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Anyone else worried about Final Fantasy XV?


I need to see the new combat in action to be completely convinced, but other than that, I'm not worried.

What I do feel though, is that I'm caring less and less. You can only hype something for so long before you lose interest, and I'm afraid I'm starting to. I bought a console for this game before, but now I feel like if I'm short on money when it comes out and need to choose between XV and Nier 2, there's no way I'm picking XV.

Maybe it'll all come back with the next big trailer. I wish I wasn't going to watch it and remain on blackout, but I kinda need that hype boost.


It's Tabata's first AAA project with a proper budget (and no huge technical limitations like Type-0 or Crisis Core), so no one knows how the end product will be. What if he manages to prove his worth and the game is a great success after all, would you buy the game then, or is it out of the question because it's just not Nomura?

Of course if the game turns out to be good I'll buy it.
I just miss versus XIII, I was waiting for a KH style game without Disney from Nomura since forever(2006?) and this dream was crushed.


To be honest, I personally have a gut feeling FFXV won't turn out too well.

In their attempt to make an action-game and an RPG, it's looking like they will produce a mediocre version of both.

In their attempt to make an open-world game with a strong overarching plot, it's looking like they will produce a constrained open-world that simultaneously has just enough freedom to make the important central narrative unfocused.

In their attempt to make a darker, more mature story, it's looking like that trademark "Square JRPG derp-dialogue" is going to stick out like even more of a sore thumb than it did in Type-0.

In their attempt to take themselves too seriously, it's looking like inherently whimsical elements of the franchise like little plush helpers and giant equestrian chickens will be extremely out-of-place (another recurring issue from their games last generation).

In their attempt to salvage old assets, some of which are possibly even a decade old, it's looking like they will compromise the graphics enough to eliminate that traditional FF "WOW!" factor, the one you get when you play an FF game and know that this is the best-looking game currently on the market. XV will look good, but I'll eat my shoe if it even remotely sets a new bar for graphical prowess.

Another recurring issue: In their attempt to make the music more dramatic and "cinema-esque," it's looking like they continue to stray further and further from the melodic romanticism that Uematsu established as the aural tone of the franchise.

And finally: In their attempt to get a slice of the AAA blockbuster WRPG pie by "westernizing" the formula, it's looking like they will produce a game that doesn't play to their strengths as storytellers or as game designers.

It's looking like it will be smaller than Xenoblade but big enough to dilute the narrative, less charming than Dragon Quest yet less serious than Shin Megami Tensei (mainline), a little less strategic than Tales while being a little more clunky than Ys, lacking the overarching direction and personality of Persona, desperately trying to ape the gripping political intrigue of Matsuno's work by having people who are NOT MATSUNO write a Matsuno-styled narrative, and the "Final Fantasy Cycle" will continue as XIII is at least partially redeemed for how brilliant that combat system was in comparison to XV's probable FFXII-lite system; and FFXII itself in retrospect will receive even more recognition for having done the things XV is going to do, but having done them better despite being released a decade ago.

My last comment is that I'd love to be proven wrong. But all of this is what my gut is telling me.

Really good post. The game to me seems like it doesn't have an defined identity.


Yeah obviously it's a shortcut example. My point is they think jrpg crowd is too small for the budget and the risk of their games now. So they go for something that will please a western young male audience more (yet they are on the opposite side for the characters)

That is what I see. Story and character design for jpn teens raised on animie, action fighting for young ww audience. I don't know of I'd restrict it to males though. They aren't making this game for 35 y.o. ffvii fans.


So they dropped FNC for XV? Would be cool... FNC has had too long of a run as it is...

Yes, at least in the sense that all the old terms are gone. No fal'Cie, no l'Cie.

But the idea that there exists gods who select/use people, etc. should still be in, as they're a part of the core storyline. It's just not specifically Etro, Beezhelevelelevulze and others behind it.

Personally, I think it's good.
Yes. It has never seemed like one cohesive idea but a collection of a bunch of different ones. I hope it turns out great but so far it has kind of been a mess.


Oh I am definitely worried about FFXV. I'll still get and more than likely enjoy the game, but the more they talk it seems to just make the game sound worse. Only good bit of news after the 2013 TGS trailer I've had is that weapon switching can be done manually instead of it being automatic.

