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Skylanders Giants Announced (Sequel To Skylanders Spyro's Adventure)


Strap on your hooker ...
Popular game gets annualized sequels? Shocking and unforeseen.

No need for the "OMG they're running it into the ground" hysteria yet. GH's death wasn't caused because they did one new game every year; it happened because they had a new game every couple months.

Hell, only introducing 16 new characters for this one is actually unbelievably restrained. Given the first game's popularity you'd think for certain that they'd expand the amount of toys by leaps and bounds.


Uh oh. My kid has become obsessed with the figures. He doesn't even have anything to do with the game. He's gonna be pretty happy.


Spyro's out of the main title? Great, now you can erase that... fugly thing from the game, focus on other creatures, I will forget that the new chara-design ever happened and we'll all be a little happier inside.


Spyro's out of the main title? Great, now you can erase that... fugly thing from the game, I will forget that the new chara-design ever happened and we'll all be a little happier inside.

Logically, I'd assume that the only way he'll appear in the new one is if you have the figure of him from the previous game - and wasn't he only available in the actual game bundles, not any booster packs?

Unless, of course, they make a second-generation Spyro figure, but that would seem a bit counterintuitive when compared to how the character progression works.
Looks like a limited edition version of Cynder has been given out/sold at the Toy Fair today. So jealous of everyone there:


Pic courtesy of: https://twitter.com/#!/OWTK/status/166932401216434176/photo/1


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Very excited but I will add this:

They better do a much better job addressing the market demand. It is absolutely ludicrous in today's world that people are regularly paying $20 for an $8 figure because they're sold out everywhere.

Knowing that it is Activision, though, I fully expect every character to be available and overstocked in stores by the end of the year, which is a good thing.
One negative I can see to going the Giants route. How are retail expected to keep up with demand if the toys now take up more space in the warehouse and in the store?

Activision better make more frequent shipments.
For some reason, a new portal is required for the Giants, meaning we'll all have to get the $70 starter:


Wait, what? The title of the article says "Skylanders Giants will not require new Portal, mobile apps coming, Toys R Us to have exclusive figures "

Edit: Hah. Beaten. Multiple times.

Waiting for the first starter set to get down to the $20 mark before I pick it up to try out. Unsure if I'm gonna go with 3DS or 360.
wow, already?

Welp, this idea is going down the crapper in 3-4 years. 5 max.

It's a kid's game that involves collectible pieces. The way to make the brand work is to have something new for every kid who got the first set for Xmas last year to get this year. Now the new game will work with all their existing figurines and give them a reason to stick with the brand for another year instead of tossing it all in a bin and moving on to something else.

I'm hostile in general to Activision's slash-and-burn strategy, but for this product it's actually correct. The brand doesn't really have a lot of long-term potential and its appeal is directly based on a short-term-iterative release schedule (just like card/miniature games); the correct thing to do is to actively support it while the market's still there. It's really not comparable to some of the franchises Activision has destroyed in the past.

But it's vile kid exploitation!

On the specific topic of "OMG whatta ripoff!!" from our last thread: I'd like to note that specifically unlike normal DLC, any extra characters people acquired for the first game will work automatically and for free with this one.


Spyro is so successful they took his name out of the games. Nintendo's gonna release New Super Bros. Wii U next.


I'm generally apathetic towards Activision, but why do I get the feeling that if it were any other company people wouldn't be anywhere near as emotionally charged in their reactions?
Activision took a risk and it paid off.

Also, regardless of their track record, did anyone really expect them to wait two or three years before making a sequel (or never making one)? I know that Activision are famed for short-lived series, but I actually feel like this is one where interest could easily die quite quickly anyway. I hope I'm wrong though.

What an awful first post, I'm sorry. :(

EDIT: I bet that the only reason that Activision originally put Spyro in the game was so that it would have some kind of familiarity with consumers to help it sell. Because the series has now proven capable of standing on its own merits they don't need to use or highlight him anymore. I would also like it if Activision removing Spyro from the title, or even the next game itself (aside from bringing his old character forward), means that they might consider giving him his own series again.
Hell, only introducing 16 new characters for this one is actually unbelievably restrained.

