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Yes, Virginia, there IS a Tuesdayton! FE DS! MONSTER HUNTER...WII? SONIKU IN SUMABURA

DefectiveReject said:
Really......... More creativity = more possibilities?

More power = Give it a bald head and make it look shiny

I can honestly say, with 100% confidence, that Dead Rising is a game that would not have been nearly as good on an older console. That to me was when I realized Next Gen isnt just having a prettier game, it is also being able to better express the ideas in the game.

another example is SotC, it is an amazing game, but it did have frame rate problems and such because of technical limitations. Setting the bar way higher for what you can achieve technically will allow you to better express things creatively.
Defuser said:
For install base to increase they have to make good games for it.If they're not willing to help expand userbase then how could they make profit?

It's not Capcom's job to lose money by investing in a system that the public simply does not want to buy at this point. The series is huge in Japan, and the Japanese people have made it somewhat clear that they are not interested in the xbox 360 or PS3 currently.

Can you seriously fault a company for wanting to make a profit?


Defuser said:
For install base to increase they have to make good games for it.If they're not willing to help expand userbase then how could they make profit?

That's the argument I had with Gamecube sales.

No games for Gamecube -> Low sales.

Low sales -> no games for Gamecube.


Defuser said:
For install base to increase they have to make good games for it.If they're not willing to help expand userbase then how could they make profit?

Since when its the developers job to increase the hardware base for a manufacturer? They are part of the salvation army now?
sypher said:
You truly live up to your name

end of discussion.

Defuser said:
No wonder you're the captain of the retard force.

And there goes my theorems again in that my tag helps call out the retards. When they have no valid points they quote my tag and looky here. 2 retards in a row. Thanks you
thats about 10 of you guys i've had with this in the last few weeks


Linkzg said:
so, fanboy agendas = wanting games made on more powerful hardware?

for a while there with games like Dead Rising which really showed how you can take a simple concept and make it awesome with the extra power of a next gen console. Atleast there is still DMC4, glorious DMC4.

Lower the polys and effects, Dead Rising can be done on last gen hardware. It's like you people have never seen hundreds of characters on the screen before? Sure it wouldn't look anywhere near as pretty, but that's exactly the point that DefectiveReject is trying to make.

larger, more convincing environments? more players playing co-operatively? more robust online features without friend codes of any kind?

Medal of Honor 2 Wii has 32 player online and light-gun co-op. Also, no friend codes. And it's done by an EA B-team. Thank you, come again?

For install base to increase they have to make good games for it.If they're not willing to help expand userbase then how could they make profit?

That's Sony's problem, not Capcom's. The Wii flew past the 360 LTD on the back of Nintendo, not third parties. That made things like this happen, where third parties are going to want a piece of the pie. It's called a 'snowball effect' (userbase -> software -> userbase -> software) and it's happened in every gen previous and will continue to happen until videogaming dies (next year).


DefectiveReject said:
They're monsters in that...they aren't real..... in that the don't need to look anything other than like computer generated monsters

I don't know about you lot, but i play games, i don't sit there thinking....hmmm could look a little more shiny, and the sound isn't quite right.
Never thought it can be improve on next gen hardware? DMC4 says hi,Dead Rising says hi.

DefectiveReject said:
And there goes my theorems again in that my tag helps call out the retards. When they have no valid points they quote my tag and looky here. 2 retards in a row. Thanks you
thats about 10 of you guys i've had with this in the last few weeks
So they give you a tag just for fun?There's a REASON why you have the tag in the first place.


DefectiveReject said:

An awesome visual overhaul would do much more for this series then silly control settings ever could. Bringing it to Wii means no progression at all. Even worse, if they decide to throw in of wiimote-based crap it could even mean a step back.

WHAT THE FUCK does HD bring to the table except for shiny plastic clothes and a few more

with a rebuttal like this you should be thankful i even took the time to try and explain my point of view.

(mine/catch/roast your ores/bugs/meat by swinging the wiimote!)


DefectiveReject said:
They're monsters in that...they aren't real..... in that the don't need to look anything other than like computer generated monsters

I don't know about you lot, but i play games, i don't sit there thinking....hmmm could look a little more shiny, and the sound isn't quite right.

MP3 is more atmospheric than 99% of next gen games i've played. Controls far better than anything i have played on 360 and PS3

Who needs evolution?, there are few survival games as excellent as Alone in the Dark, we don´t need anything better than this.