I'd like to see better and more tactical combat, more RPG systems and actually interesting areas
That is what I see. Story and character design for jpn teens raised on animie, action fighting for young ww audience. I don't know of I'd restrict it to males though. They aren't making this game for 35 y.o. ffvii fans.

Final Fantasy actually has as very large female fanbase relative to other series.

But I can see the character designs being a deterrent to that young worldwide audience. Despite SE's efforts, FFXV is going to sell to the exact same audience that Final Fantasy sold to last gen. I can't see it gaining many new fans.


FF15 and Xenoblade X will probably be the only big console JRPG this gen.
Xenoblade X (which has already sold less than the original in Japan) won't be as big as Persona 5, never mind FFVII:R or DQXI.

On topic, to be worried about FFXV, I would still have to actually care about it.
Stopped caring after playing the beta and the 2.0 version. Hopefully the combat system for the full game is better.

Poor bastards....haven't made a decent numbered final fantasy since 11
I need to see the new combat in action to be completely convinced, but other than that, I'm not worried.

What I do feel though, is that I'm caring less and less. You can only hype something for so long before you lose interest, and I'm afraid I'm starting to. I bought a console for this game before, but now I feel like if I'm short on money when it comes out and need to choose between XV and Nier 2, there's no way I'm picking XV.

Maybe it'll all come back with the next big trailer. I wish I wasn't going to watch it and remain on blackout, but I kinda need that hype boost.

This is exactly how I feel at this point.



That's true that there's still a lot about the game that we don't know, and that a lot of these are assumptions at heart.

But OP asked if anyone's worried about how XV is going to come out, and based on Square's most recent FF projects, and the things that I've seen/read/played about FFXV, these are the worries that I have. Some of them are specific to XV, but a lot of them have precedent in Type-0 or in the XIII trilogy.

I could certainly be proven wrong on every point. That would make me very happy, because it would mean Square made an excellent mainline FF game.
Nah. I've lost most of my interest towards FFXV, it's been too long since it was announced. I don't really care about any info that releases, I feel no hype anymore, I'll just play it when it comes out just because I waited so long and if I enjoy it then ok.
I still kinda hate the boyband look though, makes me take them even less serious.


Cool rock added √


lol wow
Yeah. Still one of my most anticipated games of next year though despite my extreme worry. Nothing quite like the spectacle in a Final Fantasy game though.

I want to see this battle system with magic employed and such. The complet system. I hated what I played so far. But we shall see.
I think there's a chance the story might suck, but everything else looks pretty solid/good to me. That said, I still think the original "vision" seemed more interesting... but we'll see.


Worried, no. Disinterested, yes. The more they show, the more convinced I get that the game really will be just those four boring guys driving around in their boring car.
Whatever the issues w/ XIII (and sequels), XII, and X (and X-2), I found the combat in all those games phenomenal.

I'll keep giving SE the benefit of the doubt on combat design until they really flub it on a mainline game.

Also, though I doubt XV will have the characterization/writing of the Witcher (or FF XII for that matter), I think the concerns over the dialogue in Duscae tend to be overblown. Some of it's a bit awkward, but none of it actually made me cringe.

And actually, even though I more-or-less like the combat in Duscae (yes, camera still needs work), I think the combat and characterization in Duscae both suffered (particularly as PR) from the same thing: they're from a demo. A demo lacks context and a meaningful arc of systems and character progression. That's where long RPGs can really shine, in slowly building up systems and characterization over 10s of hours as you get more and more absorbed in the journey. I don't think these things can be well judged from even a meaty demo like Duscae.

Take Witcher 3. The pre-release demos and footage left me cold on the story/characterization. But once I got into the game, and sunk the hours, I ended up loving it.

So, in brief, no, I'm not worried. After XII and XIII were so systems-focused, I'm glad another mainline FF game is putting story arc first, as in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 4. Will it deliver? Who knows, but excited to find out.


