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Killing Floor 2 Coming To PS4


Killing Floor has been sensational on PC. So good to see them likely getting even more success. Hopefully they cater to both platforms properly and no one gets slightly wonky version. I think they are still planning an Early Access phase so maybe that would be useful in that regard. Regardless, awesome news!


sparkle this bitch
As long as it has nothing to do with the PC, I'm happy.

The amount of maps and mods that came to it was delightful. Not to mention toning down shooting to a pad.


Neo Member
Our goal is to build the best game for both platforms (PC and PS 4) and not let any issues from one impact the other.


Go play KF1 with a gamepad and as any class except Demolitions. Report back to us and let us know how you did

KF1 wasn't designed with a gamepad in mind. If they're developing this knowing people will play it with a gamepad, it's gonna work ok with it.


KF1 wasn't designed with a gamepad in mind. If they're developing this knowing people will play it with a gamepad, it's gonna work ok with it.

Well, that's what people are afraid though, that this "work ok on a pad" will also be true on PC


Yiss! I was really hoping for this since my PC won't be able to run it. I'm so happy! KF has been amazing on PC and the Holiday events are the best!

Day one for me :)
KF1 is such a fucking great game. Noone does weapons like tripwire do. I'm glad its coming to PS4 too as tripwire deserve a boatload of success for all the years of free updates they did for the original


KF1 wasn't designed with a gamepad in mind. If they're developing this knowing people will play it with a gamepad, it's gonna work ok with it.

So you don't think the game will require players to aim well to conserve ammo and kill enemies quickly? If a fleshpound or scrake is raging towards another player that is somewhat far away, I would not trust a gamepad user to consistently pop a headshot with a xbow or FN FAL to kill that enemy quickly


Unconfirmed Member
Our goal is to build the best game for both platforms (PC and PS 4) and not let any issues from one impact the other.

Out of curiosity Yoshiro what made you folks decide to make a console/PS4 version ? I remember an interview with John Gibson a few years ago and he said something along the lines of 'if we do a console version of our games we'll outsource it/get someone else to do it'.

Just wondering what made you folks change your mind and made you want to do it yourselves :) Plus do you plan to support mods on PS4, dedicated servers etc. ? (i assume these things would be answered later and I'm sure mods probably won't make the cut, I can only think of Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 which had mods)

I wish you loads of success though, I looooove Killing Floor, Red Orchestra and Rising Storm, amazing games.
I'll be buying both PC and PS4 versions. PC as my main and PS4 with friends who only have PS4s.

Same for me. I'll definitely be getting the early access version on Steam as soon as it's released.

I've already told a lot of my friends about this who have PS4's because for years they have heard me talking about how much fun the original Killing Floor is on PC. I think they will be pretty happy with it.

Nyoro SF

It's unfortunate that precision aiming will have to go away because of a console port, but maybe the game will be balanced more around just general destruction and not headshots.



Killing Floor 2 : Casual Edition ?
I expect a very hard FPS not a FPS you can play with a gamepad in your couch...

Go play KF1 with a gamepad and as any class except Demolitions. Report back to us and let us know how you did

So you don't think the game will require players to aim well to conserve ammo and kill enemies quickly? If a fleshpound or scrake is raging towards another player that is somewhat far away, I would not trust a gamepad user to consistently pop a headshot with a xbow or FN FAL to kill that enemy quickly

Reading this is so hilarious to me because KF1 has plenty of casual and new players all over it all the time and even more around discount times, which is when my friends and I like to play more often because we get to see all these new players playing the game like every other FPS when they shouldn't.

You guys saying that it coming to consoles will make it any worse is pretty damn funny to say the least. "Trust a gamepad user" is hilarious because I have a hard time trusting a fellow random PC player xxDeejlegend2000xx as it is with my life in KF1.



Aw yiss

It's unfortunate that precision aiming will have to go away because of a console port, but maybe the game will be balanced more around just general destruction and not headshots.

It doesn't have to. They could balance the game differently on both platforms. They could make body shots more effective on the console version, or slow down enemies, or simplify their zig-zaging patterns, or add some sort of magnetic aiming... All the while keeping the emphasis on headshots that the first game had on the PC version. Left 4 Dead had slower enemies on consoles for example.

Anyway, I assume that Yoshiro is working at tripwire and according to what he said they want to make the best possible version on each platform. After releasing a couple of PC shooters with very good controls and gunplay I think I can trust them to keep what makes the game so good intact on PC.


Reading this is so hilarious to me because KF1 has plenty of casual and new players all over it all the time and even more around discount times, which is when my friends and I like to play more often because we get to see all these new players playing the game like every other FPS when they shouldn't.