Linkzg said:
the only real problem I see with this entire cycle is that Monster Hunter is most likely going to Wii because it is a sure fire way to get lots of money and there is already a huge install base, the problem with that is that they shouldent be thinking of putting a popular franchise on an already popular console, they should have been putting it on the PS3 to increase the sales for PS3 and make the PS3 a success along with it or something.

the move seems very cautious are just as a sure fire way to make money, but whatever.
No one was complaining during the N64/GC days when Sony was getting the most popular franchises at the expense of low N64 sales. Its like no one wanted N64 to be a success.
Defuser said:
PC gaming not popular in Japan plus the fact people can just use Bittorrent instead of buying,why do you think Capcom never pimp the PC versions while the consoles version were paraded around?

There's alot of casuals on the PS2 last gen,If they didn't buy the game which makes MH a flop in the west so what makes you think the Wii version will do better in the west?

Simple way: They moan,Nintendo fanboys spring out shouting BITTER TEARS ,gloat and continue to put down everything spewed by sony fanboys.

Really? I just drink water,surfing around other forums and posting exaggeratively and went to take nap.

Because I'm a fan of the series which I know what kinds of wrongs it can happen with using Wii remote. It just like arguing back in the days about whether DMC should be on the wii. DMC is a complex system and steep learning curve.Same thing applies to MH,Monster Hunter has a complex system steep curve which Wii controls is not suitable for it.[/b]
Monster Hunter can be improved but not by using the Wii.
So that means MH games won't be seeing a release on PSP, since well downloading them via BT is even easier (less space)? As I stated earlier, this is not about what would be the most viable plattform in terms of sales (Capcom obviously thinks Wii) but what it's potential it could best be delivered - that would be PC. No one around here would wish for that though since they don't have a gaming PC, further validating my point that the bickering is all about the game not being on one's favourite plattform.

I didn't say it will do better in the west, read my post. Bigger instal base - bigger potential sales. If that expectation comes true in the end remains yet to be seen. Maybe there just isn't a big enough fanbase for these kind of games in the west, who knows. The chances of this doing good in the west would be even worse if it was on PS3 though. It flopped on a PS system with a far bigger install base before. If Capcom releases this in the west we'll see if the Wii fanbase shows interest in this type of game - if not then there's only XBox left to try this on.

Since I never played the series and have no serious intentions to change that in the future I can't comment on the control stuff but it sounds dodgy to me. Oh and the tears comment wasn't aimed at you in particular, you seemed to have taken these news with grim sense of humour.

neo2046 said:
Buddha and Jesus indeed. Thx!

Linkzg said:
because if the install base is high, it will ultimately benefit Capcom later on if they actually want to develop more next gen titles.
Huh? So in secret Capcom's goal is to develop titles for 360 and PS3 and in order to do so they must take actions to up the install base, so that they can profit later on? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Look, these guys are not a charity. Sony ain't a charity either but they eat up the losses on hardware and software early in a console life-cycle because they'll profit later (or that's the plan at least), making up for the losses through licensing etc. Capcom doesn't get money for publishing on Sony consoles.

PepsimanVsJoe said:
Wait what? How does next gen hardware have anything to do with that?
Real-time weapon-switching, only possible in HD.
Defuser said:
Never thought it can be improve on next gen hardware? DMC4 says hi,Dead Rising says hi.

So they give you a tag just for fun?There's a REASON why you have the tag in the first place.

There is no reason i have the tag actually.

Also DMC4 and Dead rising have what??
a few more things on screen and look prettier.

Wiimote for me brings a lot more to the table than any next gen gloss. I can't play Halo3 as much as i like as the controls really piss me off.


I don't see what all the moaning is about. It's clear why the PS3 version was canned. They will probably re-evaluate a PS3 Monster Hunter when the PS3 is a viable platform for selling software in Japan. Until then, they are biding there time with a Wii version. In the meantime they reach a new user base they otherwise wouldn't have hit

This is a series that is popular in Japan, on the PSP. The Wii is an upgrade in every way, shape, and form aside from portability over the PSP version, yet it will still allow them to share assets and develop at relatively low cost. Their target audience, Japan, has been very receptive to the Wii and they've also been very receptive to Monster hunter games with PSP level graphics. This development makes sense. Why not release it for the 360 with the Lost Planet engine? Doesn't 360 sell software? once again, their audience is Japan.

Will there still be a PS3 version down the line? This is Capcom, so my guess is yes, as long as PS3 prooves viable at some point. When the install base is ready I'm sure a new Monster Hunter will be there, but if this is a 2008 release it doesn't make sense for them to burn it on the PS3. They won't want to launch anything at this scale before or during RE5 and FF13


Eh, as an owner of both systems and a relatively new fan of monster hunter, I'm on the edge of dissapointment. I would love to see monter hunster on the next gen(not that the Wii is last gen or anything). But I guess using waggle wouldn't be that bad. I guess it'll come down to swinging the remote for a sword and using it to point the projectile weapons.

