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Famitsu 11/05/09 Thread of please do not ban me!

lorddarkflare said:
X-2, V and XII international.

Oddly enough, my favorites in the series. Excluding 9 and 6, i hate all the others.
I don't remember X-2's and how did Internationals differ from XII? I wasn't a fan of buying spells and the it was too unfocused for me.


I should be doing hw said:
Sucks to be you then, cos its back! :lol
What was your favorite then?

Ugh, the Sphere Grid was horrible. It basically made every character a carbon copy of every other character, there was nothing unique or special about anyone doing it that way. There's nothing wrong with this tact, per se, its very common in WRPGs, and I enjoy it very much. But Final Fantasy is one of the two forerunners of JRPGs and one of the reasons I play them is because they very much focus on each character being their own unique person with their own unique abilities.

The Sphere Grid was functionally excellent, but thematically it lacked heart.


grandjedi6 said:
You remain skeptical that Famitsu reviews aren't credible? Really, even after all that? What the hell would it take you to be skeptical then?

And yes, similar things have happened in western publications, however they are not systematic through every review and they are not the norm. Famitsu is far worse than western publications in this, if only for the fact that its an accepted reality rather than a controversy.

And no, they really aren't sharing their thoughts. The famitsu editor in milkman's story felt Blue Dragon was horribly boring and had several other complaints about it, yet still gave the game a 8/10 and ignored his own criticisms.

I guess I just have a very lax view about reviews. I don't care very strongly either way.

There's going to be certain amount of corruption or ulterior motives in pretty much anything published, be it review, news, or editorials, but that isn't justification to consistently dismiss 100% of everything every source ever says. I don't pay much attention to Famitsu reviews, but the last three games I've really looked into (P3P, Final Fantasy Gaiden, and Strange Journey) pretty much synch up with everything I've read elsewhere about those games. To pretend that their scores and comments on those three games were complete fabrications based on advertising money or personal feelings about the developers (for better or for worse) is absurd.
justchris said:
Ugh, the Sphere Grid was horrible. It basically made every character a carbon copy of every other character, there was nothing unique or special about anyone doing it that way. There's nothing wrong with this tact, per se, its very common in WRPGs, and I enjoy it very much. But Final Fantasy is one of the two forerunners of JRPGs and one of the reasons I play them is because they very much focus on each character being their own unique person with their own unique abilities.

The Sphere Grid was functionally excellent, but thematically it lacked heart.
....not really, I have to disagree there. The Sphere Grid system did make every character unique as you progressed you unlocked new things specific to that character. It wasn't until you reached the very end of each characters path that it opened up. This was perfect for regular playthrough, I made it to the end of the game without finishing any characters section. I mean if you are one of those people that grinds a shit load then sure I guess you could make every character the same, but you are doing that the game isn't forcing you to do that. XII was worse for this I thought, way too open.
Thematically it fit with FFX's style too, spheres where like thier tech so it suited imo.
To me I guess the sphere grid is only as broken as you make it, maybe that's a bad thing maybe it's not. I liked it for what I was though and glad it's returning and probably being refined for XII.


Shadowlink said:
. I also played the Megaman X remake and I actually used the analog stick to play the game because of the dpad.
What is this blasphemy? Seriously, I hate that PSP nub more than pretty much anything. It ranks right up there with the 360 d-pad.


I should be doing hw said:
....not really, I have to disagree there. The Sphere Grid system did make every character unique as you progressed you unlocked new things specific to that character. It wasn't until you reached the very end of each characters path that it opened up. This was perfect for regular playthrough, I made it to the end of the game without finishing any characters section. I mean if you are one of those people that grinds a shit load then sure I guess you could make every character the same, but you are doing that the game isn't forcing you to do that. XII was worse for this I thought, way too open.
Thematically it fit with FFX's style too, spheres where like thier tech so it suited imo.
To me I guess the sphere grid is only as broken as you make it, maybe that's a bad thing maybe it's not. I liked it for what I was though and glad it's returning and probably being refined for XII.

