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Sony to acquire Gaikai (actually real this time, PR inside)

I doubt it'd have "PlayStation" in the title if they were going for a general name change for the entire service. Probably something like The Sony Cloud or Sony Suite.


This probably means that we will be able to play psx/ps2/ps3 games on psvita and every sony tv/tablet/smartphone.
Good move for Sony, but this might lead to something I don't like. I'm one of those weirdos who likes to own games and run them on a local machine.
How is Gaikai compared to Onlive?

I always thought Onlive was a lot further along than Gaikai.

Onlive may be further along in delivering full games, but tech and infrastructure-wise Gaikai seems more advanced. They have way more servers and, at least for me, less lag and better image quality than Onlive.


This probably means that we will be able to play psx/ps2/ps3 games on psvita and every sony tv/tablet/smartphone.

I hope Sony is more ambitious than that. A paid subscription based or pay as you play PSN streaming service to every Wifi enabled device would be more forward thinking and future proof.
Onlive may be further along in delivering full games, but tech and infrastructure-wise Gaikai seems more advanced. They have way more servers and, at least for me, less lag and better image quality than Onlive.

There's also this

"There's a very big difference between the way we're doing it and the way OnLive is doing it. They have to modify the game, they have to get the source code to the game. Gaikai doesn't require modification of the game.

"To give you an example The Witcher II was given to us and them at the same time. We went live with Witcher II immediately and now four or five months later they still don't have that live, and that's because they have to touch the code. The whole structure of Gaikai is about not touching the code. When we show World of Warcraft it's the real thing, it's not like we had to go and tweak it to get it to work. That means that every game in history remains compatible with our solution."



This should be a very good acquisition for their Bravia TVs, and possibly demos on the PS3/4. It could also help strengthen PS+ in many meaningful ways if correctly implemented.


Yowser. Big news. But I can't help but wonder what Samsung and LG will make of all this.

I have a feeling that Samsung specifically had aspirations to have some kind of 'branded' gaming presence and I'm not sure how they'll feel about having PS Cloud suddenly take it's place.

I'm assuming that this Playstation Cloud service will include streaming titles, PSN and PS Mobile in one 'super hub'.


Hey everyone, get ready for your cloud gaming future.


This is what will happen when every GTA and COD comes out.
Oh and by the way with what money are they buying them...
Sony still has money available to spend? Megaton indeed!
How does Sony still have the funds to buy...anything!?
One has to wonder how they can afford to buy out a company considering their losses.

SCE's Group CEO: PlayStation can help turn Sony fortunes (June 28, 2012)
We benefit from the fact that we are a profitable part of the company and are making a strong contribution to the financial situation. We feel very strongly that the area of networked and interactive entertainment is one of very strong potential growth.

That was reinforced when, as part of his very first strategy briefing, Kaz was very clear about three core areas of the business which he felt were critical to growing Sony's presence overall. We're fortunate enough to be one of those core businesses.

That comes with pressure, obviously, in terms of being able to deliver, but we're in a spot where we are making a profitable contribution, and there are opportunities for us to invest in the future.
This should be a very good acquisition for their Bravia TVs, and possibly demos on the PS3/4. It could also help strengthen PS+ in many meaningful ways if correctly implemented.

What about Samsungs deal with Gaikai? With HTC phones becoming PS certified devices its not so difficult to imagine Samsung TVs to become PS certified.


Yowser. Big news. But I can't help but wonder what Samsung and LG will make of all this.

I have a feeling that Samsung specifically had aspirations to have some kind of 'branded' gaming presence and I'm not sure how they'll feel about having PS Cloud suddenly take it's place.

I'm assuming that this Playstation Cloud service will include streaming titles, PSN and PS Mobile in one 'super hub'.

I guess that would be ideal. However Sony has been historically bad at fragmenting their services. We'll see if Kaz can make a difference. He's been talking a lot about his 1 Sony initiative, but Stringer had a similar agenda and seemingly nothing came out of that.


Some places for this

1) put the client in vita and the encoder in PS4 (PS3 if it can handle it) and make remote play standard for PS4 games.

2) as above but leverage it as a WiiU alternative so you get a second screen on the vita

3) Demos for PS3/4. Especially with ps+ subscribers being able to play the full game for an hour, streaming would be more efficient than downloading an entire game

4) bring Playstation games to Bravia TVs and Sony bluray players. This one is tricky as you'd need PS3's on the server end which could get expensive fast

5) BC for PS2 games on PS3, and PS3 games on PS4. Same server issues as (4) and I don't think there would be as much real demand


An blind dancing ho

Buying EMI
Opening their music library to iOS users in Japan
Buying Gaikai

look like they are actually doing smart things(which is weird).


I must say instead of PS4 I would rather buy some cheap hardware that takes care streaming & controls work without lag and then have my PS4 games streamed.

Plus stream X720 and PC games at maximum quality, unified gaming on huge TV FTW

Sure there are some poor guys with bad connections that still need to buy hardware, but for me this is the future of gaming. It also fixes the used games market problem ;)


I must say instead of PS4 I would rather buy some cheap hardware that takes care streaming & controls work without lag and then have my PS4 games streamed.

Plus stream X720 and PC games at maximum quality, unified gaming on huge TV FTW

Sure there are some poor guys with bad connections that still need to buy hardware, but for me this is the future of gaming. It also fixes the used games market problem ;)

Next-next gen maybe. We still need another box, and let online infrastructure mature. By PS5 I think that might be viable
I have absolutely no interest in streamed gaming, but I'm glad to see that Sony is trying something forward-thinking on a bigger scale. Sony's "Me too" reactions over the last years were really concerning and this deal could at least potentially do something good for them that sets them apart from the competition.
Or 'PlayStation Unlimited", maybe.

Since for Sony, Game = Playstation.

Yup, PlayStation Unlimited.

I think this is what we will end up with, Music Unlimited for $5/m, PS Unlimited for $25/m and some kind of proper video streaming (not just one of rentals), Video Unlimited for $15/m. Get all three for $40/m.

This move has so much potential, unlimited streaming of PS3 games for a fixed monthly fee on multiple devices (not just Sony ones) would be a killer app for so many people. I would pay £20-25 per month if I could stream the whole PS3 catalogue.
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