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Mom to Sue McDonald's in Happy Meal Battle

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rayner said:
There is nothing stopping the mother from just buying the toy... just ask for an empty Happy Meal Toy box and give the kid the toy in the box... problem solved.

Or just order the healthier food options they offer instead of getting fries and sodas. A happy meal is also not going to make your kids fat and unhealthy unless you are buying it for the kids multiple times a week.


Sarah Palin said:
"Should it be the government or should it be the parents?" Palin said in recent speech. "It should be the parents."

Palin said something smart and something I agree with? ......... *nose bleed*


Jeramii said:
when i was a kid i fucking loved happy meals. i used to always want one, because it was just a good fun time.

go to mcdonalds, get food, a "free" prize, an ice cream cone. then an half hour to an hour on the play place. that was as fun as it gets being a kid in the 90's. plus it was hella cheap for my family to take me and a friend.

this lady from op's story is a stupid bitch. sure mcdonalds isn't the greatest. hell i wouldn't go in one, unless it was the only thing to eat at an airport. what a stuck up attention needing bitch. i hope she loses, and mcdonalds counter sues.
hah, counter sue may be a bit much. but i can't fucking stand lawsuits over peoples crazy opinions on how the world should be.

also. it is people like this who are depriving kids and putting them into a bubble so that when the real world is exposed to them... it may be a bit much to take in.


from the movie jingle all the way. you'd never see that in a movie these days.... as a kid i just thought it was funny. in no way did it tempt me to drink alcohol, or even consider it. but you know that would be the argument if that movie was made today.

And there's another problem...women like these have caused a lot of the playgrounds to be eliminated. Some kids would get hurt and shitty parents would be all "it's McDonalds fault for providing slides" so McD's would get rid of them. There was nothing better on a hot summer day than going out on that playground....that's why I liked McD's. It wasn't the food or the shitty toy. Now, at best, you get a pit of plastic balls and padded walls indoors. One of the local McD's here still has the barren space outside that used to house the playground, a vacant reminder of past good times kids today won't get to experience because of overprotective parents forcing the entirety of society to be responsible for their child's well being.
I don't understand where all the anti-government rhetoric is coming from. This has nothing to do with the government, it's a lawsuit brought by a parent and a consumer organization.

The apple slices in Happy Meals come with a little tub of caramel dipping sauce, so it's hardly as healthy as folks are claiming, though at least you can throw it away uneaten.

I think the toys can be purchased separately for a dollar.

With Dragona no longer a mod, it appears to be open season to call women we disagree with bitches and cunts. Interesting.

Blackace said:
The pressure should be not going to McDs and telling them why.. that is what the public can and should do.

This woman will get paid and poof be gone and McDs will still have shitty toys and low standard menus..

It usually does take a lawsuit to influence any huge corporation. I'm sure hundreds of thousands of people burned their mouths and cursed McDonald's for their near-boiling coffee, but it took an old lady to be horrifically burned and sue for them to change (and it's sad that this is lumped in with "frivolous lawsuits").

JayDubya said:
I assume it varies by jurisdiction, but I am vaguely aware of the notion of countersuits and penalties for frivolous lawsuits.

That was pretty much just a vitriolic gut reaction to the absurdity of the claim rather than an expectation of how proceedings would go. Just the same, I would hope there would be a penalty for wasting the court's time in such an egregious manner.
One of your cornerstones is using the courts as solution for grievance, rather than legislation. It's fine to judge the merits of a lawsuit in commentary, but you seem like you'd be a pretty bad juror. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if you expended great energy in avoiding jury duty.
adamsappel said:
With Dragona no longer a mod, it appears to be open season to call women we disagree with bitches and cunts. Interesting.

Sorry, but at least for me this has nothing to do with sexism. That woman completely retarded, she is a bitch.

If it were the father I'll call him completely retarded and an asshole.


rayner said:
There is nothing stopping the mother from just buying the toy... just ask for an empty Happy Meal Toy box and give the kid the toy in the box... problem solved.

BattleMonkey said:
Or just order the healthier food options they offer instead of getting fries and sodas. A happy meal is also not going to make your kids fat and unhealthy unless you are buying it for the kids multiple times a week.

Or just a parent telling your kid 'no'.

adamsappel said:
I don't understand where all the anti-government rhetoric is coming from. This has nothing to do with the government, it's a lawsuit brought by a parent and a consumer organization.

I'm guessing this topic is still in the back of a lot of our minds.


I don't remember if this was mentioned, but did you guys know that you could buy the toy seperately from the meal? (is like $2.50 here)
adamsappel said:
The apple slices in Happy Meals come with a little tub of caramel dipping sauce, so it's hardly as healthy as folks are claiming, though at least you can throw it away uneaten.