I think the bolded part is spot on. FFX did differentiate it;s characters very well and the minority who took the time to power level to max for every character are probably the same people that in any other FF level up system would have grinded to 99 and been able to destroy everything except some optional uber bosses by having every character spam the basic attack, be it some hulking warrior or some white mage.

Anyways.... BlazBlue PSP eh? Interesting....not sure if I should care yet
Narcosis said:
I think the bolded part is spot on. FFX did differentiate it;s characters very well and the minority who took the time to power level to max for every character are probably the same people that in any other FF level up system would have grinded to 99 and been able to destroy everything except some optional uber bosses by having every character spam the basic attack, be it some hulking warrior or some white mage.

Anyways.... BlazBlue PSP eh? Interesting....not sure if I should care yet
That's my rationale, I mean at that point you've already broken the game by having lvl 99 characters, expecting it to still be unique at that point is stupid. Does any game do this? Like you said, only a minority of people do this. It would take over hundreds of hours to actually get to these levels, at that point if you are still playing the game and are not sick of it then kudos to you.


justchris said:
Ugh, the Sphere Grid was horrible. It basically made every character a carbon copy of every other character... But Final Fantasy is one of the two forerunners of JRPGs and one of the reasons I play them is because they very much focus on each character being their own unique person with their own unique abilities.

Final Fantasy does that? Because I seem to recall the very first game in the series offering you the ability to make all four characters the exact same class. The second game offered no unique, distinguishing characteristics for each character, either. And in the third? You could do the same thing as in the first. And you could do that in the fifth game, too. Distinguishing traits in the sixth, seventh, and eighth were minor at best.

So I really don't get the claim (and I never have) that one of the big key focuses of Final Fantasy is that the series focuses on making each character their own unique person with their own unique abilities. There really is not a strong precedent for that idea in the series history.

The sphere grid in 10 was a wonderfully fun system, and yes, it offer the player the choice of making each character very similar -- but that's a choice, and it's a choice that's been consistently offered throughout the history of Final Fantasy. I guess if you're bound and determined to unlock each and every sphere on the board, then by the end you'll wind up that way... but given the extent of the power you'd have at that point, it's pretty meaningless all the same whatever distinctions there might be.

Besides, there was nothing unsound about the concepts behind the grid, and if your only quibble is in its execution, then that's still a problem with the execution and not the underlying systems. The international version of 10 already changed the execution around enough so that carbon cloning was more difficult. There's no reason to lash out at 13's systems just because they bare a slight similarity with the game's most immediate (development-wise) predecessor unless you've gotten all the details about how those systems will work within the framework of the game.
BlazBlue for PSP?, I hope there is something unique about it and not a port of Calamity Trigger. Maybe the will throw there Hazama and Tsubaki in advance of the CS console version.


Kagari said:
Seems the main complaints in the CB review were:

Bad camera
Long tutorial

I can totally see these two being big problems. Having played it at TGS, the camera is a serious problem. They should have found a way to link the cursor with the camera when not grabbing something, because the camera itself is floaty and is all over the place. Being able to snap it back is fine, but I found I was doing it all the time and after a while it gets annoying.

The tutorial is super long as well. Takes a long time to get to the meat of the game.


rockman zx said:
BlazBlue for PSP?, I hope there is something unique about it and not a port of Calamity Trigger. Maybe the will throw there Hazama and Tsubaki in advance of the CS console version.

from what I read at srk, new mode called Legion and all characters will have unlimited form.
I'm just curious to as of how they could have ported Blazblue to the PSP?

Aren't the graphics too detailed and high-end for the system to handle? And even then so wouldn't the game look pixelated due to the resolution (I know the Guilty Gear PSP games look a bit funny)?

Sorry I don't have too much knowledge on 2D sprite performance on hardware.
I should be doing hw said:
I don't remember X-2's and how did Internationals differ from XII? I wasn't a fan of buying spells and the it was too unfocused for me.