DefectiveReject said:
Wiimote for me brings a lot more to the table than any next gen gloss. I can't play Halo3 as much as i like as the controls really piss me off.

nice can of worms to open there.


Acosta said:
Who needs evolution?, there are few survival games as excellent as Alone in the Dark, we don´t need anything better than this.

What a great rebuttal. With the PS2, we finally have graphics that aren't horrificly ugly. Despite the fact most of what we've seen on the Wii from third parties are PS2 engines, it IS a bit more powerful than even the XBox. Sure it's not a 360, but it doesn't need to be. I see stuff like Dewey, Metroid, Smash Bros, and SMG, and they are all pleasant to the eyes. I don't need all the characters to be coated in plastic and all the walls to be shiny, because after playing Bioshock recently, I've realized how horribly ugly that "coat everything in plastic" artstyle looks anyway.

I can certainly go back to PSX-era 3D quite easily (see: DS) as can most people, judging by the 50mill sold. But the PS2 is where most things started looking pretty good to me. Unfortunately for you, the market speaks and they're speaking the same language that I am.


While this is without doubt a hammer blow for Sony in Japan, I'm sure that as soon as Kaz realised that the PS3 wasn't going to be getting Monster Hunter3 he was straight on the phone to Phil asking for a first party homage
(knock off?)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
First DQ IX and now Monster Hunter 3...Nintendo has Japan by the balls and just won't let go.
StevieP said:
Lower the polys and effects, Dead Rising can be done on last gen hardware. It's like you people have never seen hundreds of characters on the screen before? Sure it wouldn't look anywhere near as pretty, but that's exactly the point that DefectiveReject is trying to make.

why would you want to lower your expectations?

I dont get it, I want to play good games, I am not against Monster Hunter 3 being on the Wii and I will most likely buy and enjoy it. I believe that just having less technical limitations means more creative ideas can be used.

nightez said:
No one was complaining during the N64/GC days when Sony was getting the most popular franchises at the expense of low N64 sales. Its like no one wanted N64 to be a success.

this isnt really the same situation, N64/GC werent too far off technically from the other consoles at the same time. PS3/360 and Wii are far more different than how it was in the past.


Worships the porcelain goddess
This thread is lost and both sides are the cause. Both the people wanting PS3/360 games and the people who are claiming those systems offer nothing to better gaming (denial is fun) are both acting fucking retarded. This is coming from a guy who wants more games on PS3/360.

Just back away from the thread and go do something else. This is Capcom, it's not like they won't bring a Monster Hunter to PS3/360 in the future or anything.
Sirolf said:
So have you sold your PS3 Defective ?
Bought for £500 with 3 games. You can now get that same bundle 6mths later for £200 less. i traded in my Ps3 and got a DS with 6 games and a 360 with 3 games for the same price.......which to me makes a mockery of the PS3

Also going 6mths with no worthwhile releases for a £400 machine, i really couldn't justify to the missus. And with Assassins creed and the like being on 360 now, i traded and don't regret it
PkunkFury said:
I don't see what all the moaning is about. It's clear why the PS3 version was canned. They will probably re-evaluate a PS3 Monster Hunter when the PS3 is a viable platform for selling software in Japan. Until then, they are biding there time with a Wii version. In the meantime they reach a new user base they otherwise wouldn't have hit

This is a series that is popular in Japan, on the PSP. The Wii is an upgrade in every way, shape, and form aside from portability over the PSP version, yet it will still allow them to share assets and develop at relatively low cost. Their target audience, Japan, has been very receptive to the Wii and they've also been very receptive to Monster hunter games with PSP level graphics. This development makes sense. Why not release it for the 360 with the Lost Planet engine? Doesn't 360 sell software? once again, their audience is Japan.

Will there still be a PS3 version down the line? This is Capcom, so my guess is yes, as long as PS3 prooves viable at some point. When the install base is ready I'm sure a new Monster Hunter will be there, but if this is a 2008 release it doesn't make sense for them to burn it on the PS3. They won't want to launch anything at this scale before or during RE5 and FF13

You take your rational thoughts, insightful commentary, and understanding of economics and get out of here. We don't take kindly to your type in these parts.


I don't need all the characters to be coated in plastic and all the walls to be shiny, because after playing Bioshock recently, I've realized how horribly ugly that "coat everything in plastic" artstyle looks anyway.

Bioshock is an ugly game now?

Fady K

Ok, let me get this straight. Good news for the Wii and DS all around, but you guys act as if Fire Emblem DS is a big surprise. Yes, its been a long wait - but how is it surprising? Mario Kart Wii with a wheel, surprising? Sonic in Super Smash Bros a megaton? Solid Snake ok, but Sonic? Hes already starring with Mario in an Olympics Game.

