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Wine, Womens, and Wii : My story (with pics!)


Thanks for keeping it somewhat civil guys, I had no intentions of turning this into a 'guys are pigs' thread or anything. And I also knew what I was doing, I just post here, and I thought this would be the best place to share my experience, I know people still like to have a bit of fun and throw out a photoshop or two, and I know some people think its pretty shitty and im some kind of a douche for politely asking to refrain from the mockery, and honestly, nobody had to follow my requests, I just said I'd probably have it locked otherwise.

Anyway, wow Gonintendo.com story? haha, cool I guess

I just dont want this to hit digg...I mean I told them I was going to post a story about them, I dont think they thought it would go this big tho. :lol

MrSardonic said:
Great thread yodandy, interesting to see how your friends reacted to their experience with the mii channel and the wii sports pack-in...did any of them show interest in any other wii games you had? Basically, are they now interested in different kinds of gaming experiences on wii or just those of the wii sports nature?

They actually DID ask what other games I had, and almost wanted me to boot up Call of Duty 3 to see how it worked, but the others were set on Wii Sports all night, also mentioned zelda, and got the 'nerrrd' line, but I explained how you used the sword, and bow, etc, and it made them interested, I also mention Wii Play, and they got excited about that and demanded I buy it.

Were all on break till sunday, and they already are planning a Saturday wii party, if this thread stays straight, ill post more pics in the future.


yodandy said:
Were all on break till sunday, and they already are planning a Saturday wii party, if this thread stays straight, ill post more pics in the future.
Mods, we are counting on you.


Boogie said:
:lol @ yodandy. You wouldn't survive thirty seconds in the OT, son!

Keep derailing the thread!

I honestly didn't expect asking to refrain from photoshops/sexist comments was that big of a deal, big thanks to those who have helped, and who refrained from the easy photoshops, please keep discussion on topic, i'm off to turkey dinner, have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! :)


yodandy said:
Keep derailing the thread!

With the DS girls asked me to play with it.. With Wii, I think they would like to play with the incredibile WiiRemote, especially with games where the rumble works well.. And, if possible, play with me :)


GSG Flash said:
:lol at people getting pissed by comments on this thread, I think they forgot that they are posting on GAF, any request the yodandy made was broken once he posted pics of atleast decent looking girls.

****ing eh! I'm dissappointed with GAF in this thread. But then again... It's all these Nintenkids jerking off to "not that special looking" girls.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that on a forum where how a game looks comes before how a game plays women would be judged on appearances instead of as people.
Sorry to derail things further, but....

firefoxsux said:
are the girls sweat alot after play the wii?
MrSardonic said:
what is your obsession with sweat? you're creepy
firefoxsux said:
i like to keep clean. :)

i like to go close to a babe in a workout sweat. this is only sometimes for the fun. nothing biggy thats all.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Quoted in case anyone missed this exchange.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

ant1532 said:
damn, that girl in white is smokin!

Rest are eh,meh, alright.

Ahhhh, to be 15 again.


Banstick Emeritus
man this thread turned out all right

I like good looking girls and big sweater puppies as much as the next guy not named Goreomedy, but some of the comments...I dunno man. Campster got a good tag out of it though, so it was not all for naught.


this thread reeks of nerdiness. so you had some girls over to play with your videogame system and you felt compelled to share it with everyone? that's pathetic.

and yeah i've done things equally as pathetic if not worse, but at least i kept it in off topic.


Hehe, this thread is fun.

For those upset about some of the comments. Deal with it, hell, these comments are incredibly tame compared to other places.

When you go bragging, expect to get a nagging. :D


yodandy said:
Were all on break till sunday, and they already are planning a Saturday wii party, if this thread stays straight, ill post more pics in the future.

what? no gay comments allowed?

i was going to tell you that you were kinda cute, but not anymore!


This thread sucks and yodandy is the worst poster ever. Not because I wanted to see these poor girls drenched in photoshop cum or anything, but because he totally killed the fun mood in here and there could have been some brilliantly funny (and completely non-sexual -- but thanks for assuming that we're all losers) pics up in here by now. But instead we get an overzealous male feminazi spewing offensive generalizations.

Woo, that sure worked out and made for a thread filled with good clean fun. :(


*drowns in jizz*
brocke said:
this thread reeks of nerdiness. so you had some girls over to play with your videogame system and you felt compelled to share it with everyone? that's pathetic.

and yeah i've done things equally as pathetic if not worse, but at least i kept it in off topic.

Almost as pathetic as you having to post that comment, right?

Not even close.


Campster said:
If you're a heterosexual male who has half a brain, women are people. Just because you're attracted to them doesn't deny them dignity.

Should any picture you post online be subject to whether females would do your friends, but not you? Or judge whether you are desperately hungry for vagina? The original poster wanted to make a thread about whether videogames could expand their target audience, and to that I applaud him, but people are turning this thread into a "I'd do her, but not her! I can't believe you'd want to bang her!" thread. And it's indicative of this entire industry's audience. It sickens me.

You are such a pussy.

P.S. Someone please shutdown goNintendo.