The international was basically a cross between FF1 and FF12.

And yeah, i really do not like buying spells either.

As for X, well the board was executed superbly, not many systems as well paced as that.

My issue with it was mostly because of the fact that i was pointless micro managing my characters.

Do not get me wrong, i really do not mind micro, as a matter of fact, i usually enjoy it, but the SG felt like one pointless move forward with little deviation until much later into the game.

As complaints about everyone being the same, i could never understand that. In the entire main series, there are like 3 games in which you cannot make all your charcters carbon copies if you chose.

The thing is, to ruin the game for yourself in that manner, you had to grind your eyes out. I always laugh at those who complain that XII' board is bad because it allows all your characters to be the same(it is bad for other reasons, not to mention that the gambits were really what determined roles not the LP), these people obviously have way too much time on their hands to grind to that point.
Flying_Phoenix said:
I'm just curious to as of how they could have ported Blazblue to the PSP?

Aren't the graphics too detailed and high-end for the system to handle? And even then so wouldn't the game look pixelated due to the resolution (I know the Guilty Gear PSP games look a bit funny)?

Sorry I don't have too much knowledge on 2D sprite performance on hardware.

They had Guilty Gear on the DS. That should tell you all you need to know.
lorddarkflare said:
The international was basically a cross between FF1 and FF12.

And yeah, i really do not like buying spells either.

As for X, well the board was executed superbly, not many systems as well paced as that.

My issue with it was mostly because of the fact that i was pointless micro managing my characters.

Do not get me wrong, i really do not mind micro, as a matter of fact, i usually enjoy it, but the SG felt like one pointless move forward with little deviation until much later into the game.

As complaints about everyone being the same, i could never understand that. In the entire main series, there are like 3 games in which you cannot make all your charcters carbon copies if you chose.

The thing is, to ruin the game for yourself in that manner, you had to grind your eyes out. I always laugh at those who complain that XII' board is bad because it allows all your characters to be the same(it is bad for other reasons, not to mention that the gambits were really what determined roles not the LP), these people obviously have way too much time on their hands to grind to that point.
I don't understand your compliant, you say it's paced superbly (which it is) but that it takes too long to get anwhere? I'm confused... Unless your compliant was with the stones needed for upgrades, that kind of got tedius trying to find the right ones if you were low. Thankfully the drops where fairly generous.
B.K. said:
We don't know if it even is a port. There aren't any scans for it yet.

According to some people at SRK, who have the magazine, it's a port with a few changes.

Pureauthor said:
They had Guilty Gear on the DS. That should tell you all you need to know.

It wasn't really the same as Guilty Gear XX at all.

I could explain but I think it'll be faster if I just showed you a screenshot.


It looks like they got the original sprites and did some serious downscaling while cleaning them up with less detail. So in short they're as much as GGXX's sprites as HD Remix's are of Super Turbo's. Anyway as someone hinted at before Dust Strikers wasn't a traditional Guilty Gear game.


Guilty Gear Dust Strikers had the same sprites, but most of the animation was gone and a lot of the specials were totally changed. And it's terrible.

The most interesting part of this Famitsu is there's no PS2 games covered in the magazine :eek:
I should be doing hw said:
I don't understand your compliant, you say it's paced superbly (which it is) but that it takes too long to get anwhere? I'm confused... Unless your compliant was with the stones needed for upgrades, that kind of got tedius trying to find the right ones if you were low. Thankfully the drops where fairly generous.

My complaint is that there was no need for it(the comment about pacing has to do with the virtual non-existence of grind. Unless you want to play the extra content, that requires a shit ton of it).

The fact that we had to linearly place stones every time we leveled up was really pointless. In systems like this, i expect choice, X did not give choice until much later in the game.

Other than that and the fact that i did not approve of it aesthetically, i have no other beef with the grid. I have plenty with the rest of the game though.