The one surprise here is definitely Monster Hunter 3, being previously announced for PS3 and such - this is quite a blow for the system in Japan. It helped sell a lot of PSPs, and it would have helped sell a good amount of PS3s. I wonder how many of you claiming to be happy about Monster Hunter 3 being on the Wii know about the series at all.


DefectiveReject said:
There is no reason i have the tag actually.

Also DMC4 and Dead rising have what??
a few more things on screen and look prettier.

Wiimote for me brings a lot more to the table than any next gen gloss. I can't play Halo3 as much as i like as the controls really piss me off.
Yeah,you just believe your tag is there for no reason and while others can see it clearly why you have it in the first place.

And keep on believing swinging your arms around while having same gameplay system from existing franchise is innovative and brings alot on the table.
While this is without doubt a hammer blow for Sony in Japan, I'm sure that as soon as Kaz realised that the PS3 wasn't going to be getting Monster Hunter3 he was straight on the phone to Phil asking for a first party homage (knock off?) ASAP

Why did you triple post this?


PkunkFury said:
I don't see what all the moaning is about. It's clear why the PS3 version was canned. They will probably re-evaluate a PS3 Monster Hunter when the PS3 is a viable platform for selling software in Japan. Until then, they are biding there time with a Wii version. In the meantime they reach a new user base they otherwise wouldn't have hit

This is a series that is popular in Japan, on the PSP. The Wii is an upgrade in every way, shape, and form aside from portability over the PSP version, yet it will still allow them to share assets and develop at relatively low cost. Their target audience, Japan, has been very receptive to the Wii and they've also been very receptive to Monster hunter games with PSP level graphics. This development makes sense. Why not release it for the 360 with the Lost Planet engine? Doesn't 360 sell software? once again, their audience is Japan.

Will there still be a PS3 version down the line? This is Capcom, so my guess is yes, as long as PS3 prooves viable at some point. When the install base is ready I'm sure a new Monster Hunter will be there, but if this is a 2008 release it doesn't make sense for them to burn it on the PS3. They won't want to launch anything at this scale before or during RE5 and FF13

I think this "Wii is just a stopgap" theory is false. If this game sells 1 million copies, why bother making a PS3 version at all? Why not just continue on the Wii?


Defuser said:
Yeah,you just believe your tag is there for no reason and while others can see it clearly why you have it in the first place.

And keep on believing swinging your arms around while having same gameplay system from existing franchise is innovative and brings alot on the table.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ;)
Defuser said:
Yeah,you just believe your tag is there for no reason and while others can see it clearly why you have it in the first place.

And keep on believing swinging your arms around while having same gameplay system from existing franchise is innovative and brings alot on the table.
Yep because all you do is swing your arms...... Moron

Wii Music Afrika
legend166 said:
I think this "Wii is just a stopgap" theory is false. If this game sells 1 million copies, why bother making a PS3 version at all? Why not just continue on the Wii?

Because you could make both? Last time I checked, Capcom had more than one development team on the payroll.


rakka said:
Bioshock is an ugly game now?

No, it's not ugly (the art direction itself is decent) but Jesus does that UE3 "omg everything is shiny and plastic-coated" (like in Perfect Dark Zero) thing just freaking aweful. It's an eye-sore to me to traverse the detailed underwater corridors and have to look at the incredibly ugly overuse of shaders. I laugh out loud everytime I lay eyes upon the plastic wood, too. If you want a comparison to another game I recently went through: Metroid Prime 3 didn't have that problem. Things that needed to be shiny were, and the majority of the game world was just solidly textured and correctly modelled. There were no plastic-coated ceramic walls and plastic-coated metal enemies. Sure, things weren't as high-poly, but the art direction was simply better and not so overbearing. Edit: Half-Life 2 also has far superior art direction (no ridiculous overuse of shaders) but I played that far less recently.

And keep on believing looking at shinier marines while having same gameplay system from existing franchise is innovative and brings alot on the table.

Durrr, see what you can do?


Worships the porcelain goddess
legend166 said:
I think this "Wii is just a stopgap" theory is false. If this game sells 1 million copies, why bother making a PS3 version at all? Why not just continue on the Wii?

Stupid logic. PSP game sold over 1 million. Why bother making a Wii version at all? Why not just continue riding the portable gaming wave?


PepsimanVsJoe said:
I really can't imagine Dead Rising working on the Wii.
It would get in the way of the game design itself.
not if the zombies were cubes dude. it'll work. it'll be more fun too. and less shiny. but really, it'll be more fun.
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