When I was nine I kept my 20 gauge loaded between the mattresses just in case the closet monsters decided to launch an attack.


Dabookerman said:
It is to me. I never even handled a gun till about 2 years ago when I was 21.. and that was in Poland, because my cousin is a Policeman.

It is very different in rural areas of the US. I fired a .45 1911 when I was around six. (I still remember it almost flying out of my hands.) For most of my childhood it was abnormal if someone didn't have or didn't know how to fire a gun. Most of the kids my age were taking hunter safety courses by the time they were 12. However, I'm still the only person I know that grew up with a real 1/2 scale naval cannon in his room.


Cheeto said:
This is the gun's fault, let's stay focused...

Lol it's not the gun's fault but it's used as a tool for killing. That's all a gun is. If guns are banned you have less gun related crimes. How many people get killed by guns here in The Netherlands you think?

Or how many kids use guns here and shoot their own family or friends with it?

Ofcourse guns will never be banned in the US. Too much money is made off it,too many corporations. Yet things like marijuana are illegal. Lol.


cory said:
I live in Southeastern PA, the rest of the state scares me.

Pennsyltucky yo.

Honestly though, six years ago I knew what the fuck I would be doing if I pit a shotgun to someones head. I'm just happy that it's not up to me to make the decision in the case.


Cheeto said:
Depends, if he gets a first degree conviction he could get life

I doubt that they'd give him no chance of parole if he got convicted of a crime he committed at age 12.

Honestly with this story I'm more upset at the father who gave his kid a gun when he apparently had some major problems with his step-mother. You'd think that he might have told his dad that he disliked her that much. Either way, I shot a gun well prior to that age and I was fully aware of how dangerous guns were and how you're never supposed to point them at anyone, even when you're kidding or think that the gun is unloaded. You always assume it's loaded and you just never point a gun at anyone.

MMaRsu said:
Lol it's not the gun's fault but it's used as a tool for killing. That's all a gun is. If guns are banned you have less gun related crimes. How many people get killed by guns here in The Netherlands you think?

Or how many kids use guns here and shoot their own family or friends with it?

We have something here called the constitution that guarantees certain rights to US citizens. Part of that said constitution is something called the 2nd amendment that grants US citizens the right to bear arms. To overturn an amendment takes quite a bit of effort and politicians working together, and that is just not going to happen.

Also, if you're not from our country, kindly stay away from the whole advice thing. :D


Why don't we worry about trying to fix why a 12 year old would want to murder someone before we run around yelling "BAN ALL GUNS!" Just because some psychopath shoots someone it doesn't mean the millions of other responsible sain gun owners will. Typical euro knee jerk reaction.


I am Wayne Brady.
Could be a better path of rehabilitation if convicted as a minor....but then again they always end up as repeat offenders anyway...so fuck it. Really doesn't matter.


MMaRsu said:
Lol it's not the gun's fault but it's used as a tool for killing. That's all a gun is. If guns are banned you have less gun related crimes. How many people get killed by guns here in The Netherlands you think?

Or how many kids use guns here and shoot their own family or friends with it?
If a law was passed banning guns in the US, would everyone dutifully turn theirs in or would they just evaporate?

Hari Seldon

MMaRsu said:
Lol it's not the gun's fault but it's used as a tool for killing. That's all a gun is. If guns are banned you have less gun related crimes. How many people get killed by guns here in The Netherlands you think?

Or how many kids use guns here and shoot their own family or friends with it?

Ofcourse guns will never be banned in the US. Too much money is made off it,too many corporations. Yet things like marijuana are illegal. Lol.

Actually that gun was probably purchased for hunting reasons I would imagine. Damn near every male that I went to high school with hunted.




Sol.. said:
Could be a better path of rehabilitation if convicted as a minor....but then again they always end up as repeat offenders anyway...so fuck it. Really doesn't matter.
Offer twinkies in return. I predict a huge success.


Slayven said:
If a law was passed banning guns in the US, would everyone dutifully turn theirs in or would they just evaporate?

Well that is certainly a big problem as well. I'm not saying I have all the answers, and I think guns will never get banned in the US ( which is dumb imo ). It is one of the few countries in the world where guns are legal, yet the deathtoll due to guns is much much higher than any other country I think.

I'm not saying everyone who owns a gun is a psycho murderer, but guns are tools used to kill people.

And r2D4, sure, let's just say it's a typical euro reaction :lol . Maybe we see things differently over here because we don't hunt, but we also have none of these incidents.


Dabookerman said:
Am I seriously the only one thinking.. Who the fuck gives a child a shotgun???!

What is wrong with people..

I fired my first firearm at the age of seven; owned my own rifle at the age of 12; had long since fired everything from a .22 to a 12-guage.

Hari Seldon

Sol.. said:
Could be a better path of rehabilitation if convicted as a minor....but then again they always end up as repeat offenders anyway...so fuck it. Really doesn't matter.

Well the psychologist basically said that the kid was too fucked up to rehabilitate by the time he turned 21.