I always think that the SG is a dumb idea executed beautifully and the LB the opposite.


ethelred said:
Final Fantasy does that? Because I seem to recall the very first game in the series offering you the ability to make all four characters the exact same class. The second game offered no unique, distinguishing characteristics for each character, either. And in the third? You could do the same thing as in the first. And you could do that in the fifth game, too. Distinguishing traits in the sixth, seventh, and eighth were minor at best.

I meant that JRPGs in general focus on this, not Final Fantasy specifically, and it's one of the things I like about JRPGs and why my favorite Final Fantasies are the ones that focus more on individualizing the characters. The more they move away from that, the less interest I have in that particular game.

Edit: Correction. I realize now I was confusing X's Sphere Grid with XII's License Board. Now that my head is no longer up my ass, I agree that the Sphere Grid was perfectly thematically appropriate, it was the License Board I found unenjoyable. A system closer to X and far, far away from XII is fine with me.
Flying_Phoenix said:
It looks like they got the original sprites and did some serious downscaling while cleaning them up with less detail. So in short they're as much as GGXX's sprites as HD Remix's are of Super Turbo's. Anyway as someone hinted at before Dust Strikers wasn't a traditional Guilty Gear game.

Yeeeeeeeahhh... which is pretty much what I expect will happen with Blazblue PSP. That was kind of the point.


Dragona Akehi said:
While I am the foremost proponent of portable games, I don't get this. The PSP has a shitty dpad and there's no alternate control option such as an arcade stick.

I have to partially agree there. Sure, the PSP's d-pad is horrid, but GGXX plays fine on it, even on the PSP-1000 (which I own).


Dragona Akehi said:
While I am the foremost proponent of portable games, I don't get this. The PSP has a shitty dpad and there's no alternate control option such as an arcade stick.

Perhaps the PSPGo + Wireless Hori Arcade Stick works to play PSP games with a stick (if this stick is bluetooth). Anyone tried yet?


lol at crystal bearers score. Same score as Nanashi no Game :D

cosmicblizzard said:
Man, Square game reviews are all over the place this gen. I think I'll wait for some more reliable reviews before I lose hope in CB.
Square Enix game gets high/perfect score. GAFFERS: man, i'll wait for some more reliable reviews.
Square Enix game gets low score. GAFFERS: man, i'll wait for some more reliable reviews.

Anyway, no news of SaGa Frontier 3 for PSP? :(


post here too

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 商願2009-070983 日本一GAMES
Kagari said:
Seems the main complaints in the CB review were:

Bad camera
Long tutorial
Average length, only 15-20 hours long
Sparse NPC reaction
At the same time, I'm not going to play the "Well those are small complaints!!" game. I did that with Star Ocean IV's reviews, which all listed the stupidest complaints ever, but it turns out the game was actually rated what it was because it completely sucked.


Mr. Wonderful said:
At the same time, I'm not going to play the "Well those are small complaints!!" game. I did that with Star Ocean IV's reviews, which all listed the stupidest complaints ever, but it turns out the game was actually rated what it was because it completely sucked.

The four reviews are each a paragraph long, so there's more there than just those complaints.

1up did a post about the reviews:
"The story, woven by a cast of colorful characters, is extremely fascinating," one reviewer wrote. "The way the story develops, along with the unique characters and world setting, is brilliant. There are lots of little details to everything."

On the other hand, according to Famitsu, The Crystal Bearers has a fair amount of annoying niggles. "The telekinesis setup is fun -- you get to perform a lot of actions in the playable events, but I wish people gave more of a response to getting moved around," one writer said.

"The levels are well-made and full of gimmicks," wrote another, "but the map doesn't give you much info, making it hard to figure out where you are at times. It's hard to get a grip on your surroundings, and the game feels a bit like a long fetch quest, But the playable events and wide variety of minigames ensure that players never get bored."