Absolutely. It looked cool when it was first shown at e3 2006. Since then with all the news that have come out about it, it just seems to get worse and worse. This game has been in development hell and recently has reeked of lack of direction, lack of care (gamescom 2015), and lots of cut material. The recent trailer shown at gamescom recently was easily the worst trailer I have ever seen for a video game and so was that gameplay demonstration where they ran into a malboro, died, and had a beer afterwards. After that debacle, I am really, really worried with how this game will turn out. That was an incredibly unprofessional presentation nearly 10 years into development.

It doesn't help either that the main cast looks really unlikable so far, especially the blonde one. He really reminds me of Jar Jar Binks.

I wouldn't be surprised if this game turns out to be the next Duke Nukem Forever tbh.


just when I started to miss FFXV threads on GAF :)

You and me both!

Well, actually this thread has been rather cute, no one is really
offended so what do we do? There are real, serious issues with this game
only a dedicated team could have solved. Since Nomura is working on
KH now, which is a damn shame considering how Versus XIII was inspiring
and everything, this game is falling apart.

Thus I offer you my design recommendations for Final Fantasy Versus
Everyone XV.

Recommendation 1

Black is the new black!

The almost all male all emo all black, all white skin boy band. This is a
problem. Needs more all black strong female character.... with a tan!

After hours of designing I present you a new female character who will
be playable from Mission 1, exclusively on PS4.



Recommendation 2
- - - - -

A dad for every occasion!

Always wondered why Noctis's mother was never shown? Well, SPOILER
ALERT, it's because Noctis was raised by two fathers.


TWO FATHERS? Yup, take your glasses off, you read that right! It makes
perfect sense as you will soon realize.

Remember the scene when Noctis and Regis didn't like the soup?

Well, turns out Noctis got the cook sent away for..... 9 years..... and
then he got back.

Turns out that cook was no other but the new old Regis from 9
years.Regis didn't realizethat you are NOT supposed to make soup from
Cactuars and Tonberrys!!!


Ever wondered why Regis is crying in XV? It's because he is sorry for
almost food poisoning the poor child with his weird green soup. A tragic


Recommendation 3

Love is a game!


I propose to change EVERYTHING. Optimize everything for max opportunity
of dorky scenes and teen angst!

Examples as follows!




Recommendation 4

I love the share button!

As for graphics and presentation some things need to be done.
It's a game after all and not a linear hallway of boring
cutscenes one after another with wide open fields with nothing to do AT


A game of utmost polish, I will guarantee!!

There is one more thing!!

Recommendation 5

Be stellar!

Stella is the true MVP. So it's my pleasure to re-reveal Stella as a
playable character for FFVEXV! In all her incarnations! She will be the
lead character and playable right at the beginning. (Yes the one true
lead character of the game).

However, this option will only be available on the mobile version of
FFVEXV and only if you buy the DLC. I do this because I think the game
will be more approachable for casual players when they experience the
game on their phones. (also because consoles are dying, nobody must

So please enjoy the first key art for Final Fantasy Versus Everyone XV
Pocketo Highschool!



I'm not too worried, but I'm certainly disappointed about its scope and story.

I was expecting this game being FF back to the days of the open-world airship exploration style with a deep and large scale story with a large cast of characters. It looks like the airship is most likely not going to happen and the story will be focused on the brolationships more than the cool back story they have developed, :(

In regards to the combat, I'm actually optimistic after seeing how receptive Tabata and his team were to the feedback received from the Demo.

Graphically it looks stunning, the summons look great, I love the Magicka elements.


Gold Member
I remember seeing that versus XIII trailer and thinking "this shit could be the next FFVII in terms of tone and atmosphere". That was almost 10 years ago man...

Then I forgot about it.

Then it reemerged as XV and I was like "Cool, they saw the potential, poured more money into it, should be great... When is it out? Look forward to playing this in the next 6 months. I mean, it's gotta come out soon, what else were you doing all this time?". That was almost 3 years ago...

Don't get me wrong, I'll get to this eventually after it launches, but I'm not sure the hype withstood the test of time on this one.
im not hyped at all for this game, but i do think there is a little reason to be worreid.

look how excited everyone was for FFXIII...and look how it left people feeling.

people complained 13 was too linear...im worried they're going to really go overboard with the openworld/freedom/western gameplay aspect and just suck at it.


I expect a cool world to explore, maybe.