That was actually the thing that I thought might happen that would give good reason to believe they'd overmilk it -- too many new characters means people give up. Reducing the number of new characters added to this iteration makes it easier for people to swallow.

Maybe reinvigoration isn't the right word. Perhaps broadening the audience?

Do you think Call of Duty needs to broaden its audience too?


An blind dancing ho
I thought Activision learned from Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero that milking a game with unstable market so fast will destroy the IP in no time.


On the specific topic of "OMG whatta ripoff!!" from our last thread: I'd like to note that specifically unlike normal DLC, any extra characters people acquired for the first game will work automatically and for free with this one.

I think I wondered that specifically back in that thread; good to have it confirmed.


Woo! Go Activision! Run this thing into the ground as fast as you can!

No kidding - they haven't even released all the adventure packs/figures for the first game yet!

If my son wants this, I will go with the same strategy as the first - he gets to pick one figure (that is readily available) from each element type. This is not going to be a collect-em-all!
I'm generally apathetic towards Activision, but why do I get the feeling that if it were any other company people wouldn't be anywhere near as emotionally charged in their reactions?

Well, Activision are historically big jerks. If some bloviating douchewhistle at your office started making a big, obnoxious announcement one day but it turned out to be about how he was running in a cancer fundraising marathon, you wouldn't be wrong to have originally assumed he was going to say something dumber or suspect he was just running the marathon to get attention for himself.

Same thing here. Activision have killed franchises that could definitely have had long-term success (THPS) or at least had some potential to avoid cratering completely (Guitar Hero) via excessive iteration; I don't blame people for leaping to that conclusion, even in a case like this where I think it's basically mistaken.

What an awful first post, I'm sorry. :(

Believe me, many have done far, far worse. :p


Strap on your hooker ...
Very excited but I will add this:

They better do a much better job addressing the market demand. It is absolutely ludicrous in today's world that people are regularly paying $20 for an $8 figure because they're sold out everywhere.

Knowing that it is Activision, though, I fully expect every character to be available and overstocked in stores by the end of the year, which is a good thing.
If stores were selling a couple of figures to kids at a time, like it should be, supply would be fine. My Walmart gets 60-100 figures in weekly. It's the eBay jerks that come in and buy up everything in one fell swoop that are screwing up the supply and gaming the percieved demand in their favor.


I have a question…

Are these figurines only unlock what is already on the disc, or do they actually provide new data/content that is not in the disc?


I have a question…

Are these figurines only unlock what is already on the disc, or do they actually provide new data/content that is not in the disc?
Let's not open that can of worms again....

In case you were serious, the data for the characters are on the disc. However, all character data (level, upgrades, customizations) are stored in the physical figures themselves so they can be moved to another game, regardless of console.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
No kidding - they haven't even released all the adventure packs/figures for the first game yet!

If my son wants this, I will go with the same strategy as the first - he gets to pick one figure (that is readily available) from each element type. This is not going to be a collect-em-all!

Good luck on this one... there are eight Giants, one for each element... then about 12 new regular-sized Skylander dudes.

Those Giants have to cost a premium.


Great news.
Plus by introducing not that many new figures, the "old" figures still have value (both economic and emotional) to each person; while people still have time to collect the remaining ones (which are still hard to find in most cases).

Current owners only need to buy the game and a figure or two (at first :p); while new ones might jump into the new starter bundle, to then get the remaining ones. That way the new figures serve as a expansion of the current ones, instead of a substitute.


Well, Activision are historically big jerks. If some bloviating douchewhistle at your office started making a big, obnoxious announcement one day but it turned out to be about how he was running in a cancer fundraising marathon, you wouldn't be wrong to have originally assumed he was going to say something dumber or suspect he was just running the marathon to get attention for himself.