The God Eater demo is going to be huge. It'll have 10 full missions, 4 player co-op, weapon and item creation/customization, trailer and story cutscenes, and the save data in the demo will be supported in the final game as well. It seems Namco is going to push this one pretty hard.
Guilty Gear looked and ran well on the PSP, don't see how Blazblue would be much different. Lower resolution like the GG games but the game should be intact.
duckroll said:
The God Eater demo is going to be huge. It'll have 10 full missions, 4 player co-op, weapon and item creation/customization, trailer and story cutscenes, and the save data in the demo will be supported in the final game as well. It seems Namco is going to push this one pretty hard.

PSN demo?
Pureauthor said:
Yeeeeeeeahhh... which is pretty much what I expect will happen with Blazblue PSP. That was kind of the point.

Well your point didn't match up with the context of my post. I asked how were they going to port the original sprites to the PSP. And you stated it was possible because they were able to do it with Guilty Gear on the DS. In short. It seemed like you implied that they were just going to use the exact same sprites and shrink them down, instead of shrinking them down and completely reconstructing them. But than again your comment was pretty vague so I may have just misinterpreted it.

BattleMonkey said:
Guilty Gear looked and ran well on the PSP, don't see how Blazblue would be much different. Lower resolution like the GG games but the game should be intact.

But wouldn't it be a lot of work to downscale than the sprites to half their size than clean them up? This is what concerns me.

This are the sprite size comparisons.


Would the PSP be able to handle that much of an increase in sprite size?


rockman zx said:
PSN demo?

Dunno about PSN, but it'll be up on Famitsu's site first as an exclusive later this month. On 20th Nov it will be available on the game's official website. In Dec the demo will be distributed on UMD in participating store outlets in Japan.
Flying_Phoenix said:
But wouldn't it be a lot of work to downscale than the sprites to half their size than clean them up? This is what concerns me.

Would the PSP be able to handle that much of an increase in sprite size?

They didn't have problem downscaling the GG ones to work. As with GG they will likely have to tone down various aspects of the visuals such as the backgrounds and quality of the various effects to make it run smoothly.
BattleMonkey said:
They didn't have problem downscaling the GG ones to work. As with GG they will likely have to tone down various aspects of the visuals such as the backgrounds and quality of the various effects to make it run smoothly.

Well they didn't downscale the sprites, they used the same exact sprites for Guilty Gear PSP they didn't really do anything. I guess they'll just down the resolution, but I'm just a little uncertain to how they are able to pull off the game's sprites on such low end hardware. I know that lowering the resolution really helps, but that can only help so much.
Dragona Akehi said:
While I am the foremost proponent of portable games, I don't get this. The PSP has a shitty dpad and there's no alternate control option such as an arcade stick.

It's not just PSP.

No arcade control option = fail.

Why I don't buy portable fighting games. :\

Anyhow, I'm interested in seeing this. I hope with the popularity of PSP and BB position in arcade charts, this just expands the popularity of the franchise and continues to erode the base of the polygon sellouts and their whore fans. >:D


The Take Out Bandit said:
Anyhow, I'm interested in seeing this. I hope with the popularity of PSP and BB position in arcade charts, this just expands the popularity of the franchise and continues to erode the base of the polygon sellouts and their whore fans. >:D

:lol you never give up do you
xero273 said:
GvGN. scans show reborn gundam, The O, and Zeong. Also, from what I read Wadom and Raflessia are bosses

Sweet :) Good to know!

Shouta said:
Excellent. GVGN+ is going to be so awesome. I still wish it was for the PS3 though, I want to use a stick with the game. >=(

Ugh yeah I wish it was for the PS3 as well but it's better then nothing at all so I can't really complain...:lol

distantmantra said:
GvG Next, but it's about time for some new Gundam games to get announced. Probably early next year.

I will be on the look out for sure!


An blind dancing ho
The Take Out Bandit said:
Would be interesting if From Software were able to make a solid online game. The AC games this gen have been janky to acceptable in terms of performance. :(

dunno if From can do that , correct me if i'm wrong but irrc with Demon's Soul SCE Japan Studio was the one who actually optimized the online part of the game
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