You guys saying that it coming to consoles will make it any worse is pretty damn funny to say the least. "Trust a gamepad user" is hilarious because I have a hard time trusting a fellow random PC player xxDeejlegend2000xx as it is with my life in KF1.

I'm not saying it coming to PS4 will make the PC version any worse, I trust that Tripwire has their priorities straight in that regard. I just think it will be much more difficult because of how bad gamepads are for FPS games that require precision aiming


hide your water-based mammals
So many games were announced at the show today that even a game like this gets ignored in the middle of the other announcements. What Sony did really well to bring out some new games that have not come out on consoles yet and will be exclusive to the platform. This is a pretty awesome game and PlayStation 4 friends will be in for a treat.


Hoping that the PS4 version has split-screen. Would really fill that left 4 dead itch playstation players have been missing.

People who are worried about the game having to be dumbed down due to pad players not being able to aim better are funny. Some people play better with bad, others with K/BM. It's just that simple. If left 4 dead(which is faster paced) can work on consoles, so can killing floor


Hoping that the PS4 version has split-screen. Would really fill that left 4 dead itch playstation players have been missing.

People who are worried about the game having to be dumbed down due to pad players not being able to aim better are funny. Some people play better with bad, others with K/BM. It's just that simple. If left 4 dead(which is faster paced) can work on consoles, so can killing floor

Accuracy is more important in Killing Floor than in L4D though. You can get away with body shots a lot more in L4D. And infected are slower in the console version of L4D.
Accuracy is more important in Killing Floor than in L4D though. You can get away with body shots a lot more in L4D.

Yup, and considering the main way to recover ammo easily across all weapons is to buy ammo between waves, you either have to manage ammo box spawns between a team of 4 or more people, which unless you're with friends is nigh on impossible, or conserve your ammo, especially on larger weapons where the ammo is more pricey.


Neo Member
I'll try and answer many of these questions when I get back from dinner (sorry I've been out meeting people most of the day).
FUUUUUUUUCK YES! Since my notebook sucks (Sucky Beema processor paired with a decent GPU, yet it can't use its full potential because of BEEEEEEEMAAAAA). I'll be getting this on my PS4!


I'll try and answer many of these questions when I get back from dinner (sorry I've been out meeting people most of the day).

It must be asked: What exactly where you looking at here?

Also, follow-up question: When might that super early access be starting?
One question, last gen UT3 on PS3 gave the option to play it with keyboard and mouse. Can you guys do the same with KF2? It would be awesome if I can play it with my keyboard and mouse.


Shouldn't be. There are a lot of games that work well with a pad that work just as well with a KB/M.

And neither of them plays like first KF. To make it work just as well on KB/M and a pad the gameplay would have to be siginificntly changed, into something that people who loved the first one do not want.

It's good to see the game spreading to more platforms, just don't let the tweaks and changes necessary for console version infect the PC SKU. Which won't be possible if they attempt crossplay. Fortunatelly I don't think anyone is crazy enough to do crossplay in FPS.


Neo Member
Ok, answer time.

Controller questions. Right now we've recently done our base controller pass and we think it plays well internally. There are no changes to gameplay based on that. We'll be refining the controller input as we move along.

Crossplatform - Technically feasible. But currently we are not looking at this as a goal. There may be many reasons why we don't want the two versions to be on the same build and there may be some middleware issues between platforms that would make this not work.

Release date - We don't know yet. We learned hard lessons about giving release dates with the release of RO 2. When we know things are set in stone for a release we will talk about them, but no sooner. They may officially release at the same time, they may not. PC Early Access will be out first (as far as I know at this time).

Overall our goal is to build the best game we can for both platforms without compromising something because of the other platform.


killing floor is funs, very glad to see footage

most impressive about KF is the amount of updates, probably the most supported fps since tf2,I hope kf2 continues that tradition


Neo Member
As to keyboard and mouse on PS 4, we don't know yet. We are still talking with Sony about what is possible and are exploring options on several fronts.
As a guy with a rubbish PC, I've never even heard of Killing Floor before. The trailer got me super hyped though, and I'm looking forward to trying it out!
I'm just excited to see some solid gameplay instead of all these short teases we kept getting. Looks fucking amazing. KF doors never looked so good.


As a guy with a rubbish PC, I've never even heard of Killing Floor before. The trailer got me super hyped though, and I'm looking forward to trying it out!

If the game is anywhere near as good as the first one (it looks better than the first one atm so I'm really optimistic :D) you're in for a treat :)

Looks like Scrake got redesigned to be more similar to a Fleshpound. I'm okay with this.

Yeah I prefer that new look. I found the KF1 Scrake a bit average looking:

I really like all the crazy halloween Scrakes though, they look pretty creepy (the in-game character models are better too).
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