Well it's still not as bad as fries and soda, and you can just take the sauce away or tell them you don't want it. But again Happy Meals are not making kids fat unless parents are buying it for their kids all the time. Every once in a while is not going to do any harm. And looking at what kids get fed in school cafeterias, they are not being fed anything more healhty than what is that happy meal, and in some cases the school food is possibly worse. And really I would have no doubt that these kids are not getting fed any better at home either. Parents seem to constantly get more and more lazy, with them just using quick food options like frozen processed foods, and other junk. And the kids are being couch potatoes at home? Whose fault is that? No McDonalds has no fault in any of this, it's the parents own lazyiness and lack of discipline that is making our kids fat.


Broken Arrow said:
Sorry, but at least for me this has nothing to do with sexism. That woman completely retarded, she is a bitch.

If it were the father I'll call him completely retarded and an asshole.
the fact that you'd only use it for women doesn't exactly bolster your point that it has nothing to do with sexism.
BattleMonkey said:
Or just order the healthier food options they offer instead of getting fries and sodas. A happy meal is also not going to make your kids fat and unhealthy unless you are buying it for the kids multiple times a week.

Exactly. If I gave my daughter a happy meal or chick-fil-a every single day, and then wonder why they are getting fat or scream at the "big corporations" as to why they are brainwashing my children...I would be an idiot.

Guess what. Sometimes your role as a parent involves teaching your children that you can't eat crap all day every day. The times when she just flat out refuses to eat something we make, I don't run to McDonalds. I put together a plate of deli meat, cheese, grapes, goldfish or a healthier cracker and she nails that stuff. Was it the plate of veggies I wanted her to eat? No, but it sure is healthier than 40g of fat she would intake with a burger.

Man this junk gets on my nerves.

MC Safety

Shogmaster said:
ITT: single gamers delusional about how easy it is to be a parent.

BTW, I'm single too, but I have seen plenty of my buddies suffer through parenthood. It ain't easy, kids.

No one said it's easy.

Unless, of course, you have the nanny state to help you out!

adamsappel said:
I don't understand where all the anti-government rhetoric is coming from. This has nothing to do with the government, it's a lawsuit brought by a parent and a consumer organization.

It's about the philosophy that someone else should step in and aid you in your parenting -- whether it's the government or McDonalds or whatever.

Kids eat junk. This is okay, as long as they don't eat junk all the time and go get exercise as much as possible.


MC Safety said:
No one said it's easy.

Unless, of course, you have the nanny state to help you out!

It' not even about the nanny state or 'ease' it's about total abdication of responsibility to the courts.

And setting expectations needs to be wholistic. You can't pamper them all the time and expect the one time you say no to work smoothly.

When I was growing up, I knew the boundaries. I got upset when I was told no, but I accepted it. And on occasions my parents relented and let me have what I wanted, it was a 'treat'.

But the ground rules need to be set very early on. I suspect this particular parent just let her kids do whatever then wonder why she can't control them when they get older and the issues went from not wanting to do something trivial when they were toddlers, to battles over what to eat, what to buy etc.

It will only get worse.


I can sort of see where this woman is coming from, as a parent of 3 children.
We go to mcdonalds very rarely, maybe once a month if that so its not a problem for us.
Some of the comments in this thread are cringeworthy though, presumably from non parent Gaf.
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
And people wonder why America gets so much flack for suing everything that walks, this is just fucking disgusting. No one is forcing you to buy your spoiled little alien shit head baby a happy meal, let alone take that little hideous creature to mcdonalds.


adamsappel said:
One of your cornerstones is using the courts as solution for grievance, rather than legislation. It's fine to judge the merits of a lawsuit in commentary, but you seem like you'd be a pretty bad juror. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if you expended great energy in avoiding jury duty.

a) There is no grievance. This suit is a farce.

b) I'd love to be on a jury, hopefully for something like a drug charge or a speeding ticket. :( Nullification FTW.
CaramaC said:
I can sort of see where this woman is coming from, as a parent of 3 children.
We go to mcdonalds very rarely, maybe once a month if that so its not a problem for us.
Some of the comments in this thread are cringeworthy though, presumably from non parent Gaf.
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
Try what? Saying no? Because even if they pout or bitch, you are still in control, no? You have the means to get them the meal or not. They don't. Therefore you are in total control and it is up to you whether or not you give in.

I may not be a parent, but I was a kid once and that was how it worked.


Blackace said:
Me: Dad I really want a cheeseburger!

Dad: Not tonight son, your mom is going to cook.

Me: But daaaad...

Dad: Boy! Don't start!

Me: *shuts up*

I always had this. Not exactly in the 'Don't start!' phrasing but very similar.

Too many parents are too lenient these days.
JayDubya said:
a) There is no grievance. This suit is a farce.
While I don't necessarily agree with the basis of her lawsuit, I'm not against the changes that might result even when it's rightfully thrown out. McDonald's doesn't always have their customer's best interest at heart (nor necessarily should they, but I don't mind a little consumer-based tempering of their excesses). Vegetarians were certainly surprised when they learned the fries were cooked with beef fat. I don't think there's even a non-meat entree besides salads, is there? It took a documentary to change their Supersize option. I do miss the deep-fried pies, though. They were heavenly, though, yes, unhealthy and served too damn hot!

JayDubya said:
b) I'd love to be on a jury, hopefully for something like a drug charge or a speeding ticket. :( Nullification FTW.
A jury trial for a speeding ticket isn't frivolous? :lol And now that I think of it, you're against speed limits?


I'm lucky that we don't really watch anything with our kids that isn't on our DVR so we can skip directly through the ads. That said, I can't always be with them to tell my soon to be 3-year-old, "Yeah, this is all bullshit. They want you to buy something and are doing it by telling that you if I loved you more, I would get it for you."

There's absolutely a level of parental responsibility involved here, but kids under a certain age flat-out don't get that they're being advertised to.

This doesn't seem that egregious, right?

The EU said:
Advertising shall not cause moral or physical detriment to minors, and shall therefore comply with the following criteria for their protection:

a. it shall not directly exhort minors to buy a product or a service by exploiting their inexperience or credulity;

b. it shall not directly encourage minors to persuade their parents or others to purchase the goods or services being advertised;

c. it shall not exploit the special trust minors place in parents, teachers or other persons;

d. it shall not unreasonably show minors in dangerous situations

In addition:

e. Children’s programmes may only be interrupted if the scheduled duration is longer than 30 minutes

f. Product placement is not allowed in children’s programmes.

g. The Member States and the Commission should encourage audiovisual media service providers to develop codes of conduct regarding the advertising of certain foods in children’s programmes.

\/\/\/ yeah, i'm disappointed that "wench" and "strumpet" haven't been used yet.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'm more offended by the use of bitch and cunt than the lawsuit. i feel like buying some of you thesauruses.


The lack of personal responsibility shown by the parents involved in this suit astounds me.

Just say no to your kids.

Stop passing the buck and blaming other people because you're not doing your job as a parent.


"But it's easier to give them everything they ask for!"

That is what it sounds to me. My parents said no to a lot of stupid things that I asked and I was bombarded with ads about them. Not so difficult.


Shogmaster said:
ITT: single gamers delusional about how easy it is to be a parent.

BTW, I'm single too, but I have seen plenty of my buddies suffer through parenthood. It ain't easy, kids.

No, not really. I -am- a parent, and my 3-year old--without fail--wants to get McDonalds any time he sees the arches, wether it's at Wal-Mart or driving past the restaurant. And most of the time, we say "No."

My son pretty much spends his mornings learning with PBS Kids shows, many of which are sponsored by McDonalds. So he's exposed to McDonalds' marketing on a daily basis. But guess what? My wife and I say no and never back down if he throws a fit over it. Which he usually doesn't--he might whine, but I don't recall any class-A meltdowns over it. We go home, we make dinner, and he eats it (or not).

This woman is blaming McDonalds for her lack of self-control. "CURSE YOU MCDONALDS FOR SELLING FOOD MY KIDS LIKE!" It would be like suing Valve for having awesome deals on Steam during the holidays.

BTW marketing to kids in general is not illegal (have you WATCHED Cartoon Network for more than 20 minutes?), but marketing controlled substances like tobacco and alcohol to kids is illegal (Joe Camel).


gblues said:
No, not really. I -am- a parent, and my 3-year old--without fail--wants to get McDonalds any time he sees the arches, wether it's at Wal-Mart or driving past the restaurant. And most of the time, we say "No."

My son pretty much spends his mornings learning with PBS Kids shows, many of which are sponsored by McDonalds. So he's exposed to McDonalds' marketing on a daily basis. But guess what? My wife and I say no and never back down if he throws a fit over it. Which he usually doesn't--he might whine, but I don't recall any class-A meltdowns over it. We go home, we make dinner, and he eats it (or not).

This woman is blaming McDonalds for her lack of self-control. "CURSE YOU MCDONALDS FOR SELLING FOOD MY KIDS LIKE!" It would be like suing Valve for having awesome deals on Steam during the holidays.

BTW marketing to kids in general is not illegal (have you WATCHED Cartoon Network for more than 20 minutes?), but marketing controlled substances like tobacco and alcohol to kids is illegal (Joe Camel).

Responsible parenting? In my world? Nahhh.


JayDubya said:
a) There is no grievance. This suit is a farce.

b) I'd love to be on a jury, hopefully for something like a drug charge or a speeding ticket. :( Nullification FTW.

You'd be weeded out of the jury pool in 5 seconds by the prosecutor.
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