On the other hand, the engine and gameplay don't inspire me much confidence. No real excuses for the horrible framerate/IQ and laggy controls, it doesn't look that good to justify this.

The story and characterization will be terrible, at least that is a complete certitude from modern Square.


I expect a cool world to explore, maybe.

On the other hand, the engine and gameplay don't inspire me much confidence. No real excuses for the horrible framerate/IQ and laggy controls, it doesn't look that good to justify this.

The story and characterization will be terrible, at least that is a complete certitude from modern Square.

Yeah you're right, becuase Episode Duscae was such a good way to measure the game's performance/tech capabilities, it's not like it wasn't an unoptimized mess of a game 1+ year before release based on an unfinished game.


Not worried at all. Funny how many ffxv complaint threads we see on GAF. This is just another one of those (to me).

They have a big event in March. Do you people honestly believe they're going to blow their info load from the first time they re-revealed the game until then? Outside of Duscae and a few cities, how many ACTUAL new zones have a we seen? A part of one with that Marlboro? Like seriously. They have so much more to show and they've said countless times they don't want to talk about the story too much.


Gold Member
I'm way more worried about Final Fantasy VII Remake than I am with FFXV. I tried Duscae 2.0, hated pretty much the whole thing. My expectations had been slowly falling downwards though ever since I saw that pretty much all of VS had been removed and replaced with a bland combat system and mostly unlikable characters. Now, I'll just see what ends up coming out, without getting too excited or too bummed out about it.

VII:R however, I'm genuinely concerned they're going to ruin it, and no amount of "Just play the existing FFVII" is going to change that.


Not worried at all. Funny how many ffxv complaint threads we see on GAF. This is just another one of those (to me).

They have a big event in March. Do you people honestly believe they're going to blow their info load from the first time they re-revealed the game until then? Outside of Duscae and a few cities, how many ACTUAL new zones have a we seen? A part of one with that Marlboro? Like seriously. They have so much more to show and they've said countless times they don't want to talk about the story too much.

This is very much true. Them not showing much doesn't mean there isn't much to show. Besides, we already know a large amount of stuff, and we're sure to learn more in March. Persona 5 rarely does show stuff too? Does that go wrong? Not at all, they just don't want to spoil the experience.

Besides people should let go of the Versus development era/expectation, FFXV is only in development for 2 years, and it that time the team has achieved a lot, and should be praised instead of being counterworked by fans.
I'm way more worried about Final Fantasy VII Remake than I am with FFXV. I tried Duscae 2.0, hated pretty much the whole thing. My expectations had been slowly falling downwards though ever since I saw that pretty much all of VS had been removed and replaced with a bland combat system and mostly unlikable characters. Now, I'll just see what ends up coming out, without getting too excited or too bummed out about it.

VII:R however, I'm genuinely concerned they're going to ruin it, and no amount of "Just play the existing FFVII" is going to change that.

A remake can't ruin a game that already came out damn near 20 years ago.
Yeah you're right, becuase was such a good way to measure the game's performance/tech capabilities, it's not like it wasn't an unoptimized mess of a game 1+ year before release based on an unfinished game.

Even without that optimization, I'd say it's easily one of the best looking games I've ever seen.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I'm worried, it doesn't look anything like a FF game. Ever since 13 this series has deviated so much from what made it special.

I always wanted a follow up to 12, that was the right direction for the series but they threw all of that away (well not all, since XIV is very much inspired by it) for 13 and now 15 looks to go even further away.


I'm worried, it doesn't look anything like a FF game. Ever since 13 this series has deviated so much from what made it special.

I always wanted a follow up to 12, that was the right direction for the series but they threw all of that away (well not all, since XIV is very much inspired by it) for 13 and now 15 looks to go even further away.
FFXVI will apparently be "non-futuristic" if Verendus is right:
A lot of the FFs are a mash up in my eyes. Even IX which has the tone you're describing has airships and so on.

XVI will be the opposite of XIII though. It's not futuristic so you might get what you want with that.
Already on the way. The concept of it is also quite unique. It will certainly be something that hasn't been done before in Final Fantasy, if they manage to accomplish it. I'd put it in the back of your mind for now though, as I would personally expect FF15 and KH3 to be out before it.
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