I really wouldn't mind if the future of gaming involves better looking girls playing videogames instead of better looking graphics. yodandy's friends > shaders

And now talking seriously. To tear down the barriers between gamers and nongamers, and thus making playing videogames with your gf to be a norm instead of a exception is a very noble cause. I do hope that Nintendo (or anyone) makes it possible. This tread made me smile :) (and cry after reading some of the comments).


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
So hard to post pics of any females in this forums... they all get derailed by losers who can't think straight. Just enjoy those pics in the sense that Nintendo did a good job of bringing new audience to playing games. Why are you judging how each girls look instead ?


NetMapel said:
So hard to post pics of any females in this forums... they all get derailed by losers who can't think straight. Just enjoy those pics in the sense that Nintendo did a good job of bringing new audience to playing games. Why are you judging how each girls look instead ?

Precisely. Thankfully, I think the initial "omg hot gurlz playing with your wiwi lolol" has passed, and people are truly seeing what nintendo has accomplished here...


Unconfirmed Member
Aurora said:
Great post. It seems that Nintendo have really nailed the target audience.
Bu-dum tsshh.

In response to all the craziness: like someone else said, the pervy posters are the ones losing dignity. Like kids seeking attention, just let them be and eventually they'll ebb and melt away.

Good to hear your success story, OP. Hehe, Wii Ambassador indeed :) I must admit, I too will be tweaking my Mii way too much before I start playing Zelda or anything. How embarrassing!


Wolves Evolve said:
This thread = why we can't have nice things.


This thread would not only be 100x better, and at least 5x as many pages if we could Photoshop. :(


But I'll respect his wishes.

So yodandy finally gets a girl to play with his Wii and he has to post pictures of it all over the internets.
I'm sorry


mj1108 said:

This thread would not only be 100x better, and at least 5x as many pages if we could Photoshop. :(


But I'll respect his wishes.

So yodandy finally gets a girl to play with his Wii and he has to post pictures of it all over the internets.
I'm sorry

wah wah, this isnt a bragging about girls thread, like many people think.

but i will tease.

a few came over again tonight, hot wii on girl action, but im not posting pics this time, all the comedians have ruined that, well see how i feel tmr, im a little tipsy right now, so maybe ill be in a better mood tmr.


I'm interested in hearing more of these anecdotal stories, since my one and only case for buying a Wii would be getting my non-gamer GF more into gaming.

Also, some of you little boys need to grow the f?ck up. Looks like Bish got here before I did, though.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
-jinx- said:
I'm interested in hearing more of these anecdotal stories, since my one and only case for buying a Wii would be getting my non-gamer GF more into gaming.

Also, some of you little boys need to grow the f?ck up. Looks like Bish got here before I did, though.

Does your girlfriend enjoy bowling or tennis even in the slightest? If so... Wii Sports is almost guaranteed to be a hit. Everybody who has gotten to play the bowling or the tennis (golf and baseball and boxing are a bit more iffy) has absolutely fallen in love with it... this includes my near 50 year old aunt and uncle, who I don't think have ever touched a video game in their lives since maybe Pong or something...

Just curious... why would getting your g/f into games be your only case for buying a Wii though? For people who are more so into games, both Zelda and Trauma Center are really enjoyable, too.
aku:jiki said:
This thread sucks and yodandy is the worst poster ever. Not because I wanted to see these poor girls drenched in photoshop cum or anything, but because he totally killed the fun mood in here and there could have been some brilliantly funny (and completely non-sexual -- but thanks for assuming that we're all losers) pics up in here by now. But instead we get an overzealous male feminazi spewing offensive generalizations.

Woo, that sure worked out and made for a thread filled with good clean fun. :(

Seriously, this thread looked like fun but ended up being such a buzzkill.


yodandy said:
Keep derailing the thread!

I honestly didn't expect asking to refrain from photoshops/sexist comments was that big of a deal, big thanks to those who have helped, and who refrained from the easy photoshops, please keep discussion on topic, i'm off to turkey dinner, have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! :)

Jesus, you posted pictures of hot babes playing with a Wii on GAF and youre getting all pissy about photoshops and sexist comments? Stop being such an ass.


Cool pics! This pretty much mirrors the experiences a lot of my friends are having with the system. It really does make you think differently about how some genres can (and in some cases, should) be played. If Nintendo plays their cards right, the Wii will enjoy the same type of success the DS did a year or so into its cycle, and never look back.


Scenester said:
Jesus, you posted pictures of hot babes playing with a Wii on GAF and youre getting all pissy about photoshops and sexist comments? Stop being such an ass.

I'm sorry, I dont really post anywhere else, and dont run a blog or anything, I thought gaf would enjoy hearing about nintendo's success since this is a GAMING FORUM...

GTFO if you dont like the thread, christ. Or maybe have 5-6 of your friends over, then post a thread where everyone can **** around with them.

I had part two last night, lots of pics, and a few more people came bye, maybe ill post the pics sometime, but yea, everyone had a great time yet again.

Im throwing another one once I get back to college with my college friends, well see how they like it. (Should be interesting, since there will be way more alcohol involved)

Edit: Btw, im even getting random im's with people calling me a 'mod-cock sucker' and 'pussy', etc......its been making my day :), oh to be 13 again :lol
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