MMaRsu said:
Lol it's not the gun's fault but it's used as a tool for killing. That's all a gun is. If guns are banned you have less gun related crimes. How many people get killed by guns here in The Netherlands you think?

Or how many kids use guns here and shoot their own family or friends with it?

Ofcourse guns will never be banned in the US. Too much money is made off it,too many corporations. Yet things like marijuana are illegal. Lol.
Nice, fortune telling and conspiracy theories... just another day on Politigaf


MMaRsu said:
And r2D4, sure, let's just say it's a typical euro reaction :lol . Maybe we see things differently over here because we don't hunt, but we also have none of these incidents.

Just about every kid I grew up with grew up with guns. They have fathers or uncles that hunt and shot guns and rifles are just about in every rural household. They all took gun safety classes as teenagers and hunted. Maybe that's weird but it's normal for a large part of the US.


MMaRsu said:
Well that is certainly a big problem as well. I'm not saying I have all the answers, and I think guns will never get banned in the US ( which is dumb imo ). It is one of the few countries in the world where guns are legal, yet the deathtoll due to guns is much much higher than any other country I think.

Per capita, the US is 8th
Shanadeus said:
Yeah, let's put a 12-year old in jail and get a cold-blooded criminal/psychopath in 15-20 years or so.

He's already a cold-blooded criminal psychopath at age 12. If you read the story, you'd know this kid did it and tried to hide the fact and get rid of evidence. We don't need another 15-20 years to turn him into one.


_dementia said:
yeah, a 12yo in prison doesn't sound too good
a shotgun blast to the head doesnt sound too good neither. Lock this kid forever. The father has already suffered enough by having his own kid shoot his pregnant girlfriend in cold blood.

This was not a 'holy shit the shotgun randomly went off as I was cleaning it' case.


This was a kid, gragging a gun, and EXECUTING another person (+killing unborn) while she was sleeping


I don't think guns should be banned entirely, but there should be much stricter requirements to obtain a license and a tough penalty should the gun be used in an unintended manner or by another person.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Aren't all felons supposed to love kids, based on what everyone says what happens to pedophiles in prison? This kid could be a king.


R2D4 said:
Why don't we worry about trying to fix why a 12 year old would want to murder someone before we run around yelling "BAN ALL GUNS!" Just because some psychopath shoots someone it doesn't mean the millions of other responsible sain gun owners will. Typical euro knee jerk reaction.

Someone that shoots a pregnant woman in the back of the head with premeditation is beyond "fixing". Frankly I wouldn't shed a tear if this kid ceased to exist.


goat said:
Per capita, the US is 8th

That's a good list. I would like to point out thought that the countries above the US have way less policing and way more crime. At least that's what makes sense.


DonMigs85 said:
I don't think guns should be banned entirely, but there should be much stricter requirements to obtain a license and a tough penalty should the gun be used in an unintended manner or by another person.

Guns are a problem in the US, but this story has very little to do with it, imo. This wasn't an accident, it was a planned hit that would probably have happened with any other weapon available.


Cheeto said:
Nice, fortune telling and conspiracy theories... just another day on Politigaf

Ehh more like common sense and truth? There is way too much money and corporations invested in guns that they will never get banned in the US. How is that a conspiracy theory?


MMaRsu said:
Well that is certainly a big problem as well. I'm not saying I have all the answers, and I think guns will never get banned in the US ( which is dumb imo ). It is one of the few countries in the world where guns are legal, yet the deathtoll due to guns is much much higher than any other country I think.

I'm not saying everyone who owns a gun is a psycho murderer, but guns are tools used to kill people.

And r2D4, sure, let's just say it's a typical euro reaction :lol . Maybe we see things differently over here because we don't hunt, but we also have none of these incidents.

You also have to keep in mind there are a lot of factors at play here, such as that the majority of deaths related to guns are suicides. Those people are going to kill themselves regardless. It's coming up on 1 year since one of my good friends committed suicide that way (2 days.. ugh). In his case, he's tried 2 different ways previously, and unfortunately that time it worked..

Also, I'd hazard a guess that the majority of drug related gun crimes are using guns that are not obtained legally, and that most gun crimes are drug or alcohol related. So you have to keep that in mind too, that those crimes are still likely going to take place were guns outlawed for law abiding citizens. The difference is that those self defense cases where a law abiding citizen defends themself against a criminal who has an illegal firearm will no longer have a gun to defend himself.


Ryuukan said:
This is why life in prison is the correct answer.

No no why would we pay for this crazy person to live in prison, its time to give him the needle. Prison are overcrowded as fuck now, we don't need more people, we need to get rid of people faster.

Darkman M

Lock him up and throw away the key,and i can't believe people are stupid enough to think banning guns will change things like this from happening, you can get a gun anywhere, im guessing most criminals don't own firearms legally anyways. As long as there are dumb,stupid and ignorant human beings on earth stuff like this will happen everyday period.


R2D4 said:
Typical euro knee jerk reaction.