Same thing here. Activision have killed franchises that could definitely have had long-term success (THPS) or at least had some potential to avoid cratering completely (Guitar Hero) via excessive iteration; I don't blame people for leaping to that conclusion, even in a case like this where I think it's basically mistaken.
You pretty much clarified what I already suggested. I think that in the case of Guitar Hero though, interest would have probably dropped regardless due to how fickle the music and rhythm genre is. Konami only tended to release a single DDR game every year on each console, but that hasn't stopped their series from losing tons of popularity. It kind of makes sense considering that when dancing games lost interest, instrument simulation became big and now the former is popular again. That's not to say that I don't have a lot of issues with how Activision handled the GH franchise, but I think that the games themselves are a lot better than people give them credit for, especially on the Wii.

I've also seen some resentment towards the Just Dance in fact, though it seems that because it's published by Ubisoft there's a lot less emotion attached to it. Strange since the former seemed to have originally been developed as a blatant cash-in, but then due to its overwhelming popularity they seemed to put more effort into the sequels. Just a shame that their DLC system is so weak. Also, I've noticed a couple of "disk packs" crop up; why has Ubisoft not been called out on this?

Believe me, many have done far, far worse. :p

But I have an opinion and opinions are WRONG! :(

EDIT: I have yet to try out Skylanders, and I do think that it looks interesting, but I don't think that it's any more "evil" than the other multiple methods that corporate bodies use to enamour children.


Awesome, I'm so glad it's not just a generic sequel with a number slapped on. The giant concept is pretty rad. 3DS version day one, assuming I'm not totally broke by then.


...why has Ubisoft not been called out on this?
If I were to wager a guess, it's because Kotick has proven time and time again publicly that he's an asshole. Meanwhile, Yves (forget his last name) is just kinda awkward and squirrel-y. If he's a tool, it's behind closed doors.


My guess is they will have one giant per type. And your gonna need them all to fully complete the game!!
1) One giant per element sounds right.

2) What is your definition of "fully complete"? In the current game, you can fully complete the game with the three characters included with the bundle. If you want to find every item and upgrade (optional), then you would need to get at least one figure for each element.


If I were to wager a guess, it's because Kotick has proven time and time again publicly that he's an asshole. Meanwhile, Yves (forget his last name) is just kinda awkward and squirrel-y. If he's a tool, it's behind closed doors.

So it is about emotions attached to the company then? The weird thing is, Activision are dicks, but they hire some fine developers and do publish some great games. In fact the main reason why people seem so set against this series and its sequel is because it's published by Activision and not because the game itself is inherently bad.


That's good news too.
Skylanders was originally a Wii exclusive game, and both Toys for Bob and the 3DS-version developer (Vicarous Visions) have a good relationship with Nintendo; so they know more than they can talk.

So it is about emotions attached to the company then? The weird thing is, Activision are dicks, but they hire some fine developers and do publish some great games. In fact the main reason why people seem so set against this series and its sequel is because it's published by Activision and not because the game itself is inherently bad.
Not to mention, that the reason Skylanders was a success (and a good polished game with enough time and resources) was because of Kotick.


That's good news too.
Skylanders was originally a Wii exclusive game, and both Toys for Bob and the 3DS-version developer (Vicarous Visions) have a good relationship with Nintendo; so they know more than they can talk.

This makes sense. Vicarious Visions have done amazing things on the Wii too. I'm sure that Nintendo are happy to have a third party developer who doesn't resent working with their consoles.

Not to mention, that the reason Skylanders was a success (and a good polished game with enough time and resources) was because of Kotick.

Thanks, I didn't know that.

I'm curious, and this is directed at anyone, I own a Wii and 3DS so if I were to purchase the first game, which between the two would be best?


I just hope the Wii isn't the lead platform this time, the first game looked like poop even in HD.

I think it looks pretty damned good for a "wii" game cant speak about the HD versions as I haven't seen em.

As for this sequel yep, cash cow FTW, and with NFC tech already built into the WiiU you can bet yer ass there will be some sort of Pokemon version of this down the road.
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