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New Dead Space 3 screenshots [Up2: New, non-altered screenshots and more previews]


Various sites are posting their hands-on impressions of the game.

Here's RPS confirming (?) the final product won't have universal ammo:
That last one is easy; apparently the universal ammo that showed up in demonstration videos, and indeed in the early version of the game I played, is a placeholder and will not be in the final version of Dead Space 3.

He’s on their lawn, shooting out their windows and kicking in the door, or at least that’s what it seems like. It’s not the greater frequency of action and set pieces that risk removing the fear (if not the horror) altogether, it’s the fact that these things, no matter how hideous they might be, are familiar now. To make me, and Isaac, afraid again, there’s going to have to be something unexpected.

It comes down to this: I think I’d prefer to play a game about necromorphs rather than a game about batshit future-religion Unitology. The two are linked, sure, but as soon as Dead Space 3 put an assault rifle in Isaac’s gloves and planted him in a fight against some Unitologist believers, it lost me a little.

once I started shooting humans the oomph was gone. Tough thing to capture oomph but let me put it like this: firing a scythe of energy into a mutant baby that’s hanging off a ceiling, dragging it from its perch and then pinning it to the floor before tearing the uncanny little bastard into quivering chunks of flesh with a shrieking circular saw is oomphy; firing a clip of bullets into a man who barely reacts to each shot and then falls over is not oomphy.
There was no point where I could use a plasma cutter on a human being, plot reasons having stripped me of all my engineering equipment by the time I ran into them. I do wonder if the man on man action will only take place during very isolated incidents where that is always the case, to avoid the messy consequences of strategically dismembering a living person. My assault rifle did knock someone’s leg off at one point but he was already dead.



At one point people were saying Dead Space is what Resident Evil 5 should have been like, and now it seems that Dead Space is trying to be like Resident Evil 5.

But I will reserve judgement.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I never got the complaint about universal ammo. Dead Space 2 based your ammo pickups on what you had equipped. The only complaint I can see is if the universal ammo stacked ridiculously high and made inventory management super easy.
I never got the complaint about universal ammo. Dead Space 2 based your ammo pickups on what you had equipped. The only complaint I can see is if the universal ammo stacked ridiculously high and made inventory management super easy.
There were many times in Dead Space where I ran out of ammo for certain tools, and I was encouraged to drop weapons in favour of new ones- which in turn may or may not have been more effective against upcoming enemies. It was a seamless design choice which encouraged me to try new weapons and gave me the illusion of control. Universal ammo will just ruin that. It's a step backwards and I can only see it satisfying the dumbest gamers who just want to run and gun through Dead Space. And fuck them.

nel e nel

As for them looking the same, it's all from the same area of the game. There's plenty of visual variety, color, and dynamic range in the game.

Good times.

I picked up on that after looking at the background details of the environment. Interesting how everyone who was able to determine other details like filters and color levels missed that.


This is my favorite post... because Deadspace has always been about space zombies :D

I'm sorry, but those skeletons look nothing like what I would expect to see in a Dead Space game and have everything to do with what I'd expect to see in The Walking Dead. Sure it's a recombinant alien "virus" that mutates dead tissue, but most of the enemies in Dead Space usually look a little more unique or gruesome than a walking bag of bones.


Its a shame the series couldn't stick to more of the survival horror aspects it originally conveyed so well. Ah well, I'm sure this will be a good time regardless.
New screens actually look like Dead Space.

The previews aren't exactly glowing though. Good to know that universal ammo is not in.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Non-altered screens look, obviously, much better and I'm very happy to hear that universal ammo is out.

Can't wait!


From the RPS preview, it sounds like strategic dismemberment is not possible when fighting human enemies, and that they "barely react" to being shot. That's extremely disappointing, especially considering how much they've pushed that mechanic from the very start of the series.
I really like the design of the red 'eye scar' type suit in the screenshots (is that carver's suit?) I am kinda hoping they bring back the cyclops suit from Severed, as a bonus unlock or something because the aesthetics behind that was awesome and real sinister.


There was no point where I could use a plasma cutter on a human being, plot reasons having stripped me of all my engineering equipment by the time I ran into them. I do wonder if the man on man action will only take place during very isolated incidents where that is always the case, to avoid the messy consequences of strategically dismembering a living person. My assault rifle did knock someone’s leg off at one point but he was already dead.

Ugh...If this is actually the case, take the humans out of the game completely. Seriously. The only thing that made the inclusion of humans even slightly redeemable was the idea of applying those weapons and strategic dismemberment to a human.


no universal ammo in the final product?

my biggest worry removed?

happy day, if that is infact true.

Based on what Money Pants and codecow said about it not too long ago, i.e. explained the reasoning behind it and stressed that it was a very deliberate and considered decision, I'm guessing that report is mistaken.

I hated the idea of universal ammo when I heard about it, I've kinda come around since then.
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