Well, typical USA reaction to 'euro' reaction? I don't think all of europe thinks in the same way, or all of America either.

R2D4 said:
And less freedoms. Yay.

Isn't it crazy how no-one here feels bad about lacking weapons? When you put a lock on your door I don't have the feedom to take get into your house, doesn't mean I should have had the freedom in the first place.


JudgeN said:
No no why would we pay for this crazy person to live in prison, its time to give him the needle. Prison are overcrowded as fuck now, we don't need more people, we need to get rid of people faster.

I agree he should be executed, but that's not a possibility unfortunately.


As with all these cases of children committing horrible crimes, their parents or legal guardians should be convicted of the same crime, maybe then these sort of parents will feel more responsibility for their off-springs' actions, if only for their own selfishness.

I don't think a child of 12 should be placed in an adult prison, but there's no way at 12, or even 10 or 8, that they should not know the difference between right and wrong.


It's not fair to ban guns for the other 60+ million people that responsibly own guns. That doesn't mean I think every gun should be legal and everybody should have access to them, but it's a misnomer to hold up this as evidence of America "out of control" with it's gun culture.

This kid was in a rural area (I'm guessing, by his location) and did a premeditated act. If it wasn't a gun, he would have used a knife, poison, arson or any other number of ways to kill a human being.


Why are people against the death penalty? Honestly? I can understand that it sucks because of any potential mistakes but...


Jexhius said:
Well, typical USA reaction to 'euro' reaction? I don't think all of europe thinks in the same way, or all of America either.

You're right. Probably not.
"Our position is he isn't amenable (to juvenile court rehabilitation) because he didn't admit he did it and hasn't accepted responsibility for his actions,"

I don't see how this isn't an argument against tossing him in the adult system. If a 12 year old boy shoots someone in the face, even if he knows full well that it's going to be a fatal blow, afterward he's probably really freaked out. It's no wonder he's not accepting responsibility.


Jexhius said:
Isn't it crazy how no-one here feels bad about lacking weapons? When you put a lock on your door I don't have the feedom to take get into your house, doesn't mean I should have had the freedom in the first place.

You don't have the right to walk in my house locked or unlocked anyway.
This is the full story for anyone that didn't click on the link.

PITTSBURGH – An 11-year-old boy apparently covered his shotgun with a blanket to keep it hidden when he left his bedroom, went downstairs and fatally shot his father's pregnant girlfriend in the head as she slept, a prosecutor said Monday.

The blue blanket, which has a quarter-sized hole that appeared to be singed from a shotgun blast, supports a claim that the crime was premeditated, Lawrence County District Attorney John Bongivengo said.

Police found the blanket in the farmhouse where the boy, Jordan Brown, lived with his father; the father's girlfriend, Kenzie Marie Houk; and her two daughters, ages 7 and 4. Houk was killed Friday morning while Brown's father was at work and the two girls were in the home, authorities believe.

"The operating theory is that he covered the gun with the blanket to hide it when he came downstairs" from his bedroom to shoot Houk, who was in a first-floor bedroom, Bongivengo said. "It wasn't used to muffle (the shot) or anything, the blanket wasn't thick enough for that."

Brown got the youth-sized shotgun as a Christmas present, and used it to win a turkey shoot on Valentine's Day.

After shooting Houk, the boy ran to get on a school bus with the 7-year-old, who saw him toss something from his pocket on the ground, Bongivengo said. Police later found a spent 20-gauge shotgun shell at that spot.

The girl later implicated the boy in the killing, saying she saw him with what she believed to be a shotgun and heard a loud bang, Bongivengo has said.

Brown is charged as an adult with criminal homicide. In Pennsylvania, there is no criminal homicide charge in juvenile court.

"Because the juvenile system only has jurisdiction until he's 21, the last thing I want is a 21-year-old who's going to be out on the streets and willing to kill you," Bongivengo said.

Houk's family told police the boy had threatened her and her 7-year-old daughter in the weeks before the shooting, Bongivengo said. Houk's family has told The Associated Press the boy may have been jealous of Houk and her children.

"If this person were 18, we'd be looking at pursuing the death penalty," Bongivengo said.

Defense attorney Dennis Elisco has said he plans to ask a judge to move the case to juvenile court and to have the boy released on bail to his father. Brown is being held at the Lawrence County Jail, where jail officials said they don't have adequate accommodations for someone that young. He is being kept separate from the jail's approximately 300 adult inmates.

Elisco didn't return calls for comment Monday. He has said the boy hasn't confessed to the shooting and he doubts the physical evidence will support police's claim that the boy killed Houk with one shot to the back of her head.

The Associated Press could not immediately locate relatives of the boy and his father for comment Monday.


SmokyDave said:
Nothin' like the freedom to shoot your step-mum in the back of the head to make a man feel liberated!

Or he could have stabbed her or took a brick to the back of her head. Are you going to ban heavy objects too?

I'd rather live with the freedom of being able to own what I want to own and take the 1 in a million chance that someone will shoot me with